Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2435 arrive

"This... this, this, this... is this true?"

"I... I read it right, right, this, this, this... this..."

"Book...written...covenant...covenant covenant...forget it, or...or..."

The eyes full of shock were widened to the maximum. At this moment, the eyeballs of everyone in this guest house in Caoyin Village almost protruded from the eye sockets contained almost everything that could be described as "happening." A miracle" sentiment.

On the faces of all of them, there was an almost distorted look of "ecstasy".

Originally, the written covenant was unbelievable enough, but now it is almost completely biased towards Caoyin Village and can even change the foundation of Caoyin Village. What.

There was also a blank in their heads, and they didn't know how to say these few words at this time.

At the same time, these almost "distorted" gazes all moved away from the scrolls on the table and fell on the beautiful woman who brought the news.

"Don't worry, we have confirmed this written covenant repeatedly."

In this regard, after everyone's eyes were focused on him, Haneda Kazuon said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Really? It took effect?"

Hearing this, everyone was almost reflexive, and said in a daze.

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuo did not speak this time, but nodded with a smile.


it is true……

Really, really!

Seeing Haneda Kazuon smiling and nodding without saying a word, in everyone's blank minds, when you look at me and I look at you, such an affirmative thought finally popped up.

However, in the next second, the distorted "ecstatic" look on their faces suddenly disappeared, and replaced by a dignified look that could not suppress the worry in their hearts.

"But why... why did Konoha give us such generous conditions? Is there any conspiracy in this?"

And amidst the solemnity, someone suddenly asked.

"Yes! Now there is an extra person watching at the door... Is Konoha so kind?"

Then, someone else said.

Obviously, the people at the door, they haven't forgotten.

"Maybe there is a conspiracy, but it's not against us Kusakashi. The current Konoha needs a small ninja village like ours. Secondly, the person you mentioned to monitor is not actually here to monitor us. If you want to monitor us, Can Konoha let you find out? This is because we have formed an alliance, and Konoha has improved our treatment. That person is monitoring people who are not good for us."

In this regard, Haneda Kazuo patiently explained.

"Then what happened to what you said?"

After hearing Haneda Heyin's words, someone immediately spoke.

They still remember what Haneda Kazuo said just now when he called the idiot Ichiyo away.

Obviously, this needs to be explained.

Otherwise, they won't be at ease.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

Haneda Kazuo almost laughed when everyone asked seriously.

These guys, still can't believe it, we are allied with Konoha!

Yes, this is almost unimaginable.

At the same time, such a thought appeared in her heart.

Obviously, the people in Caoyin Village in front of them didn't doubt what she said because they didn't believe her, but because the news was too shocking, incredible, and impossible. Even if the facts were in front of them, they were still There is no way to believe my eyes.

Yes, at this time, everyone did not believe in themselves.

No, don't believe her.

"Believe it! Of course I believe it!"

But after hearing this sound and seeing Haneda Heyin's smiling face, everyone knew that there was no need to doubt it, the facts before them were the facts, and if Heyin said so, then the conclusion was settled.

Even if this matter is impossible in common sense, but in the world of ninjas, there will always be some things that cannot be explained by common sense. Now, it is not impossible for Konoha to do such things that violate common sense of.

Although I don't know how to explain it, but since Heyin said it, there must be an explanation, but the explanation Heyin doesn't plan to say it, or it can't be said now.

"It's just that you were looking for the idiot Yiye just now. Can you tell me what happened?"

Then, after the unanimous voice, the bearded man frowned, and after pondering for a while, as if he had made some firm determination, he opened his mouth and said.

But, facing the harmony, asked.

"This is what I wanted to tell you."

Regarding this, Haneda Heyin still smiled, but there was a bit more seriousness in the words and eyes.

At the same time, when she moved, she walked to the head of the long table and glanced at everyone.

"So, can we talk now?"

Regarding this, another person said cautiously.

"Of course, I originally planned to tell the big guys after dinner, and celebrate it while everyone reads the covenant book, but since you care about this matter so much, then, if I don't say it, you can't have a good time." There's no point in eating."

In this regard, the smile on the corner of Haneda Kazuo's mouth slowly retracted, and said so.

There is indeed something!

Upon hearing this sound, everyone immediately sat upright, and some of them even took a deep breath. In an instant, everyone became serious, and a serious and serious atmosphere instantly enveloped the audience.


What trouble, these guys!

At the same time, the moment when the serious atmosphere enveloped the audience, the corner of Haneda Ichiyo behind Haneda Kazuo twitched slightly, and silently picked up the paper that was placed on the side so that he could take it anytime. In a blink of an eye, the pen and ink had slipped onto my hand.

Then, while writing, he walked to the door.

Then, amidst the sound of the door opening and closing, a "Do Not Disturb" note was pasted on the door panel that was closed again.

"Actually, the current situation is not optimistic. It is not yet time to make a final decision."

As the door closed, Haneda Kazuyo glanced at Haneda Kazuyo who sat down at the door and didn't intend to come over, Haneda Kazuo nodded slightly, and then spoke to everyone.

"What do we need to do?"

And hearing this sentence, everyone said this sentence almost in unison.

After all, they have been together for many years. Although they don't stay together day and night, a considerable part of the people present are taught by Harmony, and they occasionally work together. The big guys are quite familiar with each other.

Of course, I also have a certain understanding of harmony.

Since she said that the situation is not optimistic, it means that there may be something that they must do here.

In other words, what do they need to do.

Otherwise, Harmony would not explain it to them.

"Don't worry."

In this regard, Haneda Kazuon smiled slightly again when he saw the people in Caoyin Village who had already formed a tacit understanding and guessed his intentions without saying anything.

"You've got to know what's going on."

And at this time, a voice that made everyone frown unconsciously sounded.

This idiot is a leaf!

At the same time, the moment the voice sounded, everyone frowned obviously, and in their hearts, everyone almost cursed subconsciously.

However, although their hearts were full of dislike, the crowd didn't say anything, they just looked at He Yin and motioned for her to explain.

"The problem is actually very simple, that is, Muye Village has raised the treatment standard of our Caoyin Village, directly allowing us to enjoy the treatment of Muye's allies and delaying the conflict between them for one month. This incident has caused..."

Noticing the reactions of the crowd, He Yin didn't hold back, and straightforwardly informed the crowd of the problems he was facing and the solutions.

"So, now we are waiting for Konoha's reply? As long as Konoha is sure, we are going to prepare to attack the teams of the major ninja villages?"

After listening to Haneda Kazune's words, everyone was silent for a while, and finally, it was the bearded man who broke the silence.


To this, Haneda Kazuon nodded and said.

"However, our strength may not be enough. After all, the idiots Ichiyo, Tatsuhiko, and Anna are all here now. If we rashly withdraw from the Chunin exam now, it will be more likely to arouse suspicion."

And hearing He Yin's words, the beautiful female ninja frowned and said.


Haneda Kazuon didn't deny this either, and nodded bluntly.

To be honest, although there are still some ninjas in Caoyin Village who have experienced the three wars with the strength of the great ninja Murakami ninja, among the younger generation, only Haneda Ichiyo, Tatsuhiko, and Anna are able to do so.

Those who are present now and some rising stars who have not been selected because of the number of people are just the existences that can catch up with the elites of the Great Ninja Village in the future, and they are not yet.

As for those powerful ninjas, Caoyin Village will naturally stay in the village to guard them. Although they have formed an alliance with Konoha, and Konoha has decided to get along with them, but this does not mean that they can completely trust Konoha, and they can't defend at all. Not set.

What's more, even if Konoha is helping with all his strength, considering Konoha's current situation, it is impossible to do his best.

Although Haneda Ichiyo's strategy is good, there is also a sense of all-or-nothing in it.

Cao Yin still needs to find a way out.

In other words, make more preparations.

However, if these powers are kept in the village, then what Caoyin Village can do is very limited.

According to the idiot Ichiyo's strategy, they are going to deal with the elite troops of other ninja villages. If their strength is not a certain level, even if they have an advantage in numbers, they will only be mowed and lose their hands in vain.

After all, during the third Ninja World War, Caoyin Village was also the most impacted Xiaonin Village. It is a miracle that it can preserve its current strength, and it is because of the excellent command and mediation of the former leader, and now the former leader is no longer there. Yes, although the new leader is also very strong, but after all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Caoyin Village is actually in a lean age.

So, now, Caoyin Village is faced with a rather big problem.

Now it is impossible for Konoha to help them, and they may not even be able to fully assist them. Give up the part they should snipe, and lead the enemy to the headquarters for siege. However, siege will inevitably cause damage. Caoyin Village is not Konoha Village. As a Xiaonin Village, its area is very small and its defenses are immature. Their Caoyin Village is almost gone.

In a sense, Caoyin Village is actually a bit "unworthy" to cooperate with a big ninja village like Konoha.

"About this point, I have already sent the book leader to let him decide."

And at this time, Haneda Heyin, who heard this, said so.


Regarding this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay at first, but in the end they did not raise any objections, but just nodded. Obviously, everyone was quite convinced of the new leader, and their attitude was almost acquiescing to leave this matter to the new leader.

"So, what are we going to do?"

And then, they asked.

"It's very simple..."

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Haneda Kazuo's mouth was slightly raised again, looking at the crowd, there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.


In this regard, everyone's body was slightly stiff.

This look...

With this kind of look, I always feel that Heyin is going to say something that we don't want to do.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through their minds.

A group of troublesome guys, at this time, there is only one thing they can do!

And at this time, Kazuyo Haneda at the door twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth. Such a thought came to mind.

At the same time, his eyes were on Haneda Anna and Haneda Tatsuhiko who were hanging on and under the hanging beams, and a bit of worry flashed in his eyes.

"This month, you just have to play to your heart's content and don't cause trouble."

And at this moment, Harmony's words sounded.



At the same time, at the same time as the sound of harmony sounded, on the other side, on the Hokage Rock at the highest point of the Konoha, the mountain wind whizzed past, with two "swipes", two black figures suddenly flashed.


And when these two figures flashed, a word resounded in the mountain wind.


Afterwards, among the two black figures, the one in front of him nodded, his tone seemed to be softened and dignified and emotional.

"This is Muye Village!"

At this moment, the black figure behind him had already walked to the edge of the Hokage Rock cliff, looked around, looked at the vast Muye Village, and said with emotion in his mouth.


To this, the black figure standing in front nodded and responded.

"So, what do we do next?"

But the black figure in front of him didn't feel emotional for long. After taking a second look at the scenery of Muye Village, he turned his head, looked at the silent black figure behind him, and asked.

In the tone, it is already full of dignified meaning.

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