Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2138 Hyuga Snow Eagle


Hearing the faint words from the darkness, Chiba had already stretched out his hand, and was about to step forward, as if to rush up and hold Hyuga Snow Eagle who stepped into the darkness, Chiba was slightly startled, but stopped walking, Seeing the darkness where Hyuga Xueying's figure disappeared, he was stunned and speechless.

This is……

Apologize to me?

Hyuga Yutaka, are you apologizing to me...?

But at this moment, it seemed that because of being too shocked, his head froze a bit.

Hinata apologized to Snow Eagle and herself?

What kind of fantasy is this?

To be honest, Hyuga Xueying talked to himself politely this day. Without the thorns, the sun was about to come out from the west, and now he even apologized to himself. At this time, Chiba, to be honest, really couldn't respond .

This is almost beyond his common sense!

When a person is about to die, is his speech good?

And in the next second, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind, who had reacted slightly.

Perhaps it was because of a natural enemy, a natural wrong way, he always tended to think bad things about Hyuga Snow Eagle, even if Hyuga Snow Eagle had given him a chance to save everything with his life before.

He was still the first to put Hyuga Snow Eagle on the opposite side.


When a person is about to die, is his speech good?

how could it be possible!

However, at the next moment, Chiba vetoed her subconscious move of putting Hyuga Snow Eagle on the opposite side.

I'm afraid, Hyuga Yukaka has actually been quite guilty this day because of the Chunin exam and Kunai's aggressive thoughts and actions of wanting to kill him after rescuing Xue Nai.

Feeling pretty guilty about myself.

If you don't consider Chiba's standpoint, but purely from Hyuga Yukaka's standpoint, Hyuga Yukaka is actually quite a pitiful person.

In fact, what happened to him and Chiba is very similar, especially in terms of his father's generation.

Strictly speaking, Hyuga Snow Eagle is also an orphan. His father, Hyuga Sara, died to save Chiba’s father, Taki Maya. His mother also died in an action to protect the clan. There has been some investigation on Hyuga Snow Eagle, and At that time, Chiba, who was an assistant who had access to a lot of confidential information, could still find out this information.

And although compared with Chiba, Hinata Xueying is quite lucky. He was accepted as a disciple by Hinata Shinsuke, raised as a adopted son, and lived the life of a young master of a big family. However, it can be seen that although Hinata Xueying lives It's a good life, and the future will be smooth under Hinata Shinsuke's protection, but there is always a thorn in his heart.

It can also be regarded as the karma and fate left by the previous generation. He didn't know when he learned the cause of his father's death. Since then, he may have resented Taki Maya, and since Taki Maya is dead, this resentment has doubled. On Qianye, tormenting him day and night, this resentment is also growing day after day.

And from knowing that Chiba saved his sister, and in the presence of Kakashi, he still unabashedly killed the killer, it can be seen that this hatred has already It's almost torturing him to the limit.

After all, Hyuga Snow Eagle is a genius of this generation of the Hyuga clan, and he has been carefully taught by Hinata Shinsuke. If the hatred has not reached the limit, how could he kill him so clearly?

How could he not consider the consequences like that at that time?

At that time, Kakashi had many other ninjas who were not from the Hyuga clan. He was such an obvious killer. Even if he killed Chiba, he might not be able to escape the punishment of the village. Instead, he killed the ninja who saved the little princess of the Hyuga clan. Basically a traitor.

Hyuga Shinsuke can't keep him!

This is basically losing my mind!

It can be seen how raging this hatred is.

Although I don't know how deep the relationship between Hinata Snow Eagle and his father Hinata Sara is, but from this, it can be seen that Hinata Snow Eagle's heart is actually very delicate and emotional.

In essence, Hyuga Yutaka and Hirohiko should be the same, they are both cold on the outside and hot on the inside, although they are not from the Uchiha clan, but their temperament is very similar to the Uchiha clan.

Perhaps, he has such a good relationship with Hong Yan.

And it is precisely because Hinata Snow Eagle has such a cold outside and hot inside personality, delicate and full of emotion, so when he learned that what he thought was wrong, he wronged Chiba, and almost killed Chiba by mistake. After Ye, I am afraid that he has been living in guilt towards Chiba.

And, this kind of guilt may be increasing day by day.

However, it is almost impossible for him to pull his face down and apologize to Chiba, given the wrong radio waves between the two of them.

And his bad attitude towards Chiba is very likely because he wanted to apologize but couldn't hold back his face.

Therefore, this guilt has been backlogged in his heart and has never been expressed.

And Chiba, who has always been keen, was also quite dull when facing Hinata Snow Eagle, and didn't even notice the wrong radio waves between the two of them.


It turns out that you gave your life for me, exchanged your own life for mine, and there is this guilt in it!

Can't apologize, don't want to apologize, just use practical actions to make up for your mistakes...

But what is wrong with that?

Isn't the darkness of this world made up of these intertwined hatred and resentment?

This bastard cares too much about this kind of thing.

But at this time, thinking of this, Qianye, who had already understood, gritted his teeth slightly, but such a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this moment, Qianye suddenly understood Hyuga Snow Eagle.

Even, in his mind, at this moment, he could imagine how Hyuga Snow Eagle would put down the work at hand in the dead of night and remember all the times, how he couldn't sleep all night.

I don't know why, but Qianye just knows that Hinata Xueying often struggles with this guilt and embarrassment.

Tangled, sometimes insomnia.

Also at this moment, Qianye suddenly understood, why at that time, after blocking all the guns of Jiagu soil life for himself under the water, this guy would show that expression.

In the end, he chose the same path as his father.

Sacrifice your life to save your partner.

"Really... this guy is really an idiot!"

At this moment, scenes flashed in his mind, Qianye pursed her lips, closed her eyes slowly, and unconsciously uttered such a sentence.

Just come to me and explain it.

It doesn't matter if you don't apologize.

Besides, who cares about your apology, isn't it just a misunderstanding?

is not it……


You bastard!

If we are friends, we already are!


You made me owe you so much!

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