Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2150 Accident

how come……


The white tone filled the entire line of sight, and the astonishment in Qianye's eyes slowly turned into astonishment and doubt, and such a thought flashed in his heart.

At this moment, in his eyes, there is a white world mixed with a little golden brilliance, and there is nothing around him, only he is standing in the midst of all this while holding the scroll.

It feels a little familiar.


The scroll in my hand is gone.

This is not the real world, should it be something like a spiritual world?

Then, when he lowered his head slightly, he found that his right hand was holding the scroll. Although he maintained the posture of holding the scroll, there was no scroll in his hand, and there were no fragments of the broken scroll.

Obviously, here is another space.

Why are you here?

Is it because absorbing the Nine-Tails Chakra touched my past settings?

Or, what other reason?

And it seems that he has gotten used to this kind of situation of being suddenly pulled into another space. Qianye didn't have doubts for a long time this time, and began to think about various possibilities of coming to this space.

According to previous experience, this kind of sudden being pulled to other spaces must be conditionally triggered. In his experience, there have been many times when his spirit has been transferred to other spaces, and these experiences are undoubtedly It is necessary to meet a certain condition.

For example, every time you are seriously injured and are about to die, you will enter the spirit outside the sealed gate or the sealed space, and the dark space that you will enter when you are really near death, and because of Uchiha Nobuhiko's eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan special targeting After the sealed gate of the traverser, the travel welfare space, and then the real Chiba's spiritual space will start after contacting the tailed beast chakra, which is the spiritual space where the core fragments of the nightmare universe are stored.

Even, every time between life and death, he also entered and exited the Huangquan Road before the Paradise of Elysium.

And this time, there must be some reasons.

The most likely reason is that the past self that has lost consciousness and has no feelings or feelings may have arranged something to open up this space when he obtained the tailed beast chakra.

Perhaps in order to avoid the will of the world and the gods of this world, the past self did not finally express his purpose, and what Chiba speculates now is definitely not the final purpose of the past self.

In the past, there must be some other plans, and when I get enough strength, it will be revealed one by one.

After he experienced that cruel memory, in addition to the cruel heart palpitations of this memory, there is also a bit of fear for his past self, that is, the self who has lost his feelings and feelings.

Yes, fear.

If it’s not the past self but the self, and the consciousness has died, apart from his experience being absorbed by him and raising himself to a higher level, there is really nothing, and it is impossible to have any influence on himself, I’m afraid, now He doubts every action he makes, even doubts his own existence, wondering if his past self is manipulating him.

The self who has lost his feelings and feelings can achieve the effect of the devil's temptation just by using words. It can be said that he has thoroughly developed his potential on the wisdom side. That kind of horror, even himself will feel terrible and fearful .

And such a self, I am afraid that the goal will not be set so low, judging from the fake time-traveling benefits that the past self chose to give to oneself, and the fact that one has to experience those cruel memories in order to know more about the past self Judging from the information left behind, it is obvious that the past self is training himself, training a personality that has feelings and feelings, and can be stronger than the past self, which is the current Chiba.

And the purpose of this exercise is absolutely impossible to be self-protection, strong, comfortable life, etc. If it is just self-protection to be strong and comfortable, the past self does not need to spend so much trouble.

Even without the help of any past self, Chiba can do it by herself.

So, there is a deeper purpose here.

There's at least one big plan from his past self that hasn't surfaced yet.

Moreover, it is a grand plan that cannot be known by the will of the world and God. This completely isolated space created by the core of the nightmare universe is the best choice.

Now, he has just obtained the power of the tailed beast again, although it is only a small part, and it is not permanent like Renzhuli.

However, it can be said that he has obtained a higher stage of power, and it is very likely that he has reached the conditions set by himself in the past, so he opened up such a space.

What's more, he also possesses a supreme power that is more powerful and noble than the power of the tailed beast, which is almost enough to open up the space for the past self to hide the real big plan.

Therefore, the greatest possibility for my spirit to transfer here is my past self.

And I am afraid that only the past self can use the core fragments of the nightmare universe to do such a thing. After all, he only contained a small part of the Nine-Tails Chakra, and he can't reach the point of dying. Under normal circumstances, it is simply impossible to transfer mentally.

Even, this is almost certainly the work of my past self.

"Looking at you, I don't need to worry."

However, this time, Chiba guessed wrong.

And, it's very wrong.

At this time, when a series of thoughts passed through Qianye's mind, and he was 90% sure that this was the handwriting of his past self, a feeling of relief and a touch of loss seemed to be mixed with some sad words. There was a soft sound behind him.

this voice!

And hearing this sound, Qianye's figure froze suddenly, and his head went blank for an instant.

He was very familiar with this voice.

I realized that as long as I heard it, I could imagine the appearance of the owner of the voice.

How... how?

Could it be... this... here?

Then, in this blank mind, a strong sense of sight emerged, and Qianye seemed to suddenly understand what kind of space this space is.

And at the moment when he suddenly understood, Qianye's body almost moved by itself, turned around, and turned directly behind him.

When the turning of the figure stopped and he looked at the direction behind him, a look of two contradictory expressions intertwined with disbelief and sure enough flashed across Qianye's face.

At this time, in his eyes, as he thought, stood a red-haired beauty.

She was looking at him with a smile, and between the corners of her eyes and the brows, there was care that could be seen without thinking carefully.

Exactly, Kushina!

At this moment, behind him, the one who spit out such a sentence...

Exactly, Kushina!

already dead...


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