"Wait! You bearded man, wait a minute!"

In the sudden sound of footsteps, before Tatsuhiko Haneda could say anything, a female voice with a little eagerness and anxiety suddenly sounded above his head.


It seems that there is no need to worry.

Then, subconsciously, Haneda Tatsuhiko thought of such a thought.


But at this time, because of the sound of footsteps, I don't know when I was already in my hand, so I was about to throw it out, no, I was about to let go of my hand almost immediately, and a beard of Kuwu flew out, and the whole person was already in embarrassment. over there.


Seeing the bearded man standing still, the three of them on the branch protruding above Haneda Tatsuhiko's head wiped off their sweat almost unanimously.

"Say the code."

Then, a female ninja who was the leader among the three spoke.

"No, I don't think so."

In this regard, the two bearded teammates saw this situation, and the three familiar people who were looking at the branches said in unison.

Immediately, the bearded man became even more embarrassed.

I also don't think so.

Seeing the more embarrassing appearance of the bearded man, Tatsuhiko Haneda finally swallowed the words in his mouth, and just said this secretly in his heart.

However, despite saying so, the two teams finally got the code right and confirmed each other's identities.

Then, after confirming their identities, the newcomers also consciously joined in the work of preparing the feast.

It seems that there is no worry about being attacked here, and everyone looks a little lazy.

It seems that there are really many powerful enemies in this Zhongnin exam.

In this regard, looking at this scene, Haneda Tatsuhiko didn't mean to join in at all, he just jumped up, climbed to a sufficient height on the horizontal branches, and began to be vigilant for everyone.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Judging from the state of the crowd, in his heart, he had a certain preliminary understanding of the opponents of this exam, some of whom he had never seen before.

From the actions of these partners of their own, it can be seen how powerful the opponents they have encountered before have not fought.

He is very aware of the strength of his partners. Although they may not be as good as some excellent ninjas from other Ninja Villages, especially the Great Ninja Village, they are by no means unsuspecting to the point of forgetting even the most basic vigilance. .

Their ninja quality and experience are guaranteed, otherwise, the village would not choose them to take this Zhongnin exam.

So, if this is the case, why did it cause the current situation where even the warning is forgotten.

The only possibility is that they were all in shock before, but now that they have joined together, their hearts suddenly relaxed, and the tight string was finally let go because of the reunion. Because of the sudden relaxation, they forgot these most basic things .

And the only reason why their nerves are tense is that the enemies they encountered before were more powerful than they imagined, and just passing them by caused great pressure on their psychology .

It's not that they are timid, or that they are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Rather, because of the opponent's beyond imagination and the mission they are carrying, under this double pressure, they will always be tense, tense to the verge of losing their minds.

It's not that their mental quality is not enough.


They Caoyin Village cannot fail in this Chunin exam.

They have no way out.

Originally, this kind of pressure, psychological pressure, this kind of pressure with no retreat, was not something they could bear.

After all, they are just forbearance.

Even if one is eligible to become a Chunin, one must pass the exam.

After all, not everyone is born to be a ninja like the various geniuses and greats.

Some people can only become ninjas just because of the village's strategy, and they just happen to have a little bit of talent in learning ninjutsu, taijutsu, and illusion, so they become ninjas along the way.

And some people just chose the profession of ninja. Compared with farmers and businessmen, they have a stable job.

After all, in the era of war, although ninja is the most life-threatening profession, it is also the most dangerous profession, but at least after the war, if you are lucky enough to survive, you can have a very generous subsidy for ordinary people, and you can marry a wife and have children , can make that child's life better, even if he dies in battle, the village also has a considerable compensation and support policy, and the things behind him can be somewhat guaranteed.

Not everyone can be fearless.

Even, the vast majority of people, even trained ninjas, are just ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this, because the vast majority of people are ordinary people, that the rising stars and ninjas who have been famous for a long time during the war are so dazzling.

It can be said that this is normal.

In other words, the low-level mistakes of the two teams in the village are not due to their lack of quality, but because of external factors, which put too much pressure on them and made them abnormal.

However, it’s okay to be out of order. After the tense nerves suddenly relax, they always have to give them a buffer time before they can tense again with high quality.

At this time, it would be good for him to help them make up for their mistakes.

Moreover, these familiar voices and familiar people below, as long as they can see that they are safe and sound, Tatsuhiko Haneda is already very satisfied.

As for the rest.

It's not unimportant, it's not as important as these.

At least, in his opinion, it's the best now.

"Speaking of which, Longyan, how is Yiye?"

And at this time, the female ninja who was leading the bearded helper suddenly thought of something, raised her head, looked at Long Yan, and asked.

"have no idea."

Hearing this sound, Tatsuhiko Haneda, who was about to smile because of inner satisfaction, immediately stiffened his small face, and responded very bluntly.

"He should be able to handle it. Now, many people should be attracted by him."

Regarding this, the female ninja seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and ignored Haneda Tatsuhiko's unhappy words, but asked again.

"Ah... Eldest sister is starting to worry about Yiye again."

"As expected, there is only one leaf... why, I feel like crying."

"Although he scolded fiercely, he was still worried after all."

But at this time, upon hearing this sound, the others immediately booed.

"Shut up!"

However, this booing was quickly suppressed by the female ninja's back roar, which was suppressed by all the domineering ones.

Immediately, everyone including the bearded man fell silent, not daring to say a word.


At this time, Tatsuhiko Haneda sighed, and said: "Don't worry, his strength is unfathomable. Even the ninja you meet cannot be his opponent, only the opponent is unlucky."


In this regard, the smile on the female ninja's face was obvious, but she immediately suppressed it with a straight face.

"Very good!"

In her mouth, she breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Sister Aju, it's better not to miss him, have you forgotten that super beautiful sister Yunyin?"

Then, as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Haneda Tatsuhiko's words, which seemed to be a blow to his heart, passed on with a kind of childlike innocence.

In an instant, everyone around suddenly shuddered, and all of them crouched on the spot, stiff and unable to move.

And the eyes suddenly fell on the face of the female ninja.

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