Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2386 the dust settles


With a groan of pain, under everyone's dusty eyes, Hinata Hinata fell heavily, splashing a lot of dust and gravel in the field that already had many potholes.

"Miss Hinata, this is the gap that cannot be changed, and the gap between the elite and the tail of the crane. This is the reality that cannot be changed. When you said that you don't want to escape, you have already started to regret it. Now you should be desperate. This is I have given you the final notice, abstain!"

And at this time, looking at the opponent who fell to the ground, Hinata Neiji stepped forward a few steps and said so.


"Huh? Are you still attacking your heart? It's no longer necessary."

At the same time, looking at everything in the arena, Tatsuhiko Haneda said so.

"Who knows?"

At this time, Haneda Kazuyo behind him responded like this, which seemed to be quite perfunctory.

"If the soft fist method you mentioned is true, the red dot on Hinata Hinata's hand just now should be the acupuncture point that was attacked. Now, her chakra flow should be disturbed, and there is no other way. Attacking the acupoints, that is to say, she has no fighting power! Faced with the same soft fist, she has lost fighting power like this. Already, she has lost, or a complete defeat. Why do you want to attack the heart?"

Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda had many doubts.

"Could it be, is this the will to destroy Hinata Hyuga?"

At the end, he added another sentence.

Yes, logically speaking, this Hinata Hinata has lost her combat effectiveness, and under the qualified Hinata Neji, it is basically no different from being defeated.

And looking at Hinata Neji's unscathed appearance, it is obvious that Hinata Hinata was completely defeated.

Now that the opponent has already failed, it is no longer necessary to say these words that affect the opponent's spirit and mentality at this time.

Unless, this Hinata Neji wanted to completely defeat this Hinata Hinata.

However, this is a bit unreasonable, after all, they are from the same family, seeing that Hyuga Hinata still calls him brother, it shouldn't be like this.

Therefore, Tatsuhiko Haneda was quite puzzled.

Now, there is no need to say these things, the battle is over.

"Who knows?"

But this time, he still got a seemingly perfunctory response from Haneda Kazuyo.

"Ah! Is it possible that there is a conflict between the two of them? The legendary family faction fight?"

Then, in the midst of Haneda Kazuyo's perfunctory answer, Haneda Tatsuhiko's eyes flashed, and suddenly two rays of light shot out, as if suddenly thinking of something, the sentence in his mouth almost blurted out, but his face was already Excited.

It was as if he had discovered something that he was particularly interested in.


Regarding this, Kazuyo Haneda who was standing behind was slightly taken aback, but did not speak perfunctorily.

This kid...

Really too sharp.

Caoyin Village does not have a clear family tree. He probably has no experience with the family system. Even the Haneda family is different from the traditional family. How did this kid know about it?

Did you see something?

But in Haneda Kazuyo's heart, he was a little surprised by this child.

"I was right!"

But hearing Haneda Ichiyo's voice without perfunctory, Haneda Tatsuhiko suddenly turned his head, with a clear expression on his face.

"That's right, there are factions in the Hyuga Clan, but it's different from what you think. The inside of the Hyuga Clan is not a faction fight, but another model. Strictly speaking, the clan and division models are The clan is absolutely authoritative, and the division can only defend the clan."

Seeing this kid's excited appearance, Haneda Ichiyo twitched his lips slightly, but he still said the truth.

"I knew it!"

Hearing this, Tatsuhiko Haneda first showed the excitement of a child after guessing the puzzle correctly, then he frowned, turned his head strangely, and asked, "The clan and the separation system? The clan restricts the separation? "

"Yes, for the Hyuga Clan, if we have to talk about factions internally, it is the main family faction, and there is also the branch family faction. The main family has the absolute means to control the branch family, so the branch family can only survive by defending the main family."

To this, Haneda Kazuyo spoke.

"Really? So, that is to say..."

Hearing this, Tatsuhiko Haneda nodded thoughtfully, and murmured.

"Is this Hyuga Neji a member of the branch family? And this Hinata Hinata belongs to the head family? Because of the control of the head family over the branch family, this branch's Hyuga Neiji thinks not only in the battle To beat this Hinata Hinata, and to break her spirit."

Then, he quickly figured out what was going on.


so fast!

This kid is more and more beyond my expectations.

However, to be honest, everyone in the Haneda clan seems to have something unusual.

But thinking of this, Haneda Kazuyo did not speak, but looked towards the field, frowning slightly.

Although it has nothing to do with me, but don't stand up again.

Going on like this is just futile.

At the same time, with the mirror image of the trembling girl getting up in the eyes, Haneda Kazuyo's heart was full of sighs.


"I... will not... go against... what I... said..."

At this time, little drops of blood were continuously dripping on the ground, but the girl who had fallen on the ground stood up little by little at this time, spitting out with difficulty, but extremely firmly. During these discontinuous words, while the figure was turning, although blood was spilling from the mouth, there was no confusion in the eyes, only firmness.

Also, when the eyelids were slightly raised, there was an inadvertent tenderness, and the corners of the mouth could not help but curl up.

Roll your eyes!

Then, just after the eyelids were slightly raised, the white pupils in her eyes suddenly bulged, but they opened the white eyes again.

Thinking of the elder brother in front of him, he made his attitude clear.


Never give up!

Will not escape!

It will not stop fighting until it is recognized!

Because, she said, she will change herself and prove herself!

"bring it on!"

And seeing the eyes of the girl in front of him, the girl who almost grew up with him, Ningji Hyuga didn't talk nonsense this time, the white pupils in his eyes bulged, and his figure sank slightly.


However, at this moment, the girl who was about to pose in the same position as herself suddenly covered her chest, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, on the second floor, everyone in Konoha changed color.

this kid...

The limit has been reached!

If you take another attack...

Especially for Hinata Hinata's guidance Kaminobu Yuhihong, at this moment, such a worrying thought flashed through her mind.

"Hinata... I didn't expect her to be such a strong person..."

And at this time, Naruto Uzumaki on the other side, seeing the girl who vomited blood and was still standing, trying to put on a fighting posture, suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling in his heart, and couldn't help but murmured. Voice.

"She looks a lot like you..."

In this regard, upon hearing this murmur, Locke Lee on the side couldn't help but speak. At the same time, his eyes turned to the blond boy.


And hearing this sentence, Uzumaki Naruto hadn't reacted yet, Haruno Sakura also nodded, expressing his affirmation.

The affirmation of Locke Lee's words is also an affirmation of Hinata Hinata, and it is also an affirmation that he seems to have a new feeling for this Hinata.

"Speaking of which, she has been looking at you all the time?"

Then, when she looked at each other with admiration, she couldn't help talking about Hinata Hinata's daily routines, and she seemed to have discovered something before she knew it, and said.


Naruto Uzumaki seemed startled by this, and suddenly looked at Haruno Sakura beside him.

Obviously, I didn't expect Hinata to pay so much attention to herself, or to put it another way, some girls would care so much about herself.

For him, he would not doubt Sakura's words.

Although it feels a little unreal, but since Sakura said so, then it must be so.


Suddenly, he had a strange feeling in his heart.

"Hinata! Come on!"

Then, for some unknown reason, a surge of hot blood suddenly surged up in his chest, gushing out, turning into a hoarse cheering sound, resounding throughout the venue.


"That guy! Is he really an idiot!"

And hearing this sound, almost at the same time, Haneda Tatsuhiko on the other side subconsciously popped out this sentence.

"But, I don't like Long Yanshu either!"

But this time, what responded to him was not Haneda Ichiyo's perfunctory words, but Haneda Anna's frowning words with a sad face and a little downcast.

"Huh? Anna? What did you say?"

Tatsuhiko Haneda didn't know why, and said almost subconsciously.

"Anna thinks it's pretty good!"

However, this time Xing Nai did not answer directly, but just spoke.


And looking at Anna who was staring at Hinata Hinata in the field, Haneda Tatsuhiko tilted his head with question marks all over his head.


Is this okay?

Where is it?

And at this time, behind Haneda Tatsuhiko, Haneda Kazuyo also tilted his head, with question marks all over his head, completely ignoring Xing Nai's brain circuit.



However, regardless of the reactions and attitudes of the three of Haneda, the battle on the field is still going on. After hearing the encouragement from her sweetheart, Hyuga Hinata exhaled slowly, as if calming down the severe pain in her chest. sank down.

This is……

The power contained in her eyes...

And at this moment, Ningji Hinata, who had been paying attention to the opponent in front of him without the slightest contempt because of his weakness, had a slight change on his face, and even this slight change overwhelmed him. Yamanaka Ino above described "the expression of wanting to kill the other party".

Undoubtedly, at this moment, he was taken aback.

Then, just as he was stunned, in the eyes of his white eyes, the girl had already closed her palms and raised her hands, attacking with a standard soft fist posture.




And the next second, with a bang, he slapped the girl's attack away, but a series of questions suddenly appeared in his mind.

I've been watching...

Been looking at you for so many years.

how to say……

Just looking at you like this, it seems like courage is gushing out.

Let me also have a feeling that as long as I work hard, I can do anything.

Make me feel that I am also valuable.

Facing the attack of brother Neji who slapped his own attack away, Hinata Hinata did not have any confusion, no fear, and no shrinking in her eyes, and she was not affected by her absolute inferiority. It was amazing, at this time Suddenly, she felt that everything in front of her eyes slowed down.

Her thoughts are definitely not considered to be focused, even, just now, everything about the blond boy named Uzumaki Naruto from childhood to adulthood, everything she saw flashed through her mind.

Her attention can never be called concentration.

However, she just saw it, the attacking palm, the chakra that was about to spurt out and aimed at her acupuncture points, she could see clearly and clearly.

Even, there is a kind of elder brother Ningci in front of him, who is doing slow motion, as if he is letting himself.

It's like, from childhood to adulthood, when you feed yourself.

Even, at this time, she still had another thought, another thought of "Brother Ning Ci, did you really hate me all the time? Didn't you regard me as a relative at all?" slowly emerged come out.

Then, with a sound of "Chi!", there was a sound of Chakra stirring the wind in her ears.

She dodged the hand that she had been unable to avoid.

It was easy to escape.

Then, as if her body moved by itself, she pushed out her hand naturally, launching a tricky blow.


The next second, a crisp slap sounded again.

In Hyuga Neiji's eyes, the tricky offensive disappeared without a trace.


Why, they are all on her side!


Is it because she is from the clan?

So is it protected by everyone?

It's such an unfair fate, why is everyone on her side!

Everyone's eyes, why are they so supportive of her!

However, amidst the absolute advantage, Hyuga Neji felt no joy in his heart at all, instead, a wave of frustrated anger slowly surged up.

Invisibly, a strange and cold feeling, like a poisonous snake, slowly crawled into his heart.


But at this time, a soft shout sounded suddenly, as if he had spotted some flaw, the young man in front of him suddenly made a killing move!

In her eyes, the desire for victory and the challenge to fate are already burning!


However, Hinata Ningji's face did not change at all, he just gave way slightly, and with a push in his hand, this killer move passed by.


Then, with a single blow, his other hand hit the girl on the chin, pushing her away.

However, his face was more gloomy, and his eyes were more gloomy and cold.

"La la la la!"

And at this time, the sound of footsteps scraping on the ground slowly sounded. The girl who flew out had an uncontrollable pain on her face, but she didn't fall to the ground or fell to the ground. Stand still.

Was shot a distance, but still standing!

Next, please look at me!


But at this time, the standing girl didn't stop at all, and suddenly raised her head, with eyes that shocked even him.

Fearless, fearless, unshakable eyes!


Then, at this moment, the moment of standing still, the girl's final blow came.

In an instant, the girl's pushing palm was already in front of his eyes, heading towards his chest!


That's right!

turn out to be……

That's right!

But at this time, he seemed to be in a daze, fixed there, as if in a trance.


Then, in the next moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded.

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