Soft Fist Joins...

Spiral pill?

Listening to the words of the shadow man, even Orochimaru, who had experienced many battles, was also stunned on the spot.

Soft fist?

And spiral pills?

This is simply an impossible combination.

According to his understanding, not to mention the Hyuga family's characteristic of repelling ninjutsu, whether it is possible to learn the spiral pill or not, the spiral pill is already the ultimate form change, let alone combined with the soft fist method. The meaning of this extreme is, It’s just that it can’t be changed anymore. This is almost the only form, or in other words, it’s the final form of me, and it’s impossible to change it.

A genius like Namikaze Minato, and the founder of Heliwan, as far as Orochimaru knows, he has not been able to add property changes to Heliwan.

After all, soft boxing is also a body technique. Ninjutsu that combines ninjutsu and body skills is also rare in the ninja world. The most famous one is the Raikage family's Thunder Chakra mode. However, this Thunder Chakra The mode is a qualitative use of the thunder attribute chakra, that is, using the thunder attribute chakra to activate its own cells, and adding certain morphological changes, that is to say, the thunder armor formed by the thunder attribute chakra provides a huge amount of defense, and also Reducing the air reaction force in the extreme speed of the activated cells due to the high concentration of thunder chakra, in essence, it has not reached the extreme, whether it is the change of the nature of the thunder chakra, or the basis of the change of the nature of the thunder chakra The morphological changes added above.

Of course, adding form change to the property change of high-density thunder attribute chakra is already a very superb chakra property change and form change technology.

However, not to mention the comparison of power, compared with Helix Wan, the Lightning Dungeon Chakra Mode itself is a combination of shape change and nature change, plus its auxiliary characteristics of acceleration and defense, it is very suitable for physical arts. But Helix Wan is different. Helix Wan is a pure form change, which cannot be added to nature changes, and it is a separate ninjutsu, and it is a purely offensive ninjutsu without any auxiliary attributes. Although it is not compatible with Soft Fist, it is But there is no compatibility.

Even in theory, although the soft boxing method is actually a physical technique that uses chakra to attack, and the use of chakra is far superior to mainstream physical techniques, but it is impossible to imagine how to use the high-density offensive power of the spiral pill Incorporate ninjutsu.

In the acupoints, use the spiral pill method to reverse the chakra and form a spiral chakra?

Covered with spinning chakra?

Or did you condense your hands into spiral pills, and then attack with soft fist moves?

Do not make jokes!

The high-density chakra of the spiral pill is condensed together because of the stability of the ball's rotation. It is a violent chakra reaction in itself. It is impossible for the acupuncture points of the human body to sustain such a violent reaction. There is only one result of changing the shape of the spiral pill in the acupoints, that is, the acupoints and surrounding areas directly explode due to the excessive accumulation of chakra and the unbearable chakra movement.

The result is that the part that releases chakra explodes from the inside, directly causing the meridians to be injured or damaged.

At that time, it may be a problem of permanent disability.

And the whole body is covered with chakra like a spiral pill?

I'm afraid that at that time, regardless of whether there is any defensiveness or aggressiveness, the caster himself may be scraped into bones by the high-density chakra.

It's even more impossible.

As for the last one, it's not called combination at all, it's just a tactical use of spiral pills.

It cannot be called a combination at all.

Soft fist and spiral pills?

There is no combination at all!

It is completely impossible.

"You mean? This Hyuga Yukina combined soft fist and spiral pill?"

But thinking of this, Orochimaru did not deny the possibility that Hyuga Yukina could combine Soft Fist and Helixwan because of the completely impossible result he came up with, but just said so.

However, he lightly threw the question back.

Obviously, although the conclusion he deduced was impossible, he did not think that his answer was the final answer.

And, it seems that he has an inexplicable sense of trust in this shadow person.

Although the words and tone of this shadow person, no one would feel happy, and even listen to it for a long time, and even feel disgusted.

However, Orochimaru still seems to trust this shadow person to some extent.

Knowing that since he said so, he would not lie to him.

It seems that the person in the shadow said that Hinata Yukina combined the soft fist method and the spiral pill, so Hyuga Yukina combined the soft fist method and the spiral pill together.

"That's right."

In this regard, such a voice sounded in the shadows.

"Although I can't imagine how this Hyuga Yukina combined the spiral pill, but according to the information I got, Hinata Yukina's attack method should be a combination of the soft fist method and the spiral pill. After all, she once followed Namikaze Minato, the creator of the spiral pill, has studied for a period of time. With her aptitude, and her status as a disciple of the former Kyuubi Jinchuriki, coupled with the characteristics of the Hyuga clan, Namikaze Minato will not hide private things, and he can teach , I am afraid that there is only the principle of the spiral pill. Although I don’t know if the Hyuga clan will reject the spiral pill, but no matter what, Hyuga Yukina definitely added the spiral pill change to the soft fist method, which doubled the power of the soft fist method , and, very likely, because of the changing characteristics of Heliwanwan, her soft fist technique can already take care of enemies in any range, from far, medium, to near. With the excellent white eyes of the Zong family, she can completely destroy enemies in the middle and far distances. The enemy's ninjutsu and physical skills transform their own soft fist defensive moves into more aggressive ones, which can completely integrate offense and defense. It can be said that it completely expands the advantages of soft fist and white eye coordination, and at the same time changes the soft fist. The weakness that can only be attacked at close range makes the soft boxing method truly transform into the strongest ninjutsu in the ninja world that can be called S-level power. The real strongest of the Hyuga clan is this Hyuga Yukina."

Then, a series of words came from the shadows.

"If there is a real fight, Taki Chiba, who is good at taijutsu and ninjutsu, may not be Hinata Yukina's opponent. At least, in a sense, both of them can be invincible."

Then, after a pause, he added another sentence.

Every gesture... S-level power?

But after hearing this series of words, Orochimaru returned to his calm face, but an unavoidable surprise flashed across it.

With every gesture, the power of S rank.

What is this concept?

This is more than just the strongest of the Hyuga Clan. I am afraid that in Konoha, only people like Taki Chiba can be compared.


Is it really that strong?

It's just a combination of soft fist and spiral pills.

But amidst the astonished look, Dashewan felt unbelievable in his heart.

The power of S-level is unheard of with his qualifications, and he has never seen it. I am afraid that it is only possible for the first generation of Hokage, the second generation of Hokage, and Uchiha Madara.

He couldn't help being surprised, couldn't help but couldn't believe it.

After all, the person in the shadow is still talking about the little-known Hyuga Yukina, a girl who would not have been noticed at all if it wasn't for the Hinata incident and Hinata's legacy.

"If you don't believe it, you can recall the part about Haneda Ichiyo's wound from the white scale clone."

Regarding this, once again, as if anticipating Orochimaru's reaction, the shadow man spoke again.

But he didn't answer directly, but said like this.


And hearing this sentence, Orochimaru naturally recalled that the mental scene transmitted by his white scale clone was completely from the perspective of the little white snake, and when Haneda Yiye fainted, the little white snake happened to be entrenched above In the shadow of him, he could clearly recall the wound on Haneda Ichiyo's abdomen.

Spiral wound!

Then, in the next second, his eyes suddenly opened.

In his memory, he clearly saw the spiral wound on Haneda Ichiyo's abdomen, which was similar to the spiral pill.


No, what this guy is talking about is not the wound!


Neiji Hinata!

It was Hinata Neji who injured Haneda Ichiyo!

Everything is explained!

Haneda Ichiyo was indeed injured, and he was injured by something left behind by Yukina Hinata, but the one who used this leftover thing was Neiji Hinata.

And Haneda Yiye was hit and injured by Hinata Neji while blocking Hinata Hinata's body.

The reason why we should pay special attention to this Hyuga Ningji is because Hyuga Ningji may have mastered the ultimate soft fist method that incorporates form changes, the S-level soft fist method ninjutsu.

At this moment, Orochimaru already understood, fully understood, why this shadowy person wanted to listen to this information specially, and why he would rather waste a little time at this time.

This is indeed very critical information.

If Neji Hyuga is ignored, it is very likely that Neji Hyuga will become the biggest variable in their plan.

A bigger variable than Taki Chiba.


Can you not let go of any information about Haneda Yiye, a guy who is suspected of Taki Chiba?

Is this the top priority?

It seems that this guy has not lost his mind.

Chances are, he's more sensible than any of us, and understands the situation better than any of us.

And, the tendency of the situation to change.

Is it possible...

At this moment, among so many of us, even with the power of a great ninja village, is he the only one who can really keep up with Taki Chiba?

And at this moment, Dashewan's heart suddenly realized. But after suddenly realizing it, there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

It was as if, above his head, a large black cloud had accumulated, forming the appearance of two people, facing each other in the air.

And they seemed to be controlled by the black silk threads hanging from the hands of the two in the black cloud, like puppets.

Inexplicably, a cold air rose from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, the current situation gave him the feeling that the general trend of the entire ninja world had become a game field for these two people.

No matter whether it is a great ninja village like Konoha, Yunyin, Yanyin, Shayin, or Wuyin, or a small ninja village such as Yuyin, Caoyin, and Takiyin, they are just pawns of these two people, and they are all It can only be a pawn!

It can only be flipped in the palms of the two of them.

"It seems that I don't need to explain further. Don't be afraid, Konoha's collapse plan will not only go ahead, but will definitely not fail."

But at this time, there was a sound from the sleeves, but it was the shadow man who had moved, as if he stood up and was about to leave.


Regarding this, Orochimaru was still in the feeling of not being able to explain clearly, feeling like his scalp was tingling with cold air in his heart, and he didn't know if he heard his words, but just nodded, almost subconsciously. expressed approval.

"Well... there is another point, I don't want you to have too many scruples and excessive force because you are too afraid of Taki Chiba. After all, Taki Chiba is just a person, and his intelligence system is only Konoha. Adding Caoyin Village, which has no strength at all and is now in crisis, he is not omniscient, there will always be places where his hands cannot reach, and there will always be times when it is too late, otherwise, he will not lose everything. he……

Nothing but a loser! "

But at this time, in the shadows, there suddenly sounded such a warning and reminder.

"I don't want my collaborators to be so stupid that they will be intimidated by a loser's past, so they get confused and the plan fails."

At the end, he added something.

Taki Chiba is just a person...




That's right, how could the general trend of the entire ninja world be controlled by two people!

Even the original Hokage and Uchiha Madara can only have a great influence on the general trend of the ninja world, rather than directly influence it!


I was so... terrified!

And hearing this sound, Orochimaru's eyes suddenly lit up, and the inexplicable feeling in his heart dissipated immediately.

Even, there is a bit of shame.

He used to be an all-powerful strongman, but now he is so frightened by the game between the two juniors, it is really a bit too embarrassing!

"Oh, by the way, let's separate out a white phosphorus clone and go to Konoha Hospital. I want to know what blood type Haneda Yiye was transfused with!"

Then, without waiting for Orochimaru to say anything, in the shadows, there was another command that was completely commanding.

Then, after this sound, there was a soft sound in the shadow, but it seemed that something disappeared in the shadow.

blood type?

Ichiyo Haneda's blood type?

But upon hearing this, Orochimaru frowned, but became puzzled in his heart. \


is that so?

But, soon, he reacted.

Taki Chiba's blood type is a very rare blood type!

If this Haneda Ichiyo is Taki Chiba, then, now that he needs a blood transfusion, this is the best time to confirm it!

After reacting, Orochimaru understood the key in an instant.


At this moment, the little white snake on the window sill flicked its head and tail, directly submerged in the light outside, escaped into the shadow of the sun outside, and headed in a certain direction.

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