Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2557 Stereotype

"Thank you, Nizuzu-sama."

Looking at Hinata Hinata who accepted the sealing technique of sealing the bird in the cage, Chiba bowed her head slightly to express her gratitude.

Originally, I thought Hinata's former Patriarch was in a hurry to get rid of Hinata Shinsuke because he favored Hinata Hinata.

After all, he is his own son.

However, now it seems that the former Patriarch has sharp eyes after all.

Or, excellent educational ability.

But between the words, Qianye's heart, this is a flash of emotion.

To be honest, before this, Chiba's perception of Hinata Hyuzu has not been very good.

It's not that because of Xue Nai's affairs, Chiba has developed a bad feeling towards Hinata Hyuzu.

To be honest, if Chiba judges all kinds of information about a ninja based on his own impressions and personal likes and dislikes, then he has died countless times long ago, and Muye Village is probably also in the third ninja circle. He suffered countless losses in the war.

All of Chiba's strategy formulation, tactical formulation, and even temporary tactical formulation of combat encounters will not take into account likes and dislikes.

At least, he never sees people from his own point of view.

Because I like this person, I will not exaggerate his advantages, even if there are shortcomings, I will say it to him as an advantage, and I will not ignore his advantages and infinitely magnify his shortcomings just because I don't like this person.

This behavior is tantamount to suicidal.

It is necessary to think from an objective point of view.

As for the not-so-favorable perception of Hyuga Hizuru, it refers to the impression Hyuga Hizuru gives as the Hyuga Patriarch.

In other words, the impression given to Chiba.

In a sense, Chiba before today was a little less objective.

According to the objective situation, Hyuga Hyuzu's performance before this, as the head of the Hyuga family, is at least quite satisfactory. Although he is not wise, or not as good as his father, the former head of the Hyuga family, he is far-sighted and scheming, but , definitely not mediocre.

Not to mention that he is not worthy of the position of head of the clan.

The reason why Chiba has a bad impression is more or less mixed with some personal reasons, and these personal reasons are basically concentrated on some stereotypes.

Yes, stereotypes.

As for where this stereotype came from, it was naturally in the original work. As a time traveler, Chiba observed every character, as long as there were characters in the original work, she would unconsciously compare them with them in the original work.

Some of his unforeseen prophecies are actually because of his familiarity with the original work. If it weren't for the original work, he might have died in the hands of various original characters.

As for Hinata Hyuzu, he would naturally compare him with the original.

The Hinata Hyuzu in the original book can't be said to be mediocre, but the focus of the original book's description is on another person, and there is not much ink about Hinata Hyuzu.

And all the readers' impressions of Hyuga Nichizuki are his about the fact that Hyuga Nizashi died instead of him, including Hyuga Ningji's resentment and hatred towards the Zongjia later.

However, this paragraph is not very friendly to Hinata Higashi. Even, because the original narrative is from the perspective of others and Hinata Neji, the reader's perspective is basically Hinata Neji's perspective.

From Hinata Neiji's perspective, Hinata Hyuzu has a bad image of getting into trouble and finding someone to die in his place.

At the same time, if readers want to judge the strength of Hyuga Nichizu, they can only judge from another angle, and this angle, because there are too few descriptions of Hyuga Nichizu, so it can only be his heir.

That is, Hinata Hinata.

Moreover, because Hinata Hinata caused trouble, Hinata Hinata died, and they were twins, born only a few seconds apart, and because of these few seconds, their identities underwent an earth-shaking change, giving people A strong sense of contrast and unfairness, naturally, readers will compare the two.

And the aspect of comparison is also very simple. The strength of being a ninja, no matter what, people always think that the capable one becomes the king. Since Hyuga Hyuzu has become the head of the patriarch, then he must be inferior to Hyuga Hizuru. , so that it can somewhat calm down the readers' feeling of unfairness when they see this period of time.

However, on the contrary, the super genius born to Hinata Hinata's son and the daughter of Hinata Hinata is a well-known crane tail.

The son of Hinata Hinata, even if he just heard a little description, he can learn to return to the sky by himself, and the daughter of Hinata Hinata, no matter how he teaches, he is still at the bottom of the crane, let alone the return to the sky, all the tricks that Hinata Ningji will know No, not even a hope of learning it yet.

Such an obvious gap is undoubtedly too high for Hinata Higashizu's position. Hinata Higashizu was not well received by people in the first place, and even less so now.

It was very easy, it turned out that Hinata Higashi was relying on his position as Patriarch to force him to be stronger than himself, and it seemed that Hinata Hizashi, who seemed more suitable to sit on the position of Patriarch Hyuga, died on behalf of him, and he didn't seem to feel any guilt at all, and felt at ease Sitting in the position of Hyuga Patriarch, caused Hyuga Ningji's tragic childhood.

It can be said that in the minds of readers, the stereotype of Hinata Hidetsu has greatly lowered his perception.

And Chiba was undoubtedly affected by this. When it comes to Hinata Hidetsu, there will be a faint disdain.

Now it seems that this is definitely Chiba's prejudice against Hinata Hyuzu, just like the prejudice that the villagers of Konoha Village had against Chiba back then.

But is that really the case?

In other words, is there any essential difference between the Hinata Higashi in the original work and the Hyuga Higashi in this Naruto world?



Hyuga Hyuzu has not changed, he is still the Hyuga Hyuzu in the original book in essence.

It's just that because of the angle of observation, Hinata Hyuzu seems to be a coward who dares to do what he doesn't dare to do, like a treacherous villain who occupies power and plunders others wantonly.

Everything, just because of this angle, is biased towards Neiji Hinata's angle, an angle with hatred.

Chiba, on the other hand, was affected by this angle.

In fact, is Hyuga Hyuzu really unworthy to be the Hyuga Patriarch?

Is it really worse than Hinata Hinata?

The dragon has nine sons, each of which is different, and the tiger father also has dog sons. There is a probability of inheritance.

Moreover, Hinata Hinata's strength was also very strong later on, and she was able to use an ordinary empty palm to blow Juwei's tail away. If this blow hits a person, it is estimated that the person will have to vomit several liters of blood, and will not be able to survive. It's all a problem.

Judging from the situation of later heirs, it cannot be said that Hyuga Hyuzu is not strong.

And judging from the process of the whole thing, Hinata Hyuzu's strength is still very strong.

The cause of the incident was that Yun Yin wanted to use the peace talks to capture Hinata Hinata, who was still young at the time, and Yun Yin Village has been thinking about several signs of Konoha Village for a long time. This is something Yun Yin can definitely do.

And this peace talk was almost a godsend opportunity. At that time, Konoha was weak, and it was a rare opportunity in a thousand years. Since it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it goes without saying that the Envoy Yun Yin, who kidnapped Hinata Hinata, is capable.

Moreover, to be able to sneak into the Hyuga clan's land and take away the young Hinata Hinata who must be under heavy protection, the strength of this Yunyin messenger will never be weak, not only not bad, but also very strong.

As a ninja village of a militarized country, Yunyin was able to fight against Konoha during the heyday of Konoha. The level of ninja reserves is extremely high. In addition to the third ninja world war, although Yunyin's expedition team suffered heavy losses, but inside Still quite leeway, fully capable of dispatching extremely strong ninjas.

And Hyuga Hyuzu was able to kill him with one blow, which shows the strength of Hyuga Hyuzu. At least, his strength is at the top level in Yunyin. some.

Otherwise, Yun Yin has been coveting the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan, and looks a bit stupid.

That is to say, the strength of Hyuga Hyuzu is not bad, at least, it can definitely be seen outside, and Hyuga Hizai may not be stronger than his brother, even Hyuga Hizai is indeed stronger than his brother, as Patriarch, Hinata Hyuzu's strength is definitely enough.

As for the impulsive killing of Yunyin messenger, recklessness, disregard of the overall situation, etc., the direct line of the Hyuga clan has been stared at all the time, and Hyuga Hyuzu only had such a daughter at that time, who is not in a hurry to change?

In desperation, it is natural to strike a little harder.

Moreover, as the Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hyuzu has rarely experienced wars, and it is normal for Hyuga Hyuzu to be unsure of the strength of his shots.

And the later matter of forcing Hyuga Nyza to die for him was just Hinata Neiji's point of view. How about looking at this matter from the perspective of Hinata Hyuzu and Hyuga Nyza?

Is it really persecution?

Yes, here, Chiba also missed a little bit, that is, Hinata Hinata and Hinata Hinza as brothers.

Perhaps, in the eyes of readers including Chiba, Hyuga Nyaku and Hyuga Nyaku will definitely be in the same situation because of unfair treatment. Po has used the caged bird before, and it seems that the relationship between the two should be very bad.

At least, as a reader, this kind of elder brother wants to kill him quickly.

Because they were treated unfairly.

But is it actually what the reader thinks it is?

Is the relationship between Hyuga Nichizu and Hyuga Nichiza bad?


At least, if the relationship between the two of them is bad, will Hinata Nichizai offer to die for his brother?

Yes, in the original book, many people may have overlooked that it was Hinata Hinata's own decision to die for his brother.

At that time, Hyuga Hyuzu was planning to die by himself.

However, the elders of the clan did not agree.

Later, it was Hinata Nichiza who broke in and proposed to die by himself.

Of course, some people here may say that this is just acting by Hinata Hyuzu, playing the emotional card. Or, it was the Hyuga clan who forced Hinata Nichizai to say this, such as using Neji as a threat.

Yes, it makes sense.

However, if it is acting, then Hinata Nysai is really eating the emotional card. As Hinata Nyaku who became the main family a few seconds earlier, why should Hinata Nysai eat the emotional card? Shouldn't it be resentment? If it was resentment, wouldn't it be possible that Hinata Hizai is a cowardly and humble person who would flatter his elder brother when he was about to die?

As for the threat, then, shouldn't the situation at that time be that Hinata Risashi agreed and asked his elder brother to let his son go? Should he even ask his brother to write a letter?

After all, since his own brother can use his own nephew as a threat, shouldn't Hyuga Riza get some insurance for his son so that he won't be silenced in the future?

Therefore, there is a problem with the emotional card or the threat.

And the most problematic thing is that the relationship between Hinata Nichizai and Hinata Nichizu is actually quite good.

No matter how good it is, it is possible to die for the opponent on the battlefield.

Hyuga Hyuzu wanted to die for him, but Hyuga Hyuzu didn't agree at first. At that time, if he looked at it from Hyuga Hyuzu's perspective, his younger brother would die for him, whether it was a separation or something, he was afraid You have to feel guilty for the rest of your life, but in fact, every time he encounters Hinata Neji's incidents, including his own daughter who was almost killed by Hinata Neji, he didn't make any trouble, you can see it.

Hinata Hinata obviously has the attitude of one person doing things and one person being responsible.

Later, the reason why Hyuga Hichizai agreed to die for him was because his younger brother said that he wanted to choose freely once.

Yes, own brother, wants to be free.

So, he agreed.

And, bear the guilt of a lifetime.

Perhaps, readers who were born in a peaceful and prosperous age and enjoyed the maximum freedom and peace could not understand this point, even Chiba did not understand it back then, but after staying in this treacherous ninja world for a long time, Chiba But I deeply understand how important this is to the daily difference.

At that time, Qianye, who was still in the previous life, just stood up and talked without back pain, or in other words, used his own values ​​to measure from the perspective of a saint.

Using the concept of a peaceful and prosperous world to measure a dark and cruel world, now that Chiba thinks about it, it can almost be regarded as black history.

Hinata Hinata's choice this time broke through the shackles of the caged bird, Hinata's shackles for thousands of years, and changed his destiny.

Although it is the price of death.

Perhaps, many people think that death is the end and the most painful thing.

However, in this dark and cruel world, there are many things that are more painful than death, and there are even things that are hundreds of times more painful.

In this world, death can be sublimated.

At that moment, the difference between the sun and the sun was sublimated.

And his sublimated will is not for other people, but for his own son who is also known as the branch.

This is also the deepest paternal love.

Fate is cruel.

However, one cannot lose the courage to break through fate, even if it is death.

It can be said that the death of Hinata Risai is precisely the sublimation of his love for his brother and fatherly love for his son.

Although he was bound by the bird in the cage, he was also free, and he did not yield.

In other words, Hinata Hyuzu is actually not a person who has no responsibility.

It is precisely because he took responsibility again that he shouldered all the costs, endured it, and worked hard to find the best solution.

In the eyes of Chiba now, there is no doubt that Hyuga Hyuzu is also a qualified heir.

From the low profile towards himself just now and the sudden change of being neither humble nor overbearing, even a little aggressive, it was after he re-examined the past of Hinata Hinata.

Hyuga Hyuzu is a qualified heir of the Hyuga clan who is able to bend and stretch, calm and prudent.

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