Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2445 Can't

"Yeah, it's not a big deal after all. As a small ninja village, I don't need to think too much about Konoha's assistance and a formal guaranteed written covenant. Besides, Konoha did it this time. It also gave us the face of Caoyin Village."

Looking at Haneda Kazuyo in front, and at Haneda Kazuyo who also had a subtle expression on the other side, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to be following Haneda Kazuyo's meaning.

However, there was a smile on his face, but his tone was full of self-deprecating meaning.

It sounds like, but there is no such thing as "it's not a big deal after all" in it.


And hearing this sound, Haneda Kazuon raised his head, recovered from his own thoughts, and said with a little worry.

"At least, it's enough face, isn't it? After all, it's enough face, isn't it?"

To this, Haneda Kazuyo also spoke.

However, his eyes were a little erratic, his thoughts seemed to have diverged, and he seemed to think of something.

But judging from his face, there was a kind of helplessness and sadness similar to Haneda Yuzawa's self-deprecating expression.

"Then, the matter has been settled, let's discuss the next strategic arrangement."

In this regard, facing Haneda Kazuo's worries and Haneda Ichiyo's rare expression of helplessness and sadness, Haneda Yuzawa took a deep breath, as if suppressing a certain emotion deep in his heart, and said so.

But this time, the tone was calm.


The heart should still be...

But hearing this sound, Haneda Heyin's face was a little sad when thinking of Haneda Yuzawa's expression just now.

She is very clear that although Konoha has done it quite secretly and tactfully, the skill of the third Hokage is indeed admirable, and she can even learn a lot from it in the future, but for Yu Ze It was a very helpless and uncomfortable thing after all.

It's not that there is any dissatisfaction with the intention of the third Hokage.

From Konoha's point of view, I am prepared to do something that no one has dared to do for thousands of years. To change the current ninja world structure, it is normal to have a few more insurances, even if it is a little extreme.

Besides, the skill of the third Hokage is indeed ingenious, and most of them admire it.

The reason why Yuze feels helpless and uncomfortable is also due to this admiration. And Yuze's helplessness and discomfort are naturally the essence of this matter.

From Konoha's standpoint, it's only natural to do so.

However, from the standpoint of Caoyin Village, they are firmly held by Konoha in their hands, holding them tightly. Although they are not absolutely controlled by Konoha, Konoha can control Caoyin unscrupulously, but It is also a kind of control.

From a certain point of view, Caoyin Village is now put on a spiked shackle, which is still firmly around the neck, and the end of the shackle is held in the hands of Muye Village.

In front is the aid bowl given by Konoha, and behind is the shackles in the hands of Konoha Village. This situation is definitely a state that no leader likes.

What is even more uncomfortable is that even in this state, they still think that Konoha's ruler is powerful and worthy of admiration, and there is no possibility of resistance at all.

Even, no matter how uncomfortable they felt about this matter, they could only pretend to be grateful on the surface.

This is extremely uncomfortable for Yuze, and even for the rest of the Haneda family.

However, there is nothing I can do!

In the face of Daren Village, what Xiaoren Village can do is linger on, so what dignity can there be?

This is the ninja world, this is the reality, they are very humble, what else can they do besides being grateful?

Even Konoha has already been regarded as a kind of "respect". At least on the bright side, Caoyin Village is very beautiful. It is estimated that many Xiaonin villages will envy it in the future!

In fact, when he left the hut in the mountain to venture into the Ninja world, Yuze once challenged the Great Ninja Village, and that Great Ninja Village was Yunyin.

At that time, they were just fledgling, and they were considered newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers. At that time, as a group of wandering ninjas, they traveled around to receive some small private commissions. Regardless of the assistance of Daren Village, or the direct funding and reconstruction of Daren Village for the sake of prestige, they still received a lot of tasks, and their lives are getting better day by day.

In the battle after battle, he honed his strength more and more.

Especially Yuze, whether it is the amount of chakra, or the talent of ninjutsu and even illusion, all broke out in an all-round way. It can be said that his strength is increasing day by day, far surpassing them.

And the increasing power also makes Yuze's goal bigger and bigger. Although they keep in mind the scroll left by Chiba that says not to have excessive ambitions, but after all, they are the first taste of power, and they are still young. Naturally, it was a little swollen.

It was also from that time that they were not satisfied with such scattered small tasks, and began to move the cakes of various Xiaonin villages at that time, and because their strength became stronger and stronger, they did grab a lot of tasks for them.

And this also aroused the dissatisfaction of Xiaoren Village. Whether it was Longyin Village and his like at that time, even Caoyin Village carried out a series of open and secret struggles against them.

However, Xiaoren Village is Xiaoren Village after all. After the third Ninja World War, these Xiaonin Villages suffered heavy losses because of the envoy of Daren Village. It's too powerful. Although there are stages of being at a disadvantage, they basically have the upper hand in the end.

In the end, it is they who complete the most tasks and receive the most commissions.

With the increase in the number of completed tasks and the increase in appointments, they have also accumulated a considerable fortune, and they have also added a lot of ninjas. Tian Zhiguo of the village approached, and planned to establish a ninja village in Tian Zhiguo.

In order to establish Ninja Village, they began to establish mission channels purposefully and systematically, and this time, they touched the cake of Ninja Village.

Moved the cake in Yunyin Village at that time.

If it is said that they are just a group of wandering ninjas, grabbing missions, that’s all. These missions are basically released directly by Daren Village. Even if they are not directly released by Daren Village, almost all missions have Daren The shadow of the village is in it, or there is the influence of Daren Village in it. For Daren Village, basically the tasks that they, a group of wandering ninjas, can receive are all tasks that they are unwilling to do or have too late to do. .

It doesn't matter who completes it, the bulk of the quest rewards are still with them, especially the prestige rewards.

However, their wandering ninja group has not only grown to a certain scale, but also plans to establish a mission channel, skip the Daren Village, directly accept the mission, and get the biggest reward. This is not tolerated by the Daren Village.

In particular, among the biggest rewards, money rewards are nothing more than monetary rewards, and the accompanying reputation rewards are the key to the expansion of Da Ren Village's influence and the key to grab more surrounding interests. They, a group of wandering ninjas, dare to touch this One piece, naturally became a thorn in the eyes of the Daren Village.

And it was Yunyin Village who took the lead in launching the attack.

Without any nonsense, the elite team of the three elites in Yunyin Village directly killed their organization base at that time.

It was almost destructive, directly slaughtering half of their organization, and with only nine people, they were trapped in the base, and they could only rely on some defensive facilities and traps to survive.

And that time, Yuze was also seriously injured by Yun Yin's ninja called "Darui", and his life was hanging by a thread.

Under the absolute strength of Da Ren Village, they almost fell into a mortal situation without even screaming.

If it wasn't for Qianye's sudden appearance at the critical moment, I'm afraid they would have died that night, all of them in that underground base.

Then, after that night, they understood what is called "Five Great Ninja Villages" and what is called unshakable absolute power.

Also in that battle, Yuze disbanded the organization and gave up Wada's plan to approach the establishment of a ninja village.

With the miraculously intact Haneda family, they began to wander again until Caoyin Village threw an olive branch to them.

He Yin still remembers the big man with a bold smile who suddenly appeared in front of them, and his resolute and decisive words, "Come to our Caoyin Village, we need you in Caoyin Village!".

And this big man is the former leader of Caoyin Village.

Although it seems that they found Caoyin Village and joined them on the surface, but in fact, the former leader actually came to invite them, and they came to invite them alone to keep everyone secret.

Hope they join Grass Hidden Village without revealing his invitation.

At that time, Yuze was already disheartened, and their situation was gradually improving at that time. At least everyone had decided to settle down in the hidden no-man's land bordering the country of grass and the country of earth.

It was originally rejected outright.

But in the end, after all, they went to Caoyin Village because of the former leader's words "I need a family with backbone like you".

And after joining Caoyin Village, in a secret conversation, they found out that their former leader was already suffering from a serious disease and would not live long.

It was during that secret conversation that the tasks they received began to touch the darkest side of the ninja world, and since then, they have become more comfortable with politics, economy, combat and even local battles.

The understanding of the ninja world also tends to be thorough.

In the end, half a year after they joined Caoyin Village, the former leader died. ,

After that, the Country of Grass closed its doors.

And now, facing the third Hokage's hand, it undoubtedly brought back the trouble in Yuze's heart.

In any case, no matter how the three generations of Hokage look good on the surface, they know that they are tied up, but they still have to accept it, and they still have a grateful look on their faces. After all, it made them feel it again. "The Absolute Power of the Great Ninja Village".

She understands Yuze's current mood very well.

But what is the use of understanding?

Isn't all she can do is look at it like this?

This is, the insurmountable power gap!

"Oh... Heyin, Ichiba, Konoha has already agreed to this matter, and arranged for us to deal with the part of the land country. The other three major ninja villages will be borne by Konoha. This is the third Hokage Say it in person, and we can arrange it directly."

At this time, Haneda Yuzawa seemed to suddenly think of something, and said.

"Well, I see."

Hearing this sentence, He Yin gathered his thoughts back instantly, nodded, and spoke.

Since Yuze has already met with the third Hokage and intends to discuss the issue of strategy, it must be that the third Hokage has agreed to this matter, that is, adopting Yiye's strategy.

"Then, I decided to ask Ichiyo, Xingna, and Ryuhiko to go back with me. Now that the covenant has been signed, it doesn't matter if the three of them abstain. After all, even if there are only elites in the direction of Yanyin Village, it seems that they are only in the overall strategy. A quarter of the enemy troops, but for our Caoyin Village, the situation is still quite serious, and the village must be guarded. You must stay in Konoha. If Somi sits alone, it will be lacking after all. What. I want Yiye to go back to guard the village with Soya, and I will form an elite team with Xing Nai and Ryuhiko, and let Ming Tai lead a team, plus an assassination team, to the ambush point."

In this regard, Haneda Yuzawa cleaned up his face and said.

As soon as the words came out, it was in a completely commanding tone.

Even if, the words are the meaning of discussion.

Also add the assassination team?


Facing Daren Village, Yuze still hasn't recovered from the shadow of that night...

But hearing this sentence, Haneda Heyin's face changed slightly, but a few traces of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"No! I can't leave Konoha."

And just as thoughts flashed in her mind, Haneda Kazuyo's words suddenly came.

But he refused the order to return to the village.

"One leaf?"

Haneda Yuzawa was obviously very surprised by this, turned his head, and unconsciously expressed doubts in his mouth.

"Yuzawa, Yiye can't go back this time, Long Yan and Xing Nai are fine."

Hearing this, Haneda Kazuo didn't have any hesitation, nor any nonsense, and stood directly on Haneda Kazuyo's side.

"Harmony? This is?"

In this regard, Haneda Yuzawa was even more surprised. After turning his head to look at Heyin, he was both surprised and puzzled.

"Sorry, Yuze, I'm in Konoha, I have my plan. I can't leave Konoha now."

But at this time, Haneda Kazuyo pruned his face and spoke seriously.

Yuze here...

It must also be made clear!

At the same time, such a thought appeared in his mind.

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