Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2508 two sides

Yes, two people.

Also a super genius of Konoha, under Chiba's light, Kakashi's performance was a bit mediocre more than ten years ago.

Of course, Chiba is a time traveler after all, taking advantage of a lot. If there is no such level, Chiba may not be able to catch up with Kakashi.

And now, Kakashi's super genius potential has undoubtedly begun to fully explode.

To be honest, Qianye didn't expect that she would be suppressed, or in a real sense.

In the series of offensive and defensive battles just now, he was suppressed at the level of sparring. Originally, Asma, Yuhihong and Maitkai were much stronger than his impression or expectation. Tacit understanding, no, it should be said to be a precise cooperation, he was also beaten for a moment.

So much so that I have been caught in a passive state just now.

And in this precise coordination, Kakashi undoubtedly contributed the most.

Even without Kakashi, although a precise coordination can be formed, it may not be able to make him fall into a passive state.

Throughout the battle, Kakashi's every support and leading the next attack was almost just right, and almost all of them were stuck at the point where Chiba had to defend, or had to switch from attack to defense.

It can be said that Kakashi has become the core and soul of the four-person team in front of him. Control the direction of the entire battle and inspire everyone's potential.

Perhaps, Asma, Kurenai Yuhi, and Maitekai have made great progress in the past ten years, but it is Kakashi's credit that they really showed their full potential in this battle.

At this moment, Kakashi can be said to have reached a very high level in terms of tactics, and he can already guide his teammates to make the most correct choice and attack coordination with the greatest effect without verbal communication and advance planning. . Chiba himself may not be able to achieve this level.

Although Qianye can be regarded as experienced in many battles, strictly speaking, he has always fought alone or is basically a lone ranger. In terms of cooperation, Hirohiko and Xue Nai almost had a natural tacit understanding with him back then. Things, although needless to say, do not need to plan in advance, and can also play a very good match.

However, Chiba has no ability to tap the potential of Hirohiko and Xue Nai, so that the cooperation of the three can be maximized.

In a sense, Chiba didn't have much success as a team leader. If she didn't have a natural understanding with Hirohiko and Xue Nai, she would actually be similar to an ordinary team leader commanding battles.

Of course, because he is still superior to others in personal tactics and overall strategy, he may be slightly lacking in tactical leadership, but in general, his results in commanding battles should not be too bad. Being a qualified team leader is still very stable.

It's just that Chiba's combat style is not suitable for being a team leader after all.

Compared with the current Kakashi, Chiba is really ashamed of leading the team to fight.

Besides the team battle, what makes Chiba feel that Kakashi is different from before is the current level of Kakashi's ninjutsu.

As Chiba, who also received Namikaze Minato's chakra nature change and form change guidance, and even taught him everything, he knows what it is like when Kakashi uses ninjutsu now.

To be honest, compared to the team commanding operations, Chiba was more surprised by this place.

Kakashi's ninjutsu level has directly improved to a level since he left. It has almost reached the level of ninjutsu when he left, regardless of the immortal body and super fine chakra control ability.

In other words, Kakashi is not much different from himself in terms of chakra's nature change and form change, at least in terms of level, there is no difference.

The only difference, regardless of some external factors, such as the body of a fairy, the difference between Kakashi and himself in ninjutsu is only the difference between one who is familiar with and one who is not.

Kakashi estimates that Chakra's nature and form changes have reached the extreme.

In other words, Kakashi at this moment, even if he doesn't need Sharingan, just relying on his ninjutsu ability, Kakashi can already be counted as a first-class powerhouse in the ninja world.

And Kakashi himself is a genius. Now that ninjutsu has improved so much, his fighting methods will probably become more and more diverse, and his combat effectiveness can be said to soar in a straight line.

Now that Kakashi in the original book has widened the gap in strength from the boss, it is true that he is not a little bit stronger in combat power.

What's even more frightening here is that according to Chiba's observations of Kakashi during this period of time, or directly stated that Kakashi's ninjutsu level has crossed a level because of worrying about Kakashi's intelligence investigation through various means , in fact, after the end of the wave country mission, that is to say, Kakashi completed the flying of ninjutsu power in a short period of time.

Before the wave country mission, Kakashi, like in the original book, was in a seemingly sober state of confusion. The improvement of strength basically depends on the amount of ninjutsu copied, and there is no essential improvement at all.

As for the mission to the Land of Waves, according to the information that Zener also obtained, Kakashi is also quite satisfactory, and his strength is similar to that shown in the original work. Crisis, if Kakashi had this strength, he wouldn't hide it.

It can be seen that the Kakashi at that time, the Kakashi of the wave country mission, was still the same Kakashi in the original book.

And after the wave country mission, it has not been long since the Chunin exam. Now that he is fighting against himself, Kakashi's ninjutsu strength can almost be said to be completely reborn.

That is to say, Kakashi has achieved a leap in ninjutsu power since this wave of the country mission, and has comprehended and practiced the changes in the nature and form of Chakra to the extreme in a very short period of time.

And this situation, undoubtedly, is that Kakashi really began to explode his super genius aptitude after he was in a daze for a period of time.

It can be said that the current Chiba, in a real sense, feels what is called a true genius.

Because of the many benefits of the traverser, Chiba's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. Under the advantage of the traverser, some ordinary geniuses, in Chiba's eyes, will inevitably fall into the ranks of better ordinary people, except for the occasional Except for some cases where Chiba's learning ability exploded, Chiba inevitably normalized the genius.

But the current Kakashi is the first time that Chiba has truly felt the horror of a genius.

Whether it is the team's combat command ability, or the seriousness of chakra's nature change and form change comprehension and cultivation to the extreme.

It can be said that Chiba's common sense was broken by Kakashi!

Therefore, at this time, Chiba is also paying special attention to Kakashi's every move.

Even, he has begun to fear Kakashi.


Could it be that I have really been completely seen through by Kakashi?

And after many thoughts flashed through his mind, Qianye couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

Just now, he had already felt that Kakashi seemed to see through him during the battle, but now, this feeling became more intense when he paid attention to Kakashi again.


And at this moment, a splash of water suddenly splashed under the feet of Kakashi who was watched by Chiba, and Kakashi turned around and ran directly behind.


In an instant, seeing Kakashi turn around and run away, Chiba's eyes turned to the flame-burning swamp behind Kakashi, and his face changed suddenly.


But at this moment, a blast of scorching air suddenly hit Qianye's left cheek, which suddenly changed color.

A flash of fire instantly illuminated his left cheek.

In an instant, in Qianye's left peripheral vision, a huge fireball was already half a meter away.

I saw Asma put down his sealed hand, pulled his hands suddenly, and made two puffs, and two chakra knives burst out of the water, and they were directly held in his hands. Then, holding the chakra knives, Asma Ma has already followed the fireball, rushing towards him.

It can only be said that he deserves to be the guy who will become the sixth Hokage in the future?

But at this time, seeing Kakashi turning around and leaving in front, and Asuma rushing towards him with a fireball, Chiba took a slight breath, but couldn't help passing such a thought.

Are you distracted?

At the same time, seeing that his fire escape ninjutsu was about to attack, Qianye did not make any movements yet, as if he was about to be hit by this blow, watching Qianye's eyes wandering elsewhere. A trace of doubt flashed in Asma's heart.

At this moment, Qianye's appearance seemed to be attracted, and he didn't notice his attack at all.

Then, unconsciously, Asma looked at Yuhihong on the other side.

It just so happened that Kurenai Yuhi also looked over, obviously seeing Chiba's reaction, she also had doubts.

"It's you who are distracted."

But at this moment, the moment the two people's eyes met, a light voice came from in front of them.


Hearing this sound, almost instantly, Asma and Yuhi Hong's heart tightened almost at the same time, and their eyes suddenly turned back.


And the moment their eyes settled, Qianye, who did not know when he had turned his eyes to them, made any movement. Suddenly, a wall of water rushed up from his right side, with a bang, The moment the water wall rushed up, the fireball exuding scorching breath hit the water wall.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

In an instant, water and fire collided, water droplets and flames splashed, and white water vapor instantly evaporated at the place where the two collided.

After that, as the water vapor transpiration became more and more intense, the fireball seemed to be swallowed by the water wall, and was swallowed into the water wall bit by bit by the water vapor transpiration. , and finally disappeared into the water wall.

But the water wall seemed to be endless, even though a lot of water vapor was burned out by the fireball, it didn't seem to change.


However, at this instant, Chiba's face behind the water wall changed slightly.


Then, there was a cracking sound, and amid the slight transpiration of the water vapor, a gap was suddenly opened on the water wall that hadn't changed much, splitting into two from top to bottom.


Afterwards, a cloud of water splashed suddenly, and a figure flew from the water wall that was divided into two, and a cold light was already in front of Qianye.

What a quick response!

But at this time, there was no wave in Qianye's eyes, but the left eye, which had already been stained with a layer of bright red at some point, slowly reflected the figure who kept breaking through the water wall and was swept by with a chakra knife , A thought of admiration flashed through my mind.

At the same time, his gaze seems to have passed the figure himself, and landed behind the water wall that was completely scattered by the sweeping and collision of the figure. splash.

And in his mind, the figure just now flashed through, that is, the moment Asma turned his head, he stepped on his feet suddenly, slashed out with a knife in his hand, and slashed open with the chakra attached to the wind attribute. His own water wall, and at the same time, his suddenly accelerated figure washed away the water wall.

"Don't come here! Red!"

And at this moment, just as thoughts flashed in Qianye's mind and the situation flashed in his mind, Asma suddenly exclaimed in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Then, I saw another chakra knife with wind attribute chakra attached to it in his hand, which was still swiping halfway. His hands rushed out with two snaps, and two of them grabbed his feet almost at the moment Asma exclaimed.

Another sailor clenched his fist and hit the chakra knife that was halfway swung. In an instant, the trajectory of the chakra knife changed suddenly. After drawing an arc in the air, it was knocked into the air open.

At the same time, the sailor who clenched his fist shattered apart with a bang.


After that, seeing how hard the two hands holding Asma's bare feet were, Asma fell into the water suddenly.


But at this time, with a crash, Yuhihong, who was rushing towards Qianye, suddenly stopped. After drawing a white mark on the water surface, she stepped on it suddenly, and the water splashed everywhere, her figure suddenly stopped. The ground retreated another half meter, and stopped on the water surface about one and a half meters in front of Chiba.


At this moment, the falling Asma crashed into the surface of the water, and after splashing a splash of water, it seemed to be dragged and sank below the surface of the water.


However, at this moment, the corners of Chiba's eyes twitched suddenly, his gaze swept past Kurenai Yuhi in front of him, and he suddenly looked to the other side.

Where the fiery swamp is!


And at this moment, in front of where the flaming quagmire was, Kakashi had made the last seal, and suddenly, his hands were pressed on the ground.


All of a sudden, a crack opened in the center of the area where the flames were burning, and with a loud bang, along the crack, the two ends of the burning swamp suddenly swelled up, with the gap as the center, suddenly from both sides, closed Get up!

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