Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2155 Plan (4000 words)


The transparent and warm water drops made a gleam in the air, fell heavily on the ground, and shattered into countless beads, blurring a little bit of dark color on the ground. In this quiet camp, there was a There was a crisp crackling sound.


Then, there was a soothing exhalation.

Chiba, who had been standing with the scroll in her hand, slowly opened her eyes, and as she opened her eyes, the rippled lines gradually faded away, turning into ordinary eyes.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

And at this moment, a series of shattering sounds resounded in his hands, and the sealing scroll that released all the tailed beast chakras shattered into fine powder at this moment, slowly floating in the air.

"Goodbye, Kushina..."

Afterwards, the mist in the opened eyes slowly dissipated, turning into a sense of calm, and Qianye murmured unconsciously.

Then, after taking a last look at the corpse of a girl who was lying on the hospital bed without breathing or vitality, but looked like she might wake up in the next second, she took a slight breath, and after suppressing the last wave in her eyes, Qian Qian Ye turned around, lifted the curtain of the tent, and walked away quickly.

Now that the Fourth Hokage has died in battle, for Konoha, there are probably only two most important things.

And of these two matters, at least one of them is related to himself, and with the efficiency of the third Hokage, I am afraid that this matter has already begun to be discussed, that is to say, emergency meetings and the like should have already begun!

Before that, before all decisions are made, the stakes must be clarified with the Third Hokage.

Anyway, hurry up!

And the moment he walked out of the camp, such a firm thought flashed through Qianye's heart.


However, just at this moment, the moment the thought flashed, Qianye's figure stopped on the spot, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face.


At the same time, there was a sound of astonishment not far from him, and the third Hokage, who looked gloomy and thoughtful, also stopped on the spot, staring at Chiba who walked out of the tent in shock.

"Three Hokage-sama..."

And in the next second, Qianye's slightly startled voice sounded.

Have not started?

According to the normal procedure of the aftermath, and the emergency response capabilities of the third Hokage to this situation, what kind of emergency meeting should be started at this time, and the aftermath work and post-war recovery issues should be discussed halfway.

At the same time, a slightly surprised thought flashed through his mind.

Xue Nai transfused herself with almost all the blood in her body. According to the normal speed of blood transfusion, it is impossible to complete it without the time measured in hours. Now that the emergency measures are in place, it's time to discuss what will happen after this night.

Even, it seems that Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has already started to prepare the materials to be reported to the fire country daimyo, and even, when the materials are completed, they will rush to daimyo's side.

Let Fire Nation be at ease as soon as possible.

As for the Third Hokage, they should also prepare for the next deployment of the village. After losing the Fourth Hokage and a large number of ninjas, the third Ninja World War is not over yet!

Moreover, just because the third ninja war is not over yet, Konoha has to show the attitude of getting rid of the death of the new Naruto as soon as possible, and show other ninja villages that the third ninja war is over with a relatively strong attitude. The attitude Konoha should have as the winner of the Ninja World War, or the attitude that can end the third Ninja World War, is not because he has suffered heavy injuries, so that other ninja villages want to take advantage of the fire and make the third Ninja World War World War II revived again.

For something as big as the Nine-Tails Rebellion, no matter how you block the information, it will eventually be passed on, and it should have already reached the ears of other ninja villages. The third ninja world war is not over yet, even if the Apart from the armistice treaty and the alliance treaty, the other ninja villages would not be so naive as not to set up any eyes and ears on Konoha's side.

Therefore, the sealing of Nine Tails is just the beginning of another war for Konoha. Although there is no blood in this war, if it fails, the consequences will be more serious than bloodshed.

"Is that so...you're all right now."

Hearing Qianye's voice, Sandai Hokage seemed to heave a sigh of relief, the astonishment on his face gradually faded, and he blurted out this sentence.

"Go in and talk!"

Apparently, Third Hokage seemed to expect that Chiba had something to say, and after he breathed a sigh of relief, he raised his hand and signaled Chiba to go to the tent where he came out, as if he wanted to talk in detail.


To this, Qianye naturally responded immediately, he originally wanted to find the Third Hokage, and at this time he had fulfilled his intention.

After receiving Chiba's affirmative answer, Sandai Hokage walked back, Chiba followed closely behind, and soon, the two of them stepped into the main tent.

"You're fine, that's great."

After both of them entered the tent, the Third Hokage broke the silence between them with this sentence.

"What about the loss of the village?"

When Qianye heard this sentence, what came out was this sentence.

Although he knew from the moment he activated the Innate Art of Reincarnation that the loss of the village may be far greater than what was shown in the original book, even to the extent that the foundation of the village has been shaken, and his victory in the third Ninja World War The root of the square.

"Here's the damage report, up to date."

Regarding Chiba's question, Sandai Hokage didn't say much, and directly handed over the scroll of Anbu's loss, and motioned Chiba to read it for himself.

Between words and actions, they did not hide it from Qianye because this scroll was an absolute secret, containing information that even some high-level officials in the village could not know, but let him watch it directly.


Qianye was slightly taken aback by this, but after all, he took the scroll and read it.

It seems that what I thought was correct.

And, it's a certainty.

The reaction of the three generations of Hokage, and the contents of this scroll...

And the moment he took the scroll, he had grasped some key information in his mind.

Sure enough, the loss was heavy.

This can also explain why Konoha had no choice but to find a compromise when he went to Konoha for peace talks with Yunyin's representative and decided to take away the patriarch of the Hyuga clan...

At the same time, such a thought also turned in his mind.

The loss is too great!

In the Nine-Tails Rebellion, although Konoha was not destroyed, nor did it look as thorough as Payne's destruction of Konoha, but it was not much better.

Regardless of the economic loss or elite writing skills, Konoha has lost at least half of the normal defense ninjas in the entire village, which has already made Konoha powerless in the third Ninja World War.

Although Konoha is still a powerful ninja village, compared with Yunyin, I am afraid that it will fall into a disadvantage in a real fight. At that time, the war will definitely fall into a stalemate.

And when that time comes, will other ninja villages really abide by the armistice agreement? Was the alliance at that time really still an alliance?

After Konoha loses her absolute power, will there still be unchanging friends and the so-called spirit of contract?

This is a world full of dark and treacherous ninjas, how can there be such an innocent thing!

The stalemate of the war can cause a chain reaction that is not conducive to Konoha, and it is impossible to predict what consequences it will cause.

But no matter what the consequences are, Konoha cannot bear it.

It is even very possible that the envoys sent by Yunyin at that time wanted to start a war with Konoha. Firstly, they could get the eyes of Hinata's orthodox clan, and secondly, they could use this to launch a war and kill Konoha. Dragging into the abyss can be said to kill two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone.

And if Konoha insists on compromising, that's okay, at least they can still get supercilious, and they can make a steady profit without losing money.

It's just that they didn't expect that the Hyuga family would have a separate twin brother who was exactly the same as the patriarch, so they fell short and sent two envoys in vain.

At that time, I am afraid that the third Hokage also had no choice but to compromise with Yun Yin, compromise, and completely end the third ninja world war.

Looking at the current loss, Konoha can fight, and the war can continue, but after the fight, Konoha will only be left with an empty shell.

It is very likely that because too many pillar ninjas died, even the excellent teachers who trained the next generation after the war could not be found. It is impossible for people to recover. If they are unlucky, they may never recover, and will eventually be replaced by other forces.

After all, without a military organization with force, the Kingdom of Fire would not pay too much attention to friendship and the like.

A wealthy country like the Nation of Fire has enough money to attract a strong enough military force.

In the ninja world, not only the ninja village is a powerful military force.

There are also mercenary organizations, dark ninja organizations and the like that are rarely mentioned in the original book.

As a national military organization, it is still very tempting for some organizations to be able to completely launder the whitewashing, take the country's money, and expand its power within the scope of the state's permission.

What's more, in a country like the Nation of Fire, within the scope allowed by the country, it is the number one military force in the ninja world!

In addition, Konoha's roots grow in the country of fire, and new military organizations have settled in. When Konoha is squeezed out, or even the empty shell Konoha is eliminated, I am afraid that you can get valuable things, and even powerful ninjas belonging to Konoha strength.

Not to mention anything else, moving out of Konoha's forbidden surgery room can at least cultivate a large and medium-sized ninja village.

The background of Strongest Endurance Village is not a decoration.

Therefore, in any case, for the sake of Konoha, Sandai Hokage must compromise, even if it is to hand over the patriarch of a premier and noble clan like the Hyuga clan.

"So, about Naruto, the third Hokage-sama, do you have any plans?"

After reading the scroll, although Chiba sighed in his heart, his face didn't change at all. He just solemnly handed the scroll back to the Third Hokage, and moved the topic to another place.

In this regard, is there no better way for Chiba?

But when Chiba handed over the scroll, Sandai Hokage sighed slightly in his heart, and understood Chiba's intention to break the topic.

The loss is too serious, even Chiba, there is no better way, except for those conventional emergency measures, to turn the tide.

However, this kind of economic loss and personnel loss are hard losses, and it is impossible for Chiba to conjure up money and personnel out of thin air to make up for it.

This is the most unpredictable thing, even if it is a god, I am afraid there is no good way.

The situation in this regard is already impossible to change.

"Naruto is Minato and Kushina's only child, and Kyuubi's Jinchuriki. I intend to adopt him as a righteous grandson, and protect him with all the power of the Sarutobi clan, as well as the village's Hokage-level protection treatment."

After sighing, the Third Hokage also quickly adjusted his mood, and expressed his plans for Naruto's future.

Accepted as... righteous grandson?

But upon hearing this sentence, Qianye's face turned abruptly uncontrollably, and his heart was full of disbelief.

Three generations of Hokage want to adopt Naruto as a righteous grandson?

Isn't it to hide Naruto's identity?

In this way, isn't it clear?

Shouldn't it be the same as the original?

Shouldn't it be the same as the original?

How can this be?

This is absolutely impossible, how could such a thing be allowed to happen?

Then, after being unbelievable, Qianye just couldn't believe it.

He never imagined that the third Hokage was going to deal with Naruto's identity as Jinchuriki in this way, directly elevating Naruto to the level of Hokage's righteous grandson, and he was also the respected and respected Hokage's righteous grandson who had given everything for the village, and, still As the adopted grandson of the head of the Sarutobi clan, like Konoha Maru, he is a grandchild who has the right to inherit the Sarutobi clan.

This is not simply the treatment of looking at Naruto liking, or Naruto being Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

It can be said that the third Hokage will do everything to protect Naruto.

This is no simple matter.

The complex relationship that the three generations of Hokage have to deal with behind it is not as complicated as Konoha's various external relationships.

Just to deal with the interpersonal relationship of all parties caused by accepting Naruto as a righteous grandson, and the interest network behind it, I am afraid that the third Hokage will spend the rest of his life in it.

Did the Third Hokage pay so much attention to Minato and Kushina?


Is it that deep?

And in the end, the thoughts that arose in Qianye's mind finally turned into such a stunned thought.

"No! Can't do this! Absolutely can't do this!"

Then, amidst this astonished thought, a resolute objection came out of his mouth.

"You absolutely cannot accept Naruto as your grandson!"

At the end, he added this objection very resolutely and strongly.

Accept Naruto as a righteous grandson?


Absolutely not!

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