Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2257 What's going on?


Slowly stopping, Haneda Ichiyo with a pensive look on his face turned his head, and glanced at the direction where the two children left, his thoughtful expression was slowly overwhelmed by a strong expression of worry. replaced.

How does it feel that these two children are now facing considerable danger?

In any case, he was more worried than relieved about these two children who were only six or seven years old.

What they did before in public, although they can focus the enemy's attention on him to the greatest extent, but what they attract is everyone's attention, and everyone's thinking and experience are different Well, some people will believe that the Book of Earth is on him, but some people will do the opposite, and at the same time, there are enough reasons to hunt them down.

Haneda Kazuyo knew this without even thinking about it.

After soaking in people's hearts for so many years, the sensitivity to this kind of thing is almost instinctive.

It can be said that the actions of Tatsuhiko Haneda and Anna Haneda basically added a lot of danger to themselves.

Originally, Haneda Kazuyo thought that they would always be with him, so it didn't matter how many people he attracted, he was still sure to protect them in the siege of many teams, at least he couldn't beat them, he could still run.

Moreover, even if all the teams besieged and killed them together, it would probably be a mess. These teams from different ninja villages, if you want to ask about the hatred and resentment between each other, I am afraid that going back five or six generations, they are all They are sworn enemies of each other.

It is impossible for people to be united.

And as long as people are not in harmony during the siege, for Haneda Ichiyo, it is basically the same situation, and there is a turning point.

In other words, not only can he escape, but he can also do something, and even defeat a team or two.

But now, what he didn't expect was that the two children would split up and leave. It looked like he didn't want to protect them at all. Even if he chased after him now, the two children would flee immediately. He chased after them , but not good.

In case, the two children ran around in order to escape from him, they would encounter more danger instead.

After all, this dead forest is almost murderous at every step. In addition to these enemies, the poisonous beasts in this dead forest are also murderous.

At this time, the safest way is to let it go.

It's just that because he didn't expect the two children to act alone, he forgot to explain something to the two children.


And after stopping, Haneda Ichiyo looked around, from the entrance to the present, he also walked a long way, and at this time, he stopped in a relatively large open space.

To tell the truth, for such a large forest, for small humans, as long as the trees are not densely populated, and a little bit of space is left, it will be a fairly large open space.

Calculated in proportion, this is just a gap where several giant trees are far away.

"Xianna, are you afraid?"

At this moment, Haneda Kazuyo looked around and took a deep breath, as if he had thought of something important, and after blinking his eyes, his entire face almost froze.

It seems that it is generally aware of something important that must be noticed but missed.

"Then...Long Yan, did he not lose his combat power at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of Xing Nai, he lost his combat power, or even died?"

Then, a terrifying possibility spewed out of his mouth.

In an instant, his body seemed to stiffen a little.

"Ah... suddenly I'm so worried..."

However, after only a second, his body suddenly relaxed, and the worried and stiff look on his face also changed into that kind of leisurely, heartless look.

Although, what he said were worried words, but his face was full of indifference.

"Well! Forget it, there's no need to worry too much, after all..."

And as the expression on his face changed, his words were neither salty nor bland, and even, it sounded like he had thrown away the worry in his heart at all.


Then, at this very moment, a black light flashed, and he suddenly turned around and drew his sword to slash. Right in front of the arc-shaped sword light, a brilliance belonging to a scorching flame suddenly lit up.

I now……

They were also targeted!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed across.



And at this moment, at this moment, the other side has already attacked, the killing intent has soared, and even the kunai in his hand is about to be thrown, and a lot of glasses men and his companions are prepared to follow up, His face became stiff at the same time.

As their faces stiffened, so did their figures ready to go.

What... what's going on...

My body...can't move!


Yes, I can't feel it!

But in their widened eyes, there was an unbelievable shock.

At this moment, their stiff bodies are not because of their emotions, fear or disbelief, but because they really can't feel their bodies anymore.

In other words, the body is really stiff and I can't feel it anymore.



Then, in this bowed posture, the two slowly fell sideways, and fell heavily on the huge branch.

What... what's going on?

Without the perception of pain, the two of them fell on the branch, almost instinctively wanting to open their mouths, but since they couldn't feel any body parts, they couldn't even open their mouths, let alone speak.

Tongues are stiff.

"Finally, it has taken effect. This kind of poison is good for everything, and the effect is surprisingly good, but the effect is too slow, and it takes a certain amount of time to inhale, otherwise, it will not be able to cause any effect."

At this time, Haneda Tatsuhiko, who had been watching the two from the corner of his eyes, showed a slightly relieved smile.

What he arranged finally worked.

"What's wrong? Long Yan? Does it hurt?"

And at this time, Anna Haneda obviously noticed the change in him, and said in concern, her big eyes were already a little red and swollen.

"It's okay, I'm fine, it's just that the enemy has been defeated by us. Don't worry, just treat it with peace of mind."

Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda strengthened his spirits again, looked at Anna Haneda whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, tried his best to squeeze out a happy smile, and said.


Hearing this, Haneda Anna burst into laughter immediately, although she didn't even look at the enemy, she seemed to believe in Long Yan's words, she already felt that the enemy had been defeated.


In response, Haneda Tatsuhiko nodded heavily.

After being poisoned by this kind of poison, the whole body is paralyzed, and I can't feel anything. In the end, I can't even feel breathing.

Eventually, stop breathing.

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