Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2189 Newcomers... (4000 words)

"Huh? Do you want to start with your father?"

Hearing Nara Shikamaru's words and looking at Shikamaru's obviously serious face, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi blinked their eyes, and said with some surprise.

How do you feel?

Although Shikamaru put on a serious face, he still wanted to perfunctory us?

And at this moment, for some unknown reason, such a thought arose in their hearts.


In this regard, Nara Shikamaru said with certainty.

These two guys are doubting me...



And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

The three almost grew up together, especially Ding Ci. Although he is not very good at observing words and expressions, he is very familiar with the expressions of these two close friends. At this moment, although the two of them did not show anything special Expressions, but from their faces, he could still see something.

At this time, the two of them clearly felt that they were being perfunctory again.

"However, neither Teacher Asma nor my father gave any information about this person. You also said that this person is very likely to be a traitor or a dead traitor. There must be some reason why it cannot be spread. , Then, we should have no way to get this news from Teacher Asma or our father."

But at this time, when he heard this, he never liked to use his brain, and Choji Akimichi, who didn't seem to have a good brain, was very witty, and explained the key point in one sentence.

Yes, this is the key.

Regarding this matter, according to Shikamaru's speculation, even if they go home and ask the elders at home, there is no way to know the answer.

In other words, valid information has been collected.

Judging from his father's performance before, and the situation of Teacher Asma's hesitation to speak, this strongest ninja is a kind of taboo, an existence that cannot be said. Shikamaru also said that it is even mandatory not to mention this character.

Then, even if they returned home, it was impossible for them to get any news from their father.

My father is a professional and excellent ninja, things that can't be said, how can they get information under the circumstances that they can't say with their few children?

Although Choji Akimichi is not very good at using his brain, he is still very clear about this aspect.

His own father, Uncle Lujiu and Uncle Haiyi have ninja qualities.

He also listened carefully to what Shikamaru said.



And hearing this sound, Yamanaka Ino looked at Choji in surprise, with a little surprise on his face.

Choji, is he such a smart person?

I didn't even think of it.

Then, such a thought flashed through her mind.

Obviously, when Akimichi Choji said this, Yamanaka Ino quickly realized that this was the reason.

If the strongest ninja is a hero or a traitor as Shikamaru said, and there is no deed passed down, then there must be a reason why it cannot be passed down. Even if his father's generation knew it, they would ask Nothing came out.

Shikamaru's idea is obviously contradictory, or not feasible.

It was impossible for Shikamaru to come up with such a clumsy plan.

Of course, it is impossible for a serious Shikamaru to come up with such a clumsy plan.

That is to say, their feeling is not wrong, Shikamaru is just perfunctory them, just casually said a plan.


Then, after figuring this out, in a tacit understanding, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji's eyes fell on Nara Shikamaru again, staring straight at the latter's back, shoulders raised, and cold sweat dripping from the forehead , The corner of the mouth twitched again.

Choji this guy...

Facing these two gazes, Nara Shikamaru felt a little helpless and bitter in his heart.

Since joining Teacher Asma's team, the active tasks during this period have allowed the two of them to grow a lot. Of course, including myself, I have also benefited a lot. At least I have accumulated a lot of task experience. The cooperation between each other is also becoming more and more skillful.

Although it can't be compared with the previous seventh class who completed the B-level tasks in a big way, but they have performed a lot of C-level tasks. In terms of task experience, they can only be more than the seventh class.

And the missions this time also gave the two of them considerable insight and vision, and their way of thinking became more like ninjas.

If it was before, it would be impossible for them to notice these details.

At least, the reaction will not be so fast.

Yes, they are right, this matter is not as simple as he said.

Since no deeds of this strongest ninja have been handed down, then there must be something unusual.

And no matter what, this strongest ninja is a taboo, even if his father knows it, he is unlikely to reveal it to him.

Ding Ci was right.


"That's right, Choji, you're right."

Thinking of this, Nara Shikamaru didn't intend to make any more excuses, and straightforwardly admitted the correctness of Akimichi Choji's words, and said.


And hearing this sentence, Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino half-closed their eyes at the same time, and almost at the same time, they said in a tone that was really perfunctory.

"But, is there any other way we can do it?"

However, Nara Shikamaru seemed to have expected that they would have such a reaction long ago, and immediately spoke after hearing the two people complaining in a drawn-out tone.

"Other... ways?"

But hearing Nara Shikamaru's rhetorical question, Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino were taken aback at the same time.

other methods?

Is there a way to get information about this strongest ninja?


Then, in this moment of stupefaction, they all suddenly understood something in their hearts.

They, there seems to be no other way!

Yes, there is no other way.

My father is probably the closest source of information to them. It's not that Shikamaru is perfunctory, but that they really have no choice!

"Apart from our relatives, we don't have any sources of information. What's more, this is secret information. This strongest ninja is still a taboo. The only source of information we can get is our father."

Seeing that the two of them had noticed something, Nara Shikamaru exhaled slightly, and said.

This is already the best and most efficient way he can think of, to ask his father directly or indirectly to find out some information about this strongest ninja.

After all, they are just ninjas, and they have just graduated from ninja school not long ago. They are also newcomers among newcomers among the ninjas. No one is newer than them.

And the information about the strongest ninja is at a level that even their father is unwilling or unable to disclose.

At their level, it is simply impossible to know.

Moreover, there is no record of this strongest ninja, which shows that the village has done a very good job of keeping him secret.

Even ordinary people have taken quite strict secrecy measures.

Otherwise, there will always be some deeds spread from the mouths of ordinary people, but the reputation of the strongest ninja spread to the enemy village, it is impossible for ordinary people in the village not to know.

In other words, this matter is not as simple as they imagined, and even this matter itself is very difficult, and it is completely impossible for them to accomplish it as a rookie.

Even if they take some illegal means, it is impossible to achieve it.

First of all, with their strength, they cannot enter the archive room at all, the archive room where confidential documents are locked.

The strongest ninja, if he exists, should be recorded, whether he is dead or alive, whether he is a hero or a traitor.

All will be recorded.

A ninja of this strength.

As for the record, it will definitely be locked in the archive room of confidential documents, which is the most important place of the whole village. With their strength, it is impossible to approach them secretly, let alone sneak into it.

What's more, they and even all the information sources around them probably don't know where this confidential file room is.

Therefore, extreme measures are impossible to use unless they are tired of living.

And normal means, as I said before, are also impossible.

The only, the only hope is that the father of the three of them has come into contact with the strongest ninja, and the three ninjas who seem to have quite a relationship.

For now, that's all they can do.


That's right!

It turns out that Shikamaru didn't play it perfunctory, but, we only have this one choice!

And hearing this, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi finally fully understood.

"Good! We know!"

After realizing it, the two of them were quite straightforward, and said: "After eating, we will go home and try our best to obtain information from our father."


Regarding this, Nara Shikamaru's face softened a little, and he spoke.

Fortunately, these two guys have grown a lot.

Otherwise, you will be in trouble again!

But in his heart, he seemed to be relieved.


what to do? How can I get information from my father?

I asked before, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't seem to know how to say it. When I go home and ask, I guess it will be taken apart like last time.

Still, do you want to find your mother?

And at this time, Nara Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief, and Choji Akimichi, who was putting barbecued meat into his mouth, already showed a thoughtful expression.


How can I get my dad to speak?

drink wine?

However, Dad doesn't drink much at home, so it might not be realistic to let him drink all of a sudden.


Is there any opportunity?


At the same time, Yamanaka Ino also showed a look of thinking, but the thoughts in his heart were somewhat similar to Akimichi Choji.

Sure enough... I should secretly take out those good wines my father secretly hid, and then deliberately find an excuse to distract my mother.

Give Dad a chance to drink secretly.

Or, just prompt Dad to have a party with Uncle Ding Zuo and Uncle Hai Yi?

And the three of them really had a tacit understanding. After Nara Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief, he also had a similar thought.


Then, just as these thoughts flashed by, Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino were taken aback at the same time.


Then, after this stunned moment, the corners of their mouths twitched.

At this moment, looking at the chopsticks he stretched out, his expression was both helpless and bitter.

On the grill, where their chopsticks were pointing, there was nothing.

Then, all the beef on the plates beside the grill has disappeared.

Before he knew it, Choji Akimichi ate up all the roast meat!

"Sorry, thinking consumes too much energy!"

Seeing the gazes of the two, Choji Akimichi kept his expression on, looked at the two, and said confidently.

By the way, he also ate the last bite of barbecue on his plate.

The remaining two people looked at each other speechlessly.


However, no matter what happened to the barbecue at the end, it is unknown whether the three of them ordered again, and whether there was an extra bill for the barbecue set meal on credit in Asma's account.

Just from the contented and smug looks of the three of them walking out of the barbecue restaurant, no one cares about Asma's bill. The three of them should have reached a consensus, and they all want to search for Asma very seriously. Inadvertently revealed the past of the strongest ninja in Konoha.

Even if it was Nara Shikamaru who was afraid of trouble, even when he came out, he still kept a troublesome expression on his face.

From his eyes, you can see some curious brilliance.

In general, Class Ten suddenly found an extremely important thing to do.

"Oh! Isn't this idiot Shikamaru and Choji?"

And at this time, just as they left the barbecue restaurant and were about to go to their respective homes, a familiar voice interrupted their steps.

All together, the three of them maintained a high degree of tacit understanding and looked back.

And at this moment, the corner of Nara Shikamaru's mouth twitched immediately, and immediately showed an expression of "a lot of trouble came again".

"Kachi, kachi, kachi!"

At the same time, Choji Akimichi watched the person coming and speeded up the speed of eating the freshly opened potato chips.

Sa... Sasuke!

And at this time, Yamanaka Ino, the only girl among the three, had a blush on her face, her eyes sparkled, and her figure seemed about to fly out.

"Uh...well boar."

At the same time, as far as the three of them could see, there was a rather disgusting voice.

"Huh? Broad forehead!"

But upon hearing this sound, Yamanaka Ino's face changed drastically, and he blurted out a sarcasm in his mouth.

At this moment, not far in front of them, stood a blond boy who waved hello, a handsome black-haired boy with his hands in his pockets and a expressionless face, and a pink-haired girl who looked disgusted and looked like she had met a rival in love. .

It's the seventh class,

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura.


"Then, I'll go back first, Li, Tiantian!"

At the same time, at the gate of the village, a handsome young man wearing a Hyuga costume and hair shawl, looked quite girlish, turned his head and looked at his teammates. The spirited boy and the girl in Chinese windbreaker with two balls tied her head spoke.


To this, the boy with the watermelon head and thick eyebrows nodded immediately, and responded energetically.


And the Chinese style girl nodded heavily, raised her hand and waved, and said, "Then, see you tomorrow, Ning Ci!"

Then, the three boys and girls parted ways here, dragging a little bit of travel and dust.

Are you going back again?



While walking, looking in front of him, the face of the handsome young man who separated from his companions was covered with a deep haze.

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