Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2529 Yuhihong's worries

Konoha Hospital, the gate.

"Is Hinata all right? Teacher Hong?"

Looking at the beautiful teacher walking out of the door, Inuzuka Ya's eyes and brows were full of worry and embarrassment, and he greeted him with the oily girl Shino beside him, and said eagerly.

"Well, don't worry, it's okay."

Seeing the two disciples coming up to meet her, guessing in her heart that both of them had the same worries and guilt, Yuhihong smiled and said.

"Very good."

Hearing his teacher's words, the two of them subconsciously stood still, and even Shino, who had always been mysterious, let out a long breath just like Inuzuka Ya.

Obviously, after hearing that his teammates were fine, he finally relaxed.

"The injury of the pulling has healed, and the doctor said that we just need to rest. Just in case, I have let Hinata stay overnight tonight and observe again. However, I contacted Hinata's family, because Chunin The reason for the exam alert, tonight may be..."

In this regard, the smile on Yuhihong's face became more and more gentle, and she said so as she looked at the two disciples who were relieved.

From the face of his carefree disciple, it can be seen that these two disciples are still quite self-blaming and worried about Hinata's recurrence of injury.

After all, it was for them that Hinata risked opening her eyes.

This intention was not wasted.

"We stay!"

And at this time, before she could finish her words, Inuzuka Ya and Ayume Shino said almost in unison.

"Anyway, there is still a month to go. The Chunin exam is not in a hurry. Hinata can't be left alone in the hospital. If something happens, we can take care of it."

When they heard each other's words, the two couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then, Yu Nu Shino seemed to have thought of something, and said.

"Yes! That's right!"

Hearing this, Inuzuka Ya reacted quite quickly, and nodded his head immediately, strongly agreeing.

"Of course!\

,"But at this moment, two hands landed on top of their heads, and the warm touch in the palms immediately brought a faint sense of stability to the worried and guilty hearts of Yume Shino and Inuzuka Ya.


Then, when the sense of stability rose, the gentle voice of his teacher also sounded one after another.

"That's what we're supposed to do!"

In this regard, almost subconsciously, Inuzuka said.

But this time, Yume Shino didn't speak, but nodded seriously.

"With you guys here, I feel at ease with Hinata."

Hearing this, looking at the two serious children in front of her, the smile on the corner of Yuhi Hong's mouth softened a lot.

To be honest, compared to the seventh and tenth classes and even the Maitekai class, in fact, my three disciples are all of that inconspicuous type.

Or rather, relatively unobtrusive issues.

Whether it's personal strength or team combat.

They are not as strong as the seventh class, they have strong personal combat adaptability, and their personal strength can suddenly improve in battle, and even complete B-level tasks that are almost impossible for a rookie ninja. It's not like the tenth class, which has a stable cooperation. They are both newcomers, but they have already been favored by quite a few departments. The number of tasks is also unusually large, and there are also some very difficult C-level tasks.

In terms of personal strength and personal growth, my eighth class is not as good as the seventh class.

In terms of group coordination and tactical and strategic arrangements, my eighth class is not as good as the tenth class.

In terms of experience and combat effectiveness, it is far inferior to Kaiban.

Compared with the same period, my eighth class can only be said to be in the middle of the rules, not outstanding, and not the tail of the crane, it is almost mediocre.

However, although the relationship between each other is usually invisible, it is by no means inferior to other classes.

"Anxin? Teacher Hong, what else is there, are you worried?"

And at this time, although it has always been mysterious, it is undoubtedly the captain of the eighth squad, or in other words, it is undoubtedly the oil girl Shino who is carrying out the affairs of the eighth squad leader, who keenly discovered something, and immediately opened the mouth.

I can't care about the mysterious image that I have always maintained.

And it was obvious that You Nuzhi saw the implication in her teacher's words.

At this moment, Hinata's affairs have settled down, but Yu Hihong doesn't feel at ease now. ,

Even, there are some worries.

Yes, worry.

At this moment, the situation is not very good for Yuhihong and even the eighth class.

Because of Hinata's affairs, she had to leave Chiba and Kakashi, which ran counter to her plan.

Originally, when she appeared on the Hokage Rock cliff, she did not let Kakashi meet Chiba alone.

And she didn't let Kakashi and Chiba meet alone, of course not because she had any opinions on Kakashi or Chiba, or because it was not good for her to meet the two of them. It's because when Qianye returned to the village this time, she couldn't waste such resources. As the actual strongest person in the village, Qianye had been a legend more than ten years ago. And she is also very aware of her talent as a teacher. Although she didn't teach the three children in her team badly, that's all. If she didn't teach badly, she might not be able to teach well.

Besides, unlike Class 7 and Class 10, Class 7 has Sasuke Uchiha, and Class 10 has Shikamaru Nara. Both of them are rookies at the genius level. With combat power, he is also ranked among the top rookies, but in terms of aptitude, Zhi Nao is still far behind a true genius.

And she herself, in terms of being a teacher, and even in terms of task experience and personal strength, actually has a gap with Kakashi and Asma.

Not to mention being a teacher.

First of all, her own mission experience. As a jonin specialized in illusion, she is basically protected by others. Even in missions, she is mostly protected by her companions deliberately. Even if she encounters danger, she is the first to evacuate And the least to bear the brunt, this is actually to make his adaptability in the task inferior to that of Kakashi and Asma.

It can also be seen from the duel just now that she is actually still in a "protected" state. Although it seems that the fight with Qianye is just right, the cooperation with the three of them is also perfect.

However, she is always in a "passive" position, almost the same as usual tasks, protected by others, and others create opportunities for her, and because she stands behind and can see farther, she can Just make some emergency moves.

Strictly speaking, her mission experience tends to be in a passive state of staying behind and acting on camera.

If she becomes the active side or switches between the active side and the passive side like Kakashi and Asma, who are comprehensively active and passive ninjas who can switch at will, she is inexperienced.

As for her disciples, now that they have formed a team, it is impossible for everyone to cooperate "passively". After all, they can be both active and passive, and can switch at will. Kakashi and the others have more.

However, if she took the initiative, she didn't dare to teach the three of them too much, for fear that due to her lack of experience, she would teach them wrong and lead to an irreversible situation.

Therefore, in terms of mission experience, she actually cannot perfectly teach the three of them.

Secondly, in terms of personal strength, she is originally a ninja specialized in phantom. Although physical and ninjutsu are also at the level of ninjutsu, she is the same as Kakashi and Asma, two all-rounders. As a teacher, it is relatively lacking. Moreover, what she brought was not a specialized version like Kai, and almost all of her disciples were physical ninjas. Even Hinata, Kiba, and Shino are not phantom ninjas that they are good at.

From the perspective of team configuration, their eighth squad is a bit inconsistent.

There is some incompatibility between the teacher and the disciple.

What is really suitable for Class 8 is not a specialized ninja like her, but an all-around ninja like Kakashi and Asma.

It can be said that their eighth class is not only inferior to other classes in aptitude, it is relatively mediocre, and even the compatibility between the teacher and the students is not compatible.

Leaving aside the idea of ​​competing with Kakashi, and regardless of whether Kakashi is showing off or not, whether Asma is getting better and better among the teachers, from the teacher's point of view, it is so good for Chiba to come back Given the timing, she must have won the guidance of this legend for her disciples.

Moreover, wanting to come to the stall where Chiba came back, Kakashi impatiently brought his disciples to make an appointment with Chiba. Although she is lacking as a teacher, it does not mean that she is not thoughtful. What is Kakashi's plan here? , Yuhihong can more or less guess some of it.

So, she anxiously took her disciples with her and rushed over.

The purpose is to prevent Kakashi from taking the initiative to monopolize Chiba.

Yes, she was so anxious that she wanted to win the opportunity for Chiba to teach her disciples.

Compared with myself, Asma and Kakashi are more suitable for my team, at least Hinata and the others will definitely be better than under my own hands, and Chiba is undoubtedly beyond Asma and Akakashi Existence, Uchiha Itachi, who was exterminated at the beginning, is Chiba's disciple.

Kakashi and Asma may not know it, but she, who is familiar with Xue Nai, knows that Chiba was taught at the beginning. Although it was not a hand-in-hand teaching, it was better than a hand-in-hand teaching.

According to my sister Xue Nai's evaluation, Chiba's teaching method is the most suitable for Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Itachi already has a genius level or even surpasses the talent level. up.

Because, Itachi is a child who is good at thinking, not only good at thinking but also hands-on. He also has his own self in learning. If he is too hands-on, it will easily make Itachi lose many possibilities.

In a sense, Chiba and Itachi are a bit similar. They are geniuses of this type, and it is better to stock them. You just need to teach the way to master power.

At that time, Yuhihong still remembered that her sister Xue Nai also pointed out another example, which is the current Maitkai.

At the beginning, her elder sister Xue Nai once said that Kay is actually very talented, but this kind of talent needs to be discovered by hand. As long as Kay can find someone or strength who can tap his talent, he will be able to Soaring into the sky, the future may not be worse than Kakashi, who has long been famous.

Now, my own sister Xue Nai has come true.

Therefore, she has no doubts about Chiba's teaching ability.

And she is also quite confident, confident that Chiba can teach the eighth class. Although it may not be possible to teach as her own disciple, but she can make up for some things that she can't teach, and even teach her the method of mastering strength. Disciples, it is not impossible.

After all, among his disciples, there is an existence with the same blood as Xue Nai, and even, compared to Ningji Hinata, Hinata's situation may be somewhat similar to Xue Nai.

Although she said that her sister Xue Nai loved her nephew Neji very much during her lifetime, and although she could no longer return to the Hyuga clan, she still cared for Neji very much, and would often visit Neji secretly.

However, apart from talent, both appearance and persistence are similar to sister Xue Nai, I believe Chiba will not be indifferent.

And Yuhihong can also see that although this elder brother Chiba is afraid of trouble and always has his own things to do, the chances of playing the emotional card with him are not small.

With Chiba's professors, his disciples will not be inferior to other classes in terms of educational resources, and they will have a better chance to become useful and support Konoha.

But now, I leave early, leaving Chiba to Kakashi, Asma, and Maitekai who should have similar ideas with me. If these three guys convince Chiba now, then she will Going to Qianye again, it is almost impossible to get Qianye's guidance.

Yu Hihong knew very well that after she left, if the three of them wanted to persuade Chiba, or use some means to get Chiba to agree, it must be the three of them together. When it comes to this issue, the three of them are not fools, and only fools will let Chiba agree. Be alone with any of them.

And according to the personality of my elder brother Qianye, if one agreed, it must be the other two on the spot who both agreed.

All of a sudden, he agreed to be a make-up teacher for three classes, and his elder brother Chiba might not be willing to agree to any make-up teacher's request.

In other words, if she left helplessly, she might have missed the biggest opportunity.

His disciples also lost the opportunity to be taught by Konoha's legend.

Therefore, at this moment, Yu Hihong really couldn't settle down.

"Well, there is still a third test to come. Shino is the only one in our class who has entered the final test. Facing so many powerful enemies, I am always a little worried, especially Gaara from Sand Hidden Village."

However, Yu Hihong said so.

He didn't say what he thought in his heart, although, this worry about Gaara is not a lie.

"I see."

Yunu Zhi Nao was slightly taken aback by this, and then said quite seriously.

"During this time, I will not relax."

At the end, he added another sentence.

"It's good that you understand, go and accompany Hinata."

And hearing this sound, Yuhihong nodded in relief, and said.


Regarding this, Inuzuka Ya and Yume Shino didn't say anything more. After hearing this, they responded and headed into the hospital.

Or... Let's go and find Brother Chiba!

Seeing the two disappearing through the door of the hospital, Xi Hihong turned her head back with a solemn expression, thought for a while, and then went to somewhere in the village. ,

That direction is exactly the street of the izakaya where several people in Chiba drink.

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