Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2167 Determination and Information (4000 words)

Is it time?

Or do you still need to hide for a while?

Naruto, after all, is still young.

Frowning tightly, Sandai Hokage put down the report on the Namokuni B-level mission in his hand, turned his eyes slightly, and looked at the crystal ball, with more hesitation in his heart.

At this moment, in the crystal ball, the blond boy seemed to be protesting strongly with the ninja who dispatched the mission at the mission office, while the white-haired youth subconsciously raised his hands and put them on his chest, He made a gesture of persuasion, and judging from his exposed eyes, his facial expression was basically an expression of an apologetic smile.

The black-haired handsome boy had already closed his eyes and folded his chest and back. Although his face was expressionless and silent as always, for some reason, there was an emotion of "I don't know this guy" drifting away.

As for the pink-haired girl, the veins on her forehead are already protruding. Although she tried her best to look like a lady, her unnatural expression and the sentence "Naruto! It's so noisy!" were almost written on her face. .


And with this inadvertent glance, the doubts in Sandai Hokage's heart have faded a lot, and he couldn't help laughing.

Perhaps, this B-level task can already explain some things.

Naruto, it is not necessarily that he can already bear this power.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

However, when this idea popped up in his mind, his eyes fell on the white-haired young man with a mask, as well as the handsome black-haired boy and the pink-haired girl.

This situation seems to remind him of someone, someone or something, something.

As if in the past, there seemed to be similar things, and this similar thing finally achieved quite good results.


Is it time?

And with the thoughts, the third Hokage slowly began to think about it.

The power of Kyuubi does not mention Naruto's identity, his parents, and how important his parents are, and how much they have contributed to the village. Since Kyuubi is sealed in his body, then he must be To master the power of the Nine Tails.

The power of the tailed beast originally existed as a force to balance the various villages.

Every person's strength is to exert the power of the tailed beast, even if it is incomplete power, it must be mastered.

In other words, Naruto will learn to use the power of Nine Tails sooner or later, at least like Mito-sama and his mother, he must freely control the seal and use Nine Tails' Chakra.

It's just that this power is too huge and too heavy. If you don't have a strong enough heart, you can't bear it. If you can't bear it, you will be swallowed by this power.

And the nine-tailed beast is also the most special one among the nine-tailed beasts. Its power and its chakra seem to contain hatred and resentment unmatched by other tailed beasts. swallowed by the darkness of the power of the tail.

These are all the information left by Mito-sama, the original Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki, and Kushina also said something similar.

To control the Nine-Tails Chakra, even if it is a preliminary use, while using that power, you have to bear all kinds of negative emotions brought by the Chakra, such as hatred, such as resentment...

Without a strong heart, even if you can use the Nine-Tails Chakra, it's just a step-by-step rampage.

And the reason why the three generations of Hokage have been saying nothing and doing nothing, in addition to protecting Naruto's current life, another consideration is the duality of the power of the Nine Tails.

The power of the Nine Tails is very powerful. Even if you don't learn any other ninjutsu, you can become one of the top ninjas in the ninja world just by mastering this power. Power has two sides. .

Personally speaking, if he possesses this power and masters the power of Nine Tails, then he will definitely become stronger and be able to protect the person he wants to protect, or achieve the purpose that can be achieved through power, especially in this dark and treacherous world. In this world, he gained the foundation to settle down. This is the positive side.

But, likewise, this power also has side effects, that is, it brings negative internal and external aspects to the individual.

Internally, the power itself is mixed with negative emotions proportional to its size. If the heart is not strong enough, the spiritual will will be corroded. Basically, using this power is slow suicide.

Moreover, power itself is a burden. After possessing strong power, people's mentality will also change. Some people's nature will be magnified, and emotions such as arrogance, selfishness, greed, etc. will also be magnified, and it is easy to fall into the trap because of power. Going astray, eventually leading to disaster, or being swallowed up in this treacherous world because of no longer possessing the most basic cautiousness, not even bones are left.

For the outside world, because of the transferability of the power of the nine tails, Renzhuriki who has become a tailed beast will always face the deepest malice in this world. Some people covet this power, and even the current major forces in this world The balance between them is mostly due to the power of the tailed beast, because of the existence of the power of the tailed beast, and it is evenly distributed to the major ninja villages to check and balance each other.

And the power of Nine Tails is definitely the key to breaking this balance. At that time, whoever gets the power of Nine Tails will almost dominate this ninja world, or in other words, become the overlord of this ninja world.

That means more resources and more security can be obtained.

No matter who it is, they will flock to it.

It can be said that the power of the tailed beast can make the owner powerful, but it is also a curse.

Without a strong heart, it cannot be sustained.

If Naruto knew this power prematurely, then, with such a powerful power sleeping in his body, even if he didn't encounter any incapacity and rage, he might touch this power.

And Naruto is only in his teens now, he has just graduated from ninja school, and his mind is still immature. If he touches this power prematurely, he will easily lead to destruction for himself.

After all, not everyone has a heart that can withstand all disasters and setbacks and shines on everyone like a light when they graduate from Ninja School.

That is just an example, and it cannot be applied to Naruto.

The two are still far apart.

And it is precisely because Naruto became Kyuubi Jinchuriki, because Kyuubi is the Kyuubi sealed by the Fourth Hokage himself, and Naruto is the only child of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, so, in this matter, Let Naruto start to master the power of the Nine Tails, the third Hokage is always very cautious.

It is precisely because of this prudence that the Third Hokage always has a lot of concerns about Naruto's affairs, so much so that he is already a bit wary, for fear that if he is not careful, he will destroy Naruto's current life.

I'm even more afraid that because Naruto has gained unimaginable power, he will walk a path he doesn't expect him to take.

Therefore, on this matter, he hesitated, doubted, and cautious again and again.

As a result, now that Naruto has touched this power, he still can't make up his mind when it comes to the situation where Naruto has to recognize this power.

"Forget it!"

Seeing the blond boy negotiating with the ninja who dispatched the mission to no avail, and being knocked on the head by the pink-haired girl and dragged away, the handsome black-haired boy looked at the blond boy who was being dragged away, and seemed to complain "Super "Big idiot" and the scene of the white-haired young man apologizing. This time, the Third Hokage seemed to have finally made up his mind. He took out the blank scroll, dipped it in pen and ink, and began to write.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

However, before he could finish writing a few words, a voice from Hokage's desk interrupted his movements.

Two scrolls were handed over to the desk by his assistant.

"This is?"

Regarding this, the Third Hokage was taken aback for a moment, then slowly raised his head, looked at this dedicated Hokage assistant, and asked.

"Follow-up on the previous intelligence, and the request from there that was just sent today."

Hearing this, the honest and conscientious Hokage assistant thought for a while, seemed to organize his wording, and said truthfully.

"Where? The Country of Grass?"

Hearing this, Sandai Hokage didn't seem to react at once, and was taken aback for a while, but soon understood that although he was honest and hardworking, sometimes he was not very good at organizing words and accompanied him for a long time. the meaning of.

These two scrolls are both from the Kingdom of Grass.

And the request that his assistant said was the request from the Country of Grass.

Country of Grass...

And as he understood the meaning of his assistant's words, the brows of the Third Hokage, which had been stretched out because of his determination, frowned again.

As the country of grass bordering the country of fire, since the third ninja war was completely over, it has been closed to the outside world. Although the trade with the country of fire has no impact, the merchants of the country of fire are still It is possible to trade with the Country of Grass through several specific bordering towns, but the military group of the Country of Grass, Hidden Grass Village, has severed all ties with Konoha.

But he received reliable news at that time that "it has little impact on the village, so don't pay too much attention to it, so as not to backfire".

After that, according to the news, he did not pay more attention to this matter.

After all, the sudden behavior of the Kingdom of Grass is actually not unheard of in history. It seems that some big countries will also have a closed state. For example, the Kingdom of Water is the internal affairs of some countries. Village, as long as there is no hostile behavior with your own country and village, the best way to deal with it is to let it go.

Otherwise, there are a lot of articles that can be written here. If one is not done well, I am afraid, it will become the target of public criticism.

The current behavior of the Country of Grass clearly shows that they still have a great affection for the Country of Fire.

Trade has had little impact.

And the daimyo didn't seem to do anything special, there was no order from above, and the situation didn't change. At this time, he could only let it go.

Therefore, there has been no action.

And in the past few years, the country of grass has maintained this state, and the only connection with the country of fire and Konoha is the smooth trade.

Now, a request from the Country of Grass suddenly came, which surprised the Third Hokage.

However, surprises are surprises, he still opened it and read it.

"This is……"

After reading the first scroll, Sandai Hokage's complexion changed slightly, and his eyes instantly focused on the most important words in this scroll.

Haneda Yuzawa?

Hidden Grass Village, the new... leader?

At the same time, a shocking thought flashed through his mind.

This first scroll is a public order, with the seal of the name of the country of grass on it, it has all the elements of the order, and it is absolutely genuine.

The wording of this order is quite simple, but the amount of information is quite large.

Caoyin Village, which has been cut off from Konoha, has changed its leader in just a few years.

Or a strange ninja named Haneda Yuzawa.

And he still remembered that the previous leader of Caoyin Village had just taken office several years after the third ninja world war was completely over. A very powerful young ninja in the Great War, he is also very famous among the big countries.

It has only been three or four years since then.

How could there be a sudden change of leader?

Moreover, the letter of appointment did not mention any reason for the dismissal of the previous leader.

Almost subconsciously, Sandai Hokage thought of the word "coup d'etat", and even the country of grass closed its doors because of the coup d'état.

what happened?

What happened in the Country of Grass?

Thinking of this, Sandai Hokage frowned even tighter.

Although the Country of Grass is a small country, and the Hidden Grass Village is not a great ninja village, such a change of village leader is a huge matter, and it is impossible for there to be no news at all.

Xiaoren village belongs to Xiaoren village, and Xiaoguo belongs to Xiaoguo. Although there is a small word, it does not mean that these forces are insignificant.

On the contrary, during times of war, these small countries and the small ninja villages are the targets of the big countries and the big ninja villages.

Whether it is a small country or a small ninja village, it is a great help in the ninja world war.

No big country or big ninja village will underestimate them.

It is also because they will not underestimate the power change of the daimyo of the small country and the change of the leader of the small ninja village. Every big country and big ninja village will pay close attention to it. Moreover, every time there is a change, the big country and the big ninja village will express their goodwill and goodwill.

After all, regardless of geographical location or military strength, the small country and the small ninja village cannot be ignored by the big country and the big ninja village.

As it is now, without any reason, without knowing it, a leader has been changed, and this leader has also been recognized by the daimyo, the same daimyo who recognized the status of the previous leader.

This kind of thing is not common.

There are also a lot of articles and a lot of information here.

Moreover, this is a silent power change, which is enough to alert all forces!

In a sense, there are already organizations or individuals that can quietly subvert the power core of a small country and Xiaonin Village!

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