Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2366 Judgment


must return!

Listening to the voice of Anna Haneda, it shouldn't have caused much damage, at most it was a delay!

Looking at the thunder and fire in the white mist ahead, and hearing the cry of pain, Ichiro Ichiro's face suddenly became serious, and there was even a slight sweat on his forehead.

He knew exactly what this meant.

Although Haneda Anna got the trick, it told him that even if he used the tactics of pressing the bottom of the box, the hope of dealing with her is quite slim.


And just after such a thought flashed in his mind, Ichiro Ikeda was also decisive. Immediately, he supported himself with one hand, and his half-kneeling posture immediately turned into a flying retreat, and the whole person quickly moved towards the other half that was not covered by the white mist. fly back.


At this moment, the white mist covering half of the field in front of him, as if suddenly swept by a strong wind, suddenly collapsed from the place where the thunder and fire burst out with a muffled sound.


With a crisp sound, the moment the white mist dissipated, the ground under it split open suddenly, and a figure, with lightning flames, dragged out a jet-black smoke tail, and in an instant, it had already swept to where Ichiro Ikeda was. s position.

If Ichiro Ichiro slowed down by a second, I'm afraid he would have been knocked into the air by now, and judging by the momentum, I'm afraid that under this blow, he might be crushed to death.

However, even if he had anticipated it in advance, or made preparations in advance, at this moment, in front of his eyes, the face of the girl who was covered with thunder and fireworks was only half a meter away.

And that small fist that could make a "bang" sound through the air was no more than two or three body distances away from him, and he was still flying back in mid-air at this time, although his figure was gradually getting bigger and bigger. Falling is already a downward trend, but he is still in mid-air and has nowhere to borrow strength, and even if he can borrow strength, he will not have time to borrow strength at this moment.

In other words, he could no longer avoid it.

In the next second, the punch will land on his face without any suspense!

You still have time!

However, at this moment, seeing that the fist was about to hit, there was no way to avoid it, there was no way to avoid it, Ichiro Ikeda did not have any look of fear on his face, on the contrary, his face showed a seriousness towards the enemy.

Clearly, he hasn't given up hope.

And at this moment, he suddenly raised two fingers.


In an instant, Haneda Xingna, whose body was full of lightning and fireworks, lost all her charming expression, and suddenly changed her expression, and a trace of vigilance suddenly flashed in those eyes that could no longer see any innocence.

At the same time, her gaze subconsciously looked down.

From this point of view, time seems to be frozen.

At this moment, under her figure and above the ground, a detonating talisman almost the same color as the ground seemed to be taped and pasted on the ground, and suddenly burned.

And at this moment, she was in mid-air, and she couldn't stop her forward momentum, no, let alone stop, even deflecting with force was already impossible.


Perfectly stuck in time.


Then, the next moment, the familiar fire and smoke exploded again, and with a bang, the shock wave of the explosion immediately lifted her body in mid-air. Because of the angle, this time, she was not directly engulfed, but was swept away by the shock wave. She was blocked, castrated completely, the whole person leaned back slightly, twisted around in the shadows, she had already escaped from the flames and smoke, and stepped back a few steps on the ground.


And at this moment, with the help of the shock wave that erupted quite nearby, Ichiro Ikeda, who had been prepared for a long time and had crossed his hands to block his head, hit his back heavily against the wall.


The impact of the close-range explosion made him cough suddenly, and the pain flashed across his face.

However, at this moment, he didn't have any hesitation because of the pain, and he threw out his crossed hands.


And just at this moment, with a soft sound, Haneda Xingnai lightly landed on the ground, while the thunder light dissipated, with a "click", the ground where she landed suddenly cracked open!


Almost the moment she stepped on the ground, her figure turned into a black shadow with smoke and fire, and she was about to flash out.

But this time, that Ichiro Ikeda was already close in front of her eyes, and when she flashed out, the small rock-shattering fist that she had clenched a long time ago could hit that Ichida Ichiro's head.

Win, this game!


However, in the next moment, just the next moment that was about to flash, a cry of surprise sounded again,

From where the little girl was standing, or from where the little girl was standing, it sounded.


Then, there was the sound of something slightly hard hitting his head.

At this moment, Anna Haneda frowned and closed her eyes, her whole body leaned back slightly due to the conditioned reflex of the impact, the forward momentum disappeared instantly, and even, there was almost a gesture of falling backwards.


Then, in the next second, a huge mass of white mist burst out, instantly covering this half of the venue.

In an instant, this little girl and that Ichiro Ikeda were engulfed!


"Smoke bomb again?"

"The same move?"

"What is this Ikeda Ichiro going to do?"

But at this time, seeing the smoke screen that spread all over the sky and the half of it before had diffused, faded and disappeared, engulfing the two people in the field in stark contrast, above the second floor, I couldn't help but think of the surprise on the second floor.

It should be some killer move!

after all……

This Ikeda Ichiro...

At the same time, similar thoughts flashed through the minds of some of the Jnin guides and those who were truly capable in this Chunin exam.

I didn't have any doubts at all because of Ichiro Ikeda's repeated strategy, and even, there was a faint expectation.

"Hmm... this Ichiro Ikeda..."

But at this time, Haneda Kazuyo's brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes kept wandering in a certain direction, as if there was something, he was a little hesitant.

"Hey! Anna won't lose!"

At the same time, looking at the white mist filling the field, Haneda Ryuhiko, who had already shown a serious expression on his face, suddenly asked.

Of course, the tone is still so unwelcoming.

It's just that this time, there was much more worry in the tone than disapproval.

Obviously, Tatsuhiko Haneda was already worried about Anna.

At the same time, I can see something important from Ikeda Ichiro's performance, or in other words, something extremely important to this victory.

At this moment, his small brows were already tightly wrinkled like Haneda Ichiyo.


But this time, Haneda Kazuyo just glanced at Haneda Tatsuhiko, but still did not answer.

However, the look of doubt on his face became more intense.

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