Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2323 Implied


Is that so?

So, was it seen as the ontology?

Hearing Haneda Ichiyo's words, the stiff expression on Orochimaru's face slowly eased away.

Obviously, he has already understood where his problem lies.

And as he understood his problem, the tension in his heart calmed down.

After all, it seems that the reason why he exudes murderous aura is not simply because he remembered something that he didn't want to think about, or didn't want to be known by a junior like Haneda Kazuyo, and even, this is actually not a big reason.

What really made him lose his composure, or the important reason why he lost his composure, was because Haneda Kazuyo had discovered his real body, and this was not a bluff.

It's because the information Haneda Ichiyo knows is very thorough.

Very understanding of his situation.

This kind of being known so thoroughly by others made him overreact.

That's right, from Haneda Kazuyo's words, he didn't actually care that Haneda Kazuyo guessed his real body, what he cared about was how Haneda Kazuyo guessed his real body.

And indeed, he cares about Sharingan very much.

After all, those eyes almost negated the efforts of countless geniuses, including him.

With just one glance, an arm was cut off by the owner of those eyes, Uchiha Itachi.

It was also from that time that his interest in Sharingan, which was originally very interested in Sharingan, gradually caught up with his interest in Immortal Ninjutsu. He even cooperated with Danzo again to study Write a round of sharing.

Until, in this plan, he heard the news that the only descendant of the Uchiha clan that survived in Konoha had opened Sharingan.

Then, almost without considering the consequences, he sneaked into this Chunin exam to test this Uchiha Sasuke's Sharingan.

After the test, he was deeply fascinated by these eyes.

Like his elder brother, this Uchiha Sasuke's eyes and pupil power, although still very young, are so pure and excellent, and over time, they will surely grow to be not inferior to his elder brother's eyes.

Unconsciously, he cared a little too much.

However, if it is because of this reason that the main body and the substitute are seen, then this is still acceptable.

After all, if he was discovered like this, it was because he had lost his composure first. If he had disguised himself well and paid attention to showing his attention in a less obvious manner, then this Haneda Kazuyo would still have no way of seeing it.

Being discovered was due to his own reasons, not because the other party was too powerful.

"So, that's it."

And at this time, seeing Orochimaru's calmed expression, Haneda Ichiyo's eyes slowly fell on the boy on the first floor with a slightly stiff face, who was looking at the opponent in front of him solemnly.

Am I overestimating Orochimaru?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.


As for Haneda Ichiyo's words, although Orochimaru's expression softened, he didn't say anything, just sneered.

However, this silent appearance can be regarded as an indirect agreement with Haneda Kazuyo's words.

The explanation is quite accurate.

Indeed, it is enough to confirm that I am the main body, but I can't believe him yet.

It is far from impossible!

At this time, such a thought flashed through Dashewan's mind.

"Don't you believe me yet? Then, tell me, how can I prove that I am Taki Chiba?"

And at this time, as if he had seen through his mind, Haneda Kazuyo turned around with a half-smile, looked at Orochimaru, and said so.

"You are Taki Chiba, what does it have to do with me if you are not Taki Chiba?"

Hearing this sound, Orochimaru tilted his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said so.

what is the relationship?

As soon as this sentence came out, Haneda Kazuyo was taken aback.

"Yeah, what's the matter? I'm Otonoshi's instructor Jonin. Otonoshio took the exam strictly according to Konoha's exam rules, but there was no pleasure or disrespect for the rules. Oh, yes, From just now, I don't know what you're talking about? I'm just an ordinary Otogakure Jōnin, how can I compare with that Orochimaru, and, Orochimaru is Konoha's rebellious ninja, you Caoyin Village Doubt me, this is already a kind of slander."

Then, Orochimaru said suddenly.

In the words, he took a bite back.

Indeed, on the bright side, he is still Otokage's mentor, Jonin.

Konoha probably hasn't doubted Otonin's guidance, Jonin.

However, this should also be maintaining his own plan! You can't show your flaws on the bright side.

In a sense, this should mean that he has already begun to believe that I am Taki Chiba.

But at this time, Haneda Kazuyo was not angry when he heard the abrupt and seemingly illogical words, on the contrary, he reacted immediately.

This sentence of Orochimaru seems to be a denial, throwing away the premise of the previous open and honest conversation, and it even sounds completely contradictory, the mouth is not right, it looks like a clumsy cheating.

However, this is also open and honest, but the true meaning of this sentence is not denial.

Orochimaru said this, although he did not believe that he was Taki Chiba, but more, it was to tell him one thing.

He is still sure.

He is still sure about the plan he wants to make in Konoha.

Even if it is you Haneda Ichiba, or Taki Chiba, he is sure to complete his plan.

He mentioned his identity as Yin Yin's guide to Shinobi, and he emphasized that Yin Yin Village did not break the rules, which undoubtedly showed his current existence, and he could not even move the leaves. After all, it is a country. Between countries, even between big countries and small countries, there are bottom lines and rules that cannot be touched.

For example, in the current situation, Yinyin Village did not break the rules. Even if Yinyin Village did something secretly, Konoha could only focus on prevention and never take the initiative to do it.

Once, without any evidence or reason in Akari, Konoha suddenly moved the people who took the Chunin exam in Caoyin Village, then if this matter is resolved, Konoha will still have to compensate Yinyin Village afterwards.

If it is not handled properly, Konoha's prestige and reputation will be greatly damaged, especially in the small country Xiaonin Village, and will be labeled as a bully. In the future, no matter the small country or the big country, they will be able to attack on this point Konoha will even affect the Nation of Fire, and the reputation will decline, but it will be affected in many aspects, especially the part related to the economy, and the ninja is a military organization after all, and money is the lifeblood of everything after all.

And this is light.

If it is serious, I am afraid that many countries will use this as an excuse to declare war on Konoha and the Nation of Fire, and give the restless country and Ninja Village an excuse to attack Konoha openly.

In other words, no matter what, Konoha is a loser.

Orochimaru means, now, let alone whether you are Taki Chiba, even if you are Taki Chiba, you can't move me.

Even, the whole Konoha can only guard against him, and cannot move him!

Orochimaru, this is a demonstration!

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