Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2170: At the Beginning (5000 words)

Konoha mission office, a new delivery office.

"Then, I do take it."

The curly-haired ninja with a horizontal scar on his nose, after carefully reading the mission report in his hand, raised his head slightly, looked at the white-haired young ninja who handed in the mission report ahead and said .

"That guy Naruto, are you getting along well with your companions?"

Looking at the white-haired young ninja, the curly-haired ninja glanced at the report and asked another question.

"That's right, it's barely okay."

Hearing this sound, the white-haired young ninja was taken aback for a moment, and after a pause, he spoke without any intention of hiding.

"I've been very busy recently. After he came back, I haven't been able to see him yet, so I'm a little worried."

Hearing the words of the white-haired young ninja, the curly-haired ninja seemed a little embarrassed, scratched his cheek, and said.

"As Mr. Iruka knows, that Uchiha Sasuke is also together. Although they are somewhat hostile to each other and the relationship is not very good, but fortunately, his strength has been greatly enhanced in the end, and he is even about to catch up with you whom he respects. "

In this regard, looking at the appearance of the curly-haired ninja, the white-haired young ninja seemed to trust the ninja in front of him very much. At that moment, he frankly told the situation in his team.

After all, the ninja in front of him has a very important position to which one of his three disciples, even if it weren't for the ninja in front of him who is not good-looking and does not seem to be outstanding in strength, one of his three disciples , can go astray.

Moreover, just after he decided to become the tutor of the seventh class, this ninja came over to thank him very sincerely and asked him to take good care of that disciple.

Perhaps, this ninja named Iruka is just an ordinary Zhongnin without any characteristics, and the only qualified positions are the teachers of the ninja school, and the lowest-level staff of the mission office. However, in the heart of the white-haired young ninja, there is considerable respect for this ninja.

At the same time, he can also feel Iruka's cautiousness towards him, the kind of heartfelt happiness that he is the tutor of the seventh class, and the regret that he is not strong enough to be the teacher of the seventh class. A little bit of inferiority complex.

And these emotions, as well as the somewhat cautious attitude towards himself now, all show that this unremarkable ninja has a deep love for that disciple in his team. Although that disciple of his has no father or mother, He grew up in the fear of the village since he was a child, but the ninja in front of him is really thinking about that disciple, and even this deep love is far beyond his own.

It's like, a certain female ninja who had no way to leave the village at the beginning, is rarely mentioned about that village now, but the people who have experienced that era will never forget the care and love of the chosen son.

The ninja in front of him could give his life for his disciple.

Emotionally, it is definitely the existence of that disciple's brother and father.

Not only should he tell everything about this disciple, but he is also obliged to tell him everything.

It's like, the teacher of the ninja school can't refuse the parent's inquiry about their child's situation.

Not only can't he refuse, but he should tell this ninja everything if it doesn't involve the inconvenient situation.

What's more, sometimes, he also wants to ask this ninja some experience in teaching disciples.

After all, this was his first time leading a class.

For the first time, as a teacher.

"Really! Mr. Kakashi."

However, upon hearing this sentence, this teacher Iruka only had a sincerely happy smile on his face, and didn't say any more.



Is it the feeling of being rivals and friends at the same time?

Very good!

Naruto also found such a friend!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.


Then, the two kept the teacher's smile, looked at each other, speechless.


Although he wanted to ask this ninja about his experience in teaching students, Kakashi, who hadn't dealt with people for a long time, didn't know how to speak.

So, the two could only look at each other and smile not on the same channel.

Until Kakashi was summoned to leave.

In the end, Kakashi still didn't ask any questions.


"Zhi--! Z--!"

At this time, on the other side, in the pitted open space of the grove, the sound of hawks circling echoed.

In the eighth class, Inuzuka Iba, Yume Shino, and Hinata Hinata were sitting down on the pitted, small open space with various traces from a long time ago, panting.

Teacher Yuhihong's suddenly strict training has drained all their physical strength.

"Ten minutes rest, next, continue to practice."

But looking at the children who couldn't even stand up, Yuhihong didn't have much expression on her beautiful face, she just looked at her three disciples thoughtfully.

Sure enough, only they can do such intense training.

Hinata, Kiba, and Shino couldn't even do their lowest level of strength.

Physical strength is also reaching its limit.

Let's go back to rest after practicing one more time.

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through her mind.

And following her thoughts, in her mind, when she was a little girl, she came to this open space by chance, and accidentally saw the group that came out of the group that made her still fresh in her memory. The training of the squad that has been famously trained by the devil.

She couldn't forget that intensity to this day.

Thinking about it now, it is even as clear as it was then.

Even the traces of training left by that team have not faded even after more than ten years.

At this moment, every trace of potholes in this open space is the trace left by those devils training at that time.

And compared to the team that can complete that kind of intensity of devil training every day, my eighth class is really far behind.

However, Yu Hihong is psychologically prepared after all, and, after all, that team is full of geniuses, and she is already very happy that her disciples can do what they are doing now.

Especially the only girl in the team, compared to when she first joined the team, she has changed a lot.

Moreover, the relationship between the three children has always been very good, and she is already very satisfied and satisfied.

As for the level of that team, it is not something ordinary people can do.

Even ordinary geniuses can't do it.


And at this moment, as soon as she spoke, she found the falcon hovering above her head, and she frowned slightly.

What happened?

But at this time...

At the same time, such a thought flashed through her mind, and her face instantly became serious.

"No, let's end here today, well done, Kiba, Shino, and Hinata!"

Then, with a solemn expression on her face, she canceled the plan for additional training.

Immediately, the three children who were about to collapse on the ground let out a long breath.



At the same time, on the other side, on the bench outside a dim sum shop in Konoha, the sound of potato chips being frantically chewed and swallowed rang out.

"Mmm... delicious."

From time to time, there are also exclamations of some girls sighing deliciously.

these guys...

But at this time, looking at the two teammates beside him, the young man with braids in the sky and a helpless and lazy expression, a helpless thought flashed through his mind.

"Choji, aren't you full yet?"

Then, as if he couldn't help it at last, the braided boy who was holding tea couldn't help reminding him.


And hearing this sound, the instigator of the repeated sound of potato chips being chewed and swallowed crazily, the obese boy sitting on the edge of the bench, after taking a bite of potato chips, stopped his movements slightly, holding the bag in his hand. Looking at the half-bitten potato chips, he blinked and looked at the braided boy.

"Shikamaru, you..."

Then, after watching for a while, the boy named Choji spoke slowly and hesitantly.


As for Choji's actions, the braided boy named Shikamaru uttered a doubt.

"Do you want to eat?"

And at this moment, Ding Ci suddenly stretched out his hand, passed the girl in the middle who was drinking tea dignifiedly, and handed half a piece of potato chips in his hand to the boy with braided braids.

Immediately, the corner of the braided boy's mouth twitched as he watched the half-piece of potato chips being handed over.

"Okay, okay, Shikamaru, let Choji eat it, and finally completed such a tricky task."

Regarding this, the blond girl who had just had a sip of tea in the middle and breathed a sigh of relief said so.


It's troublesome.

In response to the blond girl's words, the boy with the sky braids slowly narrowed his eyes halfway, almost feeling the urge to let out a long sigh.

"Sorry, Shikamaru, I only ate the barbecue for ten people, and I'm not full yet."

At this time, seeing that his friend had no intention of eating, Ding Ci threw the potato chips into his mouth, and after saying a word, he started to eat again. A pack of potato chips soon That's it.

"Hahahaha! Speaking of which, the teacher used to have a friend who can eat as well as Choji, in terms of barbecue."

And just when Choji picked up another potato chip bag next to him and was about to open it, the bearded and bearded teacher of their tenth class, Asma Sarutobi, who was sitting next to the braided boy, suddenly laughed .

It seemed that he had thought of something pleasant.

"Teacher Asma?"

And hearing this sound, the three children looked over together.

Comrades who like to eat barbecue?

At the same time, when he turned his head, the fat boy named Ding Ci burst out these words in his heart.

Why--! ! !

In terms of appetite, are there people who are similar to Choji?

This was the shocking thought of the blond girl.


It feels more and more troublesome.

And this is the real thought in Shikamaru's heart.

"Maybe you haven't heard of it, but when the teacher was young, his name can be said to be a household name, and even other ninja villages know his name."

Regarding the reaction of the three disciples, Asma raised her head, looked at the blue sky and white clouds above her head, and said somewhat reminiscently.

household name?

Do other ninja villages also know?

But upon hearing this, the blond girl and the fat boy were all taken aback.

Are you kidding, Teacher Asma, you have only been around for more than ten years since you were young. If you are really so famous, the legend of him should be spread by now.

However, the boy with braided braids didn't believe it at all.

"That guy, um... is an out-and-out cultivator and idiot. Except for eating, basically when he sees him, he is practicing. He is the strongest ninja in Konoha."

And it seemed that she didn't notice her disciple's reaction. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, Asma's eyes became more reminiscent, and a trace of bewilderment gradually appeared on her face.

If he is still alive, I am afraid that it is not a problem to surpass the first Hokage.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.


The strongest ninja?

A ninja stronger than Naruto?

How can it be?

As soon as this sentence came out, all three of them couldn't believe it.

"Teacher Asma, where is this person now? Is he on a mission?"

However, even though he didn't believe it, Choji, who has always been kind and honest, still asked out of face.

After all, he is a comrade who also likes to eat, Choji is still very curious.

Whether it's true or not, he really wants to meet someone like him who can eat barbecue for ten people and doesn't care if he's full.

Perhaps, it is not necessarily possible to be friends.


However, this time, their teacher did not respond, but his face changed, as if he saw something that made him unable to talk about it.

Must it be at this time?

At the same time, such a thought flashed through Asma's mind.

"Today, that's about it, let's disband!"

Then, looking at the sky, he said so.


After that, there were dissatisfied voices from the three children.


"Konoha Maru!"

But at this moment, while Asma was giving the order to disband, the blond boy on the other side suddenly took a step and blurted out an exclamation, as if he was about to rush forward.

"It hurts! Brat!"

At the same time, a voice full of disgust and dissatisfaction sounded in front of him.

A teenager wearing some kind of black animal-like jumpsuit had already grabbed the scarf kid Konoha Maru in his hand, and lifted him into the air.

Konoha Maru, whose feet were in the air, already showed a look of pain on his face, but the throat scarf was tightly grasped, and the fist was pressed against the throat, but he was speechless.

"Tell you to stop, be careful and be punished later!"

At this time, behind the boy in the one-piece suit, the beautiful girl with four braids looked at her younger brother and said helplessly.

"I'm sorry, it's all my nonsense."

At this moment, the pink-haired girl with a worried expression hurriedly apologized.

Who are these people?

But in her heart, there was an extremely bad premonition. The boy in the one-piece suit and the girl with four braids in front of her gave her a vague sense of oppression. The relationship made her feel that the other party was stronger than her own.

"Hey! Tell you to let go!"

However, just as a thought flashed through her mind, looking at Konoha Maru's painful expression, the blond boy, who couldn't hold back his anger, yelled and clenched his hands into fists.


These guys are Konoha's ninja.

At this time, the boy who noticed the forehead-protecting jumpsuit on the forehead of the blond boy had a slight inexplicable smile on his mouth.

"Before the annoying guy comes, let's play with you!"

Then, a sound of disdain was slowly spit out from his mouth.


And at this moment, Konoha Maru groaned in pain.

"Let go!"

Then, there was a voice that was forced out of his throat.

"It's very exciting, brat!"

And at the moment when the words sounded, the boy in the one-piece suit slowly looked down, looking at the little feet that belonged to the child in front of him who kept kicking him in vain, and slowly appeared in the words. A burst of anger.

Then, his hand tightened, and Konohamaru cried out in pain again.

"You bastard!"

And this cry of pain completely ignited the blond boy's anger, and the blond boy who couldn't bear it any longer suddenly ran out, chest out and punches, as if he was about to smash the boy in the jumpsuit in the face.


However, before he could take a few steps, he staggered and fell to the ground suddenly.

What was that just now!

And in his heart, he was also startled suddenly, and immediately looked at the boy in the jumpsuit who didn't move.

"What, Konoha's ninja is very weak!"

At this time, the contemptuous judgment of the boy in the jumpsuit floated gently.

These guys are from other ninja villages, why are they here!

At the same time, the pink-haired girl seemed to have finally confirmed some of the other party's identity, and such a surprised thought suddenly flashed in her mind.

"Konoha Maru!"

But at this time, Menghuang and Wudong couldn't help but screamed when they saw their boss fall down.

"But... Damn it!"

At this time, Konoha Maru's face was already turning blue, and his throat was squeezed even tighter after the fist was hardened.

"Hey! If you don't let go, I will never let you go! Stupid!"

At this time, the blond boy who got up also cursed.

"You are the idiot, what are you doing to incite your opponent!"

However, he was only halfway through his cursing words later, when the pink-haired girl beside him choked his mouthpiece in a fighting manner and interrupted Huatou.

"You are very angry. I hate brats very much, and, even though he is younger than me, he is so arrogant! I want people to destroy him completely!"

And the words of the blond boy obviously completely ignited the anger of the boy in the black jumpsuit, and a sense of urgency surfaced on his cheeks. His fist is already clenched.


At this time, looking at the situation in front of her, the girl with four braids let out a long sigh.

"I do not care……"

Then, she spoke helplessly.

"Well... get rid of this stinky brat first, and then the brat over there."

Then, amidst the girl's words, the eyes of the boy in the one-piece suit suddenly fell on the blue face of the boy with the scarf in his hand. Suddenly, his left hand clenched his fist and threw it towards Konoha Maru's face!

"Bastard! Stop!"

And at this time, the blond boy who was let go by the pink-haired girl saw that something was wrong, and ran out yelling.

But, it's too late!


And at this moment, a crisp sound suddenly sounded beside the boy in the jumpsuit.


Then, there was another crisp sound.


Then, there was the slight sound of footsteps landing on the ground.

"Here, let's say it's Konoha's territory, you guys may not be too presumptuous."

After that, there was a faint voice in the middle of everyone...


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