Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2148 Choice

Before that, these nine-tailed chakras must be dealt with first.

The seal should be almost unbearable.

After all, it's the chakra of Nine Tails...

With the movement of his eyes, the smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth froze little by little, turning into a serious expression.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

And at this moment, when Qianye's eyes settled down, the temperature in his hand, which had dropped due to the disappearance of the red chakra, seemed to rise again. At this moment, between the fingers, the white air seemed to be rising even more It's intense.

Obviously, the seal is almost unable to hold on, and the Nine-Tails Chakra inside has begun to overflow. It won't take long, it may only take a minute, or a few more minutes, and the seal will collapse.

It's not that the gossip seal can't seal the nine-tailed chakra. With the strength and ingenuity of the gossip seal, and even its partial effect on the tailed beast in the four-element seal system, it can be said that the gossip seal can seal the tailed beast. The effect is even higher than the Four Elephant Seal.

And here, the gossip seal is about to be broken by the nine-tailed chakra, not because of the gossip seal itself, but because the media cannot carry the space of the gossip seal filled with tailed beast chakras.

It's not that the technique is too bad, but the material of this scroll is too bad.

Even, it was because the gossip seal was strong enough that such a scroll could be used to seal the Tailed Beast Chakra.

After all, the conditions for sealing a tailed beast are already very harsh, that is, the conditions for becoming a jinchuriki are not so easy to achieve, especially for the nine-tailed jinchuriki. Almost one to three generations of nine-tailed jinchuriki have possessed huge chakras. And vitality and even a member of the Uzumaki family that has the King Kong that restrains the nine-tailed chakra and blocks the chakra.

Among them, the third generation Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is also the son of the Sage of the Six Paths and the reincarnation of Asura.

The prerequisite for becoming any jinchuriki is a huge amount of chakra, such as the jinchuriki of eight tails and nine tails. Although this is not a necessary condition, it can completely control tailed beasts, whether it is Naruto , or Kirabi, in fact, physically, they are different from ordinary people.

Kirabi, like the third Raikage and the fourth Raikage, belonged to the Yeyue family, and possessed the strongest physical blood inheritance limit besides the immortal body.

Not to mention Naruto, Uzumaki's bloodline, one of the immortal bloodlines, also possesses Asura's reincarnation chakra.

It can be said that everyone's strength is different from ordinary people.

It is also chosen by every village.

Even in the strongest village, with the most families, the purest bloodlines of the two Sages of the Six Paths, and Konoha with the bloodline of Otsutsugi, sometimes they couldn’t choose Renzhuriki. Kushina, who is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, will be the second-generation Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

It can be seen how special the candidate for Kyuubi Jinchuriki is.

It can also be seen how harsh the conditions for becoming a Jinchuriki are to seal the Tailed Beast.

Now, being able to seal the Nine-Tails Chakra in the form of a scroll, and being able to persist for such a long time, is enough to show the power of the gossip seal, and it is also enough to show how powerful Namikaze Minato is in the sealing technique.

Although it was born out of the four-element seal, being able to create the gossip seal, a sealing technique that surpasses the four-element seal, is already a genius in itself. It can even be said that in a certain respect, Namikaze Minato's sealing technique surpasses the four-element seal. This is the time.

After all, these four-element seals have been passed down for so long, and so many seal masters of the Uzumaki clan who are very good at sealing techniques have not changed or improved in any way. Being able to change and improve this four-element seal itself is beyond all previous generations. Master of Sealing Technique.

What's more, the gossip seal is no longer a change or improvement, but an evolution.

In addition, the current situation of Chakra who is sealed into Nine Tails in the scroll is enough to show that Namikaze Minato is worthy of the name of the Fourth Hokage, let alone his space-time ninjutsu.

Here, the stored nine-tailed chakra should be a very small part.

It should not constitute the degree of becoming a human being.

However, it cannot be ruled out that after absorbing these Nine-Tails Chakras, I will also become Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

After all, Namikaze Minato was able to separate and seal Kyuubi, dividing Kyuubi into yin and yang, and since then there have been two Kyuubi Jinchuriki.

It is not impossible to create a third Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but it is not impossible.

I can't be Jinjuriki.

Injuriki's weakness is too obvious.

At this time, Chiba is still more cautious. Regarding things like Jinchuriki, he will know after weighing it. It is better not to become a Jinchuriki. Tailed Beast Chakra is indeed powerful, but if it is at the price of becoming a Jinchuriki If it is obtained, Chiba is still conservative.

Of course, this is nothing more than Chiba's prudence all along. Considering all the factors, generally speaking, it is impossible to become Jinzhuriki if it is only the Kyuubi Chakra, at most it is like a golden horn and a silver horn Same, with Nine-Tails Chakra, but not Jinchuriki, you can use Nine-Tails Chakra.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to seal the half-tailed beast or the complete nine-tailed beast that can make Chiba into Jinchuriki in this scroll. If half-tailed beast or the whole tailed beast is sealed, the scroll will be sealed at the moment the seal is completed. Probably shattered to pieces.

At most, this scroll is a small part of the Nine-Tails Chakra that is sealed. Of course, it is a small part of the Chakra compared to the whole Tailed Beast or half Nine-Tails. For Chiba, it is also a huge Chakra. Measured.

never mind……

In any case, the most important thing now is to build a container. In order to prevent it from becoming a Jinchuriki, this container cannot use the four-element seal system of the Jinchuriki Seal System, lest Kushina really leave me with a surprise.

Although it is unlikely, there is not enough information to prove that it is impossible to become Renzhuli.

Well, among the sealing techniques I have mastered, there is only one system that can meet such requirements.

After all, this Nine-Tails Chakra is still Chakra in essence, but it is countless times special than the Chakra of ordinary human body.

However, it is impossible for the current sealing system to absorb the Nine-Tails Chakra in this scroll.

Larger "containers" had to be made.

As his thoughts unfolded, Qianye slowly closed his eyes, and slowly began to think about it in his heart.

Then, in the middle of his forehead, a purple diamond-shaped imprint slowly emerged.

But with the emergence of the purple rhombus imprint, the nine large diamonds in his mind that were composed like glass rhombuses suddenly had cracks, and after a short while, there was a "pop" and shattered. Cracked.

First of all, the previous ones are no longer needed.

But at this moment, following the disappearance of the purple rhombus between the eyebrows, such a thought appeared in Qianye's heart.

That's right, the yin seal system, this is the best seal container that Chiba can think of to accommodate the Nine-Tails Chakra!

However, the current yin seal container is too small!

Must, overthrow and start over!

Chiba must create a bigger Yin seal!

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