Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2421 Purpose

"Oh? Are you joking? How could a mere grass hidden village scare such a giant as Konoha?"

Looking at the Konoha ninja hanging upside down, Haneda Kazuon smiled slightly, and said with a little coldness.

He didn't feel guilty at all because Konoha Fang heard the words about cooperating with hostile forces and the other party clearly put forward.

It seemed that his face was full of dissatisfaction and anger.

Watanabe Kencheng?

at this time……

At the same time, such a suspicious thought flashed through the hearts of Haneda Kazuo and Haneda Kazuyo.

The momentum...isn't it weakened at all?

Instead, it was our side who got caught and hurt our feet.

Moreover, it is two people...

But at this time, in the eyes of the two, such a thought flashed through Watanabe Kenshin's heart.

In my heart, it was quite bitter.

Originally, I thought that the sudden opening remarks just now could shake the two of them a little bit, so as to gain a certain advantage and create a certain initiative for the next negotiation or explanation.

However, I didn't expect that there was no disturbance between the two of them. Even Haneda Kazuon could be said to be preemptive, directly expressing his dissatisfaction with Konoha, and directly took the initiative.

It is even very possible that these two people, no, it should be said that Haneda Heyin had already sensed his existence just now, and those things about betrayal were deliberately told to him.

"Please stop joking, Lord Heyin. Caoyin Village is Konoha's most important ally now, and Konoha will never abandon Caoyin Village. Please, Lord Heyin, don't be so arbitrary."

However, despite the bitterness in his heart, Watanabe Kenshin's face still had the same kind look on his face, and there was no change. It seemed that he didn't care what Heyin said just now.

Whether it is the words that Heyin said should not be said, or the Caoyin Village contained in Heyin's words will betray this matter.

He, or Konoha, didn't seem to care.


The work on the face is really good!

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a cold snort in his heart.


It must have been said on purpose, He Yin.

At this time, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

Just now, He Yin should not have guessed what was on his mind, but because Watanabe Kencheng came, or noticed that Watanabe Kencheng was outside, so he said that on purpose, in order to make Watanabe Kencheng uncomfortable Take the initiative to come out and take the initiative by the way.

Putting Caoyin Village in a weak and dominant position, more or less using public opinion or the set of unspoken rules of the game between the villages to restrain Konoha.

Let the following negotiations or explanations be more beneficial to Cao Yin.

It is even possible that Heyin's gaffe just now was just a play, for Watanabe Kensei outside the window to listen to.

"Oh? Really? Then, why did you delay the official exam after the pre-selection for one month without any discussion, although Konoha never said that the time between the pre-selection and the third trial is the same as the time between the pre-selection and the third trial. It is normal for Ye to adjust at will. Moreover, the organizers of the Chunin exams in the past have also changed things such as the exam time at will. For ninjas, this is also normal. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. of a type.

However, after Konoha signed a written covenant with us and asked us to keep it secret, he also arbitrarily increased our standard treatment in Konoha Village. Although the covenant was not announced, it basically informed others from the side, Konoha and Grass The relationship between Hidden Village has changed, and even, in a disguised form, it is to tell other people that when Konoha and Caoyin Village have formed an alliance, they will directly delay the unilateral decision for one month.

I would like to ask, does Konoha know that this will affect our Hidden Grass Village, and even bring disaster, or is it purely using our Hidden Cao Village as a cover? "

And at this time, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth, Haneda Kazuon said so.

In the words, it is sharp.

"Master Heyin, please..."

And hearing this sentence, Watanabe Kensei hurriedly said, with a look of panic on his face, with the feeling of "we never meant that, please don't do it".

"Needless to say, although our Caoyin Village is just a small ninja village, we have some means to survive in the cracks for so long and exist well, and this time, we have spared all our thoughts. I wanted to follow Konoha, but I didn't expect that Konoha would do this and directly put us to death. I thought that Konoha always valued allies the most, but I didn't expect it to be such a big ninja village. Well, you There is no need to be hypocritical, since our Caoyin Village dared to put everything on Konoha, we are ready to destroy the village because of Konoha, we are conscious, even if the entire Caoyin Village Everyone in the village died in battle, and we will let Konoha generations remember that Caoyin Village has courage and dignity!"

However, he didn't finish his sentence, but was interrupted by the smiling Haneda Kazuo.

It was interrupted by Haneda's unwavering but unusually heavy words.

As he said that, he almost stood up and left the room directly.

A look, don't need to say anything more, and don't talk about everything.

"Master Heyin, please calm down!"

But this time, Watanabe Kencheng finally changed his face, his figure flashed, and he bowed at ninety degrees, and stopped in front of Haneda Kazuon, but he directly made a gesture of apology.

A gesture of sincere apology.

And looking at his expression, tone, and posture, Haneda Ichiyo who was watching from the side had an illusion. If it wasn't because it represented Konoha, Watanabe's apologetic gesture would be Dogeza.


Regarding this, Haneda Heyin snorted coldly. Although he stopped, he was quite dissatisfied and turned his head to snort coldly.


It was completely robbed!

Unexpectedly, this chord, obviously a woman, is so strong, it's nothing more than being strong, but it always hits the painful foot of our wrongdoing!

This time, it is completely the opponent's advantage.

Hearing this cold snort, Watanabe Kenshin felt even more bitter.

To be honest, he was a little caught off guard, and it was indeed their fault. Haneda Heyin's accusation and threat made him a little overwhelmed. For a while, the rhetoric that he had thought up before was also a little bit unreasonable. not coming out.

In this matter, Konoha is at fault after all, unless Konoha does not want the credibility of allies, if this matter does not raise the standard of treatment, then it is actually fine, as long as both parties keep it a secret.

There is no problem with the extension for two months and three months, and even during this period, they were able to sign all the formal contracts.

It will be even better then.

But the point is that the salary has been raised now, resulting in a one-month delay, which will put Caoyin Village in considerable danger.

This is Konoha Fang's fault.

After all, it is Konoha who wants to keep the secret, and it is Konoha who unilaterally raises the salary.

After all, Konoha is trying to win the power of Xiaoren Village, and this aspect is also a constraint. If Caoyin Village is treated unfairly or something happens to Konoha, Konoha's reputation will decline no matter what.

That's why he's here now.

Konoha must give Caoyin Village an explanation to show that Konoha attaches great importance to Caoyin Village and the allies of Xiaoren Village. In the future, Caoyin Village can also be used as a propaganda.

At the same time, a series of plans have been prepared.

However, now that Haneda Heyin has such a strong reaction, and even direct threats are coming, he has to consider, if he speaks out those plans now, will he bring elements of these plans under the intimidation of Caoyin Village? inside.

This element is not allowed to exist in this level of negotiation.

Konoha is Da Ren Village, Cao Yin is Xiao Ren Village, Xiao Ren Village threatened Da Ren Village, Da Ren Village compromised, how could it happen?

If this situation is allowed now, what will happen next time Caoyin Village takes an inch? What about other Xiaonin villages who follow the scriptures?

What if Ninja Village asks for a lot of money as long as they catch the slightest mistake in Konoha in the future?

This is also the most important reason why he can't say it now.

After all, Konoha is a great ninja village, after all, it has to be in a dominant position, if it wants assistance, if it wants the pie from the sky, Konoha is happy to give it.

Otherwise, it is putting the cart before the horse.

Now, this Haneda Kazuo is so aggressive, for Watanabe Kencheng, he can't make any decision at this time except to appease and apologize.

So, now he is also bowing his body and putting on a low profile, but he doesn't say anything, just avoids leaving with the tone, so as not to cause any public opinion that they will break up unhappy.

"Mr. Heyin, let's hear why Mr. Watanabe came here. I don't think Konoha will plan to kill them all after providing such a favorable condition. I believe in Konoha's sincerity."

In this regard, seeing Watanabe Kenmai who did not speak but just lowered his head to prevent Kazuyo from leaving, Haneda Kazuyo smiled slightly and said in a kind tone.


The harmony is making me sing a bad face.

I don't know if she is really angry, or...

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Forget it, I'll just listen to it."

Haneda Heyin also understood this, and sat down immediately.

To be honest, she was very angry at first, even a little resentment of being disillusioned, as well as shame and resentment that her inconsideration was affected by emotions, including the words just now, because she did not completely calm down.

As for what he said just now, what he said was actually a little too much, too sharp, almost without any room for it.

In other words, Konoha was not even given a chance to speak.

There is almost a feeling of being merciless and refraining from oil and salt.

After all, Konoha is a big ninja village, so you can't just compromise obediently just because of little ninja village's ruthless words.

Even, her performance just now, even if Konoha has prepared some plans, it cannot be said that this is a matter of dominance, and the dominance of dominance after forming an alliance in the future cannot tolerate any concessions.

Even if, Konoha is indeed wrong.

Now, it can be said that Haneda Ichiyo's words came very timely, and the white face sang quite tacitly.

Just right, also give Konoha a step down.

It's a rescue. Just now, both sides are indeed a bit on the fence, and they can't hold back their faces. Although they are Xiaoren Village, after all, they are taking advantage of the situation. The situation just now has been spoken, and they can't go back on their words. .

Ichiyo Haneda is just right.

"In fact, Master Heyin, you misunderstood this matter. The village delayed for a month and did not discuss it with your village. It was indeed our negligence. You should also be able to see from this delay that the situation is a bit urgent, and these are Konoha's explanations to you."

And hearing Haneda Heyin's obviously softened words, Watanabe Kencheng also saw something, and also understood that just now he was just singing a bad face, Caoyin Village just wanted to get more benefits, and it didn't matter. What are you going to care about? Most of what Heyin said before was to scare himself, or to take the lead in the negotiation. Put the three scrolls in front of Harmony.

"This is?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuon raised his head and said with a puzzled expression.

This time, although his face was still stern, his eyes softened obviously, but he didn't have the aggressive feeling just now. It looked like he was talking.

And it is the kind of appearance that is willing to reach an agreement.

As long as Konoha's offer is enough to satisfy her, she will agree, not at all like just now.

It seems that what I said just now was indeed too much.

When Konoha came here this time, he should have prepared a plan.

At the beginning, they didn't consider this, but now they should have a remedy plan.


After all, Konoha is not a god, and it may be an unexpected situation. It is normal for us not to take care of us.

Now is the time for them to express their attitude.

At the same time, her heart calmed down as she thought about it.


Unexpectedly, He Yin had such a great affection for Konoha. Just now, he must have lost his composure.

Because of Konoha's delayed notification before, now, because of Konoha's plan, he changed his attitude instantly.

It seems that the alliance between Caoyin Village and Konoha is a certainty.

And at this time, Haneda Kazuyo, who saw all this in his eyes, had such a thought in his heart.

"Konoha has prepared three plans for Hidden Grass Village during this month, including assistance, defense, and intelligence. If Hidden Grass Village is really in danger, Konoha will definitely not stand idly by."

In this regard, Watanabe Kencheng said so.

The three generations of Hokage really look like a torch. The allies of Caoyin Village are really right. Judging from their appearance just now, they will definitely not defect for some petty profits. For big profits, what can be better than Konoha? many!

Moreover, these two people are understanding people, and they both understand.

At the same time, he thought so in his heart.

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