Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2115 I'm such a...idiot!


He has calculated it all!

This is all his calculations!

He knows!

He knows it all!

My biggest chip, and his biggest chip!

The blood from the hollow left eye was continuously overflowing, and accompanied by the gurgling blood, the pain like penetrating into the bone marrow constantly stimulated Uchiha Nobuhiko's rationality. With eyes, he stared at the young man in front of him who pulled back and flew back, with an unconcealable pain on his face, who was already half a meter away from the water surface, under the vision of reincarnation eyes, he could clearly see The left eye that fell into the container formed by the power of Mutun in the palm of Taki Chiba's hand belonged to him.

But in his mind, there were such a series of thoughts.

A series of thoughts suddenly enlightened, but made him gnash his teeth.

At this time, a feeling that everything is under Taki Chiba's control slowly grew in his heart.

And the scenes of this battle, from the birth of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, kept repeating in his mind.

From that outsider who can be easily crushed to death, to now, the strongest enemy in the entire world who can capture his left eye, who has reached a new level of strength, Uchiha Nobuhiko, there is almost a kind of world where there is such a strange A sense of fair things.

He has been reincarnated for so many lives, and it was not until the next few lives that he realized why he was in the current position, why he has been reincarnated and defeated outsiders all the time.

I have a thorough understanding of the relationship between myself and this world, this world and outsiders, and between myself and outsiders.

I finally waited for a suitable reincarnation, and I can implement my own plan. After understanding the relationship between myself, the world, and outsiders, I have an irresistible desire to realize the plan.

In this life, for the first time, when he was reborn in the Uchiha clan, he had a younger brother.

One, can be regarded as a clingy younger brother.

It was also in this life that he finally came into contact with the supreme power.

The Uchiha Madara who realized that he knew how to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and, from Uchiha Madara, he spied out the necessary conditions for opening the Samsara Eye, and the stone tablet that knew there was a problem at a glance.

I also know that in this world, there is still a mastermind behind the scenes, who is controlling the direction of this world.

Of course, these have nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter what the direction of the world is in his plan.

And in this life, although no traces of outsiders have been found, among all the known strong men of this era, there is no one who can really threaten him, even that Uchiha Madara.

He just needs to be careful.

Just be careful, just be careful.

After understanding these, he knew that his chance was in this life.

In this life, he will get rid of the relationship between himself, the world, and outsiders!

And in this life, all the conditions are complete.

In this life, he has a very important younger brother. As long as his younger brother also opens the kaleidoscope Sharingan, he can have the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and obtain a powerful power that was never possible before.

Therefore, he arranged for Uchiha Nao's death, using her death to let his brother open the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and then steal his eyes.

At the same time, in the process of cultivating the most sincere relationship between his younger brother and Uchiha Nao, he also assisted Danzo and Orochimaru in the research on Sharingan and the power of Hashirama until the research on the power of Hashirama was successful.

Then, after the successful fusion of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he got the power of Hashirama from Orochimaru.

Afterwards, he only needs to wait for an opportunity to get the Eye of Reincarnation.

Fortunately, during this period, because he did not deliberately look for outsiders, there were no traces of outsiders. However, there was still no one who could threaten him in the ninja world.


It should be said that with the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan and the power of Hashirama, no one can threaten him anymore.

this era.

Maybe Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju come back to life, and something else that could bankrupt his plans.

And as long as he has the eyes of reincarnation, then his plan can enter the final stage.

He can go find the mastermind behind the scenes.

Since this behind-the-scenes black hand can control the direction of the world, it must have enough information, and this information is the key to his next plan.

However, he didn't think of it.

There will be such an outsider, an outsider who looks ordinary and has average strength, miraculously evolves in a battle to the point where he can threaten his existence, and then from threatening his existence, he gradually shows The strength and aptitude to kill him!

And that's all!

This outsider, in just over ten years, has thoroughly understood the relationship between himself and the world, the world and outsiders, and himself and outsiders, and used this relationship to successfully push him to the present situation. Embarrassment.

Even, if this continues, the eyes of reincarnation that I have worked so hard to obtain for so long may be caught by this outsider.

How does this allow him to be mentally balanced.

He has been waiting for this life for so many lives.

Now it's about to fall short!

How can this not be resentful!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Taki Chiba, damn you!

It was laid out at the beginning, no! It was when I was in a coma, when I was hit by the spiral pill that fused four kinds of nature changes, my internal organs were burned, and during the recovery period through the awakening of the power of the column, he gave me this spore technique!

At that time, he had already awakened the power of wood escape!

And this spore technique can be used as a decisive move, and now, it is really a decisive move!

Since then, this Taki Chiba has been arranged.

Even, the current situation may have been foreseen.

Just now, after the stand-in technique, he should activate the spore technique, and then use the water escape to end my life.

And, if I awaken the eyes of reincarnation, with this technique as a guarantee, he should have other plans to take my eyes, just like the current situation.

From the very beginning, he may have stared at my reincarnation eye.

He must have considered the fact that I have reincarnation eyes.

He is an outsider, knows everything, and he also knows the conditions of the eyes of reincarnation. He may have seen my eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and he has already noticed it!

And it doesn't matter whether he kills me or takes my reincarnation eye, it's the same for him.

As long as I get rid of my natural enemy...

But at this moment, when the resentment was unfair, Uchiha Nobuhiko's thinking was extremely clear, and he had completely speculated on the context behind everything that happened.


However, just when he thought of this, his expression suddenly changed.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.


Then, a self-deprecating smile flashed across his distorted face.

I'm such a...


In the next second, when a smile appeared, Nobuhiko Uchiha's face was distorted and stiff, and the fear, resentment and resentment turned into that touch of silence in an instant.

With a touch, Qianye, who is now flying backwards and has succeeded in his goal, becomes calm.

Then, the next moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko raised his right hand.

Once again, aimed at the boy who backed away.

After that, spread your five fingers slightly.

Vientiane Tianyin!

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