"The key to the sealing technique is the sealing technique. Different sealing techniques have different sealing techniques. Some powerful sealing techniques are even composed of many different sealing techniques. And this sealing technique..."

The next day, at the meeting place of Kushina's class, Kushina explained the knowledge about the sealing technique to Chiba seriously,

Chiba listened attentively, while Hirohiko and Xue Nai also listened to him just like him.

Although Hirohiko and Yukina didn't learn the Yin seal, Kushina still asked them to come to attend the class. Even if they don't learn the Yin seal, they can learn about the application of the seal technique.

Just now, Hirohiko and Xue Nai, who gathered according to the habit, originally had their own plans. Xue Nai planned to go to the places she frequented to practice soft boxing when she was learning the sealing technique in Chiba.

And Hongyan seems to be ready to take on a mission. Recently, the village seems to have issued some missions that need to be completed alone, which are less dangerous but relatively rich in money rewards. According to Hirohiko, this kind of thing is the pie that fell from the sky, and he must try it.

Unexpectedly, Kushina stopped the two of them from moving and asked them to attend the class together like Chiba.

This made Hirohiko and Xue Nai very helpless, and they were also absent-minded during the class. One was thinking about the task reward, and the other was thinking about the training of the soft fist method. However, under the threat of Kushina, they could only honestly Sit down and listen to the lecture with Chiba.

However, although Jiu Xinnai was willful like this, it also made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Not only Qianye, they also saw that the expression of Kushina's sudden dismissal yesterday was a bit wrong, as if he was planning something.

They were also afraid that Kushina would do something crazy, she was the one who even dared to steal the library pass from the Third Hokage, she was absolutely daring.

But now, looking at Jiu Xinnai's appearance, it seems that he is concentrating on teaching the sealing technique and has no other plans, so he can be relieved.

Just listen to the class! It's better than doing something big!

Although absent-minded, the two still listened patiently.

And their thoughts are exactly the same as Chiba's. Hearing that Kushina left Hirohiko and Yukina behind today, Chiba let go of a hanging heart. He was also afraid that Kushina would do something crazy. .

Even, dreaming of Chiba yesterday, she dreamed that Kushina stole the list of forbidden techniques of the second generation of Hokage, and then gave them a choice of forbidden techniques, and after the selection, she went to steal the scene.

"Sealing formulas are a collection of sealed characters. Sealing characters are combined to form a sealing formula. Therefore, you should start learning from the sealed characters. I will teach you the basic sealing formulas after you are able to write the sealed characters proficiently. "Kushina said.

While speaking, she also took out three scrolls and handed them to the three of Chiba respectively.

The three of Chiba took the scroll in their hands, opened it, and saw that there were many tadpole characters densely written on it that they could not understand at all.

This is... the sealed text?

Chiba looked at the past one by one, looked back and forth five times, and frowned tightly.

There are thousands or even tens of thousands of tadpole characters recorded on it. After confirming it five times, Qianye finally confirmed it.

These tadpole words...

He can't understand any of them!

Not to mention understanding, Chiba felt a little dazzled just looking at the small and dense tadpole characters one by one.

After doing this five times, Chiba rubbed her eyes, then looked at Kushina, and said, "Do you have to remember all of this?"

"Well, you must memorize it, and you can write it proficiently. You are all beginners, so you wrote it by hand first." Kushina nodded.

Was it written by hand first?

Chiba looked at the tadpole text scroll in his hand, and then at Kushina's dark circles that deepened.

I'm afraid, Jiu Xinnai didn't sleep all night again, so he summed up these basic seal symbols and copied them down.

"I see."

Thinking of this, Chiba nodded and said.

At the same time, Xinxin also reduced the base number of daily training from 2200 to 1200. In order to free up time, after much deliberation, the time Chiba needs to learn the sealing technique can only be deducted from daily training. Relatively speaking, it is enough to maintain a certain amount of physical training. Door mode, with the current physical condition, it is impossible to open five doors. Although physical training is not good enough, but at this stage, the only thing that can be slowed down is physical training.

"Then, next, I will explain to you some of the functions of these basic seal characters, and what kind of effect they can play in forming the seal..." Kushina said while taking out another scroll, on which was He Qian The three of them have the same tadpole text.

Do these thousands of tadpole texts have to be explained?

Chiba's heart skipped a beat. After all, this kind of tadpole text made him dizzy. Moreover, these tadpole texts feel the same no matter how you look at them. To understand their functions, you must distinguish each tadpole text... This is simply super S The difficulty!

How about Hirohiko and Yukina?

At this time, Chiba glanced at Hirohiko and Xue Nai, it was okay not to look at them, but after seeing them, Chiba's face became a little bitter.

I saw Hirohiko and Xue Nai, one red pupil flashed and one white pupil bulged, and they directly used Sharingan and white eyes to distinguish characters!


In this regard, Qianye could only groan in his heart. The insight ability of Baiyan and Sharingan must be able to easily distinguish the difference between these tadpole characters, but his mortal eyes would feel dizzy after just a few glances...

Qianye can already imagine how difficult it is to learn the sealing technique.

However, Jiu Xinnai had already started to explain the tadpole text, and Chiba quickly calmed down and listened carefully,

The explanation of the tadpole script is actually not very complicated. These are the basis of the sealing technique, and its function is also very simple, but it is more difficult to understand these tadpole script.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai, who had extraordinary insights, understood very quickly. When Kushina finished speaking, he quickly grasped the basics of the sealing technique by virtue of his genius-level comprehension.

Then, Kushina asked them to go back and practice by themselves.

And Chiba, who struggled to distinguish tadpole texts, was detained by Kushina...

At the same time, when Hirohiko and Xue Nai left, Chiba clearly read the emotion of "being interested in the sealing technique" from the eyes of the two.

Of course, this interest is not because of the sealing technique itself!

Rather...the two of them seem to have found more fun in this than themselves...

In this regard, Chiba could only shake his head helplessly, and then continued to listen carefully to Kushina's patient explanation.

This seal text must carefully understand its function. The seal formula is a very delicate system, and a mistake in a character may cause the seal to fail. Therefore, this aspect must be rigorous and thoroughly understood.

And Yin Seal's sealing technique is second to none in the complexity and surprise of the sealing technique. If Qianye can't grasp the basics of this kind of foundation, then there is no need to learn Yin Seal at all.

Qianye is very clear, and he didn't rush it, but just focused, earnestly, and studied without distraction.

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