
Hearing Hu Tetsu's words, Haneda Ichiyo seemed to relax slightly from his originally frowning brows, and such a doubtful thought crossed his mind.

Is it true or false?

Speaking of which, did he say the same thing before?

Then, the slightly loosened brows were wrinkled again, more tightly than before.


At this moment, Hu Tie's head, which was tilted to 90 degrees, began to turn back bit by bit, and the rattling neck made a teeth-stinging sound.

The speech was still broken, as if every word was stuck in the throat, and it was very difficult to utter it.


As I remember, the last thing he said was, counterfeit?



And upon hearing these words, Haneda Ichiyo's face immediately showed a dignified look.


At the same time, when the solemn look appeared on his face, there was a crackling sound of bones in his crossed and sunken hands, as if, under the skin and flesh of these hands, some changes were taking place in the bones of his broken arms.

This should refer to my avatar...

Afterwards, following the sound of bones, Haneda Kazuyo began to think carefully.

In his mind, scenes of the last time Hu Tie spoke came up one after another.

When he spoke at that time, it happened to be when his avatar was pierced and erected. Obviously, this fake, counterfeit was referring to his avatar.

The thing that is being pierced and erected is not his own body, but his avatar.

Obviously, this is what Hu Tie saw, and he used the double body technique to replace the avatar that was prepared when he jumped off the tree. This counterfeit refers to his avatar.

And here, it was Haneda Ichiyo himself who jumped down, but at the moment of penetration, Haneda Ichiyo cast a substitute technique that he had prepared long ago. As for the avatar of the stand-in, he had already prepared it when he jumped off.

After all, is there any danger?

How could he go to investigate unsuspectingly when the early warning system was triggered.

Everything is prepared.

However, although the ninjutsu of substitute technique is very convenient in many cases, and it can turn the world around if used well, but in the battle with higher level, the effect is smaller, and it may even have zero effect, or even reverse it. be used by the enemy.

After all, this stand-in technique seems to be easy to use, but in fact it is still very limited. For example, the range of the stand-in can’t be too far away from oneself, it must be nearby. Secondly, when replacing, the speed is not as fast as space ninjutsu. , it is very likely that people will witness the replacement process, and thus be judged where the substitute will be placed.

Instead, they will be attacked by surprise, lose the advantages they have worked so hard to build, and even be killed by one blow when they are caught off guard.

It can be said that in high-level ninja battles, the double-sided nature of the substitute technique becomes more and more obvious.

If one is not careful, he will lose or even die because of the substitute technique.

Therefore, generally speaking, in high-end battles, substitutes are rarely used, and how many physical clones are used to lure the enemy.

But if used well, it can also be unexpected and achieve the effect of reversing the situation.

Of course, the use this time can only be said to be so-so, after all, it was seen through at the first time, and then it was beaten a series of passives.

However, at any rate, a fatal crisis was avoided.

Haneda Kazuyo still felt very lucky.

"Chi Chi... Chi Chi..."

And at this moment, clusters of light green light slowly lit up on Haneda Ichiyo's hands and near his back, and in an instant, strands of light green light appeared at the place covered by the light green light. white gas.

Following the green light and white air, his arm began to reset little by little, and the sunken and twisted part began to recover visible to the naked eye.


What if, this counterfeit and counterfeit does not refer to my clone?

Feeling that his injury was recovering rapidly, Haneda Ichiyo suddenly let go of his originally frowning brows.

The expression on his face sank.

Like a drop of ink, it sank.

"Fake...fake... counterfeit!"

But at this moment, Hu Tie in front suddenly roared angrily, and with a bang, the soil under his feet exploded suddenly, and at the moment the soil exploded, his figure, Disappeared in place.


At the same time, the green light on Haneda Ichiyo's hands was extinguished in the wind like a candle, but those hands had recovered completely, with no signs of injury at all, and even some scratches had new skin. Tender skin that is clearly distinguished from skin in other areas.

But looking at Hu Tie who disappeared in front of his eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Then, his hands were suddenly pressed to the ground.


In an instant, a black rock wall in front of him, which was exactly the same as the one behind him, suddenly rose up and blocked him.


However, before the rock wall was completely raised, a ball of blazing white light exploded half a meter in front of him.


In an instant, the trees in this area were illuminated, and the violent explosion turned into strong winds, and even the huge primitive giant trees began to tremble slightly under the impact of the strong wind. And with this trembling, the branches all over the area began to tremble.

"Papa papa!"

Then, in the next moment, there was a crackling sound, sounding from the black rock wall that had not yet completely risen.

Like a shower of rain on glass.


And at this moment, the top of Haneda Kazuyo's head was also like a shower, and the soil and gravel roared down, hitting the black rock wall behind him continuously, and at the same time, he rushed towards Haneda Kazuyo smashed the top of his head off.


Where exactly will it be?

However, Haneda Ichiyo just raised his hands symbolically to cover it, but his eyes were cruising on his left and right sides, that is, the unshielded parts of the two rock walls, as well as above and below.

Obviously, he didn't believe that this explosion could really stop this bandaged man named Hu Tie.

And from the battle just now, he also knew very well how difficult and terrifying this Hutie was.

Especially, now, he has been vaguely aware of it.

For the series of behaviors of Hutie before, he could only passively defend that call, and even now he is still passively defending, maybe he is not very delicate.



His series of attacks, probably, were all instinctive!


And without thinking!

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