Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2373 Daolai

It's not...Ichiro Ikeda's handwriting.

Hearing Haneda Ichiyo's extremely confident words, Haneda Tatsuhiko was almost stunned on the spot.

To be honest, the wind escape seal scroll on the shoulder was really beyond everyone's expectations at that time, including Haneda Tatsuhiko, and because it was Anna who was fighting, it was the first and most critical to the whole battle. A turning point, Tatsuhiko Haneda was very impressed.

At that time, if it wasn't for the proper Fengdun, I'm afraid, nothing will happen to Ichiro Ikeda in the future.

Even, it is possible that Ichiro Ikeda is already in the intensive care unit or already in the coffin.

After all, Xing Nai always goes all out.

This point of Anna is also very cute.

"So... who is this? Is it someone from Yuyin? Yuyin's guiding jounin hasn't shown up yet, is it Yuyin's guiding jounin? And who is this guiding jounin? A person who can do such a thing , it shouldn’t be something unknown.”

Thinking of this, Haneda Tatsuhiko popped out a series of questions.

Recalling the turning point of Fengdun, Tatsuhiko Haneda still chose to believe in Kazuyo Haneda.

After all, at that point, there is indeed the possibility of other people operating it. It is not completely impossible, but there is still such a possibility.

And since this idiot Ichiyo said so, Tatsuhiko Haneda still tends to believe Haneda Ichiyo.

After all, as a person that everyone in the village trusts, idiot Yiye is also recognized by everyone.

He has real talents and real learning.

Moreover, he had to admit that in the battle just now, he put too much attention on Xue Nai, and indeed he didn't pay attention to his surroundings.

However, he still vaguely felt that the attention of the idiot Yiye before was indeed attracted by something.

It's very possible that idiot Yiye discovered something.

In this regard, although I still don't want to believe it in my heart, someone can, no, dare to do such a thing under Konoha's nose during such an important Chunin exam, directly interfering with the process of the Chunin exam.

However, in the Ninja World, this deceitful world, even though he is not very old, he can still feel some things from what he has been exposed to since he was a child.

Sometimes, when everyone feels that this thing will not happen, it is the best prerequisite for this thing to happen.

Since everyone doesn't believe that someone will make trouble with Konoha here, do not give Konoha face, and even do things that interfere with the Chunin exam.

And the situation is still very serious.

Then, it is the best condition for such a thing to happen, because everyone will not have this kind of thought, and naturally no one will take precautions against this situation. Even if someone does, it will be because they think that no one will do such a thing , And lax, this undoubtedly became the best hotbed for things to happen.

"This person, I don't know."

Hearing a series of questions from Haneda Tatsuhiko, Haneda Kazuyo's answer was quite straightforward.

It is also quite simple.

Because, he doesn't know.

"Anna! Bite him!"

In an instant, Haneda Tatsuhiko's voice without emotion suddenly sounded.


When he heard this sound, he almost subconsciously bit Xing Nai who was hanging on Haneda Ichiyo's back, made two slaps, a pair of small hands suddenly grabbed Haneda Ichiyo's shoulders, opened his mouth, and let out a cry , One bite was about to bite down on Haneda Ichiyo's back.

Without a trace of hesitation,

Even, it seemed that Tatsuhiko Haneda's word "bite" touched a kind of tacit understanding between the two of them, this bite was extremely fast.

"Wait a minute... listen to me!"

And feeling the "bloody mouth" opened behind him, Haneda Kazuyo, who knew he couldn't hide, opened his mouth immediately.

Xu Shi had felt Xing Nai's bite before, his face turned green, and his tone was full of panic.

Yes, at this moment, Haneda Kazuyo, who had an unpleasant sense of leisure in everything he did, panicked.

What a joke!

Listen to people, I still have the second half of the sentence!

This girl is really relentless, this bite, a piece of meat is definitely gone!

In this regard, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Wait a minute, Xing Nai, I'll give you one last chance, don't try to play tricks on me.\

,"Hearing this, Tatsuhiko Haneda had enough leeway to stop Anna Haneda's actions and said so.

"Hey? Can't you bite?"

And hearing Haneda Tatsuhiko's words, Haneda Anna behind her stopped her urge to bite that shoulder rather disappointedly, and said rather disappointedly.

There was even an aggrieved look on his face.

it's a pity!

Brother Yiye has been pulling Long Yan to say something that Xing Nai can't understand from just now, and he wants to take this opportunity to teach Brother Yiye a lesson!

Unexpectedly, Long Yan actually called a stop.

Hearing what he said just now, he thought Long Yan was very angry!


Long Yan, you idiot!

But at this time, such a thought flashed through her mind.

"Later, whatever you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

At this moment, Tatsuhiko Haneda said so.


And hearing this sound, Xing Nai's ears almost perked up, and the look of grievance on her face was immediately thrown out of the sky.

"Well, absolutely."

Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda held his face in a dignified manner, but he was extremely serious, as if he was saying a promise that he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life.

Really are……

The relationship between these two children is really enviable!

Looking at the two of them, Haneda Ichiyo twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, after all he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well! I see."

At the same time, Haneda Anna's voice full of joy rang out.


Then, between light bites, Haneda Anna returned to the look of biting and hanging on Haneda Kazuyo's back.


With the girl Xing Nai, she will not be able to escape after all.

Feeling the importance behind it, Haneda Kazuyo thought so.

To be honest, he actually wanted to run away, but Long Yan reacted quickly and used Xing Nai as his killer in advance. If Xing Nai was behind his back, he was not sure that he would be able to run away.

So we can only compromise.

"Go ahead."

And at this time, Haneda Tatsuhiko said so.

"Actually, the reason why I deduce that someone secretly used that wind escape is not because I perceive the location of that person, or that it really exists. I really don't know who this person is."

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo said so.

"Then how did you decide?"

Hearing this, looking at Kazuyo Haneda, Tatsuhiko Haneda frowned and said.

the truth?

Or a lie?

Is it an illusion that I felt his attention was attracted before?

Or has he already begun to hide the most important information to start confusing the public?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed across.

Obviously, this Haneda Tatsuhiko Ryuhiko still has a good understanding of this Haneda Ichiyo, and I am afraid that he has been deceived many times.

They are beginning to figure out this trick of Haneda Ichiyo's deception.

However, although he has learned from experience, he is still not sure whether this Haneda Kazuyo is telling the truth or a lie.

"Because, Ichiro Ikeda has mastered the tactics of sealing scrolls."

In this regard, Haneda Ichiyo didn't hide anything on his face, but said straightforwardly.

"Sealing scroll tactics?"

Hearing this, Tatsuhiko Haneda was slightly taken aback.

Does this have anything to do with Ichiro Ichiro's wind tunnel being used by himself?

How do you feel that he is going to start fooling people again?

At the same time, his heart was full of distrust.

"Well, yes, the seal scroll tactic, I told you before, to learn this seal scroll tactic requires a very strong tactical and combat quality, since he has mastered this tactic, then it means His tactical and combat literacy is definitely pass the level, and the tactical and combat literacy that passed the level, at the beginning of the battle with Xing Nai, he should have been able to initially see that his strength is weak, and at that time, I saw his expression, already It’s because of the perceived difference in absolute strength between Xing Nai and Xing Nai, it’s impossible to win, even with the sealing scroll tactics.”

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo said so.

"So what? Didn't he fight in the end?"

Hearing this, Haneda Tatsuhiko said rather disapprovingly.

This kind of situation where he felt that his strength was weak, knew that he couldn't win, and continued to fight, had nothing to do with that Feng Dun.

It doesn't mean that this Fengdun is someone else's handwriting.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that he has to fight, and also because he has seen that his strength is poor, and he has sufficient tactics and combat qualities, so he can use the wind escape ninjutsu.

This cannot at all prove that there is someone else who launched Wind Escape.

Is it really a fool?

But, would he use such a poor excuse to fool me now?

Is it possible, is it really telling the truth?

At the same time, Haneda Tatsuhiko's hesitation grew stronger.

"Indeed, this does not mean that Feng Dun was initiated by someone other than Ichiro Ikeda, but have you noticed that, in fact, from the very beginning, Ichiro Ikeda has no fighting spirit."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo didn't seem to be surprised, just said.

No fighting spirit?

This Ikeda Ichiro?

Why is there no fighting spirit? Yuyin Village is also a Xiaoren Village, and it also needs the attention and approval of Daren Village, so I can...


Fighting spirit?

Hearing this sound, Haneda Tatsuhiko subconsciously passed such a thought, and at the same time, he naturally recalled the scene before the battle started.

Although his attention was basically on Xing Nai the whole time, he still did the initial work of examining the enemy subconsciously.

Therefore, he still had an impression of Ikeda Ichiro's situation at the beginning, but it was not as clear as Xing Nai's situation.

Thinking about it now, and thinking about it carefully, Ichiro Ichiro's expression at that time was recalled.

And Ichida Ichiro's expression at that time was completely a kind of...

A state of no fighting spirit!

It's a self-knowledgeable expression that you don't want to face!

Although that expression was not too obvious, it was quite obvious to a sensitive child like Tatsuhiko Haneda.

After all, from the time he got to know Ichiyo Haneda, Tatsuhiko Haneda has unknowingly become better at this kind of ability to perceive words and expressions. Although he has never used this ability to see through any lies or intentions of deceiving people by Haneda Ichiyo, but, For other people in the village, it is basically a guess.

Although Ichiro Ikeda has the combat and tactical literacy to learn the tactics of sealing scrolls, he is not very good at managing expressions. In other words, at that time, he didn't pay much attention to it, and what he showed was quite obvious.

And in this case, no matter what kind of expression he shows, it is said that his obvious expression, or the appearance of lack of expression management, is undoubtedly a manifestation of lack of fighting spirit.

Yes, he showed such a lack of fighting spirit itself, which is a kind of lack of fighting spirit.

Otherwise, with Ichida Ichiro's tactics and combat quality, expression management can definitely cover up this lack of fighting spirit, and facing a strength like Anna's, deliberately showing weakness, showing lack of fighting spirit and making the opponent paralyzed, it is also impossible. It is necessary, Xing Nai's strength is not something he can deal with at all, even if he shows weakness, it is meaningless, even if Xing Nai is careless, he cannot win.

And at this time, he still showed an expression of lack of fighting spirit, which meant that he really had no fighting spirit.

It is precisely because he has no fighting spirit that he gave up expression management and showed no fighting spirit.

Because, he gave up the fight from the very beginning. Although he didn't surrender, he also gave up the fight with self-knowledge.

In other words, Ichiro Ichiro probably wanted to fight a few times casually at that time, and then either surrendered and surrendered, or lost the battle decently.

"Did you notice it?"

And at this time, seeing Haneda Tatsuhiko's expression, Haneda Kazuyo said so.

"That doesn't mean anything! It can only mean that he was planning to fight before surrendering..."

Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda suddenly put on a look of disapproval, and said.

Yes, that doesn't prove anything at all.

Now Ichiro Ikeda also surrendered after beating. He didn't have the fighting spirit and didn't surrender, and he surrendered after beating.

And if he surrendered after fighting, it is completely established that Feng Dun was initiated by him.

That doesn't mean anything.

Idiot Yiye still can't prove the authenticity of his words.

"Yes, this really doesn't prove anything, but, do you think, at that time, that Ichiro Ichiro's kick by Xing Nai, was there enough time to activate the wind escape?"

However, before he finished his sentence, he was interrupted by Haneda Kazuyo who was smiling but not smiling.

in time?

At that time, was Ichiro Ikeda in time?

Hearing this sentence, Haneda Tatsuhiko was startled again.

Too late?

At that time, Ichida Ichiro...

Too late?

Then, subconsciously, he fell into thinking. Although this idiot Yiye now looks like a half-smile, and has an uncomfortable feeling that he regards himself as a fool, he knows very well that this idiot Yiye is not playing tricks. Own.

Could it be that!

I... ignored the most objective thing!

Then, in the next second, his eyes suddenly lit up.

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