Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2531 the two in front of the sea of ​​flowers

"Then...then, I...I'm screwed!"

The farewell words with some big tongues were spit out from the mouth of Asma, who was slightly pounding her head with deep red cheeks in front of her.


Afterwards, it was the vague words of Kakashi who could not see his face clearly with his head buried beside him.

"Then, be careful on the road."

Looking at this scene, Qianye showed a warm smile on his slightly red face, and exhorted.


In this regard, Asma turned around and raised her hand in a cool manner, and then simply supported Kakashi who was completely drunk, while walking crookedly towards Kakashi's residence.

"Are these two guys okay..."

But watching the two people leave staggeringly, the smile on the corner of Chiba's mouth froze a little, and said somewhat unnaturally.

Perhaps Chiba became their tutor, and their goal had been achieved, and the drinking in the second half was much more cheerful. After talking about the business, Kakashi and Asma drank more casually and carefreely.

Then, by accident, after adding a few more drinks, Kakashi fell down, and Asma was not far from falling down.

However, this is also Muye Village anyway, and here is a bustling avenue. Asma also took the avenue with a lot of people, and with the secret whistle all over the place, even if they fell down halfway, when they woke up, they would probably be in the middle of the road. Kakashi's house.

Don't worry too much.

"So, our second stall?"

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded beside Qianye.

"Go to my house."

And hearing this sound, Qianye turned her head, looked at the man with thick brows and watermelon head with blushing cheeks beside her, exhaled lightly, and said.

"Have some tea."

At the end, he added with a smile.

"I listen to you."

In this regard, Maitekai nodded without any objection.

However, at this time, although his cheeks were flushed and his face looked drunk, there was not much drunkenness in his eyes.

Not only was he not drunk, but he even felt somewhat deeply gloomy.

Obviously, there is something on his mind.

Of course, all of this is in Qianye's eyes, but at this time, Qianye didn't ask any more questions, just took Maitekai, who seemed to be drunk but only slightly drunk, to buy some daily necessities After that, I went directly to the remote Japanese-style wooden house.

The two were silent all the way, and soon entered the Japanese-style log cabin.

And as the two entered, the Japanese-style log cabin was quickly lit with lights.

In the past few days since he came back, Chiba has moved back to the Japanese-style cabin that was his residence, and for so many years, the Japanese-style cabin has not been cut off from water and electricity. After Chiba moved in, it was almost just a little cleaning After a while, people can live.

Apparently, the Third Hokage had kept the log cabin clean and tidy during the ten years since he left, and even Chiba found some traces of new repairs that were not in memory.

As for the two secret rooms under the Japanese-style log cabin.

In a secret room where Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina’s corpses are stored, and the laboratory used by himself, the former barrier has not been touched and is maintained as it is, and because of the barrier, everything in it is the same as the one he just left. There is no difference in time, as if the time inside is frozen. For more than ten years, no one has any time flow.

The latter, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of this secret enchantment room. It had accumulated dust for a long time, and Qianye almost took a lot of effort to clean it.

However, given the current situation in Chiba, this laboratory is probably not needed anymore.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with the current situation.

The two entered the Japanese-style log cabin, and after lighting the lamps, Chiba boiled water to make tea, and along the way, prepared the freshly purchased food that had some sobering effects. About half an hour later, the two I was already sitting on the tatami outside, looking at the sea of ​​flowers in front of me, with the full moon and stars above my head, drinking tea.

It's just that neither Maitekai nor Chiba paid much attention to the beauty of the sea of ​​flowers under the moon this month.

"Is it for Neji?"

And at this time, after taking a sip of tea, suppressing the slight swell of alcohol, Chiba, whose cheeks were also slightly red, turned her head, looked at Maitekai who was gradually frowning beside her, and said.


In this regard, Maitekai didn't mean to hide it, he originally had a private chat with Chiba for Neji's sake. Moreover, Qianye had already shown the appearance of seeing through his own thoughts just now, so there is nothing strange about this direct point.

To be honest, after the third trial qualifier that day, he was very worried about Neji.

And the reason is also obvious. During the third test qualifier, Neji really wanted to kill him, and even put it into practice, almost nakedly putting the contradictions of the Hyuga clan in front of everyone.

This time, the owner is not only other families or other people in Konoha Village, but also other ninja villages, and it can even be said to be the forces on the bright side of the entire ninja world.

What's more, the target of Neji's murderous heart is the future heir of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hinata.

Leaving aside any family relationship and family conflicts, in one's own village, having murderous intentions towards one's own village companions, and actually committing murder, this matter can no longer be described as bad.

Likewise, the consequences are no joke.

According to the general situation, Ningci might be killed on the spot.

Although this matter did not know why it was not dealt with, Neji was able to continue with the final test, but Maitekai still knew that this matter was very bad.

Even if the village didn't pursue it, it would be very bad for Ning Ci personally.

At the beginning, when he accepted Ning Ci as his disciple, Maitekai had studied the past and knew the right and wrong of it.

At that time, after getting to know him, he had a very sincere conversation with Neji. Although some of his actions to improve the atmosphere of the conversation did not have good results, the result was quite gratifying. At least, Neji I have promised myself that I will not show anything in front of others, and I will restrain myself.

Originally, after receiving this promise, after observing for a period of time, Maitekai found that Neji was still very self-controlled.

This also greatly increased his confidence in handling this matter.

Yes, Maitekai is planning to deal with Neji's knot.

Regardless of his usual youthful enthusiasm, he still looks the same as he did back then, with a straight mind, especially in front of Kakashi and Chiba. However, Neri, for so many years, has experienced the third ninja world war, experienced so many life and death and parting, and also experienced so much despair and unwillingness, he can keep his original intention and keep making progress, but it does not mean that his heart is not will mature.

He can't always be the Maitkai who only yells youthful blood, he is a senior Jnin Maitkai, and he is already qualified to become a jonin guide.

Maitekai is very clear about what kind of consequences he does not want to see caused by his disciple's heart knot.

He must guide Neji on the right path, or prevent him from going astray.

He didn't want to see his disciples executed by the Hyuga clan for reasons such as mutiny and rebellion.

Neji is a ninja who is destined to support Konoha in the future. As a teacher, it is the responsibility of a teacher to cultivate him to be healthy and safe.

And the best solution, or guidance method, is undoubtedly to completely solve this knot.

It is precisely because of this that he thoroughly understood this matter, and even attracted the attention of the third Hokage.

Of course, the last three generations of Hokage just sighed and didn't say much, it was acquiesced that he took the action to untie the knot.

And this matter, he has spent a lot of effort until now, especially when he learned from the third Hokage that the change of Hinata that Xue Nai was involved in at the beginning, he spent 120,000 points of effort.

But in that qualifier, it can be said that it fell short.

He is at a loss.

He doesn't know what to do.

So now, he found Chiba.

To be honest, the reason why he asked Neji and Tiantian to go to Hokage Rock like a cliff together was for a different purpose than Kakashi and the others.

He wanted Qianye to think of a way to solve this matter.

It was to let Chiba see Neji, see Xue Nai's beloved nephew, and then let Chiba take care of it.

It was the only way he could think of, and it was all his hope now.

"You mean, I know."

And at this time, as if seeing through his mind once again, Qianye gently poured new tea into the teacup he drank, and said.


Hearing this, Maitekai almost couldn't wait to ask for a solution or ask Chiba to solve this matter.

However, there was no doubt about why Qianye knew what he was thinking.

Obviously, at this stage, Ning Ci's knot has become the most anxious thing for Maitekai, and he is so anxious that he is about to lose his mind.

It can also be seen that Maitekai really loves his disciples.

Whether it was Rock Lee who impressed him, or Neiji Hyuga who basically didn't worry him much about his strength.

However, he did not say these words after all, at this moment Qianye raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Do you know why Neji was not punished in any way?"

Afterwards, after stopping Maitekai's words, Qianye said so, but asked back.

"No... I don't know."

In this regard, Maitekai shook his head and said honestly.

He couldn't figure this out before.

"Because, after the incident happened, and before Hinata Hinata's diagnosis report was obtained, Hinata Hinata had personally found Sandai Hokage and me, and asked Neji not to be punished."

As if expecting Maitekai to say that, Chiba said without thinking.

"Hyuga... Higashi? The patriarch of the Hyuga clan?"

In this regard, Maitekai was startled and said in astonishment.


Hearing this, Chiba nodded and said in affirmation.

"This...how is this possible? Hinata Hinata is the eldest daughter of Hinata Hinata, the first heir of the Hyuga Clan. This is not just Hinata Hinata alone or Hinata Hinata..."

And upon hearing this sentence, something almost unbelievable appeared on Maitekai's face.

There was only one place where Ning Ci's murder was really serious and complicated.

That is, Hinata Hinata's identity as the prostitute of the main family, because of Hinata Hinata's identity, any form of malice towards her can almost be counted as malice towards the Hinata clan.

And the Hyuga Clan is the most special in the village, even more special than the original Uchiha Clan.

This complicates things qualitatively.

Even if Hyuga Hyuzu had any ideas, as the patriarch, he could only stifle his own ideas in a family that had been passed down for thousands of years.

Separate the family to attack and kill the clan.

Within the clan, domestic punishment can already be used.

Even if Hyuga Nichizu really felt guilty about Hinata Nichizu, even if he wanted to let Neji go, he couldn't just let him go.

"So, for this matter, the person who tied the bell has to be untied. After all, we are all outsiders. Let the Hyuga clan solve the matter of the Hyuga clan themselves."

And Maitekai didn't continue to speak the inexplicable words of astonishment, the last half of the sentence was finally interrupted by Chiba who was lightly sipping tea.

Compared to Maitekai's inexplicable astonishment, Chiba at this time is much calmer, and seems to have a sure chance of winning.


And seeing Qianye's winning appearance, Maitekai, who felt that it was impossible, couldn't help wondering if his judgment was wrong, and he became suspicious, and immediately opened his mouth and said suspiciously.

"This is not something we outsiders can intervene in. If we outsiders can really intervene, then Xue Nai..."

As for Maitekai's suspicious words, Qianye sighed lightly, saying this, but at the end, there was a bit of sadness in her tone, and she couldn't continue in the end.

At the same time, his face darkened slightly, as if thinking of something that he regretted for the rest of his life, he fell silent.

Isn't it possible for outsiders to intervene...


Wasn't it because of you, Yukina, who made things difficult for the Hinata clan?

He even has the privilege that the Hyuga Clan is not allowed to have, and becomes the village's top management. In a sense, the Hyuga Clan may have to listen to Xue Nai's orders in the end!

Hearing this sentence, Maitekai first followed Chiba's guilty conscience, thinking of that strong and powerful cute girl, and then suddenly realized that he had been tricked by Chiba again.

The suspicion that had been dispelled, surged up again.


However, after seeing Qianye's current expression, after all, Maitekai did not continue to be suspicious, or in other words, he revealed his own suspicion, and only sighed for a long time, saying so.

It seems that the matter is over here, he already understands, there is no need to say more, and he will not interfere in the future.

"In short, no matter what you think, this matter should be left to the Hyuga clan to solve it. Sometimes, outsiders get involved, but it is self-defeating."

But at this time, Qianye seemed to see something, took another sip of tea, raised her head, looked at the night sky, and said. ,

But upon hearing this sentence, Maitekai suddenly turned his head to look at Chiba, with surprise on his face.


However, soon, after a little weighing, he replied quite simply.

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