Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2249 Start!


Is that so?

But why did Long Yan do this? What does this kid think?

We are in the same team, even if we do this, hand over the scroll to me, and let everyone know that the scroll is with me, so that I can attract most of the firepower, why?

this child...


Judging by Xing Nai's appearance, she should support Long Yan. It should be said, what are these two children thinking?

It doesn't make any sense to do so.

Not all of them are idiots!

Looking at the gate of No. 1 in front, and the teams that have gone behind them and left towards their respective entrances, leaving only an empty piece of yellow land, Haneda Kazuyo looked at the face beside him involuntarily. Tatsuhiko Haneda, who doesn't want to talk to you and don't talk to me, and Anna Haneda, who has followed suit, but the expression on her face is clearly only cute, with a slight wry smile on her lips.


In the first exam before, what I said aroused Long Yan's fighting spirit to develop in a strange direction.

This expression, according to experience, is not an expression that usually dislikes me, but an expression that competes with me?

Then, after this glance, seeing Haneda Tatsuhiko's expression and the corner of Haneda Kazuyo's mouth, the bitterness became more intense.

At this moment, he could tell that although the child's expression at this time did not seem to be much different from the previous expression on him, in fact, the implication was completely different.

In the past, she simply didn't like, hate, and didn't want to talk to herself, but now, it's obviously a rivalry.

"I said... Long Yan, if you don't want to accept this scroll, you can throw this scroll to me behind the curtain. In this way, under the eyes of everyone, sometimes..."

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo thought for a while, and then said.

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you."

However, as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Tatsuhiko Haneda. After the boy snorted heavily, he turned his head away, as if you don't want to talk to me.

"Hmph! Yes, Brother Yiye, don't talk to us."

In response, Haneda Anna who was on the side chimed in.


In this regard, Haneda Ichiyo suddenly swallowed what he wanted to say in embarrassment.

Even Xing Nai, who is heartless and heartless, stands on his position so strongly, what is this child thinking?


What is the child thinking now!

I don't understand it at all!

I feel that besides the brain circuit of an idiot, I am also not good at the mind of a child.

What's going on.

When Long Yan accepted the scroll, he didn't show any resistance or reluctance! That should be accepted.

Although I am still a little skeptical.

However, it is a sincere acceptance.

He should also understand the purpose of my handing over the scroll to him.

This child doesn't seem to be willful!

From small to large……

At this time, Haneda Kazuyo had already begun to recall, recalling every move and subtle expression of handing the scroll to Long Yan before, and even began to think about whether the part of the observation he participated in was correct when Long Yan was growing up.

Now, he couldn't figure out what the child was thinking at all.

Even, I have a feeling that I did something wrong before or that my previous perception of this child was wrong.

However, although he was full of doubts, he did not continue after all, but maintained respect for the two children who were far away from him.

In the final analysis, he still believed in these two children.

Besides, even if these two children are self-willed, it doesn't matter. He will take care of them. As long as they don't encounter those who are too troublesome, they won't make any mistakes.

It is possible that he has rushed this matter.

These two children are not as prepared as he imagined, and they are not enough to bear the pressure. After all, the two of them are only six or seven-year-old children, and their experience is still very limited. It may be because of the pressure that some children will be willful. Get angry, that's not a big deal.

They are still young, and they still have a lot of potential. In the future, as long as they grow up well, get in touch with this ninja world step by step, and adapt, they will not be able to become the pillars of Caoyin, and even the future of Caoyin Village.

"What should I do? Get angry with Brother Ye, Long Yan, are you sure? If you do this, Brother Ye won't be angry, and won't talk to Xing Nai in the future?"

But at this time, after Haneda Kazuyo resolved the doubts in his mind, Haneda Anna was at the side of the cautious Haneda Tatsuhiko, secretly glanced at Haneda Kazuyo who took two steps forward and walked in front of them , whispered in Tatsuhiko Haneda's ear.

"It's okay, Xing Nai is the cutest, no one will hate Xing Nai."

After hearing this sound and feeling the itching in his ears, Haneda Tatsuhiko's cheeks were slightly hot, and he also whispered in Haneda Anna's ear.


But hearing this sound, Haneda Anna jumped excitedly, her cute little face was full of joy, and she jumped up excitedly.

"Hush! Shh! Don't let that idiot hear you!"

Tatsuhiko Haneda was so frightened that he hurriedly covered her mouth.

These two children are having such a good time, so there shouldn't be any problem.

However, this sound was heard by Haneda Kazuyo after all, and after hearing this sound, the corner of Haneda Kazuyo's mouth still showed a smile after all.


And just at this moment, when the time came, gate No. 1 slowly opened.

"Next, be careful, let's go!"

And after watching the No. 1 entrance fully open, Haneda Kazuyo greeted the two children behind him, and then, with a flash of figure, he left first.

After that, the two children also looked at each other, nodded solemnly, and followed closely.

At this speed, the two children should be able to keep up.

Flying over the branches of the giant tree, Haneda Ichiyo turned away from the two children out of the corner of his eye, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

The next step is to establish a communication network. We need to find a hidden place, where the big guys are more concentrated.

I remember that at least half of them are relatively close to each other, at least they can form a group, so, in the middle...

The rustling wind whistled in his ears, and his brows slowly furrowed.


However, at this moment, when he began to think carefully, his face suddenly changed.

These two children!

Suddenly, with a bang, Haneda Kazuyo stopped on a branch in front of him, and suddenly looked towards his right side.

Just at this time, in the eyes, two petite bodies flew towards other directions.


And at this moment, his face changed drastically again, but his eyes suddenly looked behind him.

"Chick! Chick!"

At this moment, several groups of flames ignited behind him and to the right.

"Boom boom boom!"

Afterwards, the blazing fire suddenly exploded, and the broken wood fell into the air. The road behind him and on the right was blocked by fallen branches!

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