Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2109 everything is over


Amidst the crackling sound of the flame burning the air, the flame blade that turned into a solid body drew a jet-black flame tail in the air.

He has run out of fuel, this Taki Chiba has run out of oil, I am afraid that even if he moves his finger now, he will suffer great pain and exhaustion.

Impossible to dodge!

It is absolutely impossible to escape!

Part of his body has already begun to collapse. This is a symptom of being unable to bear the shock door and forcibly opening the shock door in a weak state.

It is impossible for him to escape!

Just waiting for this moment, just waiting for this moment!

Finally, wait for me!

The ninja knife condensed by the flames in his hand swung out, feeling the clear sense of a certain splitting touch, and the faint illusory feeling on Uchiha Nobuhiko who was in a swinging gesture slowly faded away, and turned into a In the real him, a relieved expression slowly appeared on his face.


And at this moment, a head flew up in front of him!

There was no way to avoid this cut, no way to escape, the blade flashed, the boy before Nobuhiko Uchiha was decapitated!

Finally... finally!

Finally waited for the final blow of this desperate situation!

That's it!

Taki Chiba, the battle between you and me is here, and it will come to an end!

Take my victory!

And at this moment, watching Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was turned upside down by the strength of the flame ninja sword in his hand, the corner of his mouth slowly outlined a smile.

A smile of relief that could finally calm down.

He has been waiting.

Nobuhiko Uchiha has been waiting.

Just waiting for this moment, the moment when Taki Chiba was truly cornered.

Yes, truly cornered.

After he realized that Taki Chiba was an outsider, he began to collect detailed information, and through various channels, he learned about the battle between Taki Chiba and Yotsuki, the battle with Chiyo, and the battle with Chiyo. The first battle of the third generation of Raikage, although it is said that there are no bystanders in these battles, but after all, he has gone through countless lives, fighting with outsiders in countless lives, struggling in this ninja world, even Taki Chiba and Ye Yuebi's battle can be said to be a battle that no one knows except the parties concerned, and he has also found a lot of clues. In a sense, forming an alliance with Danzang, or in other words, trading, is the wisest decision in his life up.

As for the battle between Chiyo and Sandai Raikage, the former is still alive, and he has some relationship with Sand Hidden Village. After the outbreak of the three ninja world wars, he was able to survive alone, but Sand Hidden Village did not become a solid ally of Konoha. A person like Taki Chiba, whether it is the high-level seniors of Sand Hidden, or the one who supported Konoha Chiyo, who is in charge of a machine, does not want a character like Taki Chiba to live. At that time, he was quite easy to obtain this part of information.

And the latter, although he has passed away, but the battle between the third Raikage and Taki Chiba can be regarded as an extremely important battle in the third ninja world war. The third Raikage was dragged into the rock because of Taki Chiba. Yin's death in the siege directly led to the end of the third ninja world war. It can be said that there are tens of thousands of viewers. It is quite easy to obtain information in this regard.

And based on these few battles, Nobuhiko Uchiha somewhat understood why this Taki Chiba was able to create miracles every time, and was able to defeat opponents far stronger than him.

It's all because these powerhouses didn't really make the final blow after Taki Chiba was cornered.

In other words, Taki Chiba fell into a real desperate situation, and the strong opponent had already been defeated.

In other words, every strong man pushed Taki Chiba into a desperate situation, but none of them persisted until Taki Chiba's final blow in the desperate situation ended.

Actually, Taki Chiba is not that scary.

What makes him so powerful is that he can always guarantee that he can safely defeat his opponent when he makes his final blow!

He will be forced into a desperate situation, even a desperate situation where he will die without life.

He is just a person, if a person is killed, he will die, and as long as he will die, then there will always be a desperate situation.

It's just that Taki Chiba's strength is that before he is forced into a complete desperation, he will always have the last blow, which is guaranteed to definitely defeat the opponent's last blow.

And no one can survive this final blow.

But it's different now, he Uchiha Nobuhiko survived, Taki Chiba was completely cornered!

And in the desperate situation, he completed the final blow to Taki Chiba without any deviation.


The way to kill the enemy thoroughly!

Finally... finally it's over!

And at this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha smiled very comfortably when he saw the flying head and the eyes turning to look at him on the head.

Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Eternal... Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

And at this moment, his closed right eye was reflected in the pupils of Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes, and Chiba, who was headed in a different place, slowly turned around such a thought, as if a little disappointed , seems a little helpless.

In the end, is it the only way?

Is everything over?

This Uchiha Nobuhiko...

At this time, a sigh slowly floated in Qianye's heart.

A sigh, as if all the dust had settled.

"Water body?"

And at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko's left eye suddenly widened, as if he suddenly discovered something, and an uncontrollable exclamation came out from his mouth.

In an instant, the relief on his face was instantly replaced by extreme stiffness!


Just at this sound, the boy in front of Nobuhiko Uchiha, whose head was in a different place, suddenly fell away, and the cold water hit him in the face.

In an instant, he was drowned.

With his stiff expression, he looked even more embarrassed.


And at this moment, behind him, the surface of the water suddenly exploded, and a foot was already on the side of his face.

The remaining Chakra condensed into a single point in an instant, and then...

It exploded suddenly!

Weird power, Konoha Whirlwind!


Without any suspense, the strange force of the explosion hit Uchiha Nobuhiko's left cheek heavily, with a click, and with the cracking sound, Uchiha Nobuhiko's head suddenly tilted, and his figure flew out!

The water body was hidden under the surface of the water, and at that time, the body was replaced underwater by using a substitute technique!

Then, attack me from behind!

But at this moment, the young man who was staring at the place where the water burst and kicked sideways had only one thought left in his mind.


However, at this moment, when such a thought flashed through Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind, when there was only such a thought left, Chiba, who had succeeded in the blow, completely changed his color at this moment.

A sound of horror from the bottom of my heart blurted out.

At this time, in his slightly lowered eyes, above Nobuhiko Uchiha's original position, this ball floated at some point.

A pitch-black ball the size of a ping-pong ball.

But, it's over, it's over!

And at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko's right eye opened suddenly, and ripples slowly opened in the originally dim eyes.

He stretched out his hand, facing the boy.


Clenched suddenly!

Explode the stars!

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