Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2186 Response (4000 words)

"This is the pre-registration list, you can take a look."

After cleaning up the traces of dinner on the table, He Yin gently placed a scroll on Haneda Ichiyo who stayed behind and said.

"The pre-registration list? Isn't this something you are responsible for? I don't need to read it."

Seeing the pre-registration list in front of him, Haneda Ichiyo's heart skipped a beat for no reason, a bad premonition suddenly came to his mind, subconsciously, he opened his mouth and said.

And, stood up, ready to go back to the room.

It's almost time, he should have a good rest.

Besides, the pre-registration list has already been handed over to Konoha, so there is no need for him to read it now.

Can't change anything.

According to the practice of the Chunin Exam, there are two registrations, one is the pre-registration submitted to the organizer, and the other is the registration on the day. Both registrations cannot be changed.

Before dinner, Heyin submitted the list of pre-registrations to the organizer of Konoha. At this time, the content on the list has been confirmed. If you want to change it, the changed part will be regarded as abandonment, and there is no possibility of any change.

At this moment, it was really useless for him to read it.

"Just take a look, maybe there will be surprises."

Regarding this, Heyin just smiled, and after leaving such a sentence, he walked directly to his room, without giving Haneda Ichiyo any more chances to speak.



But upon hearing this sentence, Haneda Ichiyo's heart thumped completely, and that ominous feeling had already reached its peak.

Even, vaguely, he seemed to be about to guess what surprises would be in this scroll.

"No, it's really like that."

Then, watching Harmony disappear from sight, he whispered, picked up the scroll, and opened it.

One name after another passed before his eyes, and Haneda Ichiyo, who already felt that something was wrong, looked more and more serious.

Yes, it's getting serious.

Especially, seeing his own name, as well as the two names of Tatsuhiko Haneda and Anna Haneda, his face had already become solemn.

Sure enough, are you asking me to take this Chunin exam?

Speaking of which, I'm still a forbearer!

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Then, without looking back, he picked up the scroll and walked directly towards his bedroom.


Going all the way upstairs, after opening and closing the door, sitting down in front of the desk in the bedroom, Haneda Kazuyo quickly put together the pre-registration list and other scrolls that seemed to be still being studied, and spread them all out, his face already extremely serious.

Although it is completely reasonable for Heyin to let me participate in the test, it is too much...

Under the extremely serious expression, Haneda Ichiyo's eyes flashed an inexplicable surprise.

It seems that Haneda Kazuyo is not too surprised by being forced to be included in the list by He Yin, but Haneda Kazuyo is quite afraid of this matter.

In this case, if I take this Chunin Exam, three members of the Haneda clan from the same family as Haneda Yuzawa, the leader of Caoyin Village who suddenly rose to power, will be temporarily replaced to participate in this Chunin Exam.

What kind of reaction will elicit...

At this time, along with the thoughts in his heart, countless thoughts began to flash through Haneda Ichiyo's mind.

He is very clear that Konoha will definitely be able to grasp the movements on his side. A village that suddenly changes its leader, even if it is Xiaoren Village, Konoha will remain vigilant. Although they are showing favor this time, Full of affection for Konoha, but, after all, the leader was changed suddenly, and Konoha is not naive enough to completely believe just because of their goodwill.

I'm afraid, when Konoha agreed to their Chunin exam, he had already started investigating their candidates for the exam.

Konoha must have the basic information of the previous fifteen people.

And looking at Konoha now, it seems that there is no reaction to the sudden arrival of the ninjas from Caoyin Village. There is no change in today's defense, and there does not seem to be any defense transfer. It can be seen that the third Hokage is not too big about this matter. Reaction.

It seems that it was expected long ago.

In other words, they arrived in one day after the original three-day journey, and did not attract the attention of the third Hokage. It can be seen that the third hokage knew that they were leaving early, and it is not unusual to arrive early.

It can be seen that the third Hokage has also done a lot of work on their Caoyin Village, or in other words, the Third Hokage is still thinking about the Caoyin Village business.

That is to say, the third Hokage is still very concerned about Caoyin Village.

This is enough to show that the third Hokage must now know that they have changed temporarily.

Perhaps, someone has already investigated this matter by now.

And this kind of behavior will undoubtedly arouse the wariness of the third Hokage. Muye Village's attitude towards Caoyin Village, as well as a series of changes caused by this incident, will make this Zhongnin exam start in an unpredictable direction. complication.

No one knows whether the third Hokage will have any doubts about Caoyin Village, put some unfavorable labels on Caoyin Village, or even cause some strategic inclinations that are unfavorable to their plans because of the Haneda clan's sudden participation in the Chunin exam.


Although I know that the idea of ​​Heyin is very simple, it is to let me take the test, increase the chance of Caoyin Village qualifying, and gain more attention and assistance.

However, sloppy.

It was too hasty this time.

If my surname is not Haneda now, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how I change it temporarily, even if I join Tatsuhiko and Anna temporarily, it doesn't matter, they are too young to arouse Konoha's absolute wariness, at most they think Kusakashi The new leader of the village wants to let the outstanding juniors of the family come out to practice and show the future of Caoyin Village.

Not only will Muye Village not be wary of this kind of behavior, but it will also be quite interested.

However, if I join in, it will be different.

Three members of the Haneda clan who overthrew the power of Sogakure Village form a team, which is enough to arouse great vigilance.

In any case, no matter what position the Haneda clan stands on now, it overthrew a regime as soon as it appeared, and it overthrew it suddenly and silently. In any case, its reputation is not very good after all. These deeds of itself will eventually make people alert.

It doesn't matter if you only have two children.

But in a group of three, that's open to a lot of interpretation.

I'm afraid, now Konoha...

You should report to Konoha first, and get Konoha's permission and understanding.

At the beginning, no Haneda clan was arranged to join this genocide, just to avoid arousing Konoha's wariness.


And thinking of this, Haneda Kazuyo couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

However, in this matter, what He Yin did was not wrong after all. Although it was a bit sloppy, it is absolutely excusable.

With the current situation in Caoyin Village, it is completely reasonable for Heyin to make such a decision.

Haneda Kazuyo couldn't blame her after all.

"Ah...these are useless!"

At the same time, after a sigh, Haneda Kazuyo suddenly grabbed the many volumes on the table, and tore them all up with a hiss.

These defense loopholes about Muye Village, which were inquired about before, are completely useless at this moment.

Once Konoha's vigilance is aroused, there will inevitably be changes in defense, and it is impossible for Konoha not to know the existence of these loopholes.

If defense adjustments are made under alert, these loopholes in Konoha will definitely be adjusted as soon as possible. The loopholes will still exist, but they will never be these, and the location of these loopholes will become the most dangerous place in Konoha. place.

All trespassers' nightmare!

Now, it is completely meaningless to study these, and it will even harm all of them, which is counterproductive.


But after tearing up the information on these defensive loopholes, and casually putting these papers into the wastebasket, and preparing to burn them all later, Haneda Kazuyo frowned.

A look of doubt and understanding suddenly crossed his face.

Wait a moment!

Whitetail and the others...


And as the expression of doubt and understanding flashed across, Haneda Kazuyo suddenly realized something in his heart.

Suddenly, he grabbed the only pre-registration list left on the table, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Could it be that……"

Afterwards, he slowly closed his eyes, frowning tightly.

With a face full of headaches.

Forget it!

I... forget it!

And his heart was full of headaches!


"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, on the other side, just after entering the room, the chorus that was about to study the vulnerability information collected by Haneda Kazuyo was interrupted by knocks on the door that contained strong emotions.


Confused and vaguely aware of what was going on, He Yin gently opened the door.

"Why! Teacher Heyin! Why do we team up with that idiot Yiye! I don't want it! Absolutely not! Not even to die!"

And when the door was opened, what rushed in was Long Yan, who looked like a porcelain doll but had an angry expression on his face, with the delicate roar.

"Hey, hey!"

"Bah, blah, blah!"

"Bah, blah, blah, blah!"

Then, there was a series of chewing sounds, and behind Long Yan, who looked even more cute and cute with an angry expression, was Xing Nai, who looked indifferent, but I came only because Long Yan wanted to come.

At this time, this cute little girl with a round face was constantly stuffing unknown but crunchy snacks into her mouth, seeing her childhood sweetheart growl suddenly, she just blinked her eyes.

After seeing the harmony, he immediately smiled warmly.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Then, it was a vague hello.

"Good evening! Anna! Tatsuhiko!"

And hearing this sound, He Yin seemed to understand, with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly.

Immediately, the two lovely children, Long Yan and Xing Nai, froze slightly, and Long Yan's expression softened immediately, as if the sound of harmony dispelled his fury immediately.

Both of them had a slight blush on their faces at the same time.

"Late...good evening, Teacher Heyin."

Afterwards, Long Yan said a little shyly.

"Ah! No! I don't want to team up with that idiot Yiye! Absolutely not!"

Then, as if he suddenly remembered his purpose, he hurriedly added.

What a joke!

In the Chunin exam with this grinning bastard idiot, he was not killed by the enemy, he will definitely be pissed off by this idiot!

Absolutely not!

Don't even die!

At this time, there was a strong protest in his heart.

Moreover, he stared hard at this teacher who seemed to him to be a bit dazzling, and the children in Caoyin Village liked it. He resisted the discomfort of not being able to look directly as if his eyes were stimulated by her brilliance, and tried his best to Expressing his persistence with his eyes.

"Long Yan, you know what the village looks like now, right?"

And looking at this child, for the first time, He Yin showed a serious expression, looking at this child very seriously.


Seeing his favorite teacher looking at him seriously, the persistence in Long Yan's eyes suddenly shattered, there was nothing at all, only a kind of inexplicable shrinking.

"Now, as long as we get good results in the Chunin exam, we can get Konoha's assistance, and the situation in the village can improve. Letting you team up with Yiye is the best and safest way."

Afterwards, looking at the two children, He Yin said so.


Regarding this, Long Yan's eyes diverged slightly, as if he was caught in some kind of thinking.

"woo woo woo woo!"

And Xing Nai nodded firmly with half understanding.

"So, I'm counting on you."

Then, He Yin said so.

He gently raised his hand and pressed it on the heads of the two children.

this... this...

Feeling the soft and warm feeling on the top of his head, Long Yan's eyes suddenly opened, and a violent dizziness and a blank head instantly swept over all his senses.


On the other hand, Xing Nai puffed her cheeks, and smiled sweetly with a kind of cuteness.

"I... I got it! Leave it to me! Teacher Heyin!"

Afterwards, seeing his favorite teacher showing a gratified smile, Long Yan, who was dizzy for a while, suddenly became firm again in his eyes, and immediately expressed his opinion.

"Me too!"

Afterwards, it was Xing Nai's firm answer after trying hard to swallow the food.

"Thank you! Then, go to bed early! The Chunin exam is very strict, so you need to recharge your batteries!"

Hearing this, Harmony nodded with satisfaction and said with a gratified smile.


Then, what responded to her were the firm answers of the two children, and the enlightened backs of little adults.


Watching the backs of the two children disappear at the corner of the room they share, Heyin smiled helplessly and shook his head.


Then, he turned around and went back to the room, and closed the door behind him.

However, after returning to the room this time, the smile on her face gradually faded. At the same time, as her smile subsided, she slowly took out a scroll from her bosom.

His eyes fell, but it was hard to leave.

She watched and slowly leaned against the door.


But slowly she became sad!

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