Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2413 trust relationship

"Next, do you need any explanation?"

Seeing that Tatsuhiko Haneda hadn't spoken for a long time, Kazuyo Haneda, who had already seen that Tatsuhiko Haneda had fully understood what he meant, spoke.

I checked again.

Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda did not speak, but maintained a calm appearance, but under the seemingly calm eyes, he was not calm.

"Are you sure...what you said is true?"

Then, after a long while, Tatsuhiko Haneda raised his head and looked at Kazuyo Haneda, his eyes flickering with suspicion.

Obviously, there are still some people who don't believe Haneda Kazuyo.

I understand so much.

There is nothing to doubt.

Seeing Haneda Tatsuhiko's appearance, the corner of Haneda Kazuyo's mouth twitched slightly, unconsciously thinking.

But now, it should be fine.

Although he still has doubts, he should already believe it.

As long as you believe it, it will be easy. Although he is still a child, he is quite willful at times, but he is a smart person, and he is still sensible.

It should be, then, there will be no trouble.

As long as this kid doesn't get involved.

Then, after the unconscious thought, such a thought appeared in Haneda Kazuyo's heart.

That's right, the reason why Haneda Ichiyo would say this is actually the same reason that Heyin wants to explain the consideration of the covenant with everyone, and it is to prevent the child in front of him from getting involved in this matter.

In other words, because of the current situation, he unknowingly intervened in his plan and became an unstable factor.

Or variables.

Perhaps, the kid in front of me is not conscious, but this kid is not a law-abiding master in the village. At least, he will always do some unexpected things. As for these unexpected things, the result is good. It is bad, but it causes more trouble. It can be said that he himself is a major factor of instability in the village. Secondly, there is Xing Nai next to him. The destructive power produced by the two of them together is almost no less than that of an S-rank ninja. .

For this reason, Yuze even asked himself to control the two children, no, at least he could keep an eye on them so as not to cause more trouble.

At that time, he really underestimated the troublemaking ability of these two guys. Since he intervened to watch over the two, he had more and more troubles.

To be honest, even he sometimes can't stand it, especially this Long Yan, who has been making progress in the process of making trouble for himself, which always makes him a little flustered, and he almost couldn't stretch himself several times.

Especially after Long Yan mastered the ability to make and use poison with one hand, it really made him feel overwhelmed,

Coupled with the fighting methods he keeps developing for Xing Nai, even he has no way to control the scope and degree of destruction by the two of them.

To be honest, Konoha's three disciples who copied the ninja Kakashi are really far behind the two of them.

But now, based on Haneda Kazuyo's understanding of Tatsuhiko, his outrageous behavior probably made him aware that he might have another purpose, and after his outrageous behavior just now, Harmony has never appeared, he must have noticed arrive.

Generally speaking, in such a sensitive situation that almost becomes an international event, harmony is bound to appear.

After all, she is the real representative of Caoyin Village.

This has already involved villages and villages, so it is natural for her to solve it.

And at that time, she didn't show up, and Long Yan had already started to doubt him, so Long Yan would definitely get involved in this matter.

So, now, he must find a reasonable reason to explain his outrageous behavior to Long Yan.

Let him dispel his plan to investigate this matter.

Avoid, this kid becomes an unstable time bomb, destroying his own plan.

Haneda Kazuyo deeply understands what kind of Chengdu this kid's destructive power can reach, not to mention that there is Xing Nai who will firmly follow him as soon as he greets him.

At that time, it would be very difficult for the most destructive combination in Caoyin Village to come together. Now that his plan has been subject to many changes, he is not sure that he can guarantee the success rate.

As for the truth of what he said now.


There's no need to figure this out at all.

As long as you can fool this kid, that's fine.

Anyway, what he said was not wrong.

In fact, it is also like this.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Heyin. If you don't believe me, you should always believe Heyin."

In this regard, thinking of this, Haneda Kazuyo said so.

In the tone of his words, he was quite indifferent, and he returned to his usual demeanor.


Hearing this sound, Tatsuhiko Haneda's attitude also took a 180-degree turn, and the original calm expression like a mature ninja instantly changed to a sullen disapproval.

This guy!

And his heart was already occupied by the kind of anger that he used to face this guy as before.

"You're trying to get rid of me."

Then, almost without thinking, his words popped out.

It seems that Haneda Yiye's previous words still can't convince him, and he still doesn't believe Haneda Yiye.

"Then do you have any questions?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo was not annoyed, but said lightly.

Of course.

The attitude is cooperative.

However, coupled with his understated expression, there always seemed to be an urge to make people rush up and slap and punch him.


And this also succeeded in causing Haneda Tatsuhiko's glare, and the word full of anger in his mouth.

To be honest, this has already been said, Haneda Kazuyo really has nothing to explain, besides, Haneda Tatsuhiko has already understood what Haneda Kazuyo means. Regarding the matter, this is his biggest entanglement and the biggest doubt about Haneda Kazuyo, Haneda Kazuyo still explained quite clearly.

Moreover, his rhetoric really convinced him.

According to Ichiyo Haneda, doing so, his outrageous behavior, is reasonable.

Moreover, they have won unimaginable benefits for them.

He really didn't have any reason to doubt him, not only did he not have to doubt him, even his own harmony teacher didn't have to doubt it.

"Please feel free to ask."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo said lightly, as if deliberately adding fuel to the fire.

It seems that it is already believed.

This child is still a child at heart.


In the case that the child's xinxing still exists, showing the calm and mature appearance before, this child should take this matter very seriously.

I always feel that I am sorry for this child!

While speaking, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's heart.

To be honest, if it wasn't for his own plan, he would not have said that to this child. No matter how much trouble this child caused him, he had been fighting for several years after all. He sees Yincun's maintenance and love.

He doesn't hate this kind of people.

However, now that the situation forced him, he could only do so.

At this moment, I feel more or less guilty in my heart.

"I'm going to find Teacher Heyin now. If there is no written covenant, I will never let you go!"

But at this time, seeing Haneda Ichiyo's understatement as if playing with him and seeming to defeat him, Haneda Tatsuhiko's cheeks suddenly swelled up, his little face flushed immediately, and he turned his head and jumped from the chair that he felt very comfortable just now After leaving such a harsh word, with a loud "bang", he slammed the door and left.

Like extremely angry.


Seeing the door slammed down hard, Haneda Ichiyo let out a long breath, but his face showed a somewhat relieved expression.

Next, go to Heyin, Heyin should understand my intentions.


You don't need to understand my intentions. I'm afraid that Heyin will not hide the matter of the covenant now. After all, like me, she is also very afraid that this kid is doing things secretly.

Worth mentioning.

After today's qualifiers...

It won't be long!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

Haneda Kazuyo could still see Long Yan's expression and actions just now, but he already believed it. Going to Heyin's side to ask was just a last-ditch struggle.

It's just the result of not waiting to see myself on weekdays.

It's just that the next harmony will be a little more troublesome, but after the covenant is announced, there will be no problem.

Now, he can finally concentrate on implementing his plan.

The people to deal with are Dashewan and other people who might hinder him.

"Hmm... so many things have happened, what kind of diversion will those undercurrents take?"

Thinking of this, Haneda Kazuyo slowly leaned against the wall behind him, slowly looked at the ceiling, and began to think.


Still too little!

And in his heart, he thought so.



And just ten seconds ago, Tatsuhiko Haneda, who slammed the door and ran out of the ward, stopped, looked back at the Do Not Disturb sign trembling and slapping on the door of the ward, Tatsuhiko Haneda narrowed his eyes slightly.

In this way, it should be fine.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

The current idiot Yiye should think that I am making a child angry again, and then, believe that I have completely trusted him.

In this case, he shouldn't be on guard against me.

At the same time, after this thought flashed by, his complexion slowly calmed down, he didn't have the bulging cheeks and red face before, it seemed that he was completely calm and mature, which surprised Haneda Ichiyo appearance.

As for the blush-faced playful appearance just now, of course it was fooling the idiot Yiye!

Do you trust that idiot Yiye completely?

What a joke!

When he was still the little kid who didn't know anything?


How could it be possible to completely believe in Haneda Yiye, just pretending to believe in him, I believe that it will never be possible to completely believe in Haneda Yiye! ,

At most, it's just a joke!

After so many years of experience and lessons, he still remembers all the losses and embarrassments he suffered because he believed in this guy!

This time, he will never be so passive again, nor will he suffer and be deflated, and he will be the one who suffers and suffers.

So, next, what to do?

Observe first, get more intelligence?

It's better to contact Xing Nai directly. Since she chooses not to focus on his strategy now, then Xing Nai doesn't have to worry about being fooled by him.

Although, staring at him is the safest.

However, now it seems that I should have the highest success rate if I go to the dark place like this.

Always take a risk.

As long as this guy has any behavior that is not conducive to the village, I must stop it!

Although his outrageous behavior has been explained, and it is indeed for the sake of the village, it does not mean that this is not a means of persuading me.

This guy might have sensed that I was going to stare at him.

That's why I said that on purpose.


Let's talk to Xing Nai first, she is very slow to these things, if I don't explain it well, I am afraid I will be fooled by this idiot.


How should I tell Anna?

Her straight mind...

After standing for a while, Haneda Tatsuhiko started walking again and ran away.

While running, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.


Meanwhile, on the other side.


After Sandai Hokage called "Are you there?", a faint voice sounded from the most inconspicuous shadow behind him.

"This, add it to my relic."

In this regard, the third Hokage turned his hand behind his back, and slightly opened his palm, revealing a small scroll with a special symbol inside.

From the outsider's point of view, the Third Hokage at this time seems to be very interested in the battle off the court, and looks behind his back.


To this, the faint voice responded, and without knowing what happened, the small scroll in the hands of the third Hokage disappeared into the palm of his hand.

And all of this, even Hongdou, who was only five or six meters away from the third hokage, hadn't noticed that Anbe was coming to report some information to the third hokage.

"The code name is "Ninja Road"."

At this time, Sandai Hokage spoke again.


And just after the third Hokage finished saying this, there was such a surprise in the shadows.

"Just do as it says."

In this regard, the third Hokage seemed to have expected the reaction of the ninja in the shadows, and his face did not change, he just said so.

"But... this... I know I shouldn't say this, but, except..."

But upon hearing this, in the shadows, there was a bit of excitement, and the indifference in the voice disappeared.

Instead, it was a kind of puzzlement.

It was as if common sense had been subverted.

"We may have placed too much hope on him and put too much pressure on him. Perhaps, I have never really thought about him. After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, perhaps, we are all too demanding of him."

However, the ninja in the shadows did not finish this sentence after all, and was interrupted by the words of the third Hokage with infinite emotion.

Then, in the shadows, was silence.

Relatively long silence compared to the current situation.

"Yes, I understand."

Then, as if with uncontrollable disappointment and melancholy, there was an affirmative response from the shadows.

"Next, I'll leave it to you, it should be, there will be no change."

At this time, looking at the audience, Sandai Hokage said calmly.

However, his gaze seemed to penetrate the current meeting place and look at a place far, far away.

How much...


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