Barbecue shops, specialty shops, meatball shops... I went around all the way, and when Haneda Kazuyo returned to the gate of the first practice field, he was already wearing small bags of various sizes on his hands.

"Sorry, Mr. Yiye, you still need to take another test before you can enter."

Of course, this time, he was still stopped outside the first practice field. But it was still the secret whistle that stopped him.

"Oh, I see, please test it."

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo was not surprised, or in other words, it was the right thing to do.

Of course, there is no exclusion.

Then, next, there was a new round of questions, a round of questions that were obviously checked by Konoha and Yinke.

Haneda Kazuyo is still Haneda Kazuyo, and these questions that only he can answer can be answered naturally.

And this secret whistle was also very efficient in handling things. After getting the correct answer, he didn't ask any more questions and let him go.

Haneda Kazuyo didn't express anything extra, and directly entered the first training ground.

Here's to...

Do you buy food?

What Haneda Ichiyo didn't know was that after he left, this Anbu elite didn't go back to the hiding place directly, but looked at his back and remained silent for a long time until he disappeared at the turning.

Almost watched him go.

While seeing him off, a lot of thoughts passed through the Anbu elite's mind, the first one was this.

Speculation about the purpose of this Haneda Ichiyo.

Because, when passing by, he smelled the unique smell of the top-quality barbecue in Konoha Yakiniku, as well as the smell of Konoha's various delicacies.

Obviously, the big and small packages on this Haneda Ichiyo should be filled with food.

It is consistent with his itinerary during this time.

Yes, during this period of time, he knew about Haneda Kazuyo's itinerary, not that he is a powerful perception ninja, who can use his perception to detect Haneda Kazuyo all the way without Haneda Yiye's knowledge. whereabouts.

Rather, since Haneda Ichiyo left, someone has been following him from a long distance, recording his whereabouts in Konoha Village, or in other words, his whereabouts after leaving the training ground.

Konoha's precautionary measures are not just asking a few questions, just confirming his identity. Like Haneda Ichiyo, who stands out in this Chunin exam, any actions need to be monitored.

Moreover, the information was sent to him at the first time.

Although this will make the tense manpower a little more tense, but with the method left by Mr. Xue Nai back then, although it is tense, the effect can still be maintained.

Therefore, he knew very well where Haneda Yiye had gone.

Including his going to teahouses, barbecue restaurants, and going around.

However, it should be to buy food for the little girl.

However, Anbu Ninja didn't think there was anything suspicious about it. After all, Caoyin Village also had an eye-catching little girl, or in other words, Caoyin Village passed the second test, which was very eye-catching.

As for that little girl, it is obvious that she possesses a secret technique similar to that of the Qiudao family. To some extent, she should also use this secret technique by eating. Along the way, the little girl he saw was always eat.

And the amount of food must have exceeded what her small stomach can bear. Obviously, what this little girl ate must have been transformed into other things by her secret techniques or abilities.

It's not just as simple as eating.

Now that I heard that the little girl's battle is over, it is very possible that this Haneda Ichiyo went out to buy food for her, to replenish the other things needed for these secret arts or abilities.

There is nothing suspicious about this.

If he didn't know for sure that he wasn't, really, he almost thought that the lord had returned.

However, although it is not suspicious, since this Anbu elite has been here for so long, there must be a reason.

And this reason, of course, is Haneda Ichiyo's appearance.

Isn't this Haneda Kazuyo really that adult?

After watching Ichiyo Haneda disappear around the corner, this Anbe elite suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

Indeed, there are many methods of disguise in the ninja world, and there are even techniques that can shrink the body to look like a child, but it is extremely difficult.

And with that lord's ability, what was extremely difficult for them is not a difficult thing for that lord at all.

Then, why is this Haneda Ichiyo not that adult?

This exact same appearance is exactly what that adult looked like when he was young.

Moreover, in the night of the nine tails, why can't the adult who has experienced so much change his personality?


Why couldn't that adult be this Haneda Ichiyo?

But this time, after watching Haneda Yiye leave, such a thought flashed through his mind.

This time, the Anbu elite had a problem that he hadn't thought about before, and no one had thought about it.

Or rather, a question no one wants to think about.

That is, the most important reason for them to judge that Haneda Ichiyo is not like that adult, personality traits.

The deep-seated emotionlessness and warmth exuded from Haneda Kazuyo's body made them feel an absolute strangeness, this face would never show such an expression at all.

If it was that adult, even with an expressionless face, he looked reliable and warm.

Rather than the cold or even empty feeling like this Haneda Yiye.

Therefore, they concluded that Ichiyo Haneda was not that adult.

But what if this Haneda Ichiyo is that adult?

This also makes sense.

After all, during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, wouldn't the adult who lost almost all his cherished people have a big personality change?

Wouldn't it be cold or indifferent because of the pain?

That adult is also a human being!

It is also painful and sad, even, because it is that adult, the pain and sorrow he endured will be heavier, isn't it?


Then, thinking of this, the Anbu elite ninja smiled at himself.

Me too.

Why do you want to think about this...

That adult is already dead, maybe I just think about such unrealistic things because I don't want him to die too much.

Then, after a self-deprecating smile, with a sense of loneliness and sadness, he took a step back and once again hid in the shadow behind him.

Also, his secret whistle job.


If that adult is still here, do we still need to be so cautious?

At the same time, at this moment of disappearance, his heart was already full of sadness.

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