Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2464 emergency meeting

During the daytime of the next day, the Hokage Building, the conference room.

"Someone may have heard that the body of Moonlight Gale was found near Kikyo City yesterday."

After looking around at the event to make sure that all the participants were present, the Third Hokage gently put down the bamboo hat representing Hokage, pondered for a moment, and said so.

"What? Gale?"

And upon hearing this, the expressions of all the ninjas who were suddenly notified to come to an emergency meeting changed, and some even exclaimed.

"how so?"


Apparently everyone was quite shocked upon hearing the news of Yueguang Gale's death, and there were several more bangs one after another.

"Did... Orochimaru do it?"

At this time, Hongdou, who had already heard about it, slowly turned serious, and said in a deep voice.

Regarding Moonlight Gale, as the third Hokage said, Hongdou already knew about it. It should be said that after Xi Yan discovered the body of Moonlight Gale last night, she had already learned the news, and since she learned the news, She suspected that this matter was done by Orochimaru.

"No, not necessarily, you can't simply draw a conclusion."

And her inference was quickly denied by Kakashi behind her, only to hear Kakashi say: "Last night, Hayate should be on duty normally, maybe he found something, and tailed near Kikyo Castle, according to the existing According to the information, there was also an Otogakure spy named Dou in Kikyo Castle at that time, um... However, this Dou is also inseparable from Orochimaru."

"Then suspend the Zhongnin exam and catch Orochimaru."

In this regard, the slightly angry voice of the same foot in front of Kakashi sounded.

"No, that guy showed his identity in front of Hongdou. In a sense, he is not afraid of the suspension of the Chunin exam. On the contrary, it is very likely that he showed up just to suspend the Chunin exam. The importance of the next Chunin exam, I believe everyone is also very clear, how much loss will be caused by the suspension, I don’t need to explain, it cannot be suspended until there is no reason to suspend the exam.”

However, his words were quickly denied by the Third Hokage.

"Oshemaru? What's going on?"

Hearing this sentence, Mito Menyan, the elder advisor who sat on the right hand side of the Third Hokage, frowned, turned his head, looked at the Third Hokage, but asked very seriously.

"I'll explain to you later, Menyan."

Regarding this, Sandai Hokage turned his head away and said to Mito Menyan.

Hearing this sentence, Mitomonyan pursed his lips and glanced at the mainstay ninjas in the surrounding villages, but finally did not speak.

At the same time, on the other side of the Third Hokage, it seemed that he was closing his eyes and resting his mind. Xiaochun raised his left eye slightly, and after taking a look at the Third Hokage, he closed it again without saying anything.

"Besides, regardless of the suspension of the Chunin exam, Orochimaru has the strength to conquer a small country after all, and Konoha left with resentment. If you really want to hunt him down in the village, I'm afraid it's not something you should do. .”

At this time, Kakashi spoke again.


Upon hearing Kakashi's words, Sandai Hokage nodded in affirmation.


It seems to be the truth.

With the affirmation of the third Hokage, similar thoughts flashed through the hearts of all the ninjas present, but they also quite agreed.

As one of Konoha's Sannin, and among the Sannin, the most proud disciples of the three generations of Hokage-sama, and they have all experienced that era, and many of them have even participated in wars under the hands of Orochimaru. They still have a fairly intuitive understanding of the strength of Orochimaru. According to their judgment, this Orochimaru absolutely possesses the strength to conquer a small country.

At the beginning, Orochimaru defected to Konoha because of the inhumane and unconventional forbidden technique research. In the past ten years, I am afraid that Orochimaru's strength has improved again. It is really not an exaggeration to capture a small country.

Proposals that are obviously not identical are ill-advised.

It is quite unwise to arrest such a ninja who can conquer a small country in the village.

Although Konoha still has the strength to capture such a ninja, even in this formation, the confidence will be a little bit higher, but if there is a battle in this formation, then the loss may not be able to make ends meet.

And no matter how strong Orochimaru is, his pursuit priority and influence after capture cannot reach the level that can make Konoha risk a campaign-level battle in the formation.

If it was that Nobuhiko Uchiha, if it really came to the point where he had to hunt down, Konoha would probably consider setting the battlefield in the main formation.

In other words, if it is Nobuhiko Uchiha who is taking the lead now, I am afraid that Konoha will consider arresting him at this time.

Of course, if it was Nobuhiko Uchiha, then they would not be the only ones who came to this meeting at this time.

At least, all of Konoha's top combat powers, whether they have been retired or not, whether they are in the village or outside the village, whether they are not performing missions or performing missions, I am afraid that they will all appear at this time In this conference room.

Therefore, at this time, it is impossible to implement the same idea.

At least, only in the current state of affairs.

And he was not the same as himself. After hearing this, he also fell silent and did not insist.

"Wait a minute, leave with resentment, has the strength to conquer a small country, then after he leaves the village, countries should pay attention to such combat power, and Orochimaru's reputation is not only concerned, all countries should hope to have such The combat power of the small country, especially the small ninja village... Wait! Kakashi, you mean, in this Chunin exam, no, in the ninja world, there should be no allies of ours who want to fight with Orochi Maru join forces to betray Konoha!"

After being silent for a while, he seemed to chew Kakashi's words repeatedly, muttered to himself, and then, at the second half of the sentence, he suddenly raised his head, as if thinking of Kakashi's words. Like something extraordinary, he exclaimed and said.

And hearing this sentence, in an instant, the expressions of everyone present, including the two elder advisors, changed again, and all of them became serious.

"Those alliance treaties are nothing more than casual agreements."

Regarding this, Kakashi's face remained unchanged, and he spoke quite casually.


And when he heard Kakashi's casual words, he was still in astonishment and subconsciously glanced at the Jonin behind him, and swallowed subconsciously.

Obviously, he knew that Kakashi was right.

And if Kakashi is right, then Konoha is probably already standing on a forked road at this time, and we must be more cautious about this matter of Orochimaru!

"The Ninja World War in the past also happened like this. The allies tore up the covenant, launched attacks, retaliated, and then retaliated against each other..."

And at this time, Kakashi's seemingly casual but extremely heavy words sounded again.


Following Kakashi's words, everyone's eyes turned to the man in front of him who had lost everything.

At the same time, they all understood that what Kakashi said was not wrong.

For other ninja villages who are also Da Ninja Village, even if a written covenant is signed, its effect is nothing more than the level of oral agreement between Da Nin Village and Xiao Ninja Village. The formal written covenant may only be unilateral by Xiao Ninja Village It will be carried out meticulously as if it were a god's decree.

After all, for the covenant, in this ninja world full of treacherous plots, it is mainly something that maintains its effectiveness. The first is the situation, the second is the need, and the third is the strength.

For Xiaoren Village, breaking the covenant with Daren Village may be a matter of life and death, so they can only abide by it, and Daren Village violated the covenant in this regard, Xiaoren Village can do nothing to them, naturally there is nothing Restrictive force, this is the gap in strength.

As for Konoha and other Dairen villages, they are in a delicate balance. In terms of strength, no one can pose a life-and-death situation to anyone. Like the big ninja village to the little ninja village, it doesn't have much effect.

Then, at this time, why the Daren Village can still form a covenant is because of the two internal and external factors of demand and situation.

These two reasons, in the final analysis, are the interests of Daren Village.

First of all, there is a supply and demand chain between Daren Village, or the big countries represented by Daren Village. For example, the lack of water resources in the Land of Wind and the various needs derived from water resources cannot satisfy internal needs, so it is necessary to import this demand from the Land of Fire, and some rare medicinal herbs and minerals in the Land of Wind are needed by the Land of Fire, so the Land of Fire also needs to import from the Land of Wind, and in this way A stable trading environment is necessary, that is to say, there is a lower limit for the diplomacy of the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire, and they will never let the conflict between the two sides rise to the point where these things cannot be traded. In this way, there is a lower limit for communication between Shayin and Konoha. No matter how they fight, they can only shake hands and make peace in the end. In this way, the non-aggression covenant between Shayin and Konoha is guaranteed. One applies to all big countries and Daren villages, and as long as there is a guarantee of mutual non-aggression, then no matter what the covenant signed by the two parties, there is a minimum level of mutual non-aggression, or in other words, all regulations may not be followed. But this is the only one. Ninja Village is subject to the state, and it will inevitably abide by it. Even if there is a short-term non-compliance, this covenant will eventually be reached, so that no matter how the covenant is broken, each other has a mutual non-aggression The lower limit guarantees the alliance relationship between the Daren villages and the basis for re-establishing the alliance relationship.

In other words, the internal needs of Ninja Village form the basis of the covenant.

Then, there is the situation of external factors, which is easier to understand. In the end of every ninja world war, basically, it is because of the relationship between the situation that each ninja village signed a covenant.

In every ninja world war, in essence, all the ninja villages are almost at the end of the war, and the financial aspect is at a loss. It is urgent to restore the supply and demand chain to ensure the national strength of the big country and the financial survival of the ninja villages. After all, apart from part of the task income, most of the income of Daren Village is also funded by the country to which it belongs. As a military group, although the country doesn't care much about Ren Village, it doesn't mean that there is no means of restraint. Money is the best means of restraint .

Otherwise, 70% to 80% of the fighting power of the big country is in Daren Village. Without this restrictive relationship, how could they have such a close relationship of trust?

Daimyo is no fool either.

In terms of personnel, the war is also dying. If it continues to die, the foundation of Ninja Village will be completely lost. Even if it wins the war, it can only be counted as a loss. After all, for Ninja Village, talents are strength fundamental.

In this way, a situation has been formed, each of them has to rely on each other, and neither of them can continue to fight.

Ever since, they made a symbolic choice to compromise, and after a victorious country was created, the covenant was signed.

And the more the situation depends on the other party, the more impossible it is to fight, then the stronger this covenant will be.

For example, the major ninja villages in the recovery period.

The situation determines the upper limit of the covenant's effectiveness.

This is why, after the war, there was a fairly long period of peace. This is because of the situation in the villages during the recovery period after the war. Everyone has to rely on each other, and no one can bear the weight of the war. After the recovery of vitality, the wings became stiff again, the dependence on each other became less and less, and at the same time, they became more and more able to bear the losses of the war, the covenant became dispensable.

And now is the time when the covenant is dispensable.

This is also the alliance rule of the ninja world. The situation determines the upper limit of the covenant's effectiveness, the demand determines the lower limit of the covenant's effectiveness, and the strength determines whether one is qualified to disobey the covenant.

"In short, the information we have now is still too little, so there is no need to speculate."

And at this time, the words of the Three Hokages came as if they were concluding the coffin, which once again attracted everyone's attention.

"The Anbu has secretly sent people to collect intelligence from various countries. If you act rashly, you will be in a dangerous situation. The enemy is probably waiting for our chaos."

And at this time, Zhuanzi Xiaochun, who had been silent all this time, also spoke.


Following Xiaochun's words, the corner of Sandai Hokage's mouth showed a gratified smile, and he also said:

"I trust you guys a lot."

In an instant, when the sound of these words fell, seeing the trusting and firm expression on the corner of the mouth of the old man with his tired body supporting Konoha, all the young mainstay ninjas present looked firm and confident, quietly Float up!

"As a last resort, I will gather Konoha's strength to fight! Including, the one who died for a long time!"

And at this moment, the plain but inspiring second half of the third Hokage's words also came one after another.

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