Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2410 I have something to tell you

"It's okay, I'm already awake."

At this time, on the other side, in Konoha Hospital, in the special ward for the Chunin exam, the bandaged boy slowly opened his eyes, turned his face slightly, and looked at the side who was slightly stupefied because of his opening eyes. The nurse on the spot spoke slowly.

"Idiot Yiye, are you awake?"

And almost at the same time, another time, a boy's voice rang out, and Haneda Tatsuhiko, who was originally sitting, had stood up and took a step towards the bed.


And hearing this sound, Haneda Kazuyo turned his head again, looked at the seven or eight-year-old boy who didn't seem to have changed much, and even had some disgust on his face, and said so.

"Is this Konoha's hospital?"

Then, he looked around and asked.


To this, Tatsuhiko Haneda replied.

"Is that so... have I been taken to the hospital?"

And hearing this sound, Haneda Kazuyo looked at the hospital, which was clearly two or three grades higher than the hospital in Caoyin Village, and murmured.

Obviously, he has figured out the current situation.

I didn't expect to suffer such a serious injury...

It's just that I don't know where Hinata Neji learned such a powerful soft fist technique.

Almost, it's really over.

Fortunately, did not touch the root.

Following this sound, Haneda Kazuyo felt a little rejoiced in his heart.

"Hmph! Fortunately, it seems that the head is not broken."

Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda said that he still didn't want to see it as always.

His face was also rosy, and it seemed that he couldn't get any information.

However, this time, Haneda Tatsuhiko's dislike was not simply dislike for Haneda Ichiyo as always.

It's because the plan he thought of to get information from Haneda Ichiyo's mouth is basically unfeasible.

Originally, he was still thinking about the blood loss like this idiot Yiye. When he woke up, he would definitely be confused. Then, he would gather information while he was confused.

Besides, this idiot still fell to the ground, maybe even fell on his head.

Now it seems that it is naturally impossible.

This idiot Ichiyo not only woke up, but also had a ruddy complexion, and even sat up at the stall, full of energy, and even now this guy is down to the ground to play a Chunin test, Tatsuhiko Haneda thinks it's okay.

It can be said that idiot Yiye has completely recovered.


The medical ninjutsu of Watanabe Kencheng is also great.

At the same time, he complained.

To be honest, now his head is really filled with all kinds of doubts and thirst for knowledge. Now that he already knows, idiot Yiye has a plan for idiot Yiye, and his harmony teacher also has a plan with Teacher Yin. Knowing what happened, even though he knew he shouldn't have asked or thought about it.

However, the people closest to him keep everything from him. Although he has the consciousness of being a ninja, his sensitivity to information and the thirst for knowledge of a child of his age make him always want to know what they are hiding. .

Of course, it cannot be said to be pure curiosity, let alone curiosity. Naturally, Haneda Tatsuhiko has 100% trust in his harmony teacher, and some are pure curiosity and curiosity, but at this time, he, He has already developed a sense of distrust towards the idiot in front of him, and Ichiyo Haneda is indeed not likable. To this idiot Ichiyo, Tatsuhiko Haneda is very skeptical.

Also really wanted what his plan was.

If it is bad for the village, he will stop it at all costs.


At this time, a weak voice came from the other side.

Almost subconsciously, Haneda Kazuyo and Haneda Tatsuhiko looked at the other side at the same time.

And when their eyes settled down, the nurse's rather immature face quietly emerged in their sight.

I saw that at this moment, holding the syringe, looking at Kazuyo Haneda and Tatsuhiko Haneda, the nurse who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old was already at a loss.

Obviously, it was because of the contradiction between Haneda Ichiyo's words just now and the current situation and sense of responsibility as a nurse.

The implication is that he obviously doesn't know whether he should give the boy in front of him a blood test.

"No, it's just a little more blood, and there is no problem."

In this regard, Haneda Ichiyo said very simply.

Is this... a blood test?

That's right, the wound just now almost tore the viscera in my abdomen, and I must have bled a lot. I'm in the Konoha Hospital now, so I should be undergoing a blood transfusion.

Judging by the nurse's appearance and the lack of a transfusion tube in my arm, it should be the blood test stage now.

While speaking, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

"Here, can you give us a little time? I need a little private space and time. After half an hour, can you ask the doctor to check my injury? I have to leave the hospital as soon as possible."

Then, after such a thought flashed in his mind, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Haneda Kazuyo's mouth, but with an indescribably gentle appearance, with a calmness and calmness not inferior to that of a young man, he looked at the young man again. said the nurse.


Idiot Yiye really hit his head?

And hearing this sentence, looking at Haneda Kazuyo, Haneda Tatsuhiko's entire face froze, and a kind of unspeakable surprise and unaccustomedness suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he was almost about to shiver because of the cold. I shivered.


Facing the grizzled and white-haired young man with a handsome face in front of him, he showed a similar gentle expression that was not inferior to his age group. The young nurse's figure, which was bending down to draw blood, immediately straightened up, her cheeks for no reason He began to feel slightly hot, and his heart beat suddenly a few beats faster.

The breath is suffocated.

I don't know why, my mind was blank, and I subconsciously nodded a little stiffly.


This look, this kind of maturity that doesn't match her age...

This... this, I... I am the least resistant...

And in her heart, such a thought could not help flashing through.

"It's time to work."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo didn't seem to notice the strangeness of this young nurse, but kept smiling and said so.

"I'll set aside half an hour for you. At that time, a doctor will come to check."

Hearing Haneda Ichiyo's voice, the young nurse blushed, and then, as if aware of her gaffe, her face froze slightly, and she hurriedly left the ward.


What am I thinking!

He's just a teenager!

How many years younger than me!

At the same time, the young nurse, who had already recovered from her haste, cursed herself inwardly.

I don't like young people!

And when she walked to the door, she touched Haneda Tatsuhiko with his mouth wide open, looking at Haneda Kazuyo's expression with a "who are you!" idea.


In those eyes, there is that unfathomable depth that makes people fall into it inadvertently...

Really, the look a teenage boy would have?

And after she walked out of the ward as if rushing out the door, her heart was already filled with such doubts.

The heartbeats and panic that were inevitable due to this sudden suddenness had completely disappeared.

There was already complete doubt on her face.


What's wrong with this little girl?

Instead, a senior nurse who passed her by, looked back at her, slightly taken aback.


Not here, this place is for the Chunin Exam.

Then, she suddenly realized that the area in front of her was already labeled as the "Chunin Exam Area", and the destination of her trip next to her, which is the current ward next to her, was not only empty, but also the name of the nurse in charge was on it. Nor is her name Guizi.

In other words, she was on the wrong track.


It's really strange, this little girl is so frizzy for the first time.

Could it be that the time has finally come?

Then, after realizing that she had gone the wrong way, she walked back while thinking.

"Is there something on my face?"

But at this time, the smile, maturity, and deep tenderness on Haneda Ichiyo's face all disappeared, frowning, looking at Haneda Tatsuhiko who said "who the hell is becoming so fast", Said so in the mouth.

Strange, how did it feel just now, did something terrible leave here?

At the same time, such a doubtful thought appeared in his heart.

Just now, at that moment, after the little nurse left, for no reason, deep in his heart, there was a chill, as if something that made him instinctively feel fear was approaching.

And at this moment, just as the thought of this chill came to him, the chill disappeared suddenly.

As if it had never appeared before, like an illusion.

Could it be that there is something lurking in this Konoha Hospital?

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo was full of doubts.

"Yes! It's written full of idiots, idiots!"

And at this moment, seeing Ichiyo Haneda return to normal, frowning and still looking annoying for no reason, Tatsuhiko Haneda froze at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said loudly.

No matter the tone or words, of course there is nothing good about it.

Really are……

I thought this guy really hit his head, but it turned out that he did it on purpose to distract the nurse sister!

Forget about the bastard's good looks!

Regardless of his annoying temperament, it is still easy to make a shallow woman fall into a nympho.

At the same time, his heart was filled with anger caused by disappointment.


And at this moment, at the stall where Tatsuhiko Haneda was slandering, a sign was suddenly handed in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

In this regard, he looked at the "Do Not Disturb" sign, frowned, and said angrily and even with gunpowder.

"Hanging on the door, we have half an hour, I have something to tell you. My avatar has checked here, and there is no eyeliner from Konoha and other Ninja villages.\

,"Hearing this, Haneda Ichiyo maintained the posture of handing the sign, and said quite seriously.

"Why did I hang up? You are not alive and kicking?"

Regarding this, Haneda Tatsuhiko directly gave him a blank stare, and said in a tone that was a little more distasteful to Haneda Kazuyo than usual.

What's the matter with me?

the truth?

Or a lie?

Want to fool me again?

No wonder you used all the beauty tricks, so you're trying to fool me again?

There's nothing wrong with this guy when he's serious.

However, although it was full of unwelcome and gunpowder, Tatsuhiko Haneda was extremely vigilant in his heart.

At the same time, as he spoke, he took the sign and walked to the door of the ward. After looking around to make sure there was no one there, he hung up the sign and closed the door of the ward.

"Say it."

Then, with a straight puff, he sat down on the cushioned chair beside the hospital bed that he felt very comfortable just now, and said indifferently.

"Since there is already this brand, it means that Heyin's goal has been achieved."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo naturally didn't care about Haneda Tatsuhiko's attitude, but said so while looking at the closed ward door.

"What purpose?"

And hearing this sound, Haneda Tatsuhiko still said indifferently.


Could it be that idiot Yiye and Mr. Harmony have the same purpose?

Listening to what he said, it seemed that he was cooperating with the harmony teacher.

Listen to what he said first, before judging whether he is fooling me.

And although he looked indifferent, as if I just listened to what you said and never believed it, but such a thought flashed through his mind.

"The purpose of forming an alliance with Konoha."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo did not hide it, or beat around the bush, and said straightforwardly.

"Nonsense, we came here to seek Konoha... huh? What did you say?"

When he heard this sentence, Tatsuhiko Haneda rolled his eyes at first, and subconsciously said that he didn't want to see it. However, just after rolling his eyes, he suddenly reacted, and those small eyes immediately stared up, and the second half of the sentence was even worse. It's raised several octaves.

"Alliance, is there a problem with my pronunciation?"

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo blinked his eyes, and said quite innocently.

The bastard!

Seeing Haneda Ichiyo's appearance, the corner of Haneda Tatsuhiko's mouth almost twitched.

"Then let me say it again, it's Knot..."

At the same time, watching Tatsuhiko Haneda's mouth twitch, Kazuyo Haneda said again.

"I know, it's an alliance, not just assistance!"

In response, Tatsuhiko Haneda almost roared three octaves higher.

"It's good that you can understand."

Hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo nodded, wanting to speak seriously.

It seemed that Tatsuhiko Haneda was quite worried that he would not understand.

I am going to kill you!

And seeing Haneda Ichiyo's serious and reassuring appearance, Haneda Tatsuhiko just bit his teeth, if Anna was here now, he would definitely let Anna bite the bastard in front of him.

Bite that hard.

"Hmph! I won't play tricks on you, are you a child? You, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

However, after all, Anna is not here after all, Haneda Tatsuhiko can only grit his teeth and say so.

Now, the matter of alliance is still important.

As for this bastard, it's not a day or two.

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