Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2312 nothing

"Hey, Kay."

After glancing at the watermelon-headed man in green tights, Kakashi seemed to have really not heard what the man said just now. After speaking, his eyes fell on the original position again, and there seemed to be something in his mouth. Muttered.


Hearing this sound, the watermelon-headed man in the green tights who was still thinking about it in his heart turned around immediately, and there was a subconscious sound of doubt in his mouth.

And this man is none other than Hinata Ningji's team, the leader of Konoha's eighth squad, Jonin, Maitekai.

"That Haneda Kazuyo is really... exactly the same!"

But at this time, Kakashi's emotional voice came leisurely.

"Ichiyo Haneda?"

Hearing this, Maitekai was slightly taken aback, and then followed Kakashi's gaze, and when his gaze settled, his face suddenly became serious.

"Is this the Haneda Ichiyo who caused the discussion in the village before the exam? Really, it's exactly the same!"

Then, under a rare serious look, Maitekai said so.


Regarding this, Kakashi nodded, but his eyes were not separated from Haneda Kazuyo.

Even the tone of voice sounded a bit dissociated, but the affirmative words were somewhat perfunctory.

Really are……

It was exactly the same as when Chiba left!

But at this time, such an excited and somewhat difficult thought flashed through his mind.

As for Chiba, I am afraid that after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, apart from the Third Hokage and a very small number of ninjas, he is probably the only one who has seen it.

And this hair is gray and white, with only one left eye exposed, exactly the same as the boy in his memory who walked away in the sunshine.

Although more than ten years have passed since that scene, he still remembers it clearly.

He knew very well how heavy the boy was carrying, but he didn't know why that boy was able to puff up his chest and resolutely do something that he didn't need to do at that time.

Why, he would proceed to the next task without stopping, and it was a task that he had not returned to the village for more than ten years, instead of choosing to recuperate.

Now, after becoming the teacher of the seventh class, looking at the innocent faces of those children, he understood something.

The reason why that boy would do this, and the reason why he can still do that, is entirely because this boy has never been defeated.

Even though he suffered huge physical and mental trauma, even though there was no one behind him, he still insisted on his own path.

This young man just wants to protect the person he wants to protect, and prevent the tragedy that happened to him from happening to anyone.

Therefore, even with great sadness and pain that cannot be healed, he was still able to leave with his head held high.

Even the sun is attracted by him.

"However, he is not Chiba."

At this time, after hearing Kakashi's perfunctory words, Maitekai spoke again, but he shook his head.

Indeed, this Haneda Ichiba looks very similar to Chiba, and is very similar to the boy who was out of control after a Chunin exam and became one of Konoha's most dazzling characters.

However, he is not Chiba.

"Ok, I know."

And hearing this sound, Kakashi nodded again, and said so.

This time, there was no perfunctory meaning.

Indeed, this Haneda Ichiyo is not Chiba, Kakashi is also very sure about this.

Even if he received the news that that person was coming back soon.

However, this Haneda Ichiba is not Chiba.

It's not because this Haneda Ichiba is a ninja of Kusanagi, and the real Chiba will not betray Konoha's superficial cognition, but, from this Haneda Yiye's eyes, they can't see any Chiba shadow.


From this Haneda Ichiyo's eyes, all they could see was a kind of indifference, as if they didn't care about anything.

However, Qianye's eyes will not show this kind of emotion. At first glance, Qianye's eyes are always a little gloomy, or like the sea, which cannot be guessed. , still unpredictable, all with a touch of warmth.

With a reassuring warmth.

And this kind of indifference of Haneda Yiye will only make people feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

It's like, two people look exactly the same, but the soul inside is completely different.

In comparison, this Haneda Ichiyo undoubtedly looks scarier.

After these words, the two of them didn't speak any more, they just looked at Haneda Kazuyo and remained silent.

It seems that they are all reminiscing about something.

I didn't expect that there were so many left, and most of the newcomers remained, and there was even a guy who was exactly the same from appearance to impact.

No wonder, they all scramble to recommend it?

But at this time, the third Hokage standing in front of him glanced here without a trace, and such a thought passed through his mind.

"Next, Hokage-sama will introduce the third experiment! Please listen carefully."

At this moment, Mitarai Anko also spoke, and handed over the conversation to Sandai Hokage.

"Then, Hokage-sama, please."

Having said that, Mitarai Anko turned around and bowed slightly towards the Third Hokage.

Indicates that we can start.


Regarding this, Sandai Hokage restrained his thoughts, nodded, and solemnly responded.

"The third experiment will start next. Before I introduce it, I must explain one thing clearly to you."

Then, he straightened his face, and after walking a few steps forward, he spoke like this.

And this sentence immediately attracted the attention of the ninjas who were thinking about it below.

"This matter is the real purpose of this exam, the reason why we have to take the exam with the allies!"

Afterwards, seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, the Third Hokage didn't talk nonsense and continued.

The reason why you want to take the exam with the Allies?

And hearing this, everyone was startled.

Talk about this directly and honestly?

What medicine does Hokage sell?

At the same time, among the few ninjas who knew the meaning behind the Chunin Exam, such a thought flashed through them in unison.

"If you think that this test is for the friendly coexistence among the allies and to improve the level of ninjas, then you are misunderstood!"

And at this time, the undisguised pungent language of the Third Hokage also sounded again.


And hearing this, except for those minority factions, especially the newcomers of Konoha, almost all of them were shocked.

Isn't it...?

At the same time, their heads are short-circuited.


Seeing the reaction below, the corners of Third Hokage's mouth slightly raised, as if he had expected the current situation.

"This test can be said to be the epitome of the battle between the Allies!"

Then, he took a deep breath, raised his voice an octave, and spoke extremely solemnly.

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