Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2476 don't move


How do I feel, I shouldn't have said this?

Sensing the sudden glance, the face of the man in the black robe of Yinyue stiffened slightly under the hood, suddenly realized something, and felt a bit of regret in his heart.

Is it because I haven't been back for too long?

When did these guys react so quickly?

Afterwards, after repenting, he could only smile wryly.

In the current situation, the most important thing is this guy in front of him!

At this time, after suddenly understanding something, they suddenly turned their gazes to Kurenu Yuhi, Asma Sarutobi, and Kakashi, who were in the black robe of the silver moon, in front of them.

At this moment, they finally fully reacted and recovered from the previous suspicion and fear.

At the same time, they finally remembered that the guy in front of him must never show such a suspicious and apprehensive expression in front of him.

The guy in front of him is an existence who can use strategy to play with the three major ninja villages except Konoha.

If he really followed his suspicion and fear and insisted on the secrecy of his purpose, he might be used by this guy instead, and he would end up with nothing.

Don't say what the purpose of the other two people is, your own purpose will also be fooled.

Moreover, although they didn't suffer from this guy directly, Hirohiko and Xue Nai did not complain about this guy's ability to fool people.

At this time, mutual suspicion and jealousy will only give this guy an opportunity. Although they are not enemies, in this matter, with the personality of this guy in front of him, maybe they are really enemies. must.

At least, from the sentence he was about to break up the topic just now, one can guess that this guy has already seen something.

The current battle, their attitudes towards each other, it is very possible that their own goals have already been touched by this guy.

Well, with this in mind, this sentence of dismantling the topic is very clear.

This guy is going to fool the past!

Now, no matter what their respective goals are, since they don't want to talk about it, if they can't talk about it, then it's fine not to talk about it, but at least they can't let the guy in front of them run away.

Anyway, no matter what their purpose is, since they came here because of this guy in front of them, their target person is the same.

In this case, at least, the target person can't let him be fooled.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura."

"Shikamaru, Ino, Choji."

"Iba, Shino, and Hinata."

But at this time, the faces of the three of them suddenly sank, and they called out the names of their disciples respectively.

It's over.

There is always a feeling that there is no escape.

There was also a sense of foreboding.

But at this moment, the eyes under the hood of the man in Yinyue's black robe suddenly widened, and a slight coolness suddenly appeared on his back.

At this moment, he had already guessed something, or in other words, he had already had a rough guess, as if he had thought of or confirmed some possibility from the shout of the three of them.

At the same time, his complexion instantly became bitter.

As if, he already knew that something he didn't want to see was about to happen.

"Ah? What's wrong? Teacher Hong?"

But at this time, when he heard his teacher shouting, he was still worried about the fight. He even looked at Ningji Hinata and Sasuke Uchiha, who was already gearing up for a bit. Yu Hihong, whose body had sunk down slightly, was taken aback for a moment, and then echoed seriously.

Even Hinata Hinata and Yume Shino looked over with strange expressions. ,

Although my teacher called me by my name very casually and normally, and there was nothing special about the tone, but this kind of low-pitched voice made them feel unusual. After all, they were already Teachers and students who have been with each other for quite a long time, although we can’t say that we are together day and night, but the time we spend together every day, especially during this period of time for the special training for the Chunin Exam, they have a very good relationship with each other, including the teacher who accompanied them in the training. understanding.

The tacit understanding is also better than before.

Whether it is between each other or with the teacher.

This voice sounded like an ordinary call, but they felt an unprecedented solemnity, as if something very extraordinary was about to happen.

what happened?

Is it possible that we are really going to fight?

But at this time, in their hearts, they skipped over such a thought in unison.


"Huh? What's the trouble?"

At the same time, on the other side, Nara Kagai, who also heard his teacher's call and was explaining something to Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi, raised his head subconsciously and looked at his teacher, Asma Sarutobi.

"Teacher Asma?"

Then, almost instantly, Ino Yamanaka and Akimichi Ding, whose eyes fell on his teacher Sarutobi Asma at the same time, were all shocked.

At this moment, in their eyes, what was reflected was the hand of their teacher fumbling in the ninja bag behind his waist.

"Hey! Asma!"

And at this time, Nara Shikamaru, who also noticed this, couldn't help but yelled again, his mouth full of puzzlement and worry.

Compared with the Yuhikari Clan, as the main team with special characteristics, the three of Nara Shikamaru and Asma have a better understanding and understanding of each other. Compared with the seventh class, which does not take the usual path, directly on the B-level task, and then It's different from the D-level missions. Although their group has never experienced B-level missions, they are almost stable at C-level every time. Moreover, because the missions are completed efficiently and the number of missions is too high, it can't be seen that they are a sub-ninja. In terms of experience, the number of missions that the rookie class should have, the seventh class may not be as good as them.

At this moment, they are very clear about their teacher's action.

This is checking the ninja.

It's their teacher, the standard preparatory action before the battle!


"Kakashi (teacher)..."

Similarly, the other class, the seventh class, has also experienced B-level missions, and even encountered Kirigakure's elite Jōnin Zabuza and the blood successor whose strength is especially superior to Zabuza. The holder of the limit is white, and the mode of completing the task is almost the way of fighting in teams by teams, and he has cooperated with his teacher.

But in this life-and-death cooperative battle, the trust and tacit understanding established by the two sides did not require much experience accumulation.

At this time, they still have a good understanding of their teacher.

Although their Hatake Kakashi teacher is absolutely untrustworthy in life, but in battle and missions, he is extremely trustworthy.

At this time, although their teacher did not take any action, unlike Asma who could clearly see the preparations for the battle, the tone of his speech was clearly the same as when he was facing Zabuzhan.


Kakashi blinked at the unconscious voice of the three, turned around lazily, and winked at the two of them.

Directly... using Sharingan?

But at this moment, Uchiha Sasuke's eyes widened suddenly, startled in his heart.

At this moment, the forehead of the left eye of the teacher who turned their heads was pulled up, and the writing wheel eye of the three-goed jade shone bright red.

"You guys, don't move around."

Then, at this moment, Kakashi's lazy but serious words suddenly sounded.

"Stand here, don't move."

At the same time, Asuma Sarutobi stopped groping in the ninja bag behind his waist, and the unlit cigarette butt at the corner of his mouth was suddenly squeezed by his teeth. At the same time, sparks ignited, lightly Smoke floated up, but the cigarette butt was lit.

But at this time, during this bite, Sarutobi Asma, who was staring at the Yinyue black robe man in front of him, had already ignited a raging fighting spirit in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth was also raised with a kind of fighting intent. radian.

"Protect Hinata and don't move around."

But at this time, Yu Hihong was also staring at the front, but she didn't even look behind her, and said in a deep voice.

I knew it! ,

They are absolutely uneasy!

When I saw them just now, I should turn around and run away. At this time, how could they have any real important matters!

It is the most important thing for them to take care of themselves!

The three generations of Hokage held a meeting to appease them should be to let them take care of themselves and not mess around.

I was fooled!

Such a big battle is definitely for this!

I should run!

Just came here, if you see this battle, you should run!

What joy and nostalgia to reunite!

These guys didn't plan to have any touching drama at all!

It's all about...

But at this time, the man in the black robe of Yinyue took a slight step back, and there was a bit of regret in his eyes looking at the front.

"Why? What's going on? Is this man an enemy?"

And at this time, Inuzuka Ya can be regarded as seeing the current situation. This is indeed a fight, but the target of the fight is not Uchiha Sasuke or Hinata Neji or others, but the one in front of him who has just been confirmed It is the man in the silver moon black robe of his own people.

Then, he was completely lost.

what is going on?

How come it was determined to be a friendly army just now, and now it has become an enemy?

Become an enemy again?

Why don't you let us do it?

What is the purpose of calling us here?

What's going on?

And his straight head was already filled with question marks at this time, he didn't know where to think, it was almost a mess.

Moreover, because of the increasing mess, his mind tended to go blank.

"Teacher Hong, be very serious."

But his words received a mysterious solemnity under the sunglasses and high collar of the oil girl Shino beside him.

"It's still...it's the first time I've seen such a serious teacher Hong, the other...the other party must be very powerful!"

But at some point, Hinata Hinata was already standing between them, looking at the back of her own teacher in front of her, she said so.


"Hi! Asma? Asma?"

At this time, in the tenth class, Shikamaru Nara, his teammates Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi looked at each other, and after receiving no response, they couldn't help shouting a few times.

However, there was still no response, and the only response to them was the slight inhalation of their teacher.

How do you feel, Teacher Asma, this is like facing an enemy?

And upon hearing this subtle inhalation sound, whether it was Shikamaru Nara, who was sensitive, or Ino Yamanaka, who was delicate as a girl and was a perceptive ninja, even Choji Akimichi's expression changed slightly.

The current posture of my teacher is completely as if he is facing a big enemy, and the target is obviously the man in the black robe of Yinyue.

To be honest, they have no doubts about their teachers and are very strong.

And the appearance of this Yinyue black-robed man also showed a strong strength.

However, to deal with this Yinyue black-robed man, his teacher showed such an appearance of facing a formidable enemy from the very beginning, this was the first time they had seen each other.

Even, I feel a little weird.

Although their teacher is not as eye-catching as Hatake Kakashi's teacher next to him among the Jonin, and is very low-key on weekdays, but after Shikamaru's previous analysis, they still know that their teacher belongs to the seemingly ordinary , but everything is solid, everything is the type that is comprehensive.

He is not outstanding, but because he is very comprehensive, he does not appear to be outstanding in all aspects.

In addition to not having seen their teacher use illusion, they have experienced their own strength in a large number of tasks. Even outside the village, their teacher's name is actually very loud.

They couldn't imagine how strong this Yinyue black-robed man was, which made his teacher put on such a nervous look as if he was facing an enemy!


But at this time, Hyuga Ningji and Tiantian of the teacher-less group had a look of shock on Tiantian's face.

"It shouldn't matter. Since the three teachers told the disciples to stand still, it's fine for us not to move."

At this time, the handsome young man in white clothes in her eyes, in the white pupils, the outline of a circle of pupils slowly emerged, the meridians at the corners of the eyes also slowly bulged, and his face was calm , said so in his mouth.

Roll your eyes?

Seeing his teammates acting like this, Tian Tian was obviously taken aback.

Every time, Ning Ci rolled his eyes, but it was not an ordinary situation.

Before she knew it, she turned her head and observed carefully.

"Ah, don't look at me, don't move later, especially you, Sasuke, Naruto."

And at this time, when Neji and Tiantian were making moves, Kakashi who turned back over there said indifferently.

In his words, he gave a serious warning to his two restless disciples.

"Why? Kakashi?"

In this regard, Uchiha Sasuke frowned, and said with an expression of "I have to listen to you for what I do".

"That's right, why why?"

And hearing this sentence, Uzumaki Naruto also had an expression of "why should I listen to you", which was rare, and echoed.

"Because next..."

Regarding this, Kakashi Hatake glanced back slightly, but the laziness in his eyes began to disappear.

"Listen, next, watch carefully, because next..."

But at this time, Xi Hihong looked at the man in the black robe of Yinyue in front of him, but also spoke.

"Watch carefully, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, next..."

At the same time, Sarutobi Asma took a deep breath and said solemnly like never before.

"You will see..."

Then, almost at the same time, the deep and serious voices of the three sounded at the same time.

"The battle of the strongest Konoha!"

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