Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2127 Abnormal

Definitely not Chiba!

This person is definitely not Chiba!

Holding the kunai in his backhand, the touch of the blood vessels on his neck seemed to extend from the iron kunai to his palm. Involuntarily, Sandai Hokage tightened his grip on the kunai in his hand, and the slight sense of sweat made him involuntarily He glanced at the girl beside him.

He glanced at the quiet blond baby who seemed to be asleep in the girl's arms.

He couldn't help being nervous.

The "Chiba" in front of him is really abnormal.

Abnormal people have to doubt.

Facing the corpses of Kushina and Minato, if Chiba was real, how could he be so calm?

Chiba's feelings for Kushina, as well as the bond between master and apprentice, can be seen by the third Hokage.


It should be said that if he can't even see the deep bond between such a pair of master and apprentice, he doesn't need to be this Hokage.

Also not eligible to be Hokage.

If it was the real Qianye, no matter how hard Qianye forced himself to calm down, at this moment, it would be impossible for him to be like this now.

As calm as now, it seems a little indifferent.

Apart from the fact that Chiba in front of him is a counterfeit, there is no other possibility.

And if the Chiba in front of him is a counterfeit, then it is very likely or even only possible to be Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Uchiha Mind Eye who may become the second Uchiha Madara with eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes.

After all, judging from the information he got before, it was Nobuhiko Uchiha who was fighting Chiba, and now Chiba is a fake, so the person who faked Chiba could only be Nobuhiko Uchiha.

And only the nightmarish power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan can make him completely invisible.

Just now, he still looked at "Qianye".

Perhaps, at that time, he had already fallen into Uchiha Nobuhiko's illusion.

The camouflage within the illusion, or the illusion camouflage of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the Third Hokage does not have any confidence to see through.

And now, if the current "Chiba" is Nobuhiko Uchiha, then it is really dangerous.

Naruto, who is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, is still here, has not been moved away, and has not been completely protected.

If Uchiha Nobuhiko captures Naruto, I am afraid that Kushina and Minato will die in vain.

The second Uchiha Madara is completely formed.

Not only Kushina and Minato died in vain, even Konoha Village may be in danger.

But now, those who can fight can protect Konoha and stop Nobuhiko Uchiha, and the only ones who can protect Naruto are themselves and Yukina beside him.

However, according to Xue Nai, the third Hokage does not want her to join the battle.

First of all, this girl has endured a lot, endured a lot of parting, and her mood is very unstable. Even if she reluctantly joins the battle, she may be dead or alive. Even, it is very likely that the sacrifice was in vain, but was used by Uchiha Nobuhiko instead.

Secondly, the Third Hokage is unwilling to have more young people. More good seedlings are in danger. They are the future pillars of Konoha Village. Now that Minato has been sacrificed, there can be no more young people. The young standout was sacrificed.

At this moment, it was his turn.

As old fallen leaves, it provides nutrients for the survival of new shoots.

Here, he alone is enough.

"You... what are you doing? Third Hokage-sama, this is Chiba-sama."

"Three generations...Three generations of Hokage-sama, you...what are you doing?"

But at this time, while the third Hokage was thinking, the two followers who were stunned by the sudden action of the third Hokage, their red eyes widened suddenly, looking at the person in front of them who had always been so kind and gentle in their hearts in disbelief. The majestic old man blurted out an exclamation in his mouth.

"Three generations of adults..."

At the same time, Yukina, who was also stunned by Chiba and Sandai Hokage's actions, looked at Sandai Hokage in disbelief, subconsciously, and almost touched the ninja bag behind her.

However, after all, she has regained some sanity, and her keenness as the deputy commander of the defense force also allowed her to see that something was wrong. The moment she touched the ninja tool, she felt that it was a metal weapon. After the unique coldness, after all, under the stimulation of this cold touch, he stopped his figure, and the hand that was about to attack the third Hokage subconsciously was finally frozen behind his back.

But her face was getting paler and paler.

It seems that he has realized something, but he can't believe it, instinctively rejects it, and doesn't want to think that what he realizes is true.

"Stop! Yukina, the third Hokage-sama, what you did was right!"

And at this moment, at this moment, when Xue Nai froze, Qianye rang out with almost a scolding words.


It's so abnormal!

I'm so weird!

Even if I had already anticipated the current situation, expected that nothing would change, and even basically assumed that nothing would change and everything would happen as usual, I shouldn't behave like this.

I should be more or less the same as Xue Nai!

This is Kushina!


It is my obsession all the time!

O my... my... redeemer!

After doing so much and planning for so long, she is already the goal of life!



Why am I so calm!

Calm so strange!

as if... as if...

It's the same as the emotionless me!

But at this moment, amidst the angry scolding, Qianye felt a stronger sense of anger than what was expressed.

He shouldn't be like this!

He shouldn't be so calm, so calm that he is almost indifferent!

"Chi... Chiba..."

But hearing this sound, Xue Nai and the Third Hokage were stunned at the same time, and Xue Nai couldn't help murmuring.


This is at……

Are you scared?

Yes, be afraid.

In this angry scolding speech, no matter it was Xue Nai or the third Hokage, they could hear Chiba's psychological state behind it.


At this moment, Chiba is afraid!

Although I don't know what Qianye is afraid of, but I am really afraid. This kind of anger, this feeling of scolding, is like a trapped animal full of fear, which is furious impotently.

They knew very well that this anger was not aimed at them.

Instead, it was aimed at Chiba himself!

At this moment, Qianye, who didn't know the truth, was so frightened that she could hardly maintain the most basic composure!

As a result, it is easy to be noticed by others.

Almost, it is already in a state of collapse!


what happened?

But at this moment, the two followers looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was going on at all.

"Prove to me that you are Chiba."

At this moment, Third Hokage subconsciously exchanged glances with Xue Nai from the corner of his eyes, hesitated a little, and said solemnly.

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