Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2562 What to learn?

"Then... then, shall we just wait like this?"

Looking at the direction where Hinata Ningji was leaving, Tiantian glanced at the young man who was quietly drinking tea beside him, and finally couldn't help it, and said.

I have been sitting on this corridor for almost two hours, I have drank all the tea, and even the snacks that attracted her to sit down have been eaten, and she feels that she will not be able to eat dinner. But now it seems that Neji will not come back.

Even if you want to come back, it seems that it will take a while.

She already felt a little bored.

Also, I feel offended.

Ning Ci left for two hours, and the guy next to him just sat there drinking tea, not paying attention to him at all.

Drinking until now, it's as if I'm an invisible person.

Although, like Neji, he was called by his teacher, the subtext was trained by Taki Chiba.

However, it seemed that this training was only for Neji.

This will help Ning Ci untie his knots, and he will be able to develop better in the future. It is very good that his talent and life will not be delayed by hatred. In a sense, she was very grateful to Taki Chiba for persuading Neji.

Regardless of the final outcome.

However, thank you, thank you, she doesn't like the current situation very much.

What does this mean!

After Dare to Ningci, I am the air!

At this time, every day, there is a feeling of being ignored and offended.

This makes people very unhappy, it is completely biased.

Even if she didn't have any hatred and didn't cause trouble, she still had to teach something.

Could it be that I'm going to cause trouble?

But thinking of this, Tian Tian was keenly aware of something, and already had some concerns in his heart.


At this time, Qianye, who heard Tiantian's words, turned his head slightly, as if reacting from some thoughts, and looked at Tiantian.

Really ignore me!

And at this time, seeing Chiba's reaction, Tian Tian's cheeks, Immediately it roused.

Obviously, this Taki Chiba just now really completely ignored herself, fell into her own thinking, and didn't pay attention to her at all!

At this time, Tiantian was really a little angry.


And the angry Tiantian made an angry gesture that most girls would do, and after snorting heavily with strong dissatisfaction, she turned her head away.

What a joke!

Even if I'm an insignificant person, don't ignore me like this!

What's the matter with that, why are you here expression and eyes?

Is this discrimination?

At the same time, the depths of her heart were already turned upside down.

"Oh... sorry, what do you want to learn?"

And at this time, just when Tian Tian's eyes were about to start breathing fire, Qianye seemed to wake up suddenly, understood something, and said immediately.

Desire to survive?

Hearing these words, the anger gushing out of Tiantian's heart suddenly stopped abruptly, and he blinked his eyes twice, feeling quite dazed.


How can it be!

However, this idea was quickly rejected every day.

This is not the expression of the boy's desire to survive.

Moreover, Ning Ci's expression was not like this last time.

"What can you teach me?"

In this regard, Tiantian subconsciously asked a question.

To be honest, although I have seen the strong strength of this person, it is one thing to see the battle, but it is another thing to know what this person can do and what he can teach.

"Except for illusion, I should be able to teach you a little bit about everything."

Hearing this, seeing that Tiantian is so straightforward, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly.

To be honest, Chiba doesn't really know how to teach Tiantian. First of all, it is based on the inference of the original book. There is very little information about Tiantian. A type of physical ninja specialized in Taijutsu.

Nothing else.

Qianye has no systematic understanding of Tiantian at all. Just knowing that he is a physical ninja, Qianye can't be sure what she urgently needs now, which aspect urgently needs to be improved, and she doesn't know what to teach so that Tiantian can get it. The best boost ever.

After all, the improvement of ninjas is due to the magic of Chakra, and the complexity of various magical powers derived from the magic of Chakra, coupled with the particularity of the ninja world, and individual differences, it does not mean that all brains can be taught. It is good.

In the ninja world, teaching is a pretty complicated thing. So after graduating from the ninja school, the ninja teacher will be arranged. One is to let the newcomers who have just become ninjas quickly adapt to the life of ninjas through the experience of ninjas, and cultivate ninja thinking and consciousness. After all, the ninja school teaches some basic ninja power, but the ninja's thinking and awareness need to be continuously cultivated and improved from actual combat.

Secondly, it is to allow the junin who have a fairly high attainment of ninja power to have enough time and space to observe newcomers and teach them in accordance with their aptitude. The general junin basically follow the path of omnipotence and may not know illusions, but Both ninjutsu and taijutsu have strong attainments, and they always have their own specialties.

Teaching Chunin, so that newcomers have some rigid basic conditions for Chunin, it is not a problem for a Jnin who is not biased.

As for after Chunin, it depends on the newcomer himself, to that extent, it belongs to the level of being a teacher.

And this individualized teaching is to consider the talent and individual differences of each newcomer through observation. For this difference, some people may be born with the attribute of fire, while others may be born with the attribute of wind. In the category of ninjutsu, although ninjutsu without attributes There are many kinds of jutsu, but the most widely used one is the attribute ninjutsu combined with the change of Chakra's nature and form, which is inevitable and must be learned.

If you know the natural attributes of the students, the professor will be more handy in this aspect.

Of course, this is also limited, because it is impossible for every jounin to have all the attributes, or all the attributes covered by the disciples. However, this does not prevent the jounin from continuing to teach these students who do not master the attributes themselves. The public Zangshu Pavilion exists for this purpose.

Jonin can borrow common ninjutsu scrolls and teach them.

Although this ninjutsu cannot be used, after all, ninjutsu has something to do with each other. Even if you don't know it, you can teach it without any pressure.

And here, in fact, the seventh class has a very large advantage. Compared with other classes, Kakashi is rare in the true sense of all-around, not only has excellent physical skills, but also has five attributes in ninjutsu , a professor who is completely competent for any situation, even with illusion, even if he cannot teach illusion, he can still teach how to break the illusion.

Moreover, because of its omnipotence, there are more tactics that can be chosen. Following Kakashi, the seventh squad may also find the most suitable tactics and strength choices for themselves.

Moreover, if you find it, you can directly ask for advice, which saves a lot of detours.

Because of the tactics and strength he chose, Kakashi can pass on his experience directly, unlike other teachers who can only prepare some scroll materials if they can't teach, and then let his disciples directly explore.

It can be said that even if Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha are not the protagonists, and they have their own blood plug-ins, they can still get a better education than students in other classes under Kakashi's hands.

As for the current Chiba, strictly speaking, he is the same type of ninja as Kakashi. Except for tactics, he may be better than Kakashi in all aspects, but this does not mean that he teaches What, you can absorb it well every day. In addition to the differences in the body, everyone's ability to accept and learn, as well as what they are good at, are different. Sometimes, you teach, although it is something that can be improved, but Due to the problem of personal expertise, students spend time, but with little effect.

For example, with the same dual attributes of wind and fire, a student may be better at the wind attribute, although the fire attribute is possessed, but the fire escape ninjutsu is not very handy, but the wind escape is accurate, then at this time, if the teacher only Teaching fire escape ninjutsu, then, this must be ignoring the individual's ability to accept and the ability of the students. Good at point.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many ninjas with weaknesses.

And this effect will not be good. The impact will be great, and it is likely to frustrate students' self-confidence and lead to a series of adverse reactions.

Not only did it fail to improve the strength of the students, but it ruined the students' career path.

Not everyone can be a ninja teacher in the ninja world.

Not so good.

Here, Qianye knows very little about Tiantian, so it is naturally impossible for him to teach in detail in accordance with his aptitude, and it is impossible for him to measure Tiantian's ability to accept and learn in a short period of time, what he is good at and what he is not good at, even if he is omnipotent, he cannot be subjective judge what to teach.

Moreover, Chiba cannot be regarded as completely omnipotent. In terms of illusion, what he can teach is very limited. Even the part of illusion that Chiba can teach, Maitekai can also teach, so he does not need to worry about this aspect at all. Can't teach either.

Although, Qianye is quite good at illusion now.

However, his illusion is, after all, derived from the Blood Succession Limit, that is, Sharingan, and it is still different from conventional illusions.

At the very least, Blood Succession Boundary cannot be taught.

Therefore, he doesn't know much about illusion.

But now, what Qianye can do is to ask for it every day.

"What do you think I should learn?"

And at this time, when Qianye was thinking about the professor plan suitable for the present, Tian Tian, ​​​​who heard Qianye's words, blinked his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth.

This opening is a rhetorical question.

Moreover, he directly grabbed Chiba's throat.

Immediately, the corners of Chiba's mouth became unnatural again.

I just don't know how to teach it properly, so I asked...

That's all right, come right back.

"Is there anything you want to learn?"

Regarding this, Qianye said helplessly.


In this regard, I fell into thinking every day.

To be honest, Tian Tian didn't know what to learn, or in other words, what she wanted to learn now occupied all her thoughts, but she couldn't think of what to learn for a while.

But, if she can't learn anything at this time, she feels that she will lose tens of billions every day.

After all, the one in front of him is someone who can fight head-on with four Jnin and even elite Jnin who cooperate with each other tacitly, and win.

Even Tiantian felt that the young man in front of him didn't use his full strength when practicing against his teacher.

Although such characters will be taught regularly in the future, it still feels like a waste of not learning anything in the remaining few hours.

Such ninjas, even in the village, probably can't be picked out.

People have offered to teach, how can they refuse?

Only an idiot would refuse!

Smart people have to learn a little even if they try to think a little harder.


What should I learn?

But thinking of this, Tian Tian fell into deep thought.

Hurry up!

Recall quickly, when you are on a mission, your weakest point.

And Tiantian is undoubtedly wise, or in other words, Tiantian usually has a plan for himself, and will also reflect on every battle to find out what he is not good at or short board.

Otherwise, you won't go to the extremely correct direction of finding the short board to find things to learn in the first place.

After all, ninja is a blood-thirsty profession. Sometimes, it doesn't mean that the more prominent your advantages, the more invulnerable you will be. On the contrary, you may not need too outstanding advantages, and it doesn't even matter if you don't have obvious advantages.

It is important that you have no obvious weaknesses.

Only in this way can we ensure that we can survive safely in the most situations and maximize the success rate of the mission.


And after thinking about it, Tiantian immediately thought of something, or in other words, found the key.

"Illusion...I want to learn illusion!"

Then, after thinking about it, this sentence almost blurted out.

Her biggest shortcoming and the most effective way to make up for her shortcomings at this stage is illusion!

She can completely learn the illusion of the visual department, and when she throws out a large number of ninja tools, they are mixed with ninja tools and released.

The unexpected effect can be said to be full.

Even, it can almost be used as a trump card.

And after saying this, Tiantian nodded silently again, feeling deeply that he was a witty horse.

"Uh... are you listening to me?"

Hearing these words, the corners of Qianye's mouth almost twitched, and he held back for a while before opening his mouth helplessly.

on purpose?

This girl, did she do it on purpose?

At the same time, Qianye already felt an inexplicable feeling of being demolished in his heart at this time.

"What did you say?"

In this regard, Tiantian was at a loss.

"I can't teach illusion."

Hearing this, Chiba spoke quite simply.

I just made it clear that illusions are excluded.

There is something to say.

"Huh? You don't even know illusion?"

Then, almost subconsciously, he opened his mouth every day.


Hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and Qianye remained silent.

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