"No, I don't know, we only know that he is an ambassador sent by Caoyin Village, and we have met a few times before."

Hearing the words of the senior student on the opposite side, Uzumaki Naruto was about to speak, to explain everything honestly about his encounter with this Haneda Ichiyo, but was cut off by Uchiha Sasuke, just listen, Uchiha Sasuke opened the mouth and said .

"Really... Then, it's really a shame."

Regarding this, Yao Shidou didn't ask any further questions, but said in a slightly embarrassing manner.

Obviously, it was because of the embarrassment that his first card had such incomplete information.

It seems that there seems to be something worth digging into.

The wariness shown by the descendants of the Uchiha clan, they obviously have a good understanding of this Haneda Ichiyo.

Perhaps, there is no information proving that Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba.

Now, we have more or less collected some information, but there is still a lack of key proof.

These kids obviously know something.

It's just that I can't act too hastily now, after all, I have only known them not long ago.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

Naruto this idiot!

At the same time, looking at Sasuke Uchiha, who had cut off the conversation, and Naruto Uzumaki, who had a bewildered face, apparently still not understanding why Sasuke wanted to cut off his conversation, Haruno Sakura couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Sasuke is still reliable!

Then, after cursing inwardly, she couldn't help but glance at Uchiha Sasuke who was looking at the pharmacist's pocket warily.

The situation of Haneda Ichiyo seems to be a bit complicated. No matter whether the senior in front of him is intentional or not, it's better not to reveal any information. Now they feel that they are a bit of a target.

Best of all, it's better not to draw any more attention.


It seems that Class 7 does know some information about Ichiyo Haneda. For now, though, let's put it aside.

Now, after all, the Chunin exam is about to come.

I don't know how many ninjas here have something to do with this Haneda Ichiyo, so we should avoid some unnecessary attention.

Originally, these ninjas were already hostile to us, and we attracted too much attention. Here, it is better not to cause more trouble.

It is indeed the first in the same period, and this reaction is much faster than Naruto.

At this time, a similar thought flashed through Nara Shikamaru's mind.

After all, at this time, I don't know if this Haneda Ichiyo has any problems with the ninja here. If other people know that they have something to do with this Haneda Ichiyo, they have already attracted a lot of attention. The difficulty of everyone's exam will rise again.

Sasuke, what's wrong?

But forget it.

So be it,

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto's heart was as blank as his face, but, based on his trust in Uchiha Sasuke, he was stopped and concealed that he knew about Haneda Ichiyo, so he didn't think much about it. up.

what is going on?


Classes 7 and 10, they acted like something for a while, and said nothing for a while...

And the eighth class continued to be lost and disconnected.

"I was really rude just now, so, next..."

And at this time, Yaoshidou didn't worry too much about Haneda Ichiyo's matter, but took out a card again, placed it on the ground, and did it in the same way. Gradually, a card appeared on the card. The graphic information of the map comes, and there are also columns similar to statistics. The leaves are the highest, followed by the hidden sand.

There are also some marked with various numbers of Ninja Village.

"What message is this?"

And at this time, as if there was some kind of tacit understanding, the seventh class and the tenth class tacitly stopped mentioning information about Haneda Ichiyo, and their faces regained their calmness. Together with the eighth class, they surrounded the Around the pharmacist's pocket.

At this time, the graphic information was revealed, Haruno Sakura hurriedly asked.


Wait a minute!

Have we forgotten something?

After seeing the message from Haneda Ichiyo, what should we do?

And at this moment, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to have thought of something, and a look of deep thought appeared on his face.

It seems that they forgot something important.

"The total number of participants and countries participating in this Chunin exam, and then, the number of participants from each ninja village."

To this, Pharmacist Dou explained.

153 people in total?

There are 30 people in Sand Gakure, 21 people in Ugakushi, 15 people in Kusakagakure, 12 people in Takigakure, 72 people in Konoha, and 3 people in Otonogakure.

No wonder, the classrooms are almost full.


It seems that we forgot something?

What's the big deal?

And hearing this sound, Uchiha Sasuke and Nara Shikamaru both had such a thought in mind.

At the same time, when the thought flashed by, they all frowned.

It seems that I have forgotten something important.

"Speaking of which, do you know why the Chunin Exams are held in different countries at the same time?"

At this moment, Pharmacist raised his head and asked.


And hearing this sound, the nine people were silent in unison.

Obviously, it's not known why.

"First of all, this is to deepen the friendship between countries, and second, it is said that it is to jointly improve the abilities of ninjas."

Regarding this, Yao Shidou didn't give a shit about it, he said so.

"It is said?"

Uchiha Sasuke quickly found the key to this, and subconsciously spoke.

"Yes, the real purpose is to confirm the level of ninjas in neighboring countries, and try to balance the power of each country, so as to achieve an evenly matched state."

Hearing this, the pharmacist said so.

"Equal power... strength against..."

And this sentence successfully aroused Naruto Uzumaki's thinking.

"Why do you have to do such a troublesome thing?"

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru opened the mouth.

"If this is not the case, the weak country will be captured by a strong country immediately, and it may be unilaterally dominated, and it also means to contain each other, probably."

Hearing this, the pharmacist opened his mouth and said.

It turns out that...it seems to be the truth.

At this time, except Nara Shikamaru, upon hearing this sentence, such a thought flashed through the minds of the other eight people.

After all, for ninjas, intelligence is really very important.

It also makes perfect sense.

"So, is there a card that records other people's personal information in detail?"

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke seemed to have thought of something suddenly and asked.

"Yes, is there someone who cares about it?"

Regarding this, Yao Shidou raised his head, looked at this boy who was quite unusually calm, and said.

I see, was Haneda Ichiyo's ninja card just now a kind of demonstration?

I didn't make Haneda Ichiyo's ninja card, but Haneda Ichiyo's ninja card appeared, and it was placed on the first one, as if I knew I would use this first ninja card.

However, this ninja card should only respond to my chakra, not the chakra I made, so it should not respond to my chakra.

Is it Taki Chiba?

Or, others don't want me to investigate Taki Chiba's existence?


what else?

All in all, I have to be more careful!

Under the eyes of a certain force, a certain person or a certain organization, I have already been exposed.

While speaking, such a dignified thought flashed through his mind.

Faintly, one of his hearts began to beat faster again.

The sense of tension has already pervaded his entire consciousness!

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