Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2276 Attack

So fast!

Don't you need to seal it?

The rock spears everywhere are already in front of him, and in just a second, he will be pierced through his chest by countless rock spears like his own clone, and he will give a thorough explanation here.

However, Haneda Ichiyo's focus is not on the critical moment of life and death in front of him, but on the speed of the tiger's iron seal, from the explosion just now, when the smoke rises, to the impact of the explosion at this time. It only takes a second to fly away from the node at a distance of three to five meters, and the Rock Spear Technique has already been activated and is approaching.

That is to say, in just one second, that Hutie can still use such earth escape ninjutsu under the condition of being affected by the shock.

This speed of printing really surprised Haneda Ichiyo.


Then, thinking of this, a black sword light flashed.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

In an instant, the sharp cones of countless rock spears soared into the sky, and the momentum of the countless rock spears piercing through them stopped instantly.

The sword light flashed, and in an instant, before Haneda Ichiyo, there was only a piece of neatly cut rock pillars, except for the scattered rock spear tips in the corner of his eyes.

At this time, the neat rock pillars of these penguins are already one meter away!

With the reaction force of this slash, his retreat speed has actually been accelerated a little.

At the same time, his left hand, which does not hold the sword, has formed the last seal.

Not to be taken lightly!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.


And just at this moment, the impact of Miss Shi, his feet had already landed on the ground, and after two shallow paths were wiped out on the ground, at the moment when the retreating momentum slowed down and stopped, his feet His hands, however, were pressed violently to the ground.


In an instant, the shallow path in front of him suddenly split into two, and a slightly dull black rock wall with a metallic color was right in front of him, blocking him tightly. behind.

"Bang bang tie bang bang!"

And just at the moment when the black rock wall was erected, the moment his eyes were covered in front of him, a series of sounds like gold and iron hitting suddenly sounded on the rock wall.

At this moment, behind the rock wall, on the section of the truncated rock gun, pieces of small rock cones are constantly protruding, and they are constantly ejected, hitting the black rock wall with great force. bang on.


At this moment, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

If there is no such rock wall, I am afraid that he has been beaten into a sieve now. Although I don't know what kind of attack this tiger used, but judging by the strength and the density of the attack, Haneda Kazuyo's ear strength Based on experience and experience, it is not difficult to imagine that a small particle of hard matter is constantly being ejected, impacting its own rock wall.

And he was very aware of the hardness of his rock wall, and he made such a sound when he was hit. Obviously, this kind of attack cannot be resisted by the body.

Without this rock wall, his only end would be to become a hornet's nest.


And at the moment when this thought flashed, Haneda Ichiyo's expression turned one side again, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the ground behind him suddenly exploded.

A figure broke out of the ground.

A fist was already behind his head!

There is no time to think about countermeasures!



Earth escape technique!

At this moment, his mind was almost blank, but such a thought flashed subconsciously.


After that, there was a sound of flesh and flesh colliding, behind the thumping black rock wall, there was a flash of a figure, Haneda Kazuyo who was half squatting on the ground suddenly disappeared in place.


What followed was the sound of a black rock wall vibrating.


Following this sound, a slight cough sounded at the same time.


Then, behind the black rock wall, there was the sound of footsteps landing.

"Crack la la la!"

Afterwards, the blasted debris poured down from midair like heavy rain, and fell behind the black rock wall.

And as the soil fell, before the black rock wall, the constantly impacting stone particles also stopped.

For a moment, the entire small open space was silent.

"Ka... ka ka... ka ka ka ka ka..."

And just at this moment, there was another crackling sound at the stall that had just quieted down.

I saw that at the place where Haneda Ichiyo was pierced by the surrounding rock guns and raised his feet off the ground, the rock guns suddenly cracked, and then, within a second, the cracks spread rapidly. Come on, instantly climb all the rock guns.


In an instant, all the rock spears disintegrated, shattered into pieces, and floated in the air.


And with the disintegration of the rock gun, Haneda Ichiyo, who had been pierced almost all over his body, but the wound did not bleed like at the beginning, fell to the ground in mid-air, and fell to the ground.

At the same time, at this moment, the explosion smoke that blocked his vision also slowly dissipated.

This is……

After losing the cover, his eyes could clearly see the pieces of the slowly shattered rock spears that had been cut off from the cones, and the rock spears that were directly opposite the rock guns were covered with small white Dots of metallic shiny rock gun.

So, the voice just now...

At the same time, between clenched teeth, flashed through his mind was the body that flew back towards him when the explosion exploded, and adjusted its position in mid-air so that its body turned away from him and faced him. Silhouette of man in bandage falling to the ground.

And as the figure settled down, his mind flashed the scene of the man in the bandage stepping on the ground, countless rock spears rising from the ground, rushing straight out of the smoke screen.

After that, the tiger iron raised one hand, and the whole person disappeared in place.


The main body was hit!

And almost subconsciously, he understood what was going on.


When did such a character develop?

Then, following understanding, such a thought flashed through his mind.

From what he saw and heard just now, it is obvious that the strength of this Hutie is simply extraordinary, and his physical skills are probably higher than himself and his own body. In terms of speed, it is also faster than himself who has consumed more than half of his chakra. few.

Not only in terms of physical skills, Hu Tie's earth escape technique is also used superbly, and the speed of forming seals is ridiculously fast.

The power of Tudun is also quite great.

Even his own rock wall can make pits one by one, and the small white spots on the black rock wall are undoubtedly pits one by one.

It shows the power of Hu Tie's earth escape technique.

It is definitely not the power of escapism that ordinary ninjas can possess!


It seems really bad.

However, after that, he had no way to think about it.

Because, his body had already started to melt, and soon, it turned into a viscous liquid mixed with earth color and pale white, and slowly sank into the ground.

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