Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2202 Japanese-style log cabin (4000 words)


Only this way?

call someone?

Turning his head in a daze, he looked at Shikamaru Nara who was shouting, and a strange look appeared on the faces of Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi at the same time.

"Hey! Is anyone there!"

Then, after watching for two or three seconds, the two finally shouted.

Now, it seems that there is no better way than calling people, even calling people should be the best way at the moment.

Now that Shikamaru has confirmed that there are people living here, if they are willing to investigate this house, the best way is to get the owner's consent. As long as the owner agrees, then there will be no problems.

Right now, the most important thing to do is call someone.

As for whether the owner of the house agrees or not, whether they will be allowed to investigate arbitrarily and ask various questions about the original owner of this Japanese-style log cabin is not something they consider.

For this kind of thing, just throw it to Shikamaru.

They don't need to worry about it.

Even, it is very possible that now that Shikamaru has yelled, he probably already has a way to face the house owner's refusal in his heart.

What they should do is call someone now.

these guys...

Hearing the sound of the two, Nara Shikamaru glanced at the two men who started to call the owner of the house in a serious manner, and a slight look of surprise flashed across their faces.

Really are……

Then, amidst the surprise, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Is anyone there? Excuse me!"

Then, amidst this smile, Nara Shikamaru shouted again.

All of a sudden, the three people's voices echoed one after another, resounding through the wooden house in the sea of ​​flowers.

Then, I kept shouting for half an hour, but there was no response.

The entire Japanese-style wooden house and the area around the sea of ​​flowers were quiet, and a feeling that no one lived there slowly floated in the hearts of the three of them.

In an instant, the three of them stopped talking and looked at each other.


"What should I do? Shikamaru."

After being quiet for a while, seeing that there was no light in front of him, and there seemed to be little sunlight shining in, it looked a bit dark and empty behind the Japanese-style door, which was similar to an entrance. Akimichi Choji looked at Nara Shikamaru, and couldn't help but speak. asked.

"Could it be that no one lives here?"

At the same time, Yamanaka Ino also asked suspiciously.


But upon hearing the words of the two, Nara Shikamaru did not speak, but pondered for a while, let go of his eyes, and looked back at the flower sea trail behind him.

Is there no one living there?

However, this garden has been pruned, and it hasn't been pruned for a long time. Moreover, this garden can maintain the current appearance of the sea of ​​flowers, and it is impossible to maintain it without careful care.

Walking all the way just now, there is not a trace of weeds among the flowers.

Obviously, someone often comes to take care of it.

There is no dust on the door of this Japanese-style log cabin, and there is no obvious color difference between the inside and outside of the door.

Apparently there are frequent people coming and going...

It shouldn't be uninhabited.

But in his heart, he thought about it.

If it weren't for the current situation, he would have a feeling that this Japanese-style log cabin was uninhabited, and he would never have doubted whether there were people living here.

Whether it's the garden or the tatami floor inside and outside the door, it shows that people often come in and out of this Japanese-style log cabin.

It is only possible that there are people living here, which will cause such a phenomenon.

"Do you still want to shout?"

Seeing that Nara Shikamaru was silent, Akimichi Choji asked again uncertainly.

"Wait a moment."

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru frowned slightly, and did not answer immediately, but asked Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino to wait.

The door is open.

If no one lives here, the door should be locked.

As for the people who live here, if they live in such a remote place for a long time and have little contact with people, it is possible to go out without closing the door.

That being said, there are indeed people living here.

This Japanese-style log cabin is definitely inhabited.

At the same time, a thought flashed through his mind. According to various inferences along the way, this Japanese-style log cabin is definitely inhabited.

It's just that because of the remoteness here, it seems that many people don't know that there is such a Japanese-style log cabin here, so the owner habitually does not lock the door.


Will it, there is another possibility!

However, soon, Shikamaru Nara had a flash of inspiration, and this deduction was overturned by another thought that came up.

This Japanese-style log cabin is actually uninhabited, but there are people who often come to take care of the garden and clean this Japanese-style log cabin!

For example, Mr. Asma, the best friend of the strongest ninja.

Although he has become a taboo, but after all these years, he is still a good friend whom Mr. Asma would mention, express emotion, pay homage to, and grieve for.

The only thing left of him when he was alive.

This Japanese-style log house with a garden, Mr. Asma, or other friends of the strongest ninja will come to take care of it.

For more than ten years, Mr. Asma still can't forget that this strongest ninja must have a good popularity.

It shouldn't be unusual to have a few more friends.

Even his name was engraved on the memorial tablet, and he died as a hero.

A friend came to take care of him. Although the village made him a taboo for some reasons, as a hero, the village left something of him after all to prove that there was such a person in the village. Nor is it impossible.

Even, it is a very high possibility.

And this house should also be the best preservation.

If you think about it that way, everything makes sense.

This Japanese-style wooden house was deliberately kept by the village and not distributed. It is a way to silently commemorate the strongest ninja whose name is engraved on the memorial monument, but no deeds have been handed down.

And it was precisely because the Japanese-style cabin was not allocated that friends from the strongest ninja came to clean it.

created the present scene.

After the overthrow, his heart suddenly became clear.

It is true that now it looks like this house is inhabited no matter what it looks like, but if you add the section of commemorating this hero whose deeds cannot be shed, and even his name is lost to everyone.

The house in front of him was uninhabited, so it definitely made sense.

"Go in, maybe no one lives here!"

And thinking of this, Nara Shikamaru no longer hesitated, and stepped into the Japanese-style cabin first, and said.

"Huh? No one lives there?"

But upon hearing this sentence and seeing Nara Shikamaru's move in first, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi were startled, and a look of astonishment flashed across their faces.

Obviously, he didn't expect Nara Shikamaru to make such a move, so he went in on his own.

Moreover, it is still unclear whether there are people living there.

What he said just now was just a possibility. It can be seen that he is actually not sure about this.

Shikamaru is not yet sure if the Japanese-style cabin is inhabited.

However, under such circumstances, Shikamaru went in directly.

This is unprecedented and unheard of.

If someone told them this situation, they would never believe it.

Based on their understanding of Nara Shikamaru, this friend of theirs is definitely the type who makes decisions before acting. Although he is known to be quick-witted, in essence, he is the type who decides everything before acting.

They are astonished at this rash behavior like the present one.

"If there is really an owner of the house, then we will say that he entered the house by mistake, because the sea of ​​flowers is so beautiful, so we couldn't resist entering the house."

And at this moment, Nara Shikamaru said as he walked inside.


Although the furniture has some unavoidable traces of obsolete, but because the selected wood is very good, it just looks old.

It can be seen that someone has come to clean it.

Judging from the traces of scrubbing on the long table, someone came here to wipe it today or yesterday.

The shoes in the shoe cabinet are already a bit old and can't be worn anymore.

It can be seen that there should be at least two people living here.

Judging from the shoes in the shoe cabinet.

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Is that so...that's how it is."

But hearing these words, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This is Shikamaru!

Isn't this a good backup plan?

It's safe!

Shikamaru is not out of order, he is still the one who makes up his mind and then moves, no problem, let's go in!

At the same time, such a thought flashed through their hearts.

Then, with this thought in mind, the two simply entered the house and followed Nara Shikamaru all the way.

On the left is the living room. This long table is probably used for eating.

On the right hand side, um... is the kitchen!

It seems that the water has not been cut off, and there is still water in the pool.


Is this imported mountain spring water? It is amazing to be able to maintain the water level all the time. I don’t know who designed this water circulation system.

Although it is not as convenient as tap water, the mountain spring water is more pure. Is it brought from the Hokage Rock Mountain?


This organ!

And recently, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi began to look at it curiously. Subconsciously, Ino Yamanaka began to evaluate this Japanese-style log cabin in his heart.

Also, I have a strong interest and admiration for a water circulation system in the kitchen.

Although the cabin was a little dark, maybe because the windows were not open and the sunlight didn't come in, but it didn't affect their curious eyes to search for all the useful information here.



It's all very simple!

However, it is a daily utensil used by three people. Are there three people living here?

So, that is to say, the strongest ninja is with...


Forget about that Uchiha Hirohiko, Hyuga Yukina should be a member of the Hyuga Clan, that's what Uncle Haiyi said.

How could it be possible for the members of the Hyuga Clan to live outside the Hyuga Clan's land?

Could it be because the relationship is too close, so in the house of the strongest ninja, there are traces left by the two of them.

And at this time, when Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka walked in, Nara Shikamaru who came in first had already checked the utensils in the kitchen and living room, and began to judge the occupants of this house.


Is this the stairs?

At the same moment, when Nara Shikamaru closed the cabinet in the living room, when Choji Akimichi was attracted by the other rooms next to the living room and walked in, Yamanaka Ino's eyes had already left the passage and fell on the directly opposite room. Above the back door and up the stairs on the back side.

Subconsciously, she walked up quickly.

"I'll go to the second floor to have a look!"

And when she touched the smooth but cold wooden handrail of the escalator, she said this to Nara Shikamaru.

"Oh! Don't mess with things! It should be a bedroom!"

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru who heard this sound moved his eyes away and said.

"I see!"

But before his words fell, Yamanaka Ino's response had already arrived. At the same time, following this sound, there was the sound of going upstairs.


If there is an owner, I hope to find all the useful information before the owner returns.

Hopefully, things won't get any more troublesome.

Following the sound of going upstairs, Nara Shikamaru let out a soft breath, seeing Ino Yamanaka's impatient look, a thought flashed in his mind with a little wish.


Then, at this moment, his eyes flashed.

Is this a back door?

He noticed the back door by the stairs.

After that, he moved his footsteps, and walked directly towards the back door without thinking. After a while, he had already grasped the handle of the back door.

At this time, he has already seen all the objects in the room that can be seen to write. Although this small wooden house is not small, the objects inside are surprisingly simple. Except for the furniture that cannot be seen, Just some simple everyday utensils, nothing else.

From here, he couldn't find any information.

Behind this back door, there may be other traces that can gather some information.

After all, although people have come in now, the possibility that this cabin has a new owner cannot be ruled out after all.

Now they are considered to be breaking into private houses.

In order not to make things more troublesome, we still need to settle things quickly. Logically speaking, the upper floor of this cabin should be the bedroom, and there should be the most information there, but now Ino has already gone up.

From the perspective of efficiency, it is better for him to check other places for the time being.


And in the midst of this thought, the door of the Japanese-style cabin was opened.

"This! This is!"

But at the moment when the door was pushed open, Nara Shikamaru's eyes slightly opened when seeing the scene at the back door, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"Quick! Shikamaru! Come up quickly!"

At the same time, Yamanaka Ino's excited voice sounded from above the stairs at this time.

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