Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2192 Questions and Answers (4000 words)

"Then, I'm going to bed too, are you sure He Yin will be fine?"

At ten o'clock in the evening, in the living room of the guest house in the still brightly lit area of ​​Muye Caoyin Village, the bearded Caoyin Village Xia Ren stared at the man who was sorting out documents on the long table and looked only about thirteen or fourteen years old. The boy frowned and said.

But there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

As if, extremely distrusting the young man in front of him.

At least, right now it's pretty distrustful.

"This is Muye Village, and she is the instructor of the Caoyin Village who came to Konoha to take the Zhongnin Exam, not to mention her strength is much higher than yours, even if her strength does need someone to protect her , there won’t be any problems in Konoha Village, at least for now. If there is any problem with Konoha’s director Shinobu in Caoyin Village, I think, for a Daren who wants to recruit us Village, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as Konoha's embarrassment, all of Konoha's hidden intentions in this Chunin exam may collapse.

Don't worry, there is Konoha protecting her, you and you, don't worry.

Perhaps, it is possible now, because we need to recruit our Caoyin Village, she is being invited to which Konoha's famous family to be a guest! To express Konoha's respect for Caoyin Village. "

Regarding this, the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy who was processing the documents said without raising his head.

It seems that he doesn't care about the suspicion of this bearded grass Yin Xiaren.

She didn't even seem interested in his words at all.

It seemed that the documents in his hands had consumed all his energy.

"Really? You promise?"

Hearing this, the corners of the bearded man's mouth visibly twitched, but he didn't get angry at the young man who seemed to care nothing about him and the harmony in his mouth. He just stood up and looked at the young man, like this Said.

After dinner, Haneda Kazuo, the elder sister of the leader of Caoyin Village, who was guided by their Jonin, left the inn, and has not returned until ten o'clock in the evening.

They are all very worried.

Everyone was here just now, asking about the whereabouts of Heyin, but until the big guys all went back to rest, they didn't ask why.

Perhaps, at this time, he should give up asking.

The boy's identical attitude from just now to now has already explained everything. It is impossible for them to know the whereabouts of Harmony, and this boy will not allow them to find Harmony, so as not to touch a nerve in Konoha that they shouldn't touch.

However, he was still worried.

He needs a guarantee.

"I said... I'm not a god, how can I make a 100% prophecy?"

Regarding this, the boy seemed to sigh helplessly, and then said.

However, he still didn't even raise his head, as if he didn't care at all.


But upon hearing this, the bearded grass shinobi didn't say much this time, just snorted coldly, then turned around, stepped out, and walked towards his room.

Although the young man didn't answer his question at all, and he didn't even seem to answer his own meaning, but in the end, he chose not to ask any further, or in other words, he chose to believe the young man's rhetoric.

After all, although the young man put on a look of indifference, he knew that the young man didn't really care, and since the young man didn't say anything, it might be that they really couldn't know where the harmony was and what they were doing now.

This boy, Haneda Kazuyo.

It is the same Haneda clan as the leader, he believes in the Haneda clan, and he also believes in the boy in front of him.

Besides, Haneda Kazuyo, since he came to the village at the age of seven, he almost watched him grow up.

Watching him show unprecedented talent, watching him step by step become the chief of staff of the current leader, watching him live and rest in the village, and slowly integrate with the village.

He knows this boy.

He knew that this young man always had a leisurely and harmless appearance, but his heart was definitely made of ink, full of black belly.

He also knew that this young man seemed to have an unusual obsession with intelligence and documents, and every time he saw him, he couldn't put it down.

He also knows how many trifling solutions this young man will give the village to approve every day, saving every expense for the current village.

Although this boy is only thirteen or fourteen years old, he has already carried a village on his back.

their village.

Although he was worried about Harmony, although he couldn't let go of his heart, he still chose to trust this young man.

And now if the boy doesn't say anything, then he has no choice but to go back.

Even if it is very unpleasant.

But what can I do?

This child is like this, always hiding a lot of things, a lot of secrets, and he always has a way to hide these things and keep these secrets.

In the end, everyone can only be helpless and let it go.


He doesn't like this guy!

However, I can only obey this guy!

Really upset!

I'm very upset, but I can only do everything obediently!

He understood Long Yan's feelings about this guy very well.

"Oh, right."

And at this moment, he snorted coldly, and after taking a few steps, the boy's words came.

"What's wrong?"

In this regard, the bearded man stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and said in a very unhappy tone with an obvious expression of displeasure.

"Help me pass a message to everyone."

Hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo still didn't raise his head, just processing the documents in his hands, as if he had a strong attachment to documents and information.

"What letter?"

In this regard, the beard raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that it's about harmony and planning?

Sending a message to everyone, is it possible that he got something from the intelligence document, what is it, and finally he can't hide it, so he wants to tell us?

But in his heart, a kind of hope and surprise rose uncontrollably, and there was a bit of seriousness and earnestness.

"Please tell me, if you exercise after dinner, you may not even pass the first exam."

However, it was obvious that he would have misunderstood it.

Haneda Kazuyo pointed out that they were making a mistake very bluntly, and it was completely a warning to them.

This guy!

And when he heard this sound, instead of beating around the bush like this, it would be better to say something more flattering, which completely broke the bearded man's tolerance for this Haneda Kazuyo, and the corner of his mouth twitched immediately.

The whole face stiffened in an instant!


Then, he could only let out an indignant cold snort, turned around and left the other party with an angry back, and left straight away.

"Also, please remember to be quiet when sending messages, and don't forget to tell them to keep quiet in the end, don't be like just now, I need a quiet environment."

Afterwards, it was the neither salty nor bland words that made his lungs explode.

"Go to hell!"

And in response to this unsalty discourse, there was the sound of the beard finally unable to hold back, and the sound of Du Tu Tu's feet stomping on the floor all the way away.

After that, there were successive knocks on the door and conversations.

Then, there was no sound.

Only the voice of the boy, Haneda Ichiyo flipping through the scroll remained.

On Haneda Ichiyo's face, the leisurely smile gradually recovered, and it was completely a face of "the world is finally quiet".

Then, the time was in this silence, and half an hour passed.

Half an hour later, Haneda Kazuyo put down the scrolls in his hand, then unhurriedly rolled up all the scrolls, threw them into the flames of the trash can beside him, and burned them one by one.

"So, how about a visit to the Hyuga Clan's clan site?"

Then, after making sure that all the scrolls were burned, Haneda Kazuyo straightened up, looked at the only scroll on the table, which was also filled with dense code words, and said while touching his chin.

It looks like it is speaking to this scroll.

"you caught me……"

However, although it seemed that he was talking to the scroll in front of him, the words of response sounded behind him.

At this moment, Harmony's voice sounded from behind Haneda Kazuyo.

"Who brought you in?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo didn't look back, but just spoke.

"How do you know that someone took me in?"

Hearing this, He Yin, who was about to take a seat at the side of the long table where Haneda Ichiyo was walking behind, paused, seemed slightly taken aback, and said.

Yiye only gave her the infiltrating map, maybe he might know that he got the infiltrating map and would definitely infiltrate the Hyuga Clan's clan land in the first time, to pursue something she must understand and end, but Yiye is impossible It was deduced for no reason that she was brought in by someone.

That's right, in the end, she accepted Hinata Hinata's invitation. At the same time, Neji Hyuga also acquiesced in the so-called "new friend" excuse. In the end, she was very fortunate to visit the clan of the Hyuga clan.

Under the timid leadership of the little princess, she visited all the clan lands of the Hyuga Clan that were open to the outside world, and what she wanted to pursue happened to be in these open areas.

It can be regarded as fulfilling her other personal wish of coming to Konoha.

"My eyeliner is everywhere, have you forgotten? Otherwise, how can I collect so much information in a short time?"

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo smiled leisurely and said.

"Really, also..."

Hearing this, He Yin nodded subconsciously. Indeed, the intelligence gathering ability of Haneda Ichiyo in front of him, as well as his persistence in intelligence, can be called the number one in the ninja world. The title of "Thousand Eyes" is not For nothing.

"Huh? Wait a minute, it's not that simple, is it?"

However, in the next second, after subconsciously nodding his head, Heyin frowned suddenly, and suddenly looked at this seemingly harmless young man, with a not-so-good smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Is there anything more complicated in there?"

Hearing this sound and noticing Kazuyo's gaze, Haneda Kazuyo blinked and said curiously.

"No! No!"

Seeing Haneda Ichiyo's innocent gaze, He Yin shook his head slowly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more helpless.

"You know that I will not take the risk of infiltrating into the Hyuga Clan's clan land with just this infiltration map, especially knowing that the little princess of the Hyuga Clan was almost kidnapped, I will definitely not take the risk of infiltrating, as long as I still have reason... eh? No, no!"

With a helpless smile on the corner of her mouth, He Yin also spit out this sentence, and at the end of this sentence, her eyes flashed, as if she understood something.

"You gave me this infiltration scroll on purpose. You are testing me! Testing whether I am still rational and whether my personal feelings will affect the whole plan. You are testing me!"

Then, suddenly, she said so.

"You think too much."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo didn't seem to take it seriously, and said lightly.

"Really? Are you not afraid that I will rush into the Hyuga Clan's clan land on impulse, causing the Hyuga Clan's vigilance and touching Konoha's sensitive nerves, and finally making the whole plan fall short?"

Hearing this, He Yin was also very disapproving, and said.

"Are you trying to trick me?"

Hearing this sentence, Haneda Ichiyo slightly suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and said.

"Do you think sophistry is still useful?"

In this regard, He Yin stared at Haneda Ichiyo's eyes, and said word by word.

Then, Haneda Kazuyo looked back.


So, the two stared at each other for nearly a minute.

"Okay, I lost to you. I deliberately gave you the infiltration map to test your current level of sanity. This map is not enough to enter the Hyuga Clan's clan."

However, in the end, it was Haneda Ichiyo who was defeated in this eye contact, and confessed first.

This kind of eye contact, he has never won a harmony.

I have to say that sometimes, being pretty is a huge advantage.

He was never used to being stared at by the opposite sex, especially a beautiful one.

As for what He Yin said, it is actually true.

He gave Heyin this scroll on purpose, in order to test Heyin's sanity, to see if she would use this map, which was obviously not enough to sneak into the Hyuga Clan's land, to do irrational things.

As for how to know that someone brought Harmony into the Hyuga family's mansion, he was indeed staring at Harmony.

Of course, the original intention of staring at Heyin is that as long as Heyin has any plans to infiltrate the Hyuga clan's land, he will stop Heyin as soon as possible to ensure that nothing bad happens.

As long as Heyin has this plan, I am afraid that his plan will inevitably fail, and he will not even be able to participate in the Chunin exam.

"If you do this, you won't have a girlfriend."

And hearing Ichiyo Haneda admit defeat, He Yin still stared at Ichiyo Haneda closely in front of him, and said expressionlessly.



Seeing He Yin's expressionless face, Haneda Ichiyo's mouth twitched slightly, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

"Well, for the sake of the plan, I'll let you go, tell me about the new steps."

However, He Yin didn't make things difficult for Haneda Ichiyo after all, and when he stared at Haneda Ichiyo guilty of avoiding her eyes, he broke the topic.

This matter was just revealed.

She didn't blame him.

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