Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2140 Forever

"Xue Nai!"

In the quiet first aid tent, a cry suddenly sounded, this anxious and horrified voice instantly broke the breathless silence in the first aid tent.

"Miracle! It's really a miracle!"

"Impossible! This... Can this be done by blood transfusion?"

"Really... this is... the first time I've seen such a miraculous thing!"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

Then, the next second, a sudden eruption mixed with inconceivable, unbelievable, and extreme shock erupted in the emergency camp. In an instant, the originally quiet emergency camp was full of noise.

Everyone is unbelievable, everyone is unbelievable, everyone is so shocked that they can't restrain their inner thoughts, shouting in their mouths, even though the people here are well-trained and have strict discipline The medical staff who have seen countless incredible things that ordinary people have never seen before, are looking at each other like an ordinary person subverting their common sense at this time, discussing loudly uncontrollably, in an indescribable way. There was an almost frenzied sense of wonder.

At this moment, the emergency room was already boiling.

These medical staff, who have always been known for their calmness, have completely lost their composure.

"Xue... Nai..."

And at this time, on the temporary hospital bed in the center of the emergency camp, Chiba, who seemed to wake up from a nightmare, with a slightly stiff face, was looking towards her left hand little by little.

Towards, on his left hand side, that is also a temporary hospital bed.

The hospital bed is almost connected with his own hospital bed.

At the same time, a illusory white flame slowly dissipated in the air behind his shoulder.

"Do not think too much."

At this time, a scent of orchids infiltrated his nostrils faintly, symbolizing the white gowns of rescuers appearing in the corner of Chiba's eyes, accompanied by a soft sound, but for some reason, in this Sometimes, it is the words that can calm Qianye's frightened and churning thoughts slightly.

Subconsciously, Qianye raised her head and looked towards the source of the voice.

In the eyes, is a strange female medical staff.

Qianye could tell from her temperament that she should be the person in charge of this camp.


But also subconsciously, he nodded, and then amidst the noise, his eyes slowly moved down again, and fell on his arm that had been pulled out of the needle tube by the female medical staff, and the arm in that hand. The arm that was also pulled out of the needle by the female medical staff.

However, compared to his own arm, the hand that was holding him tightly, at this moment, looked no longer pure white, but rather pale.

"She's the strongest girl I've ever seen, and the greatest girl, don't let her down."

And at this time, a hand was lightly pressed on his head, and the possibly gray hair gently slipped off, covering Chiba's right eye, leaving only a left eye, which flickered in the reflection. That pale arm.

At the same time, the female medical staff who had already put away all the blood transfusion equipment and held Chiba's head with one hand turned her head gently, looked at the girl behind her, and said with a slight sigh.

Although she was also amazed by the miracle before, but at this moment, there was only endless sadness in her heart.

She has seen this situation many times.

The most terrifying thing in the world is never one's own death, but the death of one's loved ones.

"Okay! Let the patients be quiet and get out! Get out!"

Then, after saying this sentence, the female medical staff straightened up slowly, and gently moved her hand away, just a loud reprimand.

Obviously, this female medical staff should have absolute prestige in this camp. As soon as the words came out, the entire camp was so shocked that they got carried away, and the medical staff who had almost thrown away all their professional ethics immediately fell silent. Afterwards, Together with the female medical staff, they left the emergency camp.

Soon, the first aid camp slowly quieted down.

In the entire big tent, only Chiba who sat up, Chiba whose eyes were covered by his gray hair, and the girl holding his hand tightly remained.

At this time, Qianye's eyes had already fixed on the girl's face, which was so pale that it was almost transparent.

Are you satisfied...

At the same time, in his chaotic mind, for some reason, such a thought slowly floated up.

Moreover, this thought quickly overwhelmed other chaotic thoughts and occupied his mind.

And because of the expansion and occupation of this idea, those panic, pain, unbelievable and forced to believe are full of pain, full of negative pain that almost makes the current Chiba who has experienced the cruelty of the nightmare universe a little unbearable. Emotions gradually calmed down.

As if, looking at the girl's pale, almost transparent face, he could calm down.

Don't disappoint... Xue Nai?

But at this moment, after calming down, the words of the female medical staff just now appeared in Qianye's mind.

Kushina, Yukina, Hirohiko...


None of me was saved.

And the reason why I can't be saved is because they don't want me to die...

Whether it's Kushina, Hirohiko, or Yukina...

I have calculated everything, even calculated that they must die, but I have not considered their mood.

The only thing I didn't think was whether they would let me exchange my life for everything.

At this time, looking at Xue Nai's body that had stopped breathing, Chiba's hands slowly tightened.

On the hand, there is a soft, white and tender touch, with a slight elasticity.

However, it was icy cold, without any temperature, and without any breath of life.

Snow Nai...

already dead.

His closest and closest partner, his two teammates, his teacher, his friend who was both a teacher and a friend, are all dead.

They all died during the Nine Tails Rebellion.

They all sacrificed themselves for what they loved.

And at this time, in his eyes, the quiet, charming girl with seriousness and stubbornness in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, who was always by his side, left him forever.

All that was left to him was the satisfied smile that seemed to be shining on her face at this moment.

It's okay, I will always be with you.

I'm in your body, with you forever... forever!

You will never be alone.

And, the extremely gentle words that echoed in my mind when the girl who radiated this light, kissed her forehead with her lips.

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