Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2318 Random

"Then, let's start the first round now, cough! Except for the two opponents, please move to the second floor."

Seeing the first group of opponents standing in front of him, Yueguang Galefeng glanced at the various arrays behind him, and said immediately.

And hearing this sound, everyone turned around quickly, each picked a position, or walked in twos, or went in a group, or walked alone, and each walked up to the second floor, giving the opponent made room.

Afterwards, after all the contestants went up to the second floor, the third Hokage, the guides, and other irrelevant personnel also started to go up the second floor one after another.

"Hey! Kakashi-sensei!"

And at this time, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, who had not gone to the place where Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno were on the second floor because he was worried about Sasuke Uchiha, suddenly burst into shouts of excitement from Naruto Uzumaki.

Haruno Sakura looked intently, but it was her teacher, Kakashi walking over here.

"Sasuke...don't use Sharingan."

At the same time, during this sound, Kakashi had already stood behind Uchiha Sasuke, and said this sentence lightly from his mouth.


And hearing Kakashi's voice suddenly sounded from behind, Uchiha Sasuke was slightly taken aback.

"You know it!"

Then, such a sentence came out of his mouth.

"Once the curse seal on your neck runs away, you will die,"

And at this time, hearing Uchiha Sasuke's pretendingly relaxed words, Kakashi said in a deep voice.

"I think so."

Uchiha Sasuke, who heard this, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a solemn look flashed across his face, and he said involuntarily.

Judging from the last outbreak of the curse seal, he is also very clear about the impact of this curse seal on himself.

This point, he knows.

"However, it's okay. The exam will be suspended at that time. I will stop you. Please take care of me then."

Regarding this, it seemed that he knew that Uchiha Sasuke would say that, but Kakashi's words turned relaxed again, and he opened his mouth.

But in this Uchiha's house, he was stunned when he heard this sound, and when he heard footsteps, he already put his hands in his pockets and walked leisurely to the second floor.



Afterwards, when the footsteps faded away, Uchiha Sasuke's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked in the direction Kakashi left, and such a surprised thought crossed his mind.


Then, in the next second, his right hand suddenly covered the back of his left shoulder, and he was about to groan, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and held it back.

Has the pain gone yet?


It should hurt from time to time!

But in his mind, there was only one thought left at this time.

It seems that the curse mark is very painful.

And at this time, the red armor on the opposite side keenly captured the slight changes on Uchiha Sasuke's face, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, it seems that this curse seal should react to my chakra,

If I accidentally gather chakra, he will take away my spirit and trigger all the chakra in my body, which will endanger my life.

Therefore, this exam is not only about Sharingan, I can't even use ordinary spells casually...

At the same time, Sasuke Uchiha did not notice the sneer of the red armor. After all, at this time, the red armor was wearing sunglasses and black cloth to cover his face, which can be said to cover the facial expressions to the maximum extent. Fighting with pain, it's simply impossible to notice.

And in his heart, he was thinking about it.

Already, he was synthesizing the information he had obtained and began to think about the next battle.


There is no confusion in the eyes, and no fear of being at a disadvantage... Really, a pair of beautiful eyes!

And at this time, Minotonoken, who had already walked up to the second floor, directed Jōnin, that handsome man, his eyes fell on Uchiha Sasuke at this time, and he couldn't help admiring him in his heart.

At the same time, looking at those clear black pupils in his eyes, the greed in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

However, armor's ability is the worst for you!


Next, can you give me more surprises?

And as the greedy look flashed away, such a thought flashed through the mind of Yinyin's guidance jounin.


Speaking of surprises for me, there is another person, what kind of surprises will he give me?

But thinking of this, the gaze of the Yinyin instructor, Jonnin, suddenly swept across the opposite Yuyin's man in the bamboo hat, and such a thought almost subconsciously flashed in his heart.

Although I don't know why, the Haneda family will appear in Caoyin Village, but if they can quietly usurp the power of Caoyin Village within a few years, even the name of the country of grass will be compromised.

Then, the only one who can do this is that Taki Chiba.

Among the Haneda clan, the most suspicious one is undoubtedly this Haneda Kazuyo.

At the moment when Taki Chiba is still alive, this Haneda Kazuyo who looks exactly like Taki Chiba is most likely to be him.

Maybe others don't know, but according to Taki Chiba's habit, he just likes to use smoke bombs, and he perfectly uses people's vacillating guesses about the affairs in the smoke screen to achieve his own goals.

Why does this Haneda Yiye and Taki Chiba look exactly the same.

Moreover, he was sent out to participate in this Chunin exam in a fair and honest manner, and served as an envoy to contact Konoha.

This in itself is a smoke bomb.

If Taki Chiba announced his death in order to hide and become a non-existent person, then why did he deliberately place an identical Haneda Ichiba in Caoyin Village?

This is exactly the same, it is a smoke screen!

Faced with this smoke bomb, those who knew that he was still alive had two guesses.

One, this Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba.

Two, this Haneda Yiye is not Taki Chiba.

And in this, people will think, if it is one, then why does Taki Chiba still maintain his appearance, isn't it easier to hide himself by not maintaining his appearance?

So, does it mean that Haneda Ichiba is not Taki Chiba, it is just a coincidence, the similar looks, even Taki Chiba intentionally, so that everyone's eyes are attracted to Haneda Yiye.

This is conspiracy.

And if you think that Haneda Ichiba is not Taki Chiba, then, could it be that Taki Chiba is using rebellious psychology? Because this Haneda Ichiba looks exactly like Taki Chiba, everyone will think that Taki Chiba would not use such a clumsy disguise. Is this Haneda Ichiba the same as Taki Chiba?

As a result, everyone was vacillating and couldn't believe it, and in the end, Taki Chiba's goal was accomplished.

As the thought flashed by, a sneer appeared on the corner of Yin Yin's mouth guiding Jonin.

Then, why don't I take advantage of his ideas and create two "selves" to show this Haneda Kazuyo?

If it is Taki Chiba, then he must know something, he must be confused and doubtful because of the two "I", and he must use some method to confirm it.

If so, what method did he take to confirm which one is me!

Then, Haneda Ichiba is Taki Chiba!

And amidst the sneer, Yin Yin guided Jonin's mind, thinking like this.


What about Kazuyo Haneda?

However, when he thought of this, he was stunned. At this moment, he subconsciously searched for the location of Haneda Kazuyo, so as to confirm whether Haneda Kazuyo was doing anything.

but none.

Haneda Ichiyo is gone, everywhere, gone!

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