Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2122 Woodwind

This is... the voice of Nine Tails.

Looking at the thumb-length wooden tube picked up from the ground in his hand, Chiba shook his left hand slightly, and another wooden tube of the same length rolled out from it, which he picked up lightly, together with the wooden tube that fell on the ground before, Raise to eye level.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"In the current situation, I can only do this. I can only... do this."

Afterwards, looking at the two identical wooden pipes in front of him, Chiba murmured softly.

In the eyes, the complex emotions are even more intense.

Unknowingly, he glanced back again, the location in the center of the lake was where Nobuhiko Uchiha was standing just now.

Is it really possible to do this?

Will it work?

With the existence of "it", isn't this idea really naive?

However, I did not deny the past.

This plan should be feasible, and according to my past memory, the world line can be changed.

It just has great resistance.

In terms of reliability, it is absolutely feasible.

And, now, there is no choice.

But following this glance, Qianye suppressed the doubts and complications in his heart, and involuntarily glanced at the forest behind him, as if he had crossed the space and landed on his hometown in this life.

Konoha Village.

And at this moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Then, he let out a long breath, and his eyes fell on the wooden pipe in his right hand.

That is, on the wooden pipe that just fell to the ground.


And at this moment, a crack suddenly opened above the wooden tube seal.

"Kaka! Kaka! Kaka! Kaka!"

Then, as if it was a signal, dense cracks climbed up the wooden tube in an instant, and the bubbling clear liquid exuded a plant fragrance, overflowing from the wooden tube.

Wood Dun, truly deserves to be a transcendental work after the ultimate change in form and nature. This kind of blood successor limit, I am afraid that even the elimination of blood stains cannot be compared.

Those who inherit Mu Dun are almost all successors of the power of the pillars.

This power is probably closely related to Asura and the sacred tree. I am afraid that this is not a simple limit of the blood succession, but one of the manifestations of Asura's power.

It is even very possible that this self-healing of Muyin is the power of Asura.

Unexpectedly, I can also master this level of power.

And at this time, looking at the cracks and the liquid coming out of Liuyi, Qianye couldn't help but a smile that he didn't know whether it was bitter or relieved.

To be honest, when he first came to this Naruto world, he gave up on himself and even planned to give up being a ninja.

After all, back then, he was still the one with the black history. When the past self erased all the memories and left only a blank soul, he was still quite fragile, just as fragile as his previous life.

If he is as strong as he is now, he will not end up close to autism, nor will he bow his head to compromise with those verbal violence and bullying, which will eventually lead to the end of his life in a mess.

However, after all, he is very fortunate that he may still have some things inherited from his mother, and in the end, he still did not choose to give up completely.

And fortunately, he got the Eight Doors Dunjia left by Taki Maya, and he had the localization ability made by himself in the past using the core of the nightmare world, so that he could evolve into the Eight Doors model that changed his destiny.

Here, it is really thanks to Taki Maha, a cheap dad, and the acquiescence of the third Hokage, and I have to admire the thoughtfulness of my past self.

First of all, Taki Maha probably made plans for the child in her belly. Almost everyone in the Taki clan has a physical defect, which can't even be repaired by the core of the nightmare world. Ye's current body is the body of his previous life, and every piece of DNA is his own, but like the Taki clan, Chakra cannot surpass the Chunin level.

If you are desperate, you can only be a Chunin.

The Bamen Dunjia happens to be able to make up for the shortcomings of Chakra. The Bamen Dunjia is to release the chakra of the bound human body, or to squeeze the potential of the human body. Although there are physical defects, the potential of the human body is actually similar. With Bamen Dunjia, at least Taki Maya can guarantee that the child in his wife's womb will have the ability to protect himself.

Taki Maya also has his own plans. It is estimated that he also exists with that kind of uneasy fate. Although the Taki clan has continued to this day, it is not as long as the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan and other big clans, but they are always small. One, and, on the battlefield is also the type of cannon fodder.

That's why he wanted to keep the Eight Doors Dunjia scroll instead of handing in Konoha directly.

And the reason why Taki Maha was able to leave the scroll of the Eight Door Dunjia was naturally the acquiescence of the third Hokage. Otherwise, how could a simple stone room be able to stop the investigation of the Konoha intelligence ninja.

This scroll of the Eight Gates Dunjia was left behind at the behest of the Third Hokage, and this scroll should be a replica.

It can also be regarded as Konoha's compensation for the hero Taki Maya.

Otherwise, learning the forbidden technique secretly, or such a special forbidden technique as Bamen Dunjia, Qianye would have died long ago.

If there is no acquiescence from the high-level, how can he be allowed to practice.

Naruto is the same, if there is not a father who is a shadow, a heroic father who sacrificed himself to save Konoha as a shadow, even if he steals the forbidden scroll as a man, Konoha can really tolerate him to such an extent degree?

The answer is definitely impossible!

Forbidden techniques, although their powers are different, and their side effects may not all be life-threatening, but it is by no means to be ignored after learning.

Everything is a tacit consent.

Some compensation for the hero's descendants.

How much, there is still some human touch.

In the Konoha period of the third generation, although there were some unavoidable cruelty and darkness, it cannot be denied that Konoha was definitely the sunniest one among all ninja villages. The darkness could not be eliminated, but it did not affect the big Part ninjas and residents.

Here, there is also credit for Danzo.

And the past self's setting of the so-called time travel benefits, whether it is instantaneous memory, strengthening the clone, or the ultra-fine control ability of Chakra, is actually quite wise.

In the past, I knew that I was more suitable as a tactical ninja, and the instant memory can acquire a large number of conventional ninjutsu and body skills, which is more conducive to the selection and use of tactics.

Strengthening the avatar can increase the life-saving ability, make it easier to survive in battle, accumulate tactical resources, and expand the selection of tactics.

The ultra-fine control ability of this chakra can better realize the accumulation of tactical resources and the expansion of tactical diversity, which is convenient for the display of tactics, and can also learn some ninjutsu that requires control.

Even, this ability directly gave birth to the eight-door model.

It can be said that the choices of all the abilities of the past self are used wisely, although there is still an ability of unknown meaning such as the power of fetters.

However, without these abilities, Chiba might have died long ago.

Or, maybe you haven't left Novice Village yet, and you're still struggling at the lower and middle ninja levels.

At that time, Qianye never imagined that he could master the wood escape even today, and the normal chakra has broken through to the extent that it can be described as a huge amount. Even under the Jingmen mode, he already has Pseudo-tailed beast level, it is not impossible to adapt to the tailed beast level in the future.

The shocking door mode is probably already a proper tail beast level.

Going further up is probably unlikely.

"Is that so...it turns out that I'm already this powerful."

Finally, thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help murmuring like this.

It's time too!

And just at this sound, the wooden pipe in Qianye's left hand slipped gently from his cuff, and his left hand was slowly raised towards his left eye.


At this moment, the wooden tube in his right hand burst open, and clear water overflowed.

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