Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2376 import

"Yes, I'm Ichiyo Haneda from Caoyin Village. My preliminary selection is over, and I'm going out for a while."

Looking at the secret whistle in the first practice field that blocked him, Haneda Ichiyo said with a slight smile on his face, with a harmless face.

"Is that so, is it His Excellency Haneda Ichiyo from Caoyin Village?"

But at this time, the Anbu elite who stopped him, the surprise in his eyes slowly faded away. After taking out the examinee's information in his hand and the information just delivered to him, he nodded, as if to confirm asked.


In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo said so.

"Then, in order to prevent someone from transforming or disguising you, you need to conduct some tests."

Hearing this, the Anbu elite said so.


However, upon hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo didn't have any surprises, and just said so.

Have you stepped up your vigilance before you knew it?

It is worthy of being the third generation of Hokage, and it is impeccable.

The current Konoha seems to be full of loopholes in the open, but secretly, it has become tense.

Even for Konoha now, it is not that simple to do whatever he wants.

Next, it may take some effort to find that guy...


It should be said that it is impossible to find that guy.


That guy won't let go of such a good opportunity!

It should be about...

But at this time, during the crisp words, such a series of thoughts flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

At the same time, his eyes unconsciously glanced at his right hand heart, and the symbol that was slowly fading in that right hand heart.

"Then, please answer..."

At this time, the Anbe Elite also started a series of questions about proving that Haneda Ichiyo is Haneda Ichiyo.

Then, it's all about being able to prove your identity.

Obviously, Konoha should have found Harmony and set up some questions that only he could answer that had nothing to do with Caoyin Village and the Haneda family, in order to prove his identity.

Undoubtedly, it can be seen that Konoha is already loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

The various items of the Chunin exam this time have actually made Konoha put up 200% of his mental energy to prevent possible problems.

Judging from the fact that Haneda Kazuyo can leave at will as long as he answers these questions to prove his identity, instead of directly prohibiting him from leaving the examination room during the examination, Konoha is quite organized and rational.

Moreover, it also showed enough margin.

This is undoubtedly a kind of oppression for those who conspire against Konoha.

If it is forbidden to leave the examination room, it will easily create a tense atmosphere, especially the ninjas of other ninja villages. Future stars, however, their knowledge is limited after all.

Konoha suddenly banned entry and exit. After all, these candidates are in a foreign land, and they are still in the treacherous and dark ninja world, so they will inevitably feel anxious.

As for the anxiety in the heart, once the group anxiety effect occurs, it will easily lead to some irrational behaviors, making the entire Chunin Exam into a tense atmosphere, and even various out-of-the-ordinary incidents will occur, which will lead to various Confusion has the opposite effect of prevention.

This rational proof of identity can not only tell the conspirators that he has been discovered, it can be regarded as a hidden deterrent, and at the same time, it can prevent the unknown without causing any overreaction.

Of course, it can also give everyone a sense of security in a sense.

After all, Konoha's strength has been recognized by the entire ninja world, and Konoha's adoption of such appropriate precautions is more to give people a sense of security.

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo could not find any flaws.

It's also quite compatible.

Then, not long after, he left the first practice field, walked into a certain road in Konoha, and merged into the bustling area, as if he really wanted to go out for a stroll.

After all, he is Haneda Kazuyo after all, so naturally these questions cannot trouble him.

The test was naturally smooth.

The point is, next...

To be honest, Haneda Kazuyo still lied to Longyan, and he didn't have a clue about the person behind the scenes.

It's just that Long Yan can't know about this matter.


"Taki Chiba has already left, and it seems that something has been discovered."

And at this time, a hoarse and evil voice slowly rose from the high indoor window of the first training ground.

In the light cast from the window, Otoyin's guide, Jonnin, Orochimaru, looked back slowly, and looked at the shadow behind him.

"Hmph! Taki Chiba?"

And upon hearing this sentence, a rather disdainful voice came from the shadows.

Obviously, there are extremely opinions on Dashewan's statement.


Regarding this, Orochimaru didn't show any displeasure on his face, he just frowned, as if he valued the words of this shadow man very much.

In other words, they value the opinion of this shadow person very much.

"He said he was Taki Chiba, so he is Taki Chiba?"

Hearing this, the voice in the shadows was already somewhat eccentric.

"Then he isn't?"

In this regard, Orochimaru frowned even tighter, and asked tentatively in his mouth.

There should be nothing wrong!

After all, that aura and the physical chakra that caused powerless damage, in this era, it can only be that Taki Chiba, right?


That one, absolutely powerful pupil power.

Among the unreliable rumors, it is rumored that Taki Chiba has obtained terrifying pupil power, so it should be Taki Chiba.

This Haneda Ichiba could only be Taki Chiba.

If it wasn't for Taki Chiba, there would be such a character, and it was still in Caoyin Village, and it was the guy from the Haneda clan...

This is too unbelievable!

And following this sound, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"I have no idea."

Regarding this, the person in the shadows said.

However, although there seems to be a perfunctory feeling in the words, there is no perfunctory meaning in the tone.

He really didn't know.


But when he heard this sentence, even Orochimaru was slightly taken aback, and blurted out this sound from his mouth.

"If this Haneda Ichiba tells you that he is Taki Chiba, then this is Haneda Ichiba or Taki Chiba wants you to know, if this Haneda Ichiba doesn't tell you, then it is Taki Chiba or Haneda Ichiba who doesn't want you I know, for a person like Taki Chiba, if Haneda Ichiba is really Taki Chiba, since he said so, then there must be a reason for you to know, and it is definitely a reason that is beneficial to him, regardless of Haneda Kazuyo Is it Taki Chiba, what he said is true or not, I have to see it before I can know. With these eyes, I can only know if I have seen it with my own eyes!"

Orochimaru's doubts did not finish, but was interrupted by the shadow man.

Even, during this sentence, not only was Orochimaru's words interrupted, but even his face became slightly stiff.

However, it wasn't words that made his face stiff.

Rather, it was the bright red left eye that opened in the shadow.

as well as……

That pupil power is even more terrifying than Haneda Ichiyo!

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