Caoyin Village, yes.

On the unfolded scroll, these four words were briefly written, reflected in the surprised eyes of the Third Hokage.

"Is the news accurate?"

Then, after seeing that there was no one around him, Sandai Hokage spit out this sentence.

"One hundred percent accurate."

In response to this, in the shadow behind the Third Hokage, there was such a sound.

"So, has Chiba returned to the village?"

But upon hearing this sound, Sandai Hokage put away the scroll in his hand with different expressions, moved his eyes, but looked down again, it seemed as if he saw something insignificant.

This sentence sounds and looks like an irrelevant reply.

"Yes, according to the news from Master Chiba, at this time, he has returned to Muye Village."

In this regard, from the shadows behind him, there was such an affirmation.

As the Anbu directly under the third Hokage who established information contact with that Chiba-sama in the first half of this year, although he was basically passive about the news of that Chiba-sama, but in the past six months, the activities of that Chiba-sama seem to be It became active. Basically, during this period of time, every ten days and a half months, there was news of this Lord Chiba, and even in the past few days, news came back several times.

Among them was the news that he was about to return to the village. Although there was no news about Nobuhiko Uchiha, it was clear that Chiba-sama sent back the news that he had returned to the village together with this scroll.


To this, Sandai Hokage nodded.

It turned out that it has come back.

Although I said before that I would come back during the Chunin exam, I didn't expect that I would actually come back.

Moreover, it seems that it has been quite a while since I came back, at least I have made a thorough investigation of Caoyin Village.

Then, my decision should be no problem.

But at this time, such a thought flashed through the mind of Sandai Hokage.

Obviously, the four words on the scroll he saw just now, the word "ke", refers to the alliance between him and Caoyin Village, and from the handwriting and the letter from Anbu Judging from the matter, this scroll is undoubtedly the message sent to him by Chiba.

Combined with the news that Qianye was going back to the village, which he received a few months ago, it is not difficult to deduce that Qianye has already returned to the village.

Obviously, Chiba is in favor of this alliance.

At least, it has been determined that Caoyin Village can be trusted, and it can be trusted at this stage, otherwise Qianye would never pass on this kind of information, but persuaded.

In other words, it is possible to form an alliance and sign a written covenant this time.

"So, now, what about Caoyin Village?"

Afterwards, thinking of this, the Third Hokage no longer entangled with the issue of the alliance, but asked other questions.

"Everything is normal. Those ninjas who failed the second test have all been found, and the guest house in Caoyin Village has been raised to the treatment of the Allies, and according to your instructions, the specifications have been raised by another level."

But after these words, another voice sounded from the shadow behind the Third Hokage, it seemed that there was not only one person in the shadow.

"Ah, very good."

In this regard, Sandai Hokage nodded, seeming quite satisfied.

Now, Caoyin Village is a very strategic ally that Konoha has won, so the treatment will naturally be improved a bit, and at the same time, it can be regarded as showing to other Xiaonin villages.

Dainin Village, Konoha cannot win, now that the power of Xiaonin Village is rising, the third Hokage will not give up this opportunity.

Showing off the Chunin Exam this time is the same thing as spying on information, and trying to win over the Xiaonin Village as much as possible is also an extremely important thing for this Chunin Exam.

Moreover, the Third Hokage is no longer sure about the current situation of the Chunin Exam, the appearance of Orochimaru, and the appearance of Caoyin Village. Based on his experience, he can foresee that this Chunin Exam , I am afraid that there is already an undercurrent turbulent behind the scenes. At this time, it is very necessary to have one more ally.

Or it can be said that the reason why the third Hokage signed the covenant in such a hurry is because they felt that the Chunin exam was unusual.

At the same time, that is to say, the third generation of Hokage is already a little bit powerless.

However, now that he has won the alliance of Caoyin Village, he can breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, even if something happened in the Chunin exam, what happened to Konoha? Since Qianye said that Caoyin Village can be trusted .

Then, Caoyin Village will definitely do its best to help Konoha in the event of possible changes, in order to win more trust, consolidate the alliance, and facilitate the development of the alliance relationship in the future. After all, Konoha is to provide educational resources. This is a resource that fundamentally changes a ninja village, and Caoyin Village will never miss it.

And with the strength shown by Caoyin Village now, the three Haneda children alone can cope with quite a lot of changes.

What's more, as long as the news of the alliance is secretly spread later, even if there is something imminent behind it, I am afraid that Konoha and the current Caoyin Village alliance will still be considered, whether their original plan will be successful.

Otherwise, the Three Hokages would not have made a covenant with Caoyin Village in a hurry without any clarity, and they would have concluded a complete covenant at once, without any temptation at all.

In fact, he knew very well that Konoha's situation was already very severe in this Chunin exam.


,"And just at this moment, after the Third Hokage nodded in full clothes, a third voice sounded from the shadows.

However, there was another ninja who reported.

"What's wrong?"

Regarding this, the Third Hokage remained calm and asked.

"Captain Kencheng Watanabe has already contacted the three of Haneda, and has sent the injured Haneda Ichiyo to the hospital, and Haneda Tatsuhiko followed him to the hospital, and Haneda Anna has already returned to the guest house."

Hearing this, there is no nonsense, the third person in the shadow said so, telling all the information that needs to be reported.

"Huh? Hurt?"

Regarding this, Sandai Hokage was slightly taken aback, but after all, he did not keep his calm face and said so.

"Yes, Haneda Ichiyo is injured, and it looks very serious, but Captain Kencheng Watanabe has finished treatment, and it seems that there is no problem."

Hearing this, the third voice spoke again.

"Really... I see. You should step back first. If Qiancheng has any information to convey, send it to me as soon as possible."

In this regard, Sandai Hokage nodded and said.

Kazuyo Haneda... was injured?

With his strength, who can hurt him?

But at this time, the heart of the third Hokage was full of dignity.

Needless to say, the strength of this Haneda Ichiyo is definitely far beyond the level of Genin, and even definitely surpassed the level of Chunin, and even the Gaara of Sandfall, who has long been famous in Hidden Sand Village, Probably not his opponent either.

Among the Jonin, there is definitely a place.

And this is inferred from his performance, but his performance is far from showing his full strength. In other words, the elites of this Zhongnin exam have no way to test the full strength of Haneda Ichiyo. Even part of the strength can't be tested.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe Haneda Ichiyo's strength as unfathomable. At least, the current three generations of Hokage have no way to guess his full strength.

Only by relying on the previous temptations, we can only infer the tip of the iceberg.

However, even the tip of the iceberg is enough to amaze a visionary like the Third Hokage.

If it weren't for Haneda Ichiyo's face, he would not be able to generate hostility, and with the alliance of Caoyin Village, I am afraid that the third Hokage would have spent a lot of effort to collect Haneda Ichiyo's information, and put him in this attack. The degree of attention in the Ninja Exam has been adjusted to the same level as Orochimaru.

And now, Haneda Kazuyo was injured without them knowing, and it looked serious.

This is very tricky.

In such a situation, at least there is someone in Konoha Village who is hostile to Caoyin Village, or who is hostile to Konoha and wants to interfere with the Chunin Exam, or use this Chunin Exam to attack Konoha, or is hostile to Caoyin Village A strong enemy who has ideas with Konoha.

A formidable enemy who can seriously injure Haneda Ichiyo!

Could it be...

Has the village also sneaked into quasi-S enemies who are close to S-rank or even above S-rank?

Then, it is also a loss...

But at this time, thinking of this, Sandai Hokage's heart was not only dignified, but also a little rejoicing.

I am glad that I formed an alliance with Caoyin Village so quickly. If there is such a ninja who attacks Konoha, it cannot be said that Konoha will be in chaos, but a lot of losses are still very possible.

After all, this Chunin Exam gathered all the seeds of Konoha for the next twenty years, and these seeds may be able to defeat such a powerful enemy in the future, but now, they can only be slaughtered.

If she is slaughtered, Konoha may fall into a downturn for thirty or fifty years.

Could it be that……

Their purpose, the purpose of those undercurrents, are the seeds of Konoha...or even the seeds of other Xiaonin villages?

To curb Konoha's vitality recovery, to hurt Xiaoren village, and to shirk all the responsibility to the village...


This issue……

Afterwards, thinking of this, Sandai Hokage thought keenly.

"Contact Chiba as much as possible, I have something to talk to him about."

Then, he spoke like this.


To this, the first voice in the shadow behind him responded without hesitation, and then the shadow seemed to fade a bit.

It seems that something is left in general.

"Discuss with that Miss Heyin, and dispatch a team of directly subordinate Anbu elites to protect the people in Caoyin Village within these two days, and explain to that Miss Heyin that Muye Village is likely to be facing an attack right now. In response to the attack on everyone in the Chunin exam, no one in Caoyin Village should leave the guest house for these two days."

Then, very decisively, he gave the order directly.


But upon hearing this sound, there was a response from the shadows, but it was even fainter, and it was obvious that something had left again.

"What else is there!"

However, after hearing this response and feeling that the three people behind him had left, Third Hokage frowned, and said with a rather stern expression.

"Three Hokage-sama, Danzo-sama has something to discuss with you."

And after this stern sound, in the shadow behind the Third Hokage, such a very polite voice sounded.

So polite, it sounded a little alienated.

Sure enough... is it Danzo?

But at this time, upon hearing this sound, the Third Hokage frowned even tighter, as if it felt even more tricky and troublesome.

However, in his heart, it seemed that he had expected this a long time ago, and such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Right now, I'm in the midst of the Chunin exam, so it's inconvenient for me to leave."

However, even though he thought so in his heart, the mouth of the third Hokage was no longer serious, but rather soft.

"Here, I would like to invite the Third Hokage to move forward. Lord Danzo treats you and..."

In response to this, what came from the shadows was not a majestic response from Hokage, but a sound of embarrassment.

"I know exactly what Danzo means, but there is no need to discuss this matter. I have already negotiated with the representative of Caoyin Village. Everything will be discussed after the alliance is formed."

In this regard, the third Hokage said bluntly.

In the words, there is quite a feeling of "is Danzo Hokage, or am I Hokage, are you loyal to Konoha Hokage or Shimura Danzo" in it.

"Yes, I understand!"

Obviously, the ninja in the shadows understood the meaning of the third Hokage, and responded immediately.

Then, after responding, no matter how light the shadow was, it was obvious that he had left.

But at this time...

Danzo, I really can't understand you more and more now.

Where exactly have you stretched your tentacles?

But at this time, when he felt that there was no one behind him, the expression on the face of the third Hokage became more serious.

Although he knew that Danzo would definitely stop him from forming an alliance with Caoyin Village, he was mentally prepared, but the tone and words of the ninja just now made him feel that his Hokage's authority had been challenged.

At least, he knew that his childhood friend, his best friend who had fought side by side for decades, already possessed his own strength.

And whether this power belongs to Konoha Village or Shimura Danzo, he is already a little unclear.

Moreover, since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Gen's actions have become more and more like they are about to get out of control.

Especially when it came to the extermination of the Uchiha clan, his best friend's resolute attitude surprised him, and he didn't know how this best friend persuaded Xiaoharu and Menyan, and even moved Chiba out. Useless.

Moreover, Qianye's ambiguous attitude on this matter was somewhat beyond his expectation.

No matter!

It can only be this way!

I have already begun to feel powerless, and the village should also be handed over to the younger generation.

This time, Chiba will not go out again.

The position of Hokage should also be handed over to the fifth generation.

But thinking of this, a desolate look flashed across Sandai Hokage's face, his age and body could no longer support such a large village.

Some children's waywardness cannot be let go.

What should have been done long ago, should be done!

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