Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2326 Tatsuhiko Haneda's Thoughts

That should be Otonokushi's mentor, Jonnin.

Stupid Yiye said something to him, which made him uneasy.

Glancing at Haneda Kazuyo who came back, Haneda Ryuhiko's eyes moved away from the two people off the court who had already collided with each other when Moonlight Hayate announced "Start", and fell on Haneda Kazuyo who had just sneaked away In the past, and then there was a conversation with Orochimaru.

From just now to now, Haneda Tatsuhiko's peripheral vision has never left Haneda Ichiyo, and has been watching his every move.

And since the disbandment just now, this idiot Ichiyo deliberately fell behind him and Xingnai, and while everyone was not paying attention, he sneaked behind that Otonogakure instructor Jonnin.

Then, there was a conversation.

Because at that time, this idiot Yiye was very carefully observing the surroundings, so he didn't pay too much attention to that side, lest this idiot Yiye find out. In a sense, now he doesn't want this idiot Yiye to know He is paying attention.

But now, idiot Yiye came back, and he turned his head to look, although the Yinyin guide Jonnin still had no expression at all, but he could see that from the Yinyin guidance, the ninja was a little erratic From the corner of his eyes, it could be seen that this time, Yinyin's mentor, Jonin, was already a little restless.

And this Yinyin guide Jonnin, he was still able to maintain a calm look just now. Although he was occasionally surprised, the communication between the two seemed to be ordinary chatting, and even the deliberate gaze of the two would focus on their attention. His eyes turned to the two people below who were about to start fighting.

It seemed that the two just happened to come to one place, and then started talking naturally, as if they were talking about the two who were about to fight below, there was nothing suspicious at all.

It's just that there was a place where they seemed to be a little excited. In the weird silence, the atmosphere over there instantly attracted some sensitive people, but it disappeared quickly, making people feel almost an illusion.

However, what is certain is that the relationship between the two of them was quite tense just now, and they must have talked about something very important.

Moreover, it is something that makes this Otonokushi guide Jonin very nervous.

Generally speaking, both of them are very suspicious.

Seeing Otonoken's jominin's uneasy state, Tatsuhiko Haneda was actually a little worried.

Yes, there is some concern.

That night, when they accidentally heard the conversation between this idiot Yiye and his teacher Heyin, Xing Nai actually only heard part of it, but he listened relatively completely.

Xing Nai heard that people in the village would suffer casualties in the second experiment, and then, because it was time to sleep, she dozed off and fell asleep on her shoulders soon.

She didn't hear the second half.

However, he could hear clearly.

At that time, Teacher Heyin was actually suspicious of Haneda Ichiyo, and from their conversation, Haneda Tatsuhiko knew that the village had been investigating Haneda Ichiyo, this idiot Ichiyo, had always been a subject of suspicion.

At that time, Teacher Heyin also said bluntly that she suspected that Haneda Yiye was using the power of Caoyin Village, and even the death of the original leader was directly related to Haneda Yiye. It is very likely that Haneda Yiye killed the original leader , and contributed to the change of the regime, and even the closure of the Kingdom of Grass, it was all the work of this idiot Ichiyo.

Moreover, Teacher Heyin asked clearly how much she could trust this idiot.

Tatsuhiko Haneda still remembered that at that time, the idiot Ichiyo sighed, and remained silent for a long time, until he became nervous, for fear that the idiot Ichiyo would say something that would subvert his cognition.

However, in the end, although this idiot Yiye didn't answer directly, he still said something to reassure him and Teacher Heyin.

At that time, the idiot Yiye said.

"If I caused the incident, then I will definitely ensure the safety of everyone in Caoyin Village to the greatest extent, even if it costs my life."

Tatsuhiko Haneda remembered very clearly that when the idiot Ichiyo said this, he was quite serious.


It is extremely serious.

And this was the only time, the only time he had heard this idiot Yiye make a promise.

Moreover, it was an extremely solemn promise, even to the point of giving one's life.

At that time, he suddenly felt relieved.

He knew very well that idiot Yiye looked very black-bellied, and indeed he was also very black-bellied. He was never trustworthy in what he said and did, and there were often people under his hands who suffered greatly because they believed in him.

However, he knew that idiot Yiye was just a person who didn't make promises easily.

It wasn't because he was afraid of taking responsibility. If he was afraid of taking responsibility, the village's financial power would not be in the hands of this idiot Yiye.

Rather, because this idiot Yiye, as long as it is a promise, he will definitely go all out to fulfill it.

And at that time, this idiot made a promise in one leaf.

Haneda Tatsuhiko believed that this idiot Ichiyo would definitely do it.

And, without a doubt.

However, this also made him a little worried, even if a person like idiot Yiye had to guarantee it with his life, then how big this matter would be.

And this matter has no direct relationship with the mentor Jonin who provoked this Yin Yin now.

It was all Haneda Tatsuhiko wanted to know.

Perhaps, this is a common problem of smart people who always want to know everything, especially when it comes to things that they think are important.

However, Tatsuhiko Haneda knew very well that Mr. Heyin didn't even ask about this matter, so it was even more impossible for him.

He only knows now that idiot Yiye has his own big plan, and this big plan is very dangerous, and it is a big plan that he has to work hard for.

Kusakashi's participation in the Chunin exam is only a part of this grand plan.

And he couldn't get this big plan out of idiot Yiye.

He is far inferior to this idiot Yiye, otherwise he wouldn't be punished by him often.

Moreover, even if he could get it out, he didn't want to and couldn't.

This plan may not be known to them.

Now, all he can do is wait helplessly.

This made him very unhappy and troubled.

"Is it quite capable?"

And at this moment, when Tatsuhiko Haneda was struggling, behind him, Kazuyo Haneda suddenly spoke softly.

Subconsciously, Tatsuhiko Haneda looked down.

"This is!"

Almost at the same time, there was a burst of exclamation from around.


Then, there was a sound of kicking the chin.

Uchiha Sasuke, who was originally at a disadvantage, kicked the naked armored chin.

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