
A huge beam of thunder and lightning descended from the sky without warning, reflected in the eyes of those children who hadn't blinked or even reacted. spread, until it bumped into the barrier at the edge of the open space over there, and ripples rippled around the barrier.

In this instant, everyone's faces were covered with a layer of blue and white.

"what happened?"

But this time, almost everyone murmured such an inexplicable doubt in their mouths.

This time, even Sasuke Uchiha and Neiji Hinata didn't know why, and they didn't expect such an attack at all.

How come there is no sign at all, and such a thunder escape is launched.

In fact, under the circumstances just now, it was impossible to launch a Thunder Tunnel of this scale at all. The thick and thin Thunder Pillar hugged by the three of them didn't seem like a Thunder Tunnel that could be used at all.

At least, it wasn't so unexpected that it could be lowered without any preparation.


But at this moment, when all the children had only time to spit out these words, the canopy above the children's heads suddenly cracked without warning, and it was broken from the middle, and it fell backwards with a crash. Fall down and go.

"what happened?"


"What's wrong with this? How did it break?"

And the children who felt a chill on the top of their heads, and the sky above their heads was empty, almost having a feeling of enlightenment, at this time, they didn't care to be amazed at the thunder pillar falling from the sky in front of them and the thunder pillars around them that could no longer control themselves. Electric snake, all the subordinates raised their heads in unison, and they were already startled and angrily yelling out of control.

Soon, however, they all fell silent.

At the same time, his eyes moved up, and finally landed on the tree trunk that was split in two.

At this moment, right above the middle of all the genin newcomers, that is, staring at the bare and disconnected tree trunk where the three of Nara Shikamaru were hiding, there was already a white-haired young man standing.

"It's too much, if you don't want to get hurt, just follow me."

And just when everyone's eyes settled, the white-haired young man spoke with an almost expressionless face.

After all, without waiting for their reaction, they flew out and flew towards the woods inside.


Seeing the appearance of the white-haired young man walking away after saying that, all the ninja newcomers who had recovered from the thunder pillar were all taken aback for a moment.

Obviously, he was a little overwhelmed again.


However, it didn't take long for them to react. A gust of wind with some electric snakes whistling from the Thunder Pillar instantly woke them up. After subconsciously looking back, everyone held their breath for an instant, and then Apart from anything else, the extremely tacit understanding of all members flew away following the footwork of the white-haired young man.


"Ka Ka Ka!"

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, just as they got up and flew, countless cracks suddenly spread across the forest floor. In the cracks, lightning flashed, but it was the Thunder Snake walking, digging ditches, and the entire ground was covered. The exploding Razer plowed through cobweb-like fissures.

Even, some of the trees blocking the path of the Lightning Thunder Snake were almost pierced by the explosive Thunder Snake, or the Thunder Snake split in half along the tree trunk, or pierced through a gap as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and finally , they all fell down with a clatter.

And these explosive Thunder Snakes are almost chasing under the feet of the flying Ninja newcomers. If it weren't for the people flying among the branches, I am afraid that at this time, the Thunder Snakes have already directly electrified everyone. over and over again.

"Chi Chi! Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

And at this moment, in midair, where the thunder pillar descended, countless thunder snakes spread out, and in an instant, the entire interior of the enchantment was filled with blue light, almost dimming the sunlight in the sky. down.

"Cluck cluck! Crack cluck!"

At the same time, the Thunder Pillar swelled, and immediately, the Thunder Snakes plowing through the cracks on the ground became denser and denser. Amid the hissing sound, the soil on the edge of the Thunder Pillar began to turn over in a series of scorched air. After going out, along the direction in which the thunder pillars spread, they piled up and rolled continuously.


And as the thunder column expanded and spread, the dull roar spread far away again because of the violent reaction of the air and lightning.

"Hurry up!"

At this moment, looking at the tumbling trees ahead, the white-haired youth, that is, Qianye suddenly stood still on a thick tree, looked at the children who were only a few meters away, and then looked at the swollen tree. When it opened, countless teardrops of Thunder Snake's teeth and claws burst out in the air, but a trace of anxiety flashed across his face.


And hearing this sound, all the ninja newbies also knew that the situation was urgent, but seeing the thunder snake flying behind, the trees falling down, and the earth turning up, if the thunder snake hit him firmly, even if he was not electrocuted into coke , It is also necessary to lie in bed for two or three months. And one month later, the final test of the Chunin Exam will begin. If you don't run faster now, you will really suffer a disaster. I'm afraid I don't even need to think about the Chunin exam.

Therefore, each one of them exerted force under their feet to attach and burst the chakra as much as possible, and the speed immediately increased a lot, and they all took the posture of sprinting desperately.


But at this time, Chiba, who was about to see the situation, clasped his hands together, and already formed several seals.


At the same time, Ningji Hyuga and Tiantian, who were wrong in the first place, had already passed him, and they had already stood behind him when they turned around. Later, Nara Shikamaru and others turned around after seeing the two pass by, and also After understanding, they all stood behind Chiba.

And somewhat unexpectedly, Class 7, which was originally quite outstanding in all classes, fell behind. After passing him, it was Uchiha Sasuke who caught Uzumaki Naruto in time. Otherwise, it is estimated that Uzumaki Naruto was There's going to be some nosebleeds.

However, Qianye didn't care too much about the unsatisfactory performance of the seventh class. When the last person crossed his stall, his hands were already pressed on the tree trunk.


Then, with a sound comparable to a roar, a dark wall with sharp edges suddenly rose from the ground under the tree, blocking everyone.


And the moment the pitch-black wall rose, as if struck by a huge force, the entire wall trembled, and thunder light suddenly shot out on the surface of the wall.

"Papa papa!"

Then, on both sides of the wall, far away from the crowd, the trees suddenly rolled over, and several bowl-thin thunderbolts crashed into the invisible barrier. With crackling sounds, the lightning spread upwards, It turned into a kind of hood-like spiderweb lightning, which dissipated in the air after a few sizzles.

Behind... is the enchantment!

Here it is, the edge of the enchantment!

And at this time, Uzumaki Naruto, who had just gained a firm footing, suddenly broke into a layer of cold sweat.

At this moment, he had already understood that if Sasuke hadn't pulled him just now, he might have seen blood at this moment.

At least the nosebleeds will not flow less.

I can stand it!

This wall can withstand it!

And at this time, the others were relieved when they looked at the thick wall that gave them a sense of security after trembling a few times before calming down.

The enchantment... is no problem!

At the same time, their eyes couldn't help looking behind them.

Although it was a bit out of control, it was not as powerful as a real thunderbolt, and its power was still much weaker.

Now, the enchantment can also resist, so I can feel relieved.

It won't cause any big commotion.

At this moment, Qianye glanced back unconsciously, and after seeing that the enchantment was safe and sound, she was also relieved.

It seems that as long as the enchantment seal is not hit, there shouldn't be any major problems!

Afterwards, after heaving a sigh of relief, Qianye already had an idea in his mind between his enchantment and the power of the disaster he caused.

To be honest, Qianye still has sympathy, if the barrier is broken at this time, then the consequences will be different.

Of these two statements, one is mild and the other is serious.

To put it lightly, such a large thunder pillar now will definitely cause commotion and affect the Chunin exam, but in the end he was suppressed by Konoha, and he may eventually reveal his identity, saying that he is practicing ninjutsu or something By the way, let those hostile forces feel that this is his name as Taki Chiba, who is actually acting as the agent of Hokage.

Then, the cover-up was over.

It might even have a positive effect.

Speaking of the serious aspect, it is very likely that because of this commotion, it will cause an allergic reaction of the hostile forces, especially if Nobuhiko Uchiha regards it as a provocation, then the matter is estimated to be out of control.

There is definitely no way to proceed with the Chunin exam, and my plan will be greatly compromised, at least entering a very uncomfortable situation. Although it is not a complete failure, I am afraid it is not far from failure.

In other words, in fact, Qianye is really really really really going too far now.

Fortunately, judging from the situation just now, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Ms. Kakashi! Mrs. Kakashi, they won't..."

But at this time, Uzumaki Naruto woke up suddenly, obviously thinking of something crucial, and almost roared out the next sentence.


our teacher!

But at this time, everyone was awakened by the sound when they saw the huge thunder pillar expanding, spreading and crushing in all directions.

When this thunderbolt became an attack they had to avoid, this thunderbolt was an attack on their teachers.

In such a big battle, if even this white-haired young man, the caster, turned his head and ran away, then wouldn't it be a disaster for his teachers?

Almost instantly, the eyes of all the ninja newcomers who understood fell on Qianye unconsciously.

"Don't worry, as long as this wall is okay, they will be fine."

In this regard, Chiba opened the mouth immediately.

This Thunder Pillar does seem to be out of control now, but as a caster who uses such a strong ninjutsu attack, and the target is a friend who has been friends for many years, it can almost be said that if Chiba still has any attachments in Muye Village, it is this There are a few people.

In the eyes of others back then, they didn't get along seriously much, but in this treacherous ninja world, as the existence of the same camp, as long as each other recognized each other, as long as each other If you don't do anything that threatens yourself or your own power, then becoming a friend of life and death may be a task or a conversation.

As far as Chiba is concerned, Kakashi and the others still have inherent advantages. Maybe Kakashi has known Chiba only for the number of years Chiba has traveled through, but for Chiba, Kakashi and others' character and so on They have already known everything through the content of the original book, and there is no major reversal or change in their personalities in this life. They are born with a lot of affection for Chiba.

At least, even if Qianye doesn't know anyone, if he encounters a matter of life and death, then he will also entrust these matters and his own safety to these people.

That is to say, even if they don't have much acquaintance, Qianye still recognizes these people very much. Coupled with the perception after getting along, at least, Qianye still regards them as friends.

Since they are good friends, and they are using the escapism technique with a top-notch attack power like Lei Dun, Qianye naturally will not be unprepared.

At least, it can guarantee the safety of several people.


However, his confident words were met with suspicion by all the rookies.

I saw these new ninjas look at me, I look at you, even geniuses like Uchiha Sasuke and Hinata Neji have suspicious expressions on their faces.

The reason is also very simple.

In the current situation, it is obvious that the Thunder Pillar is out of control. Maybe if it is not out of control, what Chiba said may be a certainty. After all, the strength is real, and seeing is believing.

However, the state of being out of control now, no, even the ninjutsu used by themselves can be out of control, and the ninjutsu used by friends can be out of control, which makes them feel that this seems unreliable.

There is really no way to make them agree or feel at ease!

"Do not worry!"

And even though he didn't look back, Qianye, who was determined at this time, also knew the doubts of everyone, and said immediately.

There is already a reassuring affirmation in the words.

For Kakashi and others, he is not worried, and there is no need to worry. He has already made complete preparations. Unless the "Kirin" who just came down, Kakashi and others will definitely be fine.


In this regard, there are still some doubts behind it.

"Don't worry, I've already..."

Almost subconsciously, Chiba said.

There was even a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth.


However, at this moment, a muffled sound piercing through the sky suddenly sounded from the left direction, interrupting his words.

not so...

Almost instantly, Qianye, who had a relaxed smile on his face, flickered with fright, shrugged his shoulders, and looked sharply.

Afterwards, the corners of the mouth immediately stiffened and pulled up unnaturally.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And at this time, cracks appeared in his eyes, like cracks on the glass, spreading from the ground on his left side to the sky.

The enchantment is broken!


At the same time, on the ground below the enchantment, which is where the source of the transparent crack was, an electric light led the crack all the way straight to the cliff, and in an instant, it cracked towards the bottom of the cliff.


Finally, with a particularly crisp crackling sound...

Three generations of Hokage, split!

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