Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2550 Shouldn't...


Seeing Taki Chiba's serious and serious expression without any trace of lying, Hyuga Neiji slowly opened his eyes wide, and his white pupils were full of astonishment.


I... have an aunt?

Father...does he have a younger sister?

At the same time, a series of interrogative sentences appeared in his mind.

This was unheard of before. As far as he knew, his father had only one older brother, and the only one who could control his father and even the entire family because he was born a few seconds earlier was the current patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Full day.

But there is no sister!


And hearing Hinata Ningji's doubtful words, Chiba nodded seriously, expressing her affirmation.


In this regard, Ningji Hinata almost subconsciously denied it.

"It's just that this younger sister, whether it's Hinata Hinata, Hinata Hinata, or the entire Hinata clan, can't bring it up."

However, this sentence was subconsciously denied, but was quickly interrupted by Qianye.

"Can't bring it up?"

And at this time, Tian Tian beside him couldn't help asking.

"Yes, there is no way to mention it, no, to be more precise, it should be unwilling to mention it."

Regarding this, Qianye looked at Tiantian, nodded affirmatively, and said.

"Don't want to mention it? Why? What did you do to humiliate the Hinata clan...?"

And hearing this, Tiantian seemed to understand something, and the reaction was quite fast, and he opened his mouth almost subconsciously.

It was only in the middle of the sentence that he glanced at Ningji Hinata and thought about it before he said the second half of the sentence.

"Well... how should I put it? Shame the Hyuga Clan... The result is like this, but it's not accurate. She didn't do anything to shame the Hyuga Clan. On the contrary, what she did Everything about it is enough for the Hyuga Clan to be proud of her. If the Hyuga Clan can put down their face."

Regarding this, Qianye smiled suddenly, thought for a while, and after organizing his words, he opened his mouth and said.

"Put your face down..."

And hearing this sentence, almost subconsciously, Hinata Neji, who originally had an "impossible" face, looked at Tiantian who asked the question over there.

Moreover, he keenly discovered the key points in Chiba's words.

"How does it feel, this is an incredible event!"

At the same time, Tiantian, who was in eye contact with Ningji Hyuga, also said in a bit of shock.

"Speaking of which, I should have broken this matter."

And at this time, the Taki Chiba in front of him seemed to be caught in the memory, with a slight thought in his eyes, and continued to speak with a sigh in his mouth.

It's broken?

Besides, isn't that her board is broken?

Yes, this person failed?

Regarding this, Hyuga Ningji and Tiantian were even more puzzled.

"Who is she? What happened? How can I have an aunt that the Hinata clan doesn't want to mention?"

But at this time, Ningji Hinata didn't have much patience. After all, this was related to the founder of the Soft Fist that he now mastered far surpassed the general Soft Fist.

To be honest, although this Taki Chiba said seriously, he still couldn't believe that the mother who gave him this soft boxing technique that surpassed the conventional combat power of the Hyuga clan was not the founder of this soft boxing technique.

After all, it is almost his common sense that his mother created such a soft fist, and he can't imagine that this kind of difficult soft fist has so many tricks that no one else can think of. Who will master it.

"Well... Actually, I shouldn't have told you about this matter."

Regarding this, Qianye frowned slightly, a hint of hesitation flashed across his face, and there was some hesitation in his mouth.

To be honest, although I said it out of the mouth just now, what Chiba meant was not to tell Hinata Neji about this matter.

In other words, he shouldn't have told Neji Hyuga about this matter.

Whether he told Hyuga Neji himself or that person told Hyuga Neji, although there is no big difference for Hyuga Neji, he just learned about it from different channels.

However, whether it's me or that person has a lot to do with Qianye.

After all, in Chiba's mind, that person is the most important person of the Hyuga Clan, that is, the current patriarch of the Hyuga Clan.

Yes, in Chiba's ideal state, Hinata Higashi told Hinata Neiji about this matter.

And this can be regarded as the first step in the thawing of the relationship between the Hyuga clan and Chiba.

That's right, in fact, as the actual Hokage agent who took over Konoha, the relationship between Chiba and the Hyuga clan is very cold compared to the relationship with other families.

Even, this time when the power took over, Sandai Hokage deliberately avoided the Hyuga clan, and did not hand over the mobilization power of the Hyuga clan to himself.

Obviously, for more than ten years, the Hyuga Clan still has a lot of grudges against him because of what happened back then.

There is a grudge, until now, for more than ten years, the third Hokage, who is extremely good at political means, has not untied this knot.

Although Chiba doesn't care about the attitude of the Hyuga Clan, with his current situation in Konoha, even if the Hyuga Clan strongly opposes him taking over Konoha, there will be no troubles, even if the Hyuga Clan rebelled because they refused to accept him, I'm afraid Nothing can change his future of taking over Konoha.

What's more, the Hyuga Clan has not reacted to him taking over Konoha now.

It's just that the Hyuga clan is the most noble clan of Konoha after all. Although there are internal problems and conflicts are becoming more and more acute, it has reached a state where it has to be resolved, but for Konoha, the Hyuga clan is not sorry at all. The place.

It is necessary to give people to people, to cooperate with others, to be low-profile to low-profile, and even the successive patriarchs of the Hyuga clan, during their tenure, almost expressed their willingness to go through fire and water for Konoha, regardless of life and death.

And, practice more than once.

Throughout history, at least five heads of the Hyuga clan died in battle on the battlefield guarding Konoha. This also indirectly led to a period of time when the Hyuga clan was forced to be helpless, especially when there was a tendency to war, the multi-clan model was implemented. , in order to be able to immediately have a successor Patriarch to stabilize the situation after the current Patriarch died in battle.

To be honest, the Hyuga Clan’s family and division model, in addition to protecting the current head of the family, can also stabilize the situation in the family at the first time when the head of the family suddenly dies in battle, gather combat power, and continue to serve Konoha. contribute.

Of course, this multi-family model ended in a rebellion.

And the village also pays more attention to protecting Hyuga's clan head, and gives the Hyuga clan the greatest respect and respect.

In terms of personal attitude, Chiba undoubtedly also feels that the Hyuga clan has long-standing abuses, and the policies they implement within the clan will sooner or later cause great instability, and the appearance of Hyuga Neji also proves this point.

However, from Konoha's point of view, this mode can stabilize and unite the Hyuga Clan as quickly as possible, and guarantee the pure blood of the Hyuga Clan, as well as the powerful and versatile blood succession limit in that blood. Inheritance of strength.

It can be said that, as a force that cannot be ignored by the village, the Hyuga clan's family division model is very conducive to the village's use of this force.

But now, Chiba has taken over Konoha in a real sense, so he has to consider this aspect of the Hyuga clan.

Moreover, he can't just deal with this matter based on his personal likes and dislikes. I believe the third Hokage can also see the internal evils of the Hyuga clan, but the third Hokage didn't choose to interfere.

If this is seen by many people in the previous life, it can be regarded as a black spot of the third Hokage. In some thicker and darker explanations, this is often used as an argument for the black belly of the third Hokage.

However, Chiba didn't think so, which politician doesn't have a dark belly?

Even if you don't want to be black-bellied, you must be black-bellied, because if you don't have a black belly, you will be eaten by other black-bellied politicians.

This is the law of survival, the law of survival in this area.

However, here, Chiba doesn't think that the third Hokage doesn't want to control it, it's laissez-faire.

In this position, Chiba is very clear that it's not that he doesn't want to manage it, but that he can't. The family protects Konoha better, and this model has protected Konoha for thousands of years, which makes sense and has actual results.

If you manage it rashly, or force it to cancel.

Not to mention the changes in the attitude of the Hyuga clan due to the intervention of the village, but how can the Hyuga clan be so easy to inherit and manage after canceling the clan branch model.

In this matter, in terms of family management, there are many families in Konoha Village, but they have a lot of experience.

It can be said that there is no village that has maintained the purity and prosperity of the bloodline for thousands of years like the Hyuga clan.

As the founders of the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan, there are almost only single seedlings left, and the strength of the original pure blood is no longer seen. That is to say, there has never been a strong man like the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara.

And the slightly better Sarutobi family was considered to be a fairly high-ranking family when Konoha was founded, but now it has a tendency to decline.

The only young ninja who can do it is Asma alone.

Other families, such as the more famous Akimichi, and the Nara clan in the mountains, although there are still many outstanding ninjas that can be brought out, but the population has begun to decline, but after three generations, they will almost enter the only seedling mode again.

And the reason why these families will decline is not because of peace and corruption, but the basic laissez-faire policy. When they go to the battlefield, they will go up all at once, and if they want to die in battle, they will kill a large number of outstanding ninjas. None of the blood remains.

Even if an excellent bloodline is left behind, there are too many ninjas who died in battle to reproduce more population.

But the Hyuga clan is different. They are strong on the one hand, and on the other hand, even if the main family goes to the battlefield, the sub-family will spare no effort to protect the main family. No matter what time, as long as the main family is there, the sub-family can always be twisted into a rope , Even in some retreat situations where time is racing against time, it is possible to determine who retreats at the first time. Who are desperate.

The so-called retreat, even for a second, can cause two different extreme situations.

One is, because the decision is quicker, get rid of the latter, and everyone escapes.

The second is that because it was a bit late, it was besieged again, causing greater losses.

At the same time, there is also a saying that one person is desperate and invincible.

Originally, the branch family was instilled with the idea of ​​protecting the clan. He had already made up his mind to sacrifice for the clan and the village. Therefore, he would think more about the situation where he had to work hard on weekdays, and he would do well. Quite desperately prepared.

And after this decision, he will be more brave and responsive after he is cut off. Coupled with the powerful strength of the Hyuga clan, it is very likely that miracles will be created.

After all, meeting on a narrow road and the brave wins is itself a kind of surprise.

In this way, whether it is the Hyuga Clan who fled or the Hyuga Clan who died, the chances of surviving on the battlefield are actually much higher.

For thousands of years, this set has actually guaranteed a lot of excellent blood and population for the Hyuga clan.

Not without reason.

And the world of ninjas is more or less cold-blooded, and the third Hokage has no other choice.

At this time, Chiba does not have a more effective management mechanism.

As for those who are harmonious and beautiful, with eternal family affection, when the butcher knife falls, who cares about you and Hemeimei, with eternal family affection.

And at this time, the best way to deal with the rift with the Hyuga clan is to reconcile.

This point, Chiba had already started to think about it when he took over Konoha, and also had his own set of plans and solutions.

Among them, the most perfect ending is to mediate the relationship between Hyuga Ningji and Hyuga Hizuru, so that they can be reconciled, so that Hyuga Hyuzu, who originally intended to repent, accepts his love, and then As a symbol of reconciliation, this incident was told by Hinata Hizuru to Ningji Hyuga who had let go.

However, unexpectedly, Maitkai's request was the first step.

And the resentment in Hyuga Neji's heart is far beyond Chiba's imagination. What Chiba didn't expect is that the current Hyuga Neji has such a powerful destructive power. Learned.

All of a sudden, Hyuga Neiji's destructive power rose to a level that Chiba could not ignore.

In addition, compared with the original work, this Naruto world is more complicated, and there are natural enemies like Uchiha Nobuhiko.

As a result, he had to provide some psychological counseling to Ningji Hinata in advance.

In other words, unravel.

And if he is the one to unravel, then this matter has to be said.

At least, Chiba, who is not good at communication in this area, can only talk about it.

However, although the words have been spoken as expected, Qianye is still a little hesitant at this time.

After all, that perfect result was what he wanted, and it was also the best result. It was the best for the entire Konoha situation and even the situation in the ninja world.

"That's all!"

But thinking of this, Chiba looked and did not speak, but she was extremely firm, with a look of Ningji Hinata who still had to know his face even if you said so, and a look of Ningji Hinata who said that since curiosity has been aroused, I don't intend to Tiantian, who was fooled by you like this, sighed.

Having said that, there is no need to worry about gains and losses.

"Her name is Yukina Hyuga. She was the younger brother of the head of the Hyuga Clan at that time, the daughter of Shinsuke Hyuga, and also your father Hinata Hinata, and the cousin of the current head of the Hyuga Clan..."

Then, after sighing, Qianye didn't say much, and directly narrated.

Tell the current young man about that part of the past that was deliberately dusted and no one wanted to mention it.

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