Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2560 Persuasion

Absolutely impossible?

What is impossible?

Hearing Neiji Hinata's strong denial again, Tian Tian who was sitting behind Neiji Hinata looked dazed, apparently not knowing what kind of riddle the two in front were playing.

"It seems that you have understood."

But for Hinata Ningji's strong denial in front of him, Chiba's face was only calm.

"Yes, I understand, but it's impossible!"

However, this time, Hinata Ningji's reaction to Chiba's words was a bit fierce. The words in his mouth seemed to have a sense of contradiction, and at the same time, his expression was almost distorted.

"Then, if it's impossible, why are you staying here without a single person watching over you, and you obviously caused such a disaster?"

Regarding this, Qianye's expression was still calm, but in his eyes, a strange serious look had begun.

And with this serious expression, a suffocating breath slowly escaped.

All of a sudden, Tiantian who looked at Hyuga Neji with a blank and surprised face, and Hyuga Neji who had begun to lose control of his emotions were both stunned, straightened up involuntarily, and his expression and figure also took on a kind of stiffness.

Unexpectedly, he was intimidated by this breath and couldn't speak.

"Do you really know the seriousness of this matter?"

Regarding this, Qianye's eyes were like lightning, but she didn't restrain herself because of the little fear shown by the two children. On the contrary, she spoke in a questioning tone.

There was an intimidating power in the words, even though the tone was not so harsh, and even calm as before, Tiantian and Hyuga Neji subconsciously held their breath.

And in the next second, apart from holding his breath, even Neiji Hinata, who was already excited and paranoid, made no sound.

Although this sentence has a kind of intimidating power, which makes people feel sad and dare not say more, but the reason why the two of them don't speak is still because they have nothing to say at this moment.

Otherwise, with Hinata Ningji's agitation and paranoia, at this time, even with that intimidating aura, she must vent her unhappiness and resentment.

No matter what kind of genius he is, and no matter whether he should say so, he will vent his anger and resentment.

In the final analysis, no matter how talented Hinata Ningji is or what his personality is, he is still just a teenager in his teens, a child who emphasizes feelings. Precocious maturity does not mean that a young child can really think like an adult, let alone think like an adult. A child thinks like Hokage.

A team of master and apprentice like Chiba and Itachi is an exception after all.

One, who came from time travel, has a correct and comprehensive explanation of the will of fire, and understands the will of fire or how Hokage should think. One, according to the original work, is the incarnation of the original author Masashi Kishimoto in Hokage, which itself represents a direction.

These two people themselves are existences detached from their own bodies.

However, Ningji Hinata is different. He is still a child. Even if he matures precociously because of his genius, his world view is not perfect after all, and his heart is not fully mature. Because of these stimuli and blows, there will be unstable factors, and even great changes.

Moreover, Ningji Hinata is a person who emphasizes emotions after all, and emphasizing emotions makes it easier to make his personality unstable and easily agitated. It is also easy to accumulate negative emotions in the heart.

And in the current situation of Ningji Hyuga, from the moment he showed his killing intent to Hinata Hinata, his character has actually begun to become unstable, almost a sign of a big change, and the final killer has already begun to control I can't help my emotions.

If it was just because of Qianye's power, to be honest, he still couldn't restrain such a child who was about to lose his ability to think rationally.

It was this incident, this extremely serious incident, that really suppressed the child's inner resentment and about to lose control of his hatred.

Because Hinata Neji knew how much trouble he had caused and how many people would be affected by his loss of control, so he could only remain silent at this time.

However, this kind of silence is at most a kind of silence of knowing a mistake, a kind of compromise that is afraid of implicating teachers and friends around him. It does not mean that Hinata Ningji's hatred in his heart is gone because of this accident.

Because of this, Hinata Neji, the child, is not hopeless.

It is precisely because of this that the third Hokage handed over this matter to the Hyuga clan.

In other words, leave it to Hyuga Hinata.

"You don't speak, do you know that you are ashamed?"

To this, Chiba spoke again.

"I have no shame for the Hyuga clan."

Hearing this, Neiji Hyuga, who was originally silent, seemed to have a string in his mind suddenly tightened.

"No shame?"

In response, Chiba narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a half-smile smile.

"What do you mean?"

And at this time, Hinata Neji seemed to have recovered from the power just now, and said with a grim expression.


However, after these words in a bad tone, the back of his waist was ripped off, and a worried voice sounded behind him.

It was Tian Tian behind him who tugged at the skirt of his shirt.

At this time, Tian Tian's face was already full of worry.

Because, in her eyes at this time, that delicate and handsome side face has begun to distort a little.

It was no longer the Neji she knew.

Feeling Tiantian's worries behind him, Hyuga Neiji took a deep breath slowly, and his face instantly eased a lot.

"What do you mean?"

Then, in the next second, a sentence with a much lighter tone was spit out from his mouth again.

"What do I mean, don't you understand?"

To this, Chiba responded with a rhetorical question.


The memory of the avatar has been passed on, and it seems that Hyuga Hizuru has already done it.

Sure enough, Hinata Hyuzu had already prepared, and the only thing missing was an opportunity.

But at this time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Just now, after he asked that serious question, a memory came to his mind, apparently the avatar sent to the Hyuga Clan had completed the task. Judging from the feedback information, Hyuga Nichizu is indeed prepared, and he has been thinking about it for more than a year or two to solve the matter of Ningji Hyuga.

It's just that there is one less opportunity.

After all, Hyuga Nichizu is the person involved in Hinata Neji's heart knot, or the central figure of the resentment. For an existence like him, it really needs a very good opportunity to intervene in this matter.

In the original book, Hyuga Ningji was shaken by Uzumaki Naruto's Friendship Breaking Fist, so Hyuga Hyuzu had a chance.

Now, um...

Chiba was worried that Naruto's Friendship Breaking Face Fist might not be strong enough.

You can only create opportunities now.

"There's no need for him to be hypocritical, the cat cries for a mouse."

In this regard, Facing Chiba's rhetorical question, Hinata Neji said almost without thinking.

What Chiba said, he naturally understood that the reason why he was safe and sound like Liu Zaicun, who was not under surveillance, and swaggered to be able to take the Chunin exam, was nothing more than that Hinata Hinata pleaded with Hokage.


At this time, what kind of emotional card is playing again?

He will never admit it.

Even if he died, he didn't want to accept Hinata Nichizu's help.

Besides, can you trust Hinata Hinata's help?

Don't you want to use him again to protect yourself?

The Hyuga clan is the most ruthless villain, and if they want to bribe him, he would rather die without a place to bury him, and he will never accept the clan's bribe or favor.

If you really want to bribe him or show favor, then take the head of Hyuga Nichizu.


Regarding this, Chiba slowly showed a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Do you really think that what you committed, a hypocritical intercession, can make Hokage give in?"

"Hyuga Zongjia, are you so kind?"

Hearing this, I don't know why, seeing the mocking eyes and smile of the man in front of me, Hyuga Neji's anger that had been suppressed every day suddenly burst into flames, and he spoke with disdain and resentment.

"Forget it, just think that the Zong family is hypocritical."

But upon hearing this sentence, Chiba's words suddenly changed, and she did not continue arguing with Neiji Hyuga on this issue.

Obviously, it is useless to argue at this time, but it will push Ningji Hinata into a dead end.

Besides, if this knot can be resolved with a few words by myself, Hinata Hinata will not hesitate for so many years.

Haste makes waste.


But hearing Chiba's Ningji Hinata who no longer insisted on his own opinion, he was stunned for a moment. The long speech that he had prepared to meet the man in front of him to help the Hinata clan suddenly became useless. A hard punch, as if there was no way to punch it out, it was extremely uncomfortable. In the end, he could only snort coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.


How do you feel, in front of this man, Hyuga Neiji, who was originally mature and stable, is becoming more and more like a child?

And at this time, Tian Tian, ​​who was also a little surprised because of Qianye's change of topic, couldn't help feeling this way at this moment.

"So, counting yourself as the Hyuga Clan, do you think you can control it so that such a thing will not happen again? This time, someone blocked it for you, what about next time?"

For Hinata Ningji's reaction, Qianye frowned in her heart, and didn't care too much, but spoke.

But hearing Qianye's words, both Hyuga Ningji and Tiantian were stunned.

Undoubtedly, Qianye's words pierced the hearts of both of them.

Regarding this matter, regardless of whether the Hyuga clan is hypocritical or not, he did help Hyuga Neji to block it. Thinking about it, the village will indeed let Hyuga Ningji and related personnel this time because of the face of the Hyuga clan .

But what about next time?

Next time, Ningji Hinata will lose control again?

Who else can stop?



There is no next time!

If Hinata Neiji can no longer control it, even if Hokage pleads for mercy, it will be useless!

At that time, Hokage's words were useless!

For this kind of de facto criminal who ran away twice, the torture department of the village can directly skip Hokage and arrest him!

Although, in the end, whether to kill or stay, still has to be judged by Hokage. However, even if Hokage wants to stay, he must stay in a heavy prison for a lifetime. It is almost impossible to see the day again. To some extent, this may be more cruel than execution.

Moreover, the most important thing is not the issue of Hyuga Neji's killing and retention, but everyone and everything related to Hyuga Neji must be investigated.

The Hyuga clan will not talk about it. If it can be used to attack the Hyuga clan, I am afraid that Neji Hyuga would like to lose control a few more times.

However, except for the Hyuga clan, his teacher, his teammates, and everyone who has some contact with him will be implicated.

Even those who are close to him, such as their teachers, such as Tian Tian and Xiao Li, will be severely punished.

The reason why the village established a ninja team is not only to cultivate bonds and tacit understanding, but also to supervise each other.

If Hyuga Neji went berserk again, then it was very likely that his team would cover up or fail to take care of his teammates, causing the village to suffer from hidden dangers.

Although it is not a punishment for personal safety, it is very likely that his teacher will be kicked out of the main ninja group, Tian Tian and Xiao Li will no longer have the possibility of promotion, and it is not impossible to become a ten thousand year ninja.

Neiji Hyuga would absolutely not want to see his teachers and teammates suffer what they shouldn't have to do because of his own reasons.

"You are not alone now."

And at this moment, Qianye's words with some vicissitudes slowly sounded.



But hearing this sound, Hinata Neji suddenly fell silent, frowning slightly, and fell into deep thought.

It seems that it is still useful.

But at this time, looking at Ningji Hyuga who was in deep thought, such a thought came to Chiba's heart.

In the current situation, it is obvious that the emotional card he played is effective.

That's right, at this time, Chiba is also playing the emotional card.

Anyway, Ningji Hinata is a child with a lot of emotion, and although his face is cold, Ningji Hyuga's heart is still very warm for his teacher and teammates.

Perhaps, no matter what the Hyuga Clan does, he will not change his attitude towards the Hyuga Clan, nor will he think about reconciliation.

However, there is another angle here, that is Hinata Neji's own angle.

Perhaps, Neiji Hyuga himself doesn't care about anything, as long as he can get revenge on the Hyuga clan.

However, this kind of matter is a sensitive matter after all, and it is difficult for one person to undertake it alone.

As for Chiba, she wanted to take advantage of Neji Hinata's emotional character and the nature of this incident, and as long as Neji Hinata's heart knot was not resolved, then this kind of thing would definitely happen a second time and a third time.

He just needs to make Neji Hyuga realize this.

Realizing that his hatred had to be addressed, that was it.

Next, just leave it to Hinata Hizuru.


And at this moment, Deputy Hyuga Ning let out a long breath, and said in a suppressed and calm tone as much as possible: "What do you want me to do?"

"The trouble should end it."

And hearing this, Chiba smiled slightly.

Then, speak up.

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