Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2216 Why give up? (4000 words)

"Haneda Ichiyo, who belongs to Caoyin Village, is now the envoy sent by Caoyin Village to Konoha, and made Konoha agree to Caoyin Village to participate in this Chunin exam."

Looking at the Sidai Kazekage who had seen almost the same in front of him, Orochimaru spoke in a timely manner.

"This Haneda Yiye, what's going on?"

And hearing this sound, Sidai Kazekage raised his head and asked suspiciously.

Obviously, he didn't understand how he was talking about Taki Chiba just now, but now he was transferred to this Haneda Kazuyo.

And this Haneda Kazuyo does look a little special, but it doesn't seem to have any connection with the topic they talked about.

What does the matter in Caoyin Village have to do with them?

Although it is indeed suspicious to say that Caoyin Village was suddenly closed to the country before, but it seems understandable to take the Zhongnin Exam. The economy is absolutely devastated.

Caoyin Village's participation in the Chunin Exam is not only not suspicious, but also quite reasonable. On the contrary, it is suspicious not to participate.

This is completely wrong!

"This Haneda Ichiba looks exactly like Taki Chiba."

In this regard, looking at the fourth Kazekage, Orochimaru's eyes slowly turned into a sharp solemnity, and said quite seriously.


exactly the same?

Hearing this, after the question was finished, his eyes fell on the scroll again, and the fourth Kazekage, who wanted to see something coming, slowly raised his head, and looked at the other side, although his face was sullen, but he exuded a serious serpent pill.

"This...you don't mean that Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba, right?"

Then, after a pause, Sidai Kazekage asked tentatively.

The meaning of this Oshemaru should be because Haneda Ichiba and Taki Chiba look exactly the same, so I think Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba.

However, just because he looks exactly like Taki Chiba, it is still too far-fetched to say that Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba.

In the whole world, it is not uncommon for non-related people to look exactly the same. Although it is not common, the occurrence rate is still quite considerable. At least, this has already happened in the area of ​​​​Shayin Village.

This is bound to be the case in other ninja villages.

Rare, but by no means non-existent.

This Haneda Ichiyo may be just this kind of non-kinship imagination.

Even if they are exactly the same, it cannot be used as a decisive factor to confirm that he is Taki Chiba, this is too illusory.

"of course not."

In this regard, Orochimaru shook his head. Of course, he could not say that Haneda Ichiba and Taki Chiba looked exactly the same. He said that he was Taki Chiba. The reason why he expressed this meaning naturally had a series of inferences.

Reliable, deduced.

"That is?"

Regarding this, Sidai Kazekage couldn't help but put his eyes on the scroll, wanting to see something from the scroll.

"First of all, let's start with the Haneda clan who suddenly ascended to the pinnacle of power in the Country of Grass during this period of seclusion. You should know the former leader of Hidden Grass Village."

Hearing this, Orochimaru had no intention of talking nonsense, so he spoke.

"Well, I know, that kid who is also very famous in the Ninja World War, his first-hand water escape technique is said to be comparable to that of the second generation of Hokage back then. Because of his existence, Caoyin Village was able to preserve most of the Ninja World War. His strength, and in this ninja world war, he also won a considerable amount of employment money. Regardless of strength or popularity, it should be said that he is the strongest among the leaders of Caoyin Village in the past."

Regarding this, Sidai Kazekage frowned, and seemed to speak casually.

I didn't realize just now that there seems to be something wrong with Haneda Ichiyo's battle data.

This age, this kind of data...

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through his mind at this time.


Hearing this, Orochimaru nodded.

"What does this have to do with this Haneda Ichiyo?"

Hearing Orochimaru's affirmative answer, Shidai Kazekage, who had already frowned slightly, asked.

"Since Mr. Kazekage knows the popularity and strength of the former leader of Caoyin Village, do you think that in just a few years, he will be easily raped by a little-known Haneda clan who has never even appeared in the history of the ninja world?" Instead?"

In this regard, Orochimaru said so.

"So what? When Hanzo overthrew the regime of the Land of Rain, it took just a few years, and the leader of Yuyin Village at that time was not an ordinary person."

Hearing this, Sidai Kazekage said disapprovingly.

"So, have you ever seen someone who steals the power of the Country of Grass while gaining hearts and minds without bloodshed or a single soldier? Even, have you ever seen a daimyo marrying his daughter to the leader of Ninja Village? ?”

But hearing this sentence, Orochimaru sneered.

This old fox, obviously already thought of it, insisted on pushing the question over.

At the same time, such a thought turned in his mind.

"It doesn't cost a single soldier? Marry your daughter with your name?"

And hearing this sentence, Sidai Kazekage was obviously taken aback, and almost blurted out an exclamation in his mouth.

Now, it's something he hasn't heard of, and he hasn't heard of this way of seizing power.

Even if it is the legitimate inheritance of Da Ninja Village, there will definitely be some blood behind it, especially when there are two competitors.

Even the Fourth Hokage, who was of the same generation as him, who was also wise and far-reaching when he was in danger, must have brought out a touch of blood behind his back, maybe it might be softer, but there will always be blood.

This is the price of the inevitable alternation of power.

Not only the succession of Kazekage and Hokage in the past dynasties, even the replacement of Raikage's position that has always been monopolized by the family is accompanied by blood.

It's just that these bloody colors all happened in the dark, in the darkness of each ninja village. Therefore, it seems that every change of power is united on the bright side, and everyone expects it.

However, as Orochimaru said, without a single soldier, he took down a Caoyin village and asked the daimyo to marry his daughter to the leader.

This Haneda clan is too scary.

If it is said that it is still possible to happen without a single soldier, but the daughter of a daimyo, a princess in a certain sense, is married to the leader of a ninja village, which is a bit appalling.

In any case, the entire ninja world has never heard of such a thing.

To be honest, in terms of social status, the ninja is not as high as the power he has. For the country and the daimyo, even if the ninja is a huge military force, or even the only military force, but in terms of social status, it is also But it's soldiers.

The shadows of each village have a slightly higher status and have a certain degree of autonomy, but their social status is actually not high, and they are not even among the nobles.

It is absolutely impossible for a daimyo to marry his daughter to a ninja, even if it is the shadow of a village!

It is unbelievable for the daimyo of the country of grass to marry her daughter to the new leader of grass hidden. This kind of thing may not happen even if the country of grass is destroyed!


It is the destruction of the ninja world, it is impossible to happen!

"Now, understand, this Haneda clan is special."

And seeing Sidai Kazekage unable to speak, Orochimaru sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, .

"And this Haneda clan happens to have a character who is the same as Taki Chiba, don't you think it's tricky?"

Then, as if striking while the iron was hot, Orochimaru said again.

"You mean, all of this is Taki Chiba behind the scenes?"

Regarding this, the Fourth Kazekage suddenly raised his head, looked at Orochimaru, and said.

"Such a thing, if you assume that Taki Chiba is behind the scenes, do you still think it is impossible?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru said so.

"It's true... If Taki Chiba is mixed in with the Haneda clan, it seems that it is not impossible to do such a thing. However, the appearance of Haneda Kazuyo written above is only twelve or thirteen years old. He should be in his twenties now."

To this, Fourth Kazekage said.

"It's just the appearance. What is so difficult for Taki Chiba? As far as I know, there is a person who can keep his appearance without any change, and even make his appearance go back to his youth."

Hearing this, Orochimaru said disapprovingly.

"And it just so happens that Taki Chiba studied under this person for a while."

At the end, Orochimaru added another sentence.

Indeed, it's just the appearance.

A character like Taki Chiba has created one miracle after another in his youth, and it seems that it is not uncommon to stop the time of his appearance.

And hearing this sound, Sidai Kazekage couldn't help but nodded slightly, quite appreciatively.

"But, would Taki Chiba be so careless? Do you think that by maintaining a youthful posture, you can hide it from everyone? Not necessarily, besides, as you said, someone can also maintain a youthful posture. If he really wants to hide it, there is no need to do so Clumsy."

However, although he was quite convinced in his heart, he still didn't believe it in his mouth.

To be honest, if Taki Chiba wanted to hide his identity and mix with the Haneda clan, wouldn't it be more effective to change his public face?

"Because, this is Taki Chiba's style. He put on the exact same face on purpose, just to make you think that if you want to hide it, it's better to change your face, so that you can waver and doubt, Let you not be sure. As long as you are not sure, then his true face will never be exposed, and while confusing you, it can also attract your attention and make you focus on his face, so it is inevitable More or less ignoring his purpose."

Regarding this, Orochimaru seemed to have expected the Fourth Kazekage to say this, and said.

"Okay! Assuming that Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba, and has been lurking in Konoha with the identity of Caoyin Village, then what does it have to do with our plan? No! It should be said that we should cancel our plan Well, no matter what, this Taki Chiba is always a member of Konoha, I don't believe he switched to Caoyin Village. And even if he switched to Caoyin Village, there is no reason for confrontation between him and Konoha On the contrary, if we implement the plan, we will be used by him to build a deeper relationship with Konoha."

Hearing this, Sidai Kazekage took a breath and said all the thoughts in his heart.

To be honest, Haneda Kazuyo is Taki Chiba, Taki Chiba is Haneda Kazuyo, this matter has nothing to do with him now.

As long as Taki Chiba is still alive, then his Konoha destruction plan cannot be implemented. As for who Taki Chiba is now, it doesn't matter at all.

Moreover, he would never believe that Taki Chiba would betray Konoha, or that he would not act if Konoha was in trouble.

Now, the key point is whether to give up the Konoha destruction plan, while there is still room for change.

Instead, the identity of Taki Chiba!

"Why did we abandon the Konoha destruction plan?"

However, his outspoken words, which seemed to be taken for granted, were met with a slightly mocking utterance from Orochimaru.

And the sneer on Orochimaru's face looked even more glaring.

"Are you kidding me?"

Regarding this, Sidai Kazekage hesitated slightly, and after being silent for a while, he spoke in a calm but questioning tone.

"Do you think Taki Chiba can do whatever he wants?"

Hearing this, the sneer at the corner of Orochimaru's mouth suddenly retracted, and he suddenly put on a serious posture, and uttered a rhetorical question.

"Why can't he do whatever he wants..."

And hearing this sound, Sidai Kazekage almost retorted.

"Huh? Do whatever you want?"

However, in the middle of the conversation, he suddenly stopped, his eyes flashed, but he seemed to have discovered something important, and he was stunned on the spot.

"That's right, Taki Chiba still has scruples. Although we don't know what this scruple is, as long as we find this scruple, we can restrain him. As long as we restrain him, Konoha will still be that Konoha. We Konoha can still be destroyed!"

Seeing that Sidai Kazekage seemed to think of something, Orochimaru smiled again and said.

If he didn't know that Taki Chiba had constraints, how could he have made this plan to destroy Konoha?

Taki Chiba's behavior is obviously abnormal, especially after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, why, why did he disappear, why did he have to feign death?

If he is alive, can't he track down Nobuhiko Uchiha?

Could it be that the news of death must be used to make others fall into an endless cycle of suspicion in order to contain the major ninja villages at that time?

Then, beheading thousands of people in one night, injuring Lei Ying in five days, and forcing Yun Yin to bow his head, how to explain?

Wouldn't it be more convenient to put his strength on the bright side and directly deter the major ninja villages?

Why did you do this quietly, why did you let the third Hokage keep it a secret from him?

Isn't this extremely abnormal?

Here, doesn't it mean that Taki Chiba has some constraints, can't stand on the bright side, and must "die"?

So, does it mean that this constraint is Taki Chiba's weakness, as long as they grasp this constraint, even a monster like Taki Chiba can't stop them?

Even if Taki Chiba will definitely save Konoha!

"You mean... Uchiha Nobuhiko?"

At this moment, after hearing Orochimaru's words, Sidai Kazekage said so.

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