Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2526 original purpose



The sound of tender beef and fat and thin pork belly being dropped on the iron plate and the sound of oil splashing, sizzling, came from in front of and from all directions.

The aroma of barbecue permeated wantonly.

"So, come back this time, won't you leave?"

Seeing the sizzling and well-grilled special barbecue in front of him being picked up and then sent into the mouth of the white-haired man in front, Kakashi gently put down his wine glass and said.

After hearing these words, Maitkai and the white-haired youth Asma who were sitting beside Kakashi also put down their wine glasses at the same time, and looked at the white-haired youth opposite and beside them.

After drinking a cup, Kakashi also got straight to the point and asked the most concerned question of the three people present.

The white-haired young man, that is, Qianye, do you want to leave?

"I'm like this... I can't go away."

Regarding this, Chiba, who had swallowed the juice with relish, immediately turned bitter, and said.

An expression of "Even if I want to leave, I can't leave".

To be honest, at this moment, he has accepted most of the power belonging to Hokage. Although the third Hokage did not say anything, he is basically the agent Hokage of Konoha at this stage, and the third Hokage has always supported him. The plan of the superior, even, a few years ago, revealed some plans to let him come back to take over Konoha through routine information transmission.

Now, he has returned to Konoha for the first time in more than ten years. The three generations of Hokage have not observed whether there will be any changes in him during this period, so they eagerly arranged for him to take over the power, and couldn't wait to tell him that he was still alive only because of some The news that the special cause can only be declared dead was communicated to all ninja groups.

Obviously, Sandai Hokage will not let him go.

And now, he has no excuse to leave.

Most likely, it is necessary to stay here.


When they heard Qianye's words and saw the bitterness on his face, the three of them looked at each other, each picked up a piece of barbecue, and put it in their mouths, as if they were covering up something.

"So, what about your secret mission?"

In this regard, Kakashi looked around, but saw that there was a lot of people around, and everyone's goal was the barbecue iron plate in front of him and each other's friends on the opposite side, and then he opened his mouth.


Regarding this, Qianye picked up a piece of meat again, nodded, and replied somewhat vaguely.

It seems that it is really not going away.

Whether it is gone or not.

It's even very possible that Chiba was going back to the village. At this time, it's just because she wants to conceal her real purpose, so she presumes that she can't leave.

However, no matter what, Chiba will not leave.

And at this time, upon hearing this, the three of them looked at each other again, and a similar thought flashed through their hearts almost at the same time.

"Think about it, it's been a long time!"

At the same time, Asma, who reacted the fastest, poured a glass of wine into Chiba's small wine glass that had just dried up after toasting, poured another glass into his own glass, raised it, and said.


In this regard, Qianye, who had already swallowed the meat, subconsciously picked up the wine glass, and the two touched each other lightly, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Unexpectedly, when we meet again, we will already be able to drink."

But at this time, watching the two drank the wine in the glass, Kakashi seemed to think of something, his face darkened instantly, and even a bit of indescribable sadness flashed in his eyes color.


In this regard, Chiba nodded after drinking the wine in his glass. Although he didn't look at Kakashi's face, from Kakashi's tone, Chiba could imagine Kakashi's lonely expression at this time.

At the same time, he also knew exactly what Kakashi was talking about.

That was also after the end of a sparring session. On that day, they directly demolished their log cabin. In desperation, they could only live in Kakashi's house.

At that time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai were also there.


It should be said that everyone is there.

Hirohiko, Yukina, Nao, Obito, Rin...they are all there.

That night, everyone gathered at Kakashi's house, as if to celebrate their move to Kakashi's house, at that time, someone proposed to drink.

However, because none of them were old enough to drink at that time, they could only veto the proposal in the regretful sigh of the perpetrator.

And the person who proposed this is Obito.

Uchiha, Obito.

And obviously, what is sad for Kakashi now is this memory, and the unforgetable grief for Obito's death that is derived from this memory.

After all, Kakashi is different from him. After all, he doesn't know that Obito Uchiha is still alive in the world at this time, and he is still alive and well.

However, when it comes to Obito, Chiba's mood is actually not any different from Kakashi's because Obito survived.

Even, it may be more painful than Kakashi.

If Obito died, then, like Kakashi, he couldn't let go of his old friend's death, nor could he forget the pain.

However, the current Obito, even if it is not Uchiha Nobuhiko's group, is still standing on the opposite side of the tower. In any case, facing the pain of the death of an old friend is not as good as the pain of fighting an old friend to the death.

And facing the appearance of an old friend who absolutely does not want to turn back is more painful than this, a kind of pain that makes people feel deeply powerless.

To be honest, it's not like Chiba hasn't met Obito during this period of time, in the past ten years, and even met him alone a few times.

He once persuaded this close friend to turn around, and even revealed to Uchiha Obito that he was only used by Uchiha Madara without destroying his current plan.

However, Obito didn't seem to hear it, and even seemed to know about it a long time ago, and was indifferent.

After meeting several times and persuading him several times, Qianye discovered that Obitu had made up his mind, and even if they met in battle, he would not go back.

Unlike the future Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, Obito and him are no longer a situation where you can take away the other party if you win a fight.

It is obviously impossible for Obito Uchiha to come back.

It's not because he was brainwashed or used by Uchiha Madara, but when he defected to Uchiha Madara, he actually planned to do so.

Perhaps when he had just defected, this young man who had just witnessed the death of his most beloved girl at the hands of his best friend, and could not release the resentment and pain in his heart, was probably going to destroy the whole world.

Qianye can understand the pain and resentment of seeing the enemy with his own eyes, but never being able to attack the enemy.

It's definitely enough to make a teenager who is already full of movies chasing genes have the idea of ​​​​destroying the world.

It's just that after hearing Uchiha Madara's thoughts, two people with similar grievances and pains reached an agreement.

In other words, the realization of Uchiha Madara's last wish was not forcibly instilled in him by Uchiha Madara. Rather, he intended to do so himself.

And Obito is definitely not the kind of guy who gave up on the ten-year plan after a few times of earnest circles with his former friends.

Out of fear of Nobuhiko Uchiha, Chiba couldn't tell Obito everything, this matter is irreversible after all.

Even if he confessed everything, it might not be effective from Obito's appearance.

In the end, he could only sigh, silently making plans for Uchiha Obito to disrupt the situation.

Of course, now, it is impossible for him to tell Kakashi about this matter. From a rational point of view, this is something Kakashi should not know.

From an emotional point of view, for so many years, for more than ten years, Kakashi has not escaped from the shadow of Obito and Rin's death. Obito has already stood on the opposite side. If it is impossible to reverse it, Chiba can't guarantee how much it will hit Kakashi this time.

It's better to do this kind of thing with an old friend by yourself.

Even though, in the original book, Kakashi was able to face Obito in the end, but that was just the original book, and the current original characters are not as simple as the original characters.

At least, if it was according to the original book, Kakashi, Asma, and Maitekai would not be sitting here drinking together now.

In the original book, they are not in such a close relationship drinking together at a barbecue restaurant. In the original book, what they show is only the level of their colleagues' relationship. They may have had several missions together and have a certain tacit understanding, but their personal relationship will never be so close.

This is also one of the reasons why Qianye believes that the future can be changed. In the past ten years, he has doubted his future variable theory time and time again, and has been observing constantly, but from observing Konoha to observing the entire Ninja level.

Of course, Konoha also continued to observe.

According to observations, he is convinced time and time again that the future can be changed, and in a disguised form, he has added information about the success of the plan.

Yes, over the past ten years of observation, Chiba has been convinced that the future can be changed.

Absolutely absolutely definitely has changed.

Moreover, the intimate drinking of the three of them together is the best proof.

However, this change did not meet his expectations.

Still, it was enough for him then and now.

"Cough...so, do you really want to talk about your real purpose until you get me drunk? Today, you specially pestered me for a sparring match, wasn't it to test my or your own strength? Nor was it for Let your disciples watch a high-level battle to improve their vision?"

But at this time, after a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Qianye coughed lightly, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke.


But this abrupt sentence swept away the depression in Kakashi's heart. He raised his head, but was stunned on the spot.

Not only him, but after seeing the atmosphere getting worse, Asma and Maitekai, who were already thinking about how to smooth things over, were also taken aback and looked at Chiba blankly.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

In response to this, Qianye picked up the wine jug, poured wine for the three of them one by one, and after filling himself another glass, his smile seemed to be even brighter, as he said.


Seeing Qianye's behavior and the smile of "I guessed it right", the three of them coughed in embarrassment but politely, and covered up the embarrassment on their faces.

Chiba was right.

They are indeed not just as simple as sparring.

It's not as simple as letting their disciples watch a high-level battle, they have a deeper purpose.

Otherwise, he would not know that after Kakashi invited Chiba alone without telling him, he hurried over with his disciples in a hurry.

On the one hand, they have vaguely learned that during this period of time, Kakashi had a way to contact Chiba. Maybe they have been in contact for more than ten years, and they are already quite dissatisfied.

Although Chiba left the village because of a secret mission in the village, and pretended to be dead, but if no one knows, then that's the case, there is nothing to say, but, as close friends, this matter The fact that Kakashi knew that he could still talk to Chiba made them very unbalanced.

On the other hand, Kakashi's summoning of Chiba is already very suspicious, and it is still in such a remote place. The Hokage rock statue is inaccessible. Except for the new Hokage rock statue that needs to be sculpted, the workers will go there Besides, almost no one does it.

This in itself is quite suspicious.

Then, he brought his disciples with him, which was a bit of Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knew it.

And they also have disciples, and Kakashi is not the only one who loves his disciples.

Their current disciple is also their most promising young ninja.

On weekdays, Kakashi is often in the limelight, and it's okay to bring a disciple and complete the B-level task to be in the limelight.

At this time, Qianye came back and let him win the first place. How could they sit still and wait for death when they were secretly hiding it from them.

Naturally, he took his disciples with him.

There is a good thing, Kakashi can't be cheap this time.

And this good thing is undoubtedly to let Qianye give advice to his disciples.

Yes, although they didn't know what Kakashi was thinking, what was certain was that Chiba, who was the strongest in the village, had returned, and it was impossible for Kakashi who was near the water tower not to let Chiba give advice to his disciples.

Chiba's strength is far superior to his own. Even if he just points out, it is enough to save his disciples from training for a few years. This time, Kakashi has two disciples who have entered the final test, and he showed his face again, showing off A moment of brilliance.

If there is Chiba's guidance, then how can Kakashi's own class after the seventh class catch up.

Moreover, from the observation just now, the reaction of the seventh class was obviously faster than that of his own class.

Undoubtedly, it was tempered by B-level missions.

Good thing, we can't let Kakashi take it all!

"Well, what do you think?"

And thinking of this, the three of them stopped being secretive. Since Qianye had already guessed it, there was no need to be twitchy, and said straightforwardly.

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